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Thread: Dirt tracks in Al-Aqabah, i.e. can this settlement go past wooden castle

  1. #1

    Default Dirt tracks in Al-Aqabah, i.e. can this settlement go past wooden castle

    Hi everyone,

    First, lemme just say that as a long time TW fan since RTW, I've been enjoying the shiznit out of this version of SShIP. The previous versions were amazing, but for some reason this one just takes the cake. Brilliant job by all involved, past and present.

    Playing as the greedy Pisans, I've started expanding down in the Middle East and set my eyes on Aqaba, much like T.E. Lawrence. In short, I've only noticed after a while that the (wooden) castle is missing dirt tracks, and that it doesn't gimme the option of even building them, only paved roads at fortress level (which I can't upgrade to, cuz I need dirt tracks for the logging camps, etc.).

    Is this an intentional limitation? If I left the castle in Fatimid hands for longer, would they have been able to upgrade it?

    Seems like it makes sense that a settlement at that position would be nerfed, but I just wanted to make sure, if anyone knows the answer.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Dirt tracks in Al-Aqabah, i.e. can this settlement go past wooden castle

    Quote Originally Posted by napoleonofscg View Post
    Hi everyone,

    First, lemme just say that as a long time TW fan since RTW, I've been enjoying the shiznit out of this version of SShIP. The previous versions were amazing, but for some reason this one just takes the cake. Brilliant job by all involved, past and present.

    Playing as the greedy Pisans, I've started expanding down in the Middle East and set my eyes on Aqaba, much like T.E. Lawrence. In short, I've only noticed after a while that the (wooden) castle is missing dirt tracks, and that it doesn't gimme the option of even building them, only paved roads at fortress level (which I can't upgrade to, cuz I need dirt tracks for the logging camps, etc.).

    Is this an intentional limitation? If I left the castle in Fatimid hands for longer, would they have been able to upgrade it?

    Seems like it makes sense that a settlement at that position would be nerfed, but I just wanted to make sure, if anyone knows the answer.

    That's Tripoli wasn't it? The one with Oasis in it?

    Oasis region were intentionally built that way i'm afraid. So the Castle would stay Castle(or Large town if you fancy to convert them :v)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dirt tracks in Al-Aqabah, i.e. can this settlement go past wooden castle

    Hey man,

    Thanks for the reply and explanation, totally makes sense. Just for accuracy's sake, I'm referring to the region east of the Sinai peninsula, Tripoli is in Libya


  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Dirt tracks in Al-Aqabah, i.e. can this settlement go past wooden castle

    Quote Originally Posted by napoleonofscg View Post
    Playing as the greedy Pisans, I've started expanding down in the Middle East and set my eyes on Aqaba, much like T.E. Lawrence. In short, I've only noticed after a while that the (wooden) castle is missing dirt tracks, and that it doesn't gimme the option of even building them, only paved roads at fortress level (which I can't upgrade to, cuz I need dirt tracks for the logging camps, etc.).

    Is this an intentional limitation? If I left the castle in Fatimid hands for longer, would they have been able to upgrade it?

    Seems like it makes sense that a settlement at that position would be nerfed, but I just wanted to make sure, if anyone knows the answer.
    Yes, this is intended. It's a desert province and by nature it's not possible to grow to the higher levels.

    coding is quite well described in the file

    ;---- Roads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; additional conditions to make building roads in the deserts and steppes impossible have been added:
    ; it is done through hidden resources "desert" (9 provinces with desert) and "tartars" (17 provinces with steppes)
    ; with the trick off using a dummy (always negative) condition (see begining of this file a throrough explanation)
    ; As the game engine doesn't allow using more hidden resources as negative conditions for builing the buildings - if you want to add also eg. desert regions you'll need to make it through positive conditions, eg.
    ; (A) 1) create hidden resources "gravel_roads" and "paved_roads". 2) assign them to all relevant provinces. 3) include below as conditions.
    ; (B) create event_counters in the script and employ here.

    ; roads are undesctructible: script can destroy the road building but it doesn't affect the road itself (the effects road_level will linger, the graphics on the map as well)
    ; for the roads to be damaged after a conquest of a settlement a script must be added (it's done for some settlements)

    ; - the third level is now available only for Byzantium - it could be made dependent on a certain historical counter
    it's an invitation to you to mod the game, it's exciting!

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