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Thread: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

  1. #1
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Icon14 Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    I made some positive changes for the Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire" (submod) mod. I have already fixed the contents of all units in the export_descr_unit file, basically I reduced the cost of maintaining units by 2 times (sometimes rarely by three times). I did not touch the cost of hiring. I fixed the fact that suddenly the priority of hiring was slingers and spear throwers and archers. I made the hiring of infantry, phalangites and other infantry with spears and swords a priority, also fixed the fact that the nation of Cimbri could not hire any units at all (of course, not without problems, since in hiring they now sometimes hire Gallic units (from the Cimbri), there is a very tricky hiring system in the mod, it is not so easy to remake it and understand it. file export_descr_buildings
    There I also made it so that some nations that previously could not build farms now build them
    Stables now give a small income, although they used to take it away, and walls also give happiness for the people and a minimum income
    Soon I will publish this small patch (FIX) for the mod Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire" (submod). Now I am testing it for different factions - does everything work fine?
    In principle, I did not change anything, did not touch the price of hiring buildings, the price hiring units
    But reduced the time of hiring units from 2 years to 1 year for many units (not for all).. Only one thing reduced the purchase of a building (buying wheat, for population growth)
    And roads now also bring benefits
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  2. #2
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    A small patch, edits 2 files in Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire" (submod) (for the game Rome Remastered)
    edits files:-

    just copy it to the data folder WHERE IS YOUR MOD DOWNLOADED FROM STEAM (I have it in folder 2810408724)
    For Mod Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire"
    The patch fixes the speed of hiring units. a little more money, lower unit maintenance costs, priority in hiring phalangites and similar infantrymen, etc.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    Thank you so much. Great work. I will include it in my next upcoming fix

  4. #4
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    Thank you
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  5. #5
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    There is an idea to increase the number of Scythian provinces controlled by both factions at the start, and also to add provinces of the Cimbri faction. Add an infantry unit with a spear and a shield to the Scythians. Further reduce the content of all German units. increase the number of all German units (and Celts) to the maximum in each unit (except archers and slingers and parts of spear throwers). Add morale to all Germans and Scythians, no German warriors will run away from the first breath of wind. To ALL GERMAN warriors add a option Warcry (to every detachment) if possible
    Bring back German Berserkers and Berserker option
    Give the Germans a unit called Barbarian Settlers (tribesmen peasants), every German tribesmen is a warrior from birth, they can be hired without any restrictions in any settlement even without barracks
    - I can do all this without any problems (but I will need to replace many files in the mod)
    It would also be nice to add a faction of Slavs - Veneds (Vends, Vinids, Wenden) Venedi, Venethae, Venethi; Οὐενέδοι; Veneti
    Last edited by vlad; January 06, 2025 at 07:01 PM.
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  6. #6
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    1) I Added 2 units for hiring for the saka and siraces factions. (Scythian 2 factions), the Asian spear thrower unit, and the Asian spearman unit (more morale in battle)
    2) Also reduced the maintenance of some units of both factions of all Scythians and all Germans factions.
    3) Added the Sugambrian warriors wolves unit for hiring for the Cimbri (previously they were only mercenaries), now they can be hired in the barracks.
    4) The Nabatean faction can hire Arab spearmen in any province they control (previously they were only in the chosen one).
    5) More money at the start for two Scythian factions (saka and siraces) and the Cimbri.
    6) More units at the start for the Scythians and the Cimbri.
    7) For the Saka faction, I returned some buildings that they could not build (some barracks, and target practice ranges).
    8) Taverns now also increase income (food), to increase the income of all barbarian factions.
    9) For the Parni, I added units at the start of the imperial campaign, added more money at the start, and reduced the maintenance of some of their units.
    10) In the Plans to add more provinces at the start for the Cimbri, for the Parthians, for the Nabataeans, and for both Scythian factions.

    The new patch update changes three TEXT files ( export_descr_buildings , export_descr_unit , descr_strat ) and includes the previous patch update (nothing previous is missing) - Release It will hopefully be soon
    I will also add three units to all factions of the Germans (warriors with axes, and two units of spearmen) - the hiring time is zero turns (these units already exist, they just need to be written in the text). Otherwise they have an abundance of spear throwers.
    And for all the Celts I will reduce the cost of maintaining their units and some units also have a hiring time of zero turns (warriors with swords and Warband)
    There is an idea to give the city of Syracuse to Greek colonies (I need to think about to what Greek fraction ?). Syracuse itself and one neighboring city. Rome in 270 did not control these lands
    There will also be several colonies of Epirus in Italy.
    Also in Italy I will place a couple of powerful rebel armies of the Gauls (after all, relatively recently there was an invasion of the Tectosagian Gauls in Italy and then in Greece under the leadership of Brennus
    Last edited by vlad; January 11, 2025 at 06:20 AM.
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  7. #7
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    I wanted to give Syracuse to Corinth (since they are its colony) - but Corinth in this game (mod) is under the rule of Macedonia. I went to WIKIPEDIA, read the history of Syracuse for a long time, and based on what I read, I decided that it would be right to give them to Epirus at that time. Let's assume that in the game this is the very beginning of 270 BC, therefore Epirus (its king Pyrrhus) has not yet left Syracuse, and Hieron, who served Pyrrhus, has not yet occupied Syracuse and has not yet become Tyrant there. Everything is according to history. That is, Syracuse will be Epirus!
    I have already added three provinces to the Scythians Saka, now I will correct other nations
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  8. #8
    vlad's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Correction of unit support prices, hiring times and etc

    Link to download the update for the mod Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire"
    And perhaps these files will work in the original version of Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 (without the submod "Dawn of an Empire")
    This update took a lot of hours (and days) of work, there are improved many factions, added many provinces to factions, reduced the cost of maintaining units, strengthened all German and some Celtic factions and Scythians, and changed and added a lot of other things. Reduced the time of hiring units, more morale to some units and added some new units.
    This mod Imperium Surrectum 0.6.7 "Dawn of an Empire" downloaded from Steam is located in the folder 2810408724 on your computer
    Link to download this update here (final). The previous update is there inside, nothing is missing

    The mod page in Steam
    This mod downloaded from Steam is located in the folder 2810408724 (this update includes the previous update, nothing is missing)
    If you download the mod from Steam (it will download itself if you subscribe to it in Steam)
    the mod itself will automatically install in the SteamLibrary folder steamapps steamapps workshop content 885970 2810408724
    Then download my update, it weighs almost nothing, and paste it where the mod is - it should be in your folder 2810408724
    (copy everything with file replacement, it is advisable to save the original files just in case)
    (without this update, playing in original mod is is not interesting, boring, dull)
    Last edited by vlad; Yesterday at 12:04 PM.
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