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Thread: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

  1. #1

    Default Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 1 The attack on Earth is delayed.

    Place: On board of ''127th Emperor Hetto. '' Flagship of the invasion fleet of the Race.

    Time; May 20th . 1942

    Except for the loyalty to the Emperor, there is nothing FleetLord Atvar valued more than certainty. Just as other males and females of the Race, he was convinced that everything must be done perfectly. No matter how much time it would take. And the unification of the Home World by the Imperial family thousands of years before , gave the Race all the time, which was needed. Until today , Atvar was sure that was the best way to do things, indeed the only way to live and work . Yet , the photos taken by spy satellites did show how wrong Race was.

    In just 800 of their own years, humans had moved from horse riding knights and troops armed with bows and arrows to Empires armed with tanks , artillery , aircraft... Which , from looking at the photos, were quickly improving. This is why an option of going into sleep so the message to the Emperor could be sent and His reply received , was not possible: Humans would became stronger still . And Atvar would not order a retreat: He did not want to be known as a coward forever. He looked at shiplord Kirel and other officers, but before he would say : ''We proceed'' thus ordering an attack on Earth to begin, suddenly every male around him, indeed everyone in this room , disappeared. '' Am I going mad? Did the humans use some weapon of such unimaginable power?

    Atvar's thoughts were interrupted by a voice behind him. ''' Do not worry , Atvar, No one has died on board of your flagship . I have stopped time there. And transferred you here. So we can talk, talk for as long as we need.
    Last edited by Alwyn; November 03, 2024 at 06:40 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 2 : FleetLord Atvar meets the Alien Space Bat.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    FleetLord Atvar should have been very angry to be called '' Atvar '' instead by his proper title '' Excalted Fleetlord'' . Yet, as he was turning , his thought was not about this insult , but about wanting to look at someone, who could , as he said ,''stop time '' and transfer Atvar to the place, which looked exactly the command post at his Flagship, with huge screen, for example, but really was somewhere else.

    Atvar's assumption was correct. He was indeed looking at a human male. He knew from the information received from Earth 800 years ago, and from the information he saw yesterday , that , unlike the males of the Race , who used body paint to show ranks in the military, and information about civilian males and females too, humans used clothes for this purpose. The clothes of the man told Atvar that this human had a high rank in the military.

    For example , the shoulder boards of his uniform had double headed eagles on them. FleetLord Atvar knew that at least 2 human Empires had flags with double headed eagles, 800 years ago. The eagles he was looking at now were different from the ones he saw back at Home , but unfortunately, a lot had changed on Earth during this time

    The ''man ' spoke again: '' You are wrong, FleetLord Atvar. I am not a human. I am an Alien Space Bat. ''

  3. #3
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    contentedly retired spy of the council

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    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Welcome to TWC and to the Writers' Study.

    It's good to see a new story, and the idea of an Alien Space Bat is intriguing!

    Your first post is a bit hard to read (for me) because there is very little contrast with the background. If you like, I can edit your first post so that it uses the same font colour as your second post (or you could do this yourself - if you can't edit your posts yet, you'll acquire the ability to do that, when you have more posts).

  4. #4

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Welcome to TWC and to the Writers' Study.

    It's good to see a new story, and the idea of an Alien Space Bat is intriguing!

    Your first post is a bit hard to read (for me) because there is very little contrast with the background. If you like, I can edit your first post so that it uses the same font colour as your second post (or you could do this yourself - if you can't edit your posts yet, you'll acquire the ability to do that, when you have more posts).
    Thank you for your welcome and for your offer. Yes, please edit my post.

  5. #5
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    contentedly retired spy of the council

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    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    You're welcome, and I've edited your post now.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    You're welcome, and I've edited your post now.
    Thank you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 3: FleetLord Atvar learns about my favourite uniforms.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''But you look like a human male, wearing the uniform of .... '' Atvar did not know to which army this uniform belonged to and it's true rank, however , suddenly the words appeared on the screen , which Atvar read aloud: ''General of the Imperial Russian army, as it was in 1913.

    Alien Space Bat said: ''I wear this uniform , because my master likes this uniform , and the Imperial Russian uniforms from 1812 too. As for me appearing as a male, well , I can appear as female too. My master does not like me appearing as a female , since it is distracting for him. But , since he is not here, I can do it now. '' With those words, ASB changed into the female.

    The difference with the Alien Space Bat previously appearing as a male , was greater, since the female looked younger and had far less clothes than the male. '' Fleetlord Atvar thought about ASB's words that human females can be a distraction to human males. Outside of the mating season , females of the Race , were not a distraction to the males of the Race. Did the humans have permanent mating season? While this was interesting, this could wait, since Fleetlord Atvar had more important subjects, which should be discussed with ASB first , before coming back to human mating season in the future.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 4: The Kingdom of Zinaa

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''Mr ASB'' , asked Fleetlord Atvar, '' what is your master's name? Where does he live? ''

    ASB answered: ''Fleetlord Atvar , he lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can call my master Melbourne too. In the timeline, in which Melbourne lives, the invasion fleet of the Race never arrived on Earth in 1942, or indeed in any other year. The year in Melbourne's timeline now is 2024 .

