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Thread: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

  1. #41

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 29: Russia would benefit by not controlling Latvia , Lithuania and Estonia.

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    FleetLord Atvar looked at the map of Europe on the Screen: Some of it was shown as belonging to the Race, but 2 other colors did show land belonging to Germany and to Russia. Atvar still have not decided if he would allow Great Britain to remain independent. Of course without it's colonies. While Atvar was reluctant to allow any territory to become independent, the ASB did told him that the British would use poison gas to defend themselves. Even if it makes them a target for nuclear bombs. Also, England, Scotland, Wales and a small piece of British Ireland would be too cold to make a good area for the males and females of the Colonisation fleet.

    FleetLord looked at the port cities of Riga and Tallin. With Halder's Germany again having the same borders as the German Empire had in July of 1914 , those ports and some smaller ones in Latvia and Estonia, would the the only ones , which the Race will control on the Baltic sea.

    ''Mr ASB'' asked Atvar, as he looked at the countries where the above mentioned ports, and also at Lithuania, which only had a small port. Very soon all of those countries, which most of the world, except for the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, considered to be independent, would belong to the Empire of the Race, '' I guess General Denikin would be unhappy when I tell him that those 3 Baltic republics would belong to the Race and not to Russia? ''

    ''You are correct FleetLord. '' answered the Alien Space Bat. '' Hopefully, His High Excellency would realise that Russia is lucky not to have Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. In the 20 years of independent living from 1919 to 1939, a spirit of independence had arisen in the majority of the people in those republics. Who, also , do not believe in the True Faith, who have their own religions, instead of the Russian Orthodox Faith. In Melbourne's timeline, Stalin's Soviet Union forced Estonians , Latvians and Lithuanians to belong to the USSR. in 1940 and again in 1944 and 1945 . It was a mistake , for which the USSR paid a lot . First in lives of it's soldiers who died fighting resistance groups, but also paid a lot of money to improve the living standards of the people in those Soviet republics.

    While USSR was a poor country compared to the USA and Western Europe, an average person in the 3 Soviet Baltic republics had a better life than an average person in other , from 1956, 12 republics of the USSR. This money did not help the USSR in Melbourne's world. As the Estonians , Latvians and Lithuanians were the first to call for the independence from the USSR in 1987 and 1988. While theoretically , life in General Denikin's Russia in this world's Riga in 1950, for example, would be better than life in Stalin's Riga in 1950, it is much better still , that the Race controls those troublemakers, thus freeing Holy Russia from those problems.

    And now, FleetLord , since we have finished talking about Europe , I suggest that we start talking about Japan. You must make a choice: To use nuclear bomb or not to use it? ''

  2. #42

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 30: FleetLord, if you want Race to control China, you must use a nuclear bomb.

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ... FleetLord Atvar saw hundreds of United States aircraft attacking a Japanese city in 1945 , on a Screen. Despite the efforts of Japanese anti-aircraft gunners , the city was being destroyed. There were no Japanese fighter aircraft defending the city , they were probably destroyed in the previous raids. This did not surprise Atvar. Since he already saw how strong USA was compared to Japan in population and industry in the Second World War , in Melbourne's timeline. Indeed , USA had so many aircraft, both bombers and fighters , that it could fight Japan and Germany at the same time. FleetLord Atvar thanked the spirits of Emperor's past, that the Imperial family unified the Home Planet before aircraft were invented. And asked this question:

    ''Mr ASB, if Japan could not defend it's own cities from an American attacks, if it could not win this war, then why Japan did not surrender before August 1945? Facing such odds , there is no shame in surrendering. If the Japanese Emperor did it, for example in January of 1945, then many of his own subjects would have stayed alive. ''

    ''FleetLord, I agree with you. '' answered the Alien Space Bat. ''Japan should have surrendered before Americans used 2 nuclear bombs against it in August of 1945. But, unfortunately , they did not. The Government of Japan today , on May 20th of 1942 in this world, is exactly the same as the Government of Japan on this day in Melbourne's world. Unless you order the use of at least one nuclear bomb , Japan will not give up it's conquests. If you want the Race to control China, you must use a nuclear bomb. Conventional bombing will not work. In Melbourne's world, the Japanese endured conventional bombing while waiting for something to save them: Their German ally's miracle weapons, and after Germany's surrender, inflicting huge casualties on future American invasion of Japan. Without nuclear bomb dropped on Japan, they will invent reasons to not surrender to you too. ''

