;---- Roads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; additional conditions to make building roads in the deserts and steppes impossible have been added:
; it is done through hidden resources "desert" (9 provinces with desert) and "tartars" (17 provinces with steppes)
; with the trick off using a dummy (always negative) condition (see begining of this file a throrough explanation)
; As the game engine doesn't allow using more hidden resources as negative conditions for builing the buildings - if you want to add also eg. desert regions you'll need to make it through positive conditions, eg.
; (A) 1) create hidden resources "gravel_roads" and "paved_roads". 2) assign them to all relevant provinces. 3) include below as conditions.
; (B) create event_counters in the script and employ here.
; roads are undesctructible: script can destroy the road building but it doesn't affect the road itself (the effects road_level will linger, the graphics on the map as well)
; for the roads to be damaged after a conquest of a settlement a script must be added (it's done for some settlements)
; - the third level is now available only for Byzantium - it could be made dependent on a certain historical counter