    Part of the screen lit up , to show the area , which humans called Australia and the city of Melbourne in it. Atvar knew this area very well. By another name. A lot of Australia was so well suited for the colonisation of the Race, that thousands of years ago, it was decided that the capital of Race on Earth will be in Australia.

    As for the reasons why the Race's invasion fleet never arrived to invade Earth in Melbourne's timeline , Atvar could think about several reasons . Maybe it arrived later, when the humans already had nuclear weapons? And another FleetLord ordered a reteat? Maybe the Race never discovered Melbourne's Earth? Some possibilities were worse than the others: The Imperial family never united the Home world? And the nuclear war destroyed the Race.

    The Race already conqured Rabotevs and Halessi. And after this conversation with the Alien Space Bat, who is again looks like a human male and is wearing an Imperial Russian general's uniform, but now a different one, probably from 1812 , the conquest of Earth can begin too. But what if an even stronger enemy conqured the homeworld of the Race in Melbourne's timeline? Fleetlord Atvar was surprised that he is now accepting the possibility of ASB creating new worlds , the possibility of history being different not just on Earth, but on the Race's own Home Planet? Is there anything in my life , which made this possible? Fleetlord Atvar answered his question with one word: Zinaa.

    Zinaa was a Kingdom in the Homeworld, which was the first to join the Emperor in the Unification war, first as an ally of the Empire, and later becoming the first to voluntarily joining the Empire. But what if Zinaa remained neutral , or worse still, joined the Emperor's enemies? According to the books, which Atvar read, there was a possibility of this, it's just that Atvar never considered it possible in any way.

    The possibility of the Emperor losing the Unification war was so scary, that Atvar decided to stop thinking about it, and instead said to ASB: '' It is very good that Melbourne recognises the benefit of the people of Earth being ruled by the Emperor of the Race . It is so good that your master sent you here, into this timeline, to help the Race, while not able to benefit from this personally.

    FleetLord Atvar surely did not expect this answer from the Alien Space Bat: '' My master does not care about your Emperor. He already likes another Imperial family : the Romanovs. Yes, Melbourne did sent me here. So I will help you, and you will help me to make sure Melbourne's plans become reality in this timeline. ''

    Atvar knew that he should have asked about Melbourne's plans first. But the surprise and anger at a human, a mere Tosevite , as they were called in the Homeworld, preferring some petty local ruler to the Emperor of the Race, made the FleetLord forget about asking about Melbourne's plans and ask this question instead :
    ''My Imperial family united the Homeworld and already conquered the Rabotevs and the Halessi. Very soon, the Emperor's soldiers under my command , with or without your help, will conquer the Earth too. What did those Romanovs do? ''

  9. #9

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 5: FleetLord Atvar learns about the victories of the Romanovs.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ASB answered: ''Melbourne expected this question and asked me to create a movie to show you. '' Fleetlord, please watch it. ''

    Atvar started watching. The voice at the start of the movie said: ''The year is 1613. The first year in which Russia was blessed with the of the rule of Romanov dynasty. Despite the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in the previous year, , Russian army is much still weaker than that of Poland. Polish invasion of Russia continues. In addition to the Catholic Poles already unjustly ruling over a lot of Russian Orthodox people, already occupying a lot of Russian land. ' '

    Atvar watched as Russian towns and villages were attacked by Poles , with thousands of Russian being killed and/or robbed. The movie continued with Russia at the same time being attacked with yet another enemy, Swedes. Atvar wanted to ask the ASB about the difference between the Catholic and Orthodox religions , but was distracted as the movie had shown Russians being attacked by yet another enemy, Crimean Tatars, vassals of the Ottoman Empire.

    The voice in the movie said: '' Russia had 3 enemies, each of them stronger than her. It was assumed not just by a Poles, Turks and Swedes , but by Spanish, English , French , Germans, by everyone really, that Russia cannot defeat it's enemies not just in 1618, for example, but in the future too. . That Russia will be weak forever, if it could continue to exist at all. Everyone turned out to be wrong. Since Russia had the weapon of unimaginable power. Since Russia had the Romanovs. ''

    Atvar watched as the enemies of Russia were defeated one after another. First it was the turn of Poland. Atvar also saw how Polish defeats close to 300 years before the arrival of the conquest fleet of the Race led to the unification of Great Russia and Little Russia. While more Polish defeats later led to even more Russian land and even more Russian Orthodox people being liberated from Polish Catholic oppression.

    Next it was the turn of Sweden. While the war , which Atvar learned, was called the Great Northern war, started with Swedish victory at Narva, very soon, Russians started winning too= Second battle of Narva, Lesnaya , Poltava. The war ended with a complete Swedish defeat. In addition to the Double Headed eagle flag, which the Russians had, Atvar saw 2 new flags = White and Blue Cross Flag on war ships and White - Blue - Red flag on Russian merchant ships.

    Finally , yet another enemy, which seemed impossible to be defeated at the start of what humans called the 17th century, Crimean Tatars and the Ottoman Empire were defeated by the Imperial Russian Army and the Imperial Russian navy in the second half of the 18th century. Atvar saw new cities. towns and villages being created = Sevastopol, Kherson , Mariupol , Odessa, Ekaterinodar , Ekaterinoslav, Elizavetgrad, Alexandrovsk... . The Fleetlord stopped the movie and said to the Alien Space Bat.