    FleetLord Atvar looked at the map of China. ''You are looking at China correctly. '' said the ASB. ''The same way as my master and me look at China. First look at Port Arthur and Dalny. Next, look at Harbin. And only afterwards , look at the rest of China. ''

    Atvar kept looking at the areas of China, which would be perfect for the colonisation by males and females of the Race starting in 1962. And other such areas in Malaya, Dutch East Indies and other areas , which the Empire of Japan currently occupied. With each second of looking at the map , Atvar understand more and more than him ordering an attack on Japan with a nuclear bomb was unavoidable. Still, knowing the great damage, which the nuclear bomb will inflict on the Japanese people in the city, Atvar hesistated.

    ''Atvar'' said the ASB, ''a lot more Japanese lives will be saved in the world, compared to Melbourne's world. First , Japanese involvement in the Second World War will end on 22 of May, 1942, instead of August of 1945. Also , instead of Americans using 2 nuclear bombs, against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you will attack only Hiroshima. I am sure, that since this attack will happen on the same day that both Hitler and Stalin would be killed, and you are not asking for an unconditional surrender of Japan, but only for the surrender of Japanese conquests, which were made after January of 1904, Japanese Emperor will accept your ultimatum . ''

    ''Yes'' , reluctantly said Atvar. '' I will attack the city of Hiroshima with a nuclear bomb. Both to ensure my duty as a loyal subject of my Emperor , ordered to get control of more areas of Earth for colonisation of the Race, and to fulfil my earlier deal with you . So General Denikin's Russia will get half of Sakhalin island and Kurile islands from Japan.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 31: Insurance against betrayal

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''Mr ASB'' asked FleetLord Atvar, '' since our deal mean large changes in the plans of the invasion fleet of the Race, the other shiplords will find about them as soon as this conversation stops. You will have to talk to them too.''

    ''No FleetLord'', answered the Alien Space Bat , ''there is no need for me to talk with other FleetLords. My deal with you has been approved by the Grand Council of ASB's. Do not worry about Kirel, Straha , or indeed any male , and from 1962, any female of the Race opposing or even questioning our deal. They will assume that it will benefit the Emperor and the entire Race. ''

    ''I am surprised that this Grand Council is so powerful '' said Atvar.

    ''It is much more powerful than an ''ordinary '' ASB like me , for example. '' answered the Alien Space Bat. It can do almost anything. It can hurt the Home World of Race a lot, if you violate our deal and decide for example, to take the entire territory of the USSR for the Race. Instead of giving most of it General Denikin. ''

    ''You can trust me. '' said FleetLord Atvar. ''Everything, which I promised to you , I will do. '' But I am curious , how can this Grand Council hurt the Home world , which is many light years away from Earth? ''

    ''The power of the Grand Council can reach not just across great distances. It can go back in time itself.'' answered the ASB ''The way for it to hurst the Race would be to make sure King Drefsab stays alive and becomes commander in chief of the anti-Imperial alliance. ''

    FleetLord Atvar knew about King Drefsab. Who was the Monarch of the Kingdom of IleIfe , before the start of the war of Unification . He was known across the Home World for his skills as a military commander, for creating one of the best armies in the history of the Race. and for his bravery and skills as an individual fighter. It is no surprise that both the Empire and the anti-Imperial alliance wanted Drefsab on their side in the war, which , was correctly assumed would start soon. Drefsab was killed before he announced his decision to become an enemy of the Empire , but he was surely leaning that way.

    Humans, which will soon learn about the War of Unification, will probably blame the Emperor for killing King Drefsab. But that would be a false conspiracy theory. Drefsab was killed by his bodyguard during the start of the mating season 6 months before the start of the war. While the approximate time of the mating season is known, the exact time is not. So during each such season , males of the Race had died , fighting for the right to mate with a female. The start of that particular mating season saw King Drefsab in the room with his 2 bodyguards, the best fighters in his Kingdom, except for the King himself, and one female. Drefsab killed both of his bodyguards, but soon died from the wounds sustained in that fight.

    The commander in chief of the Anti-Imperial Alliance in the Unification war , was a worse general than Drefsab . And his death hurt the enemies of Empire in other ways too. With Drefsab being alive , the Home World might not have achieved unification. Which would have replaced order, stability and happy life in the Home World after the Unification , with the horrible possibility of unification not being achieved and a new war, possibly even a nuclear war, happening in the future.

    Even before knowing about the possibility of King Drefsab being alive , about history of the Home world changing for the worse. FleetLord Atvar intended to honor his deal with the ASB. But now he was even more convinced of the need to do so. History of the Race must not be changed. King Drefsab must die before the start of war of Unification. It is enough, that other Drefsabs, for example the intelligence operator on Atvar's staff who probably is named after the King, live today.

  4. #44
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    contentedly retired spy of the council

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    Feb 2014
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    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    This update has got me thinking about the effects on humanity of what they are learning, and what they will learn, about events such as the War of Unification. Meanwhile, it sounds like action is needed to avoid history being changed into something worse.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    This update has got me thinking about the effects on humanity of what they are learning, and what they will learn, about events such as the War of Unification..
    With the Empire of the Race on Earth being so strong , militarily and technologically , especially in the early years after the arrival of the Conquest Fleet , I guess the humans, even in independent countries, would want to learn more about the Race, including learning about the war of Unification. As for effects on humanity, one effect would be , with Great Britain, France and possibly Finland, being the only democracies in Europe, the possibility of Russia and Germany also becoming democracies in the future , would be reduced.
    Last edited by melbourne1; December 01, 2024 at 04:53 AM.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Meanwhile, it sounds like action is needed to avoid history being changed into something worse.
    How can history become worse, compared to the events in Harry Turtledove's books?

    In my story, there would be no war between 5 strongest human countries and the Race in 1942-1944. Life in Russia and Germany, which would be ruled by the generals, starting with Denikin and Halder , would be better for the majority of the people and for the average person, than life in Communist USSR and Nazi Germany. There would be no nuclear war between the Race and the Nazi Germany in the 1960s.
    Last edited by melbourne1; December 01, 2024 at 07:43 AM.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 32: A way, to prevent a nuclear attack on Hiroshima, must be found.

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    ''FleetLord'' said the Alien Space Bat. '' It looks like we have discussed everything in this conversation, which we needed to talk about . It is time for you to return to your flagship, so the Race's invasion of most of the Earth can begin. Do you agree? ''

    FleetLord Atvar surprised the ASB, indeed he surprised himself by his answer: '' Mr ASB, I am not yet ready to end this conversation. I am sure that there is still something important that you and I must still talk about. I need more time before I find out exactly what it is. ''

    ''Do not worry, Atvar'' answered the ASB. '' Take all the time , which you need. Actually, while you think about it, please watch a movie about an event , which happened on the night of 11th/12th September , 1905.''

    FleetLord Atvar looked at the Screen. While a lot must have happened on Earth during that year, and the previous year, FleetLord guessed that this movie is about the Russo- Japanese war. Even if this war is close to ending on this day, or even already ended. Atvar's guess proved to be correct, since the words on the Screen described the place, which is shown as Japanese town and naval base Sasebo in Nagasaki Profecture [Province]

    While , the name ''Sasebo'' was unfamiliar to Atvar , he did remember hearing the name ''Nagasaki'' before. FleetLord quickly remembered that this city was destroyed by the second nuclear bomb , which was dropped by the USA in 1945, in Melbourne's world. Now, he realised , what exactly was missing from his conversation with an Alien Space Bat: A way, to prevent a nuclear attack on Hiroshima, must be found. I must , somehow, force the Japanese Emperor to give up his Empire's conquests, which were made from January 1904 onwards, without using the nuclear bomb. I must at least try to save the lives of so many Japanese people in Hiroshima.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 33: Explosion on the battleship Mikasa

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB ]

    While FleetLord Atvar was thinking about preventing the Race's nuclear attack on Hiroshima, the movie on the Screen, which showed Sasebo in 1905, continued. Atvar saw the warships of the victorious Japanese navy , and captured warships of the defeated Russian navy, which were also flying the flags of the Empire of Japan. Suddenly , the flagship of the Japanese navy, battleship Mikasa, sunk after suffering a magazine explosion and a fire. FleetLord stopped a movie and asked an Alien Space Bat:

    ''Mr ASB, why did the Mikasa explode? ''

    ''FleetLord'' , answered the ASB '' in 1895 , Japan had a choice of which shells to use for it's navy in the future war. One possibility is to use shells, which were used by all other navy's in the world. Another possibility is to gamble , to use shells with less possibility of armor penetration , but with more explosives in the shell. Japan decided to gamble, which had an addition disadvantage of having a possibility of those shells exploding inside Japan's own warships. . Which as you just saw, happened on the battleship Mikasa, and on some other Japanese warships as well . Unfortunately, those explosions happened at the end , or even after the end of the Russo-Japanese war. The devil must have helped Japan. ''

    FleetLord Atvar did not know a lot about religions on Earth , but he was sure that devil is not real. But, maybe he was wrong , and the devil was real, since he is now talking with an Alien Space Bat, who is serving a man, who lives in another world, where the invasion of the Race never happened.

    After Atvar asked the ASB to confirm or to deny the existance of a real devil, he got this answer: ''It does not matter if the devil is real or not. By attacking the Russian Empire, Japan had allied itself with the devil. Any enemy of Holy Russia is obviously on the side of the devil. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte was officially proclaimed to be the Antichrist in 1812. ''

    Atvar knew about Napoleon. Who lost power after being defeated by the Imperial Russian army in 1814. Just like the French Republic collapsed in 1799 for the same reason. FleetLord still had not decided what to do with France now, in 1942. Either rule it directly as would happen with Spain and Portugal , for example, or to allow it to be independent. So the Germans would trouble the Race less with their attention focused on hostile to Germany independent France. Of course , independent France, if he would allow it to exist, would not have any of it's colonies , even if Algeria, was for some reason, officially part of France .

    FleetLord wanted to say to ASB , that the Race would not have gambled with introducing a new , risky shells, so close to a new war as Japan had done in 1895. That the Race would have never made this mistake. However, he did not do so. First , Japan did win the war. Maybe, at least in part, due to those dangerous new shells. For which it paid a price, afterwards. And second, if the Race moved faster, if it risked, if it gambled , than the Third conquest fleet would have arrived to Earth earlier than 1942, arrived at the time, when were humans were weaker.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 34: The invasion of Earth begins.

    Time: May 20th . 1942. [The time is ''stopped '' by ASB, except at the end of this part. ]

    While he was thinking , FleetLord Atvar saw that the movie about Sasebo in 1905 , had finished.

    ''FleetLord '' said the Alien Space Bat, ''I wanted to show you the next movie, about what would happen, if the explosion on the battleship Mikasa happened in 1904, at the start of the battle of the Yellow sea, but I understand how impatient you are to order the start of the invasion of most of the Earth. And the liberation of Russia from Communism. So, unless you have any other questions, which cannot wait until later , I am ready to end this ''stoppage of time'' and return you to your command post at ''127th Emperor Hetto. ''

    ''Mr ASB'' answered FleetLord Atvar , ''thank you for your understanding. I do have many questions, but all of them can wait, as can a movie about an alternate naval battle in 1904. Please return me to my flagship , now. ''

    There was darkness for a second , and Exalted FleetLord Atvar was again at his command post in his flagship. The Screen showed that the invasion plan of the Third conquest fleet of the Race did change, compared to what it was before the conversation with the ASB started . With the invasion of the USA and Germany being cancelled so more of the Race's troops and aircraft , to use their human names, would be available for the invasion of the Soviet Union, Also, information about the deals with generals Denikin and Halder was available too, with the borders assigned to independent Germany and it's allies/puppets as well as the borders of Russia , clearly shown.

    Officers of the Race which were around Atvar, were not surprised to see it. They accepted this huge change from previous plan of the conquest of Tosev 3, as Earth is known on the Homeworld. So, Alien Space Bat was right about this too. They were waiting for Atvar to say the 2 words , which were said only 2 times before in the long history of the Race. And FleetLord did say those words: '' We proceed ''
    Hitler and Stalin died at the same time. The invasion of most of the Earth, began!

  10. #50

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 35: The reason why general Hideki Tojo is not happy.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Imperial Palace. Tokyo. Japan

    General Hideki Tojo knew that he should be happy = the leader of the USSR, Josef Stalin , an enemy of Japan , was dead, killed by the invaders from space , whose official name was ''the Race,'' alongside with other top ranking Communists, Beria, Molotov... But there were several reasons why he was not happy.

    First, general [ and Prime Minister of Japan] Tojo , when he considered the possibility of Stalin's death before yesterday, hoped that Stalin's death