    ''What I just saw in a movie right now, is impossible. I know that humans had achieved a lot during the last 800 years, but I cannot believe that towns, for example , can be created so quckly .''

    ASB answered, '' Atvar , when the Russians were led by the Empress Catherine the Great and with the help of Prince Potemkin , for example, nothing was impossible . Those towns and many others were indeed built so quickly in New Russia. '' Unfortunately, in the 21st century, the term ''Potemkin's village'' is used as in insult, thus slandering this great man. In the future , when you talk with humans, you will surely hear a lot of lies about the Russian Empire. Do not believe them. ''

  10. #10

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 6: That was stolen before, is returned

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    The more time FleetLord Atvar spent talking with the Alien Space Bat , the more he understood how hard his job is going to be for the next 20 years as he would have absolute power on Earth , before the arrival of the colonisation fleet with it's own Fleetlord and thus the need to share power. He would rule over hundreds of millions of humans , all of them subjects of the Emperor of the Race, yes , but also former subjects of other Empires with hundreds of years of history. History, which he would have to learn too.

    So FleetLord Atvar asked this question: ''Mr ASB, can you provide an example of lies, which are told about the Russian Empire?

    ''Atvar'', answered the ASB, ''in the world , in which Melbourne lives, there is a system for making , sharing and watching videos called youtube.'' [Something appeared on the screen] ASB continued speaking. '' This is part of the video information , that the average human on Earth in 2024 would watch , if he or she would want quick information about history of Poland. This particular part is dealing with an event , which is usually called ''Partitions of Poland '' Can you watch it, it would only take a few minutes, and afterwards tell me, what is missing from it. Something, which is very important. ''

    At first , Fleetlord Atvar wanted to refuse to do this task. After all, he was not a young officer anymore, taking his exam in a military academy. He was the Fleetlord. And the only information he knew about Poland , was the movie , which the ASB provided, about Russian victories. However, Atvar immediately corrected himself. Yes, he was one of only 3 Fleetlords of the Conquest fleet in the history of the Race , but his job would be much harder, compared to the jobs of the Fleetlords , who have conquered the Rabotevs and the Halessi. There would be harder jobs in the future for him compared to watching a video from something called ''youtube '' and tellling ASB what is wrong with it. If he is afraid of doing something so simple, maybe Kirel , or Straha or some other Shiplord would do the job of the Fleetlord better than him ?

    ''No, by the Spirits of the Emperors past, no. The Emperor trusted me, I am the best male of the Race here'' thought Atvar , and started watching the short youtube video about the ''Partitions of Poland ''

    ''So Atvar'', asked the ASB, '' having watched it , can you tell me what is missing from this video? ''

    ''It fails to mention , that the majority of people, who became Russian subjects after 3 Partitions of Poland were themselves of the Russian Orthodox religion, and that this land should have never became Polish in the first place. That it was stolen from Russia by the Poles during the time of Russian weakness. Is this correct? '' It is true that before going into Cold sleep in the Homeworld, FleetLord Atvar never expected to see his knowledge about anything judged by any one on Tosev 3. But compared to what he knows now, for example , knowing about huge armies of humans armed with aircraft , tanks and artillery , this was minor indeed.

    ''This is correct, FleetLord Atvar. There was even a medal made in the Russian Empire, which says : ''That was stolen before, is returned'' ''

    Atvar saw that medal appear on the screen:

    Medal commemorating the reunification of Western Rus, reverse - Отторженная возвратих — Википедия (

  11. #11

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 7: Atvar learns about the need to use nuclear bombs in the future.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ASB continued speaking ''Fleetlord, if you want , I can show you another movie with victories of Imperial Russian army over the Prussian army in the 18th century and over French , Persian , Turkish and other armies in the 19th century? ''

    ''Thank you , Mr ASB,'' answered Atvar, ''I will watch this movie later. Now I want to watch a movie about a war of the Russian Empire in current, 20th century. FleetLord Atvar did not know anything yet about wars on Earth in the first 41 years of this century , but he assumed , that with the Empires on Earth being divided , unlike the unity of the Race in the Homeworld , wars among humans were unavoidable ''

    Without any false modesty, FleetLord Atvar knew that he was the best male of the Race to command the Third Invasion Fleet. As if any further confirmation of it was needed , it is happening right now. Today was the first time he was speaking with a human, well at least with an Alien Space Bat who looks like a human, yet Atvar could see a ASB's reluctance to speak about a war in the 20th century. This probably means that Russia lost that war.

    Atvar's guess was proved correct , as ASB answered: ''There was a war in 1904 and 1905 against Japan, Which Japan unfortunately won. ''

    A map appeared on the screen showing the map of Japanese Empire in February of 1904, and another map of Japan in 1906, showing it's gains.

    ''I admit , that I as yet , I know almost nothing about Japan'' , said FleetLord Atvar, '' but from looking at the map , how could such a small country defeat the Russian Empire?

    ASB answered: '' One reason is that many rising future Great Powers on Earth were underestimated by already existing Great or Major powers. England, Prussia, Russia , USA... Japan too at the end of the 19th century, benefited from it. For example, in the world, where Melbourne , lives, the USA underestimated the strength of the Chinese Not- Empire in 1950 , and paid the price for it. When you will fight Japan yourself soon, FleetLord , you will probably have to use nuclear bombs to defeat it. ''

  12. #12

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 8: Fleetlord Atvar learns about sea mines.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''A Chinese Not -Empire in 1950 ? '' Thought Atvar, '' A Republic , as the humans called it, before it was translated in the language of the Race ? This must be a mistake in translation. Monarchy is surely the only system of government , which can exist. It was a monarchy consisting of many Empires on the homeworld of the Race before the war of Unification and the start of the rule of the Emperor's family over the entire planet . Kings ruled the Rabotevs and the Halessi before the arrival of the Conquest fleets of the Race. And it should be the same on the Earth too.

    Atvar decided that he would look at the world in Melbourne's timeline in 1950 later. And the reason for that mistake in translation regarding the Empire of China. Right now he looked at the map of China in 1904. As any male or female of the Race, he needed certainty in everything. The 1904 map did not disappoint Atvar . It was as it should be: It said: The Empire of China. The map also showed the weakness of China, since parts of that probably was former Chinese territory was shown as being leased by other countries: Hong Kong by Great Britain, Tsingtao by the German Empire , Port Arthur by the Russian Empire. And FleetLord Atvar doubted that agreement for those and other leases by the Emperor of China was really voluntary.

    FleetLord's thoughts were interrupted by the words of the Alien Space Bat: ''Atvar, since you are looking at Port Arthur now , maybe you will be interested in seeing the use weapon, which the Race does not have = the Sea mine?

    ''Yes , I would like to see it '' answered Atvar . While the human armies on land and in the sky certainly surprised FleetLord Atvar and other males of the Conquest fleet with huge numbers and different types of aircraft and tanks for example, even within the armed forces of a single Empire. It was the photos and videos of human warships, which came as a total shock. Since the Race did not have the navy at all at the 3 planets , which it ruled.

    The movie in the screen started with the showing of the city of Port Arthur on May 15th , 1904. Somehow , the generals of the Imperial Russian army looked a lot more familiar to Atvar than they should have been: A look at the Alien Space Bat wearing an Imperial Russian uniform from 1913, was the reason for this familiarity. There was no change in generals uniform from 1904 to 1913. The body paint of the FleetLord of the Conquest fleet of the Race did not change since the first conquest fleet was proposed to be sent to the Rabotevs planet many thousands of years ago. The fact that this uniform might have changed did show to Atvar as much as anything, that Earth was very different .

    The flags in the city were familiar to Atvar too. Since he has seen them in the movies about Russian victories in the 17th and 18th centuries. The White - Blue- Red flag which Atvar knew as the Russian merchant flag, was now the State flag of the Russian Empire. As if a reminder of that flag's origin was needed , a few Russian merchant ships flying that flag were shown to be in the harbour. But they were greatly outnumbered by the Russian warships, flying the Blue and White Saint Andrews's Cross flag of the Imperial Russian navy. 2 of the battleships were shown to being repaired after being damaged in a battle. The flags with double headed eagle on them were the regimentals flags and the flag of Port Arthur fortress.

    The screen now changed from showing the city and harbour of Port Arthur itself , to showing 3 battleships and several smaller warships too, all belonging to the Empire of Japan moving towards Port Arthur. Suddenly the screen focused on the sea in front of the Japanese ships. Before Atvar could ask the ASB , what is so interesting about looking at the sea , the FleetLord saw something in the water with the voice saying: '' A naval Mine is a self contained explosive device placed in the water to damage or destroy surface ships and submarines. ''

    FleetLord Atvar soon saw the power of sea mines. First , one Japanese battleship , Hatsuse, was sunk by a mine. The second battleship, Yashima, was damaged by a mine. There was an attempt to save it, but it failed , and after 30 minutes, Yashima sunk too.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 9 : FleetLord Atvar learns about the war in 2024

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''Mr ASB' , asked Fleetlord Atvar '' now I know about mines in the sea. But do the mines on land also exists? ''

    ''Yes, Atvar'', answered the Alien Space Bat . '' They do exist right now in 1942, in this timeline. Actually , there is a war unfortunately happening now , in Melbourne's world too , in 2024 . I can show you how mines on land work. It will only take a few minutes.

    Atvar started watching the screen. He saw a moving tank, which was identified as a '' Leopard 2 '' The name meant nothing to the FleetLord, but this tank did have a similarity to the tanks of the Empire in 1942, which controlled most of Europe , including Berlin and Vienna , capitals of the 18th century Prussian and Austrian Empires. The computer system of the Race just started to translate it's radio signals , before this meeting with the ASB started, Atvar learned that this Empire called itself, '' the Third Empire'' , or ''Reich '' in it's own language . The ''Leopard 2 '' had a white cross painted on itself , again a similarity with black crosses on '' Third Empire '' tanks in 1942.

    Atvar saw the ''Leopard 2'' suddenly explode without any artillery shells or missiles hitting it. ''This must be how mines on land work '' thought the FleetLord. A tracked armoured fighting vehicle, which was identified as a ''Bradley '' was following the '' Leopard 2 '' It had a small Blue and Yellow flag. '' Bradley '' turned around and tried to retreat, presumably to avoid hitting more mines? However, it was almost immediately hit by something , which was identified as a '' improved Lancet drone ''= an unusual weapon, which looked like a very small aircraft. '' Bradley '' started burning.

    The screen started showing another battlefield . On it, 2 tanks were shown, which were identified as '' T - 72. '' Followed by some letters , probably telling Atvar that this army used different T- 72s . Neither of those tanks had any flags, or anything else, which would tell , to which Empire they belonged , except something , which looked like a ''Z ''. Those tanks had a similarity to some tanks of an army, which used Red stars and Red flags in 1942 and part of which , on May 20th 1942 , was close to being surrounded and defeated near the city of Kharkov. One T -72 exploded after hitting a mine. Another was destroyed by artillery.

    FleetLord Atvar wanted to know more about the war in 2024, in Melbourne's world. Why it has started? Who has started it? Which other weapons are being used in this war? However, all those questions, and many more, could and should wait. He will certainly learn more about this war. After all of Earth would belong to the Empire of the Race. If the humans are fighting a war in 2024, 82 years after the war in 1942, then it is yet another reason why they would be better off being subjects of the Emperor of the Race. Instead of being subjects of different human Empires .

    Just compare the misery of human life on Earth in Melbourne's world with the happy life of the subjects of the Emperor of the Race: 82 years after the end of the war of Unification , there was Peace on the Home planet. 82 years after conquest of the Halessi, there was Peace on the Halessi planet. The same is true about Rabotevs too. Humans in this world, would soon also enjoy the benefits of peace.

    History itself shows that humans , without guidance and help from the Race, without becoming subjects of the Emperor, would continue fighting and might well destroy the Earth itself in Melbourne's world by using nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, I cannot do anything about events in Melbourne's world. Thankfully, the life in this world would be different. Here the Conquest fleet of the Race arrived to save the humans.

    Seeing that Fleetlord stopped watching a video about the battles in 2024, ASB started speaking: '' Atvar , lets return to the Russo-Japanese war. There was explosion on the Japanese battleship Mikasa on September 12th , 1905... ''

  14. #14

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 10: Stalingrad on May 19th , 1942

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    Before the Alien Space Bat could continue speaking , he was interrupted by FleetLord Atvar. '' Mr ASB, I am sorry for interrupting you, but can you please talk about 1942 and not about 1904, for example? I know that you have somehow stopped time and I thank you for the information about history, which you have told me. But history can wait. I must carry out the orders of my Emperor, Can you please tell me about Melbourne's offer to me? So I can either accept or reject it, and return to doing my job= Conquest of Earth , with or without your help. ''

    ''Yes, FleetLord, I will tell you about my master's offer very soon. But before I do that, can you please watch a short movie about life in the city of Stalingrad yesterday , 19th of May 1942. And a short movie about life in the city of Tsaritsyn, on May 19th, 1943, which would happen if you accept Melbourne's offer.

    FleetLord Atvar started watching the first short movie. At first, the name of the city meant nothing to him. However, due to huge number of Stalin's portraits , for example , Fleetlord Atvar realised that Josef Stalin must be the Emperor of the USSR, a country on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

    There was a stand on a street with a newspaper pinned to it, for the people to read: Some translated words from the article in this newspaper appeared on the screen: '' Under the wise leadership of the Great Comrade Stalin, our glorious Red Army is defeating the German Fascist invaders. Very soon, the city of Kharkov ... '' Atvar stopped reading this article. He knew about more German troops moving towards Red Army troops near Kharkov. In Melbourne's world , Stalin's army must have suffered a big defeat there in the next few days.

    The translated words in the top right corner of the newspaper , ''Workers of all countries , unite ! '' made Atvar smile. First, he knew that very soon all countries in the world will disappear . And all humans will become subjects of the Emperor of the Race. Second , the human workers right now, for example , former workers in German army uniforms , had show very little, if any desire to unite with the workers of the USSR. There were troops fighting in other parts of the Earth too. Again without any sign of soldiers in them wishing to unite with their enemies.

    As for the word ''Red '' as in ''Red Army '' , there was a large number of Red flags in Stalingrad on May 19th , 1942. Including on top of what Atvar assumed , was the Governor's building. However , the words near the entrance to that building instead described it as ''Stalingrad office of the All Union Communist Party of the USSR [Bolsheviks ] '' . Atvar decided to ask ASB for more information about it later. So Atvar would understand what it means. There was a monument near the entrance to the ''Governor's building,'' as FleetLord still preferred to call it. The man on it was described as Vladimir Lenin. There were many portraits of him too in Stalingrad , so Atvar assumed that Lenin was also the Emperor of the USSR before Stalin. Possibly even being the first Emperor of the ruling dynasty.

    The war of the Unification was the last war, which the Race fought . Except for the 3 Conquest fleets , which were created as temporary, and for that purpose only, the Armed forces of the Race were very small for tens of thousands of years. Stalingrad was very different There were a lot of troops being trained in the city , or moving through Stalingrad towards the battlefields on roads and railways. There was even a Red army recruiting office in a former Church building . For some reason, there was no working churches in Stalingrad.

    What happened to the Church buildings and the priests who worked in them , was not the only question, which Atvar had, after seeing Stalingrad as it was yesterday. He had many. But they could wait. Now, it was time to watch a second movie . About the city of Tsaritsyn in May of 1943, And afterwards, at last, Atvar will find out exactly what deal is ASB proposing.

  15. #15
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    contentedly retired spy of the council

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    Feb 2014
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    The combination of time stopping on a specific date in 1942, and the shifting perpective as we explore different places and time-lines, is an interesting style of storytelling.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    The combination of time stopping on a specific date in 1942, and the shifting perpective as we explore different places and time-lines, is an interesting style of storytelling.
    Thank you. In Harry Turtledove's book, FleetLord Atvar attacked the Earth, while knowing very little about countries on our planet. As a result, after 2 years of war, the Race still had to recognise the independence of the 5 strongest countries on Earth. And less than 20 years later, Atvar had to fight a nuclear war with Nazi Germany. While the relations between the Race and the USSR were not good either. With both Atvar and Molotov/Stalin giving weapons to the partisans/terrorists in foreign territory.

    In this story, I try to create a better world, by ASB helping FleetLord Atvar. This help is not free, since the Alien Space Bat will demand something from Atvar, something which I want. While my demand will be revealed soon, in the story, there are already hints, as to what I like.

  17. #17

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    Part 11th: Tsaritsyn, on May 19th, 1943

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    As soon as FleetLord Atvar started watching the second movie, he realised that Tsaritsyn and Stalingrad are the 2 different names for the same city. However , the change of the name was not the only change . Not a single red flag remained in the city. They were all replaced by the white -blue -red flags of the Russian Empire. The portraits of Josef Stalin were replaced by a portrait of a man in a uniform of the Imperial Russian army general , Anton Denikin. The translation of his title in the language of the Race, was temporarily given as a not-Emperor of Russia , with a promise that a better translation of his title would be provided soon.

    Unlike Stalingrad in May of 1942, Tsaritsyn in May of 1943, was a city during peace -time. There were a lot less soldiers moving in or around the city, a lot less soldiers being trained. The military base had the Red Stars on it's gate, and probably everywhere else , removed and replaced by double headed Romanov eagle. FleetLord Atvar recognised new regimental flags too. They were similar to the flags, which he saw in the movie about war in 1812, 1813 and 1814.

    The recruiting office in a ''place to honor the spirits of Emperors past,'' which in Russia was usually called a ''Church ''. no longer existed . And Atvar saw that the previously former church building was now used as a Church. As were others in Tsaritsyn. There were more food and goods available in the shops in Tsaritsyn in1943, compared to Stalingrad in 1942.

    The Governor's building was now correctly called the ''Governor of Tsaritsyn province office building . '' Instead of the office of something called the ''party'' . FleetLord Atvar did not yet know what the ' Communist 'party'' meant , but it looked like it was the name of the Stalin-Lenin ruling dynasty. The next building's name also sounded correctly to Atvar: ''The Tsaritsyn province office of the Internal affairs ministry of Russia. '' Instead of People's comessariat of internal affairs office of Stalingrad province'', as it was in 1942. While the Race computer network already translated that ''NKVD'' , as it was in Russian language, meant the Internal Affairs ministry, and something called ''workers and peasants militia'' also meant police, Atvar wondered , as to why Stalin chose to use confusing words, instead of using simple words like ''ministry ''and ''police '' .

    Despite liking the changes of the names of the buildings on Alexander street, as the former Lenin street was renamed, Atvar felt that there is something in this Tsaritsyn in May of 1943 which he really does not like. However, he could not yet tell a reason for this. The stand with a newspaper pinned to it, which the FleetLord saw in Stalingrad in 1942, still existed . Atvar looked at the newspaper. The newspaper's name was different. The slogan in the top right corner of the newspaper, with an impossible wish : ''Workers of all countries , unite ! '' was replaced by another slogan: '' For the great, united and indivisible Russia! ''

    The main story on the first page of the newspaper talked about General Denikin's visit to Odessa. '' ... While opening the restored monument to the Empress Catherine the Great, His High Excellency said: ... In 1919 , the Russian army liberated Odessa from the Communists. When our troops were forced to retreat from Odessa in 1920, I knew that they will return . That the Russian city of Odessa, will one day return to Russia, that the enemy occupation of Odessa will only be temporary. The opening of this great monument...

    He stopped reading the newspaper. Indeed the FleetLord stopped watching the second movie . Finally Atvar understood that was wrong with Tsaritsyn, Odessa and presumably many other cities in 1943. They were part of independent Russia, and thus not part of the Empire of the Race. How could this happen , if by May of 1943, all of Earth should be ruled by Atvar himself, until 1962, when the colonisation fleet would arrive with it's own FleetLord. And the power would have to be shared by 2 FleetLords.

    ''This must be a mistake . '' Atvar said to the Alien Space Bat, '' You have shown me a movie about Tsaritsyn from some other world , which you have created. It was interesting , but I really do not have time to waste ...

    ''No Atvar '', answered the ASB, '' There was no mistake. The price of me helping you to defeat other countries, would be the Race helping to liberate Russia from Stalin , and recognising General Denikin as leader of independent Russia. ''

  18. #18

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 12th: The reason why Communism in the USSR was much worse than Communism in China.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''I cannot end the rule of Emperor Stalin in the USSR '', answered Fleetlord Atvar , '' and allow someone else to take control of that huge area of Earth , a 6th of Earth's land surface. My Emperor's orders are to take control of entire Earth. And I will carry out his orders with no exception. ''

    ''Atvar'', said the ASB , '' Your Sovereign is a wise male. When he sent your conquest fleet to Tosev 3, as he called Earth , he did not know that humans will change so much in just 800 of our years. He will understand, when you gets the news that not all of Earth will join his Empire. Also , Josef Stalin is not the Emperor of the USSR. He is the leader of the Communist gang of criminals, who imposed their tyranny upon the people in the former Russian Empire. The full name of the USSR is : The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The last word, Republic, is how humans usually call not- Empires. ''

    Before being transferred to this place , where the time was ''stopped'' , Atvar could not even imagine that anything , except another Empire or a group of Empires, could defeat an Empire. Then, he would have said that a gang of Communist or any other , criminals could not have done it. However, now the FleetLord knew more . He remembered watching movies about Russian history in the 17th and 18th centuries. Especially, watching about Imperial Russian army defeating the rebellions by Pugachev, Razin and Bulavin . Yes, the movies did show Imperial Russian army defeating them, as it usually defeated it's enemies from 1648 to 1831.

    However, it required regular units of the Imperial Russian army to defeat them. So, if Russia was facing stronger enemy or enemies in the war sometime after 1905 , and especially if it was weakened by something else, than the Communists could have won in a Civil war, as the monument, which he saw in Stalingrad, called that war and created their not-Empire. Suddenly Atvar remembered that the Alien Space Bat told him that in 1950 , an Emperor of the Empire called the ''USA '' underestimated the People's Not-Empire of China. When Atvar first heard about this People's Republic of China, as the humans call it, he assumed that it was a mistake in translation. However , if the USSR is a Communist not -Empire now , in May of 1942, then PRC could also be a Communist not-Empire in Melbourne's world in 1950.

    Just to be sure, Atvar asked those questions: '' Is the People's Republic of China in 1950, in Melbourne's world, really is a Not=Empire? Is it Communist like the USSR of Stalin? ''

    ''Yes, Atvar '' , answered the ASB. '' PRC in 1950 was a Communist Not Empire. However, with all it's crimes, it was still better for the Chinese people , than how the Communists in the USSR treated the Russian people. Since it were the Communists in the USSR, who imposed their evil policy of Ukrainization upon the Russian people in New Russia and Little Russia. ''

  19. #19

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 13th: You have an opportunity to destroy this evil.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''Mr ASB'' asked FleetLord Atvar , ''why is Ukrainization evil ?

    Alien Space Bat answered : ''Atvar, Ukrainization is evil , because it is a weapon used by the enemies of Russia to attack the unity of the Russian people. Do you remember watching how the Austrian and Russian Empires were allies in the wars against Prussia , France and the Ottoman Empire ? Including battles of Rymnyk, Novi, Kunersdorf and Trebbia , where the Russians and Austrians fought and won fighting side by side ? ''

    ASB waited for a'' yes'' from the FleetLord, and continued: ''During those years , the Austrian Emperors did not care that there were Russians among their own subjects. However, this had changed , after Austrian Empire lost a war against Prussia in 1866, and it next most likely enemy became the Russian Empire.

    One of the weapons the Austrians planned to use in the future war, was the creation of a separate Ukrainian identity , with a separate, heretical religion with no connection , indeed with opposition to the Russian Orthodox Church, and with a separate Ukrainian language. Using threats and bribery, for example, by 1914 , the Austrian Government had managed to force some of the Russians among it's subjects into becoming Ukrainians. As well as supporting few traitors inside the Russian Empire.''

    '1914?'' asked Atvar: '' what is so special about this year ?

    ASB answered: ''' It is the year, in which German Empire , which is Prussia and other , smaller German Kingdoms, supported by Austria-Hungary, to use it's official name from 1867, attacked France , Serbia and Russia. It was the start of the war , which went on for more than 4 years. Until 1939 , when another war started, which in this world was interrupted by the invasion fleet of the Race, it was known as the Great war.

    As soon as war started , the Austro-Hungarian soldiers started killing the subjects of the Austrian Emperor, who refused to become Ukrainians, who chose to remain Russians. Some of those martyrs were killed immediately in their own towns and villages , after being denounced by their Ukrainian neighbours. Some were killed later in Austrian concentration camps of Talerhof and Terezin.

    Fortunately , the Imperial Russian Army liberated large area of Austrian territory in 1914, thus saving Russians, who still remained alive there, from certain death. ''

    FleetLord Atvar looked at the screen to see evidence of Russian victories: Columns of Austrian prisoners , captured Austrian weapons , Russian soldiers being welcomed in the liberated towns: Lvov, Stanislav, Ternopol and Chernovsi. Fleetlord Atvar also saw many soldiers and artillery moving on trains ,wearing uniform, which was different from Austrian and Russian.

    ''Are they Germans? '' asked the FleetLord .

    ''Yes'' answered the ASB. '' Germany had to cancel all plans to attack on the Western Front in 1915, to send a lot of troops and artillery to the Eastern front to save it's Austrian Ally. Germany had the ability to make more guns and shells than any other country, indeed , more than several countries combined in 1915, so it is no surprise than they started winning in 1915.

    Despite German artillery superiority , Russian soldiers still fought bravely , and Russian Empire was going to win the war together with it's allies, unfortunately it was stabbed in the back by traitors in February of 1917, with another group of traitors, the Communists , gaining power in October of that year. Just as 1613, the year the Romanov dynasty started ruling Russia, is Russia's best year, 1917 is the worst year in Russian history.

    After the Communists won the Civil war, they imposed the Austrian Empire's evil policy of Ukrainization upon the Russian people in Little Russia and New Russia. They forced Russian people to become Ukrainians, to learn Ukrainian language , to accept a border between Russia and Ukraine... ''

    ''Wait'' said Atvar '' If Lenin and Stalin won the Civil war and gained power in the former Russian Empire, when why did they weaken the unity of the Russian people by creating Ukrainians ? Why did they weaken their own country? ''

    ''First'' , answered , the ASB, '' the Communists did not care about the unity of the Russian people, they were as much the enemies of Russia as the Austrians, who started Ukrainization. Second , they wanted to appease the few other traitors , who already accepted the Ukrainian identity.

    FleetLord, will you help general Denikin to gain power in Russia, so he will start work on defeating and reversing this evil policy of Ukrainization? So the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic , which Lenin and Stalin created , would disappear? To be replaced by Little Russian and New Russian provinces of united and indivisible Russia? If you agree to do this, I will help you to defeat other enemies of the Race on Earth. ''

  20. #20

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 14: I will make this deal , but the Race gets a part of Ukraine too.

    Time; May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    FleetLord Atvar answered the ASB's question with a question of his own: '' Am I correct in assuming that this job of defeating and reversing Ukrainization would be easier in some parts of Ukraine , compared to others''?

    You are indeed correct , FleetLord'' answered the ASB, ''This job would be easiest in the provinces, which the Communists now call ''Stalinsk ''and ''Voroshilovgrad'' , which in Melbourne's world in 2024, are called Donetsk and Lugansk provinces. And in the provinces, alongside the Black Sea , the historical New Russia region. The job in Little Russia would be harder , but it can still, must be , and will be done. Books in Ukrainian language will be burned ...''

    ''Wait ' interrupted Atvar '' Since arriving to Earth, I heard and saw information, which I never before imagined , but your idea of burning books. How can you even talk about something like that ''?

    ''Atvar'', answered the ASB . '' I do not like it any more than you do, but the destruction of books in enemy language is something which must be done in an ideological war. It is happening in Ukraine in 2024, in Melbourne's world. Please watch. ''

    FleetLord looked at the screen. It showed a city, , some of the buildings in which looked like ones on the 3 planets , which the Race ruled . Some were similar to the buildings which he saw earlier in Stalingrad/Tsaritsin in 1942/1943. The Blue-Yellow flags in the city , were familiar to Atvar. He saw them earlier in a short movie about land mines. FleetLord suddenly realised that those flags of presumably independent Ukraine, instead of the Red flags of the Soviet Union, meant that the USSR disappeared some time between 1942 and 2024. Why did it happen? Was it defeated by some other country? When the war, which is going on in 2024 in Ukraine started and why? Atvar decided to continue watching this movie and ask those questions later.

    Atvar saw books being thrown into a large pile on the street . Some of those books were brought by trucks, probably from libraries , some were brought by the people themselves. Atvar looked at one of the Russian language books being thrown, ASB said; '' This is a book by Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. Melbourne likes Pushkin's poems about Russian victories in wars against France, Turkey , Persia and Poland. Ukraine in 2024 is at war with Pushkin. '' The screen changed to show Pushkin's monuments being destroyed in several cities and towns in Ukraine. The screen changed again to show a monument of a general on horse being destroyed in an Ukrainian town. The general looked familiar to Atvar , but, just to make sure, he asked: '' Mr ASB, was it the monument of Prince Kutuzov?''

    ''Yes, it was '', answered the Alien Space Bat , while looking at the screen with hatred. ''Unfortunately , I cannot do anything to change the events in Melbourne's world in 2024. No ASB can do that. But I can and I will change life for the better in this world , in 1942. Pushkin and Kutuzov will be avenged soon. For example , not a single monument of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko will exist in New Russia and Little Russia. Not a single street , or town named in honor of this enemy of Russia will remain on the map of former Ukraine. Except for Western Ukraine. The Race can keep it. The Ukraine nationalism there is so strong, that it could be very difficult to reverse. You can rule the majority of those people , Atvar. The minority there , who want to live in Russia, could move to Russia.''

    ''Mr ASB,'' asked Atvar, '' I assume that you want the Ukrainians, who do not want to abandon their language , for example. to move out of New Russia and Little Russia? ''

    ''Yes FleetLord'', answered the Alien Space Bat. '' They can move to the area, which is ruled by you, or to other independent human country. Or they will learn what happens to those traitors, who violate laws of Great and Indivisible Russia. Communists used the threat of punishment to create Ukraine, to impose Ukrainisation upon the unfortunate Russian people in New Russia and Little Russia in the 1920s and 1930s. Now, it is fair , actually more than fair, for general Denikin's government to use the threat of punishment to reverse Ukrainization, and thus to destroy Ukraine. ''

    ''Mr ASB'' , answered Atvar, '' I will make this deal, I will help general Denikin to gain power in Russia, if you agree to split Soviet Ukraine. Russian government will rule former and future New Russia, and the Lugansk, Kharkov , Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk provinces of Ukraine. While the Race gets all other parts of Ukraine. ''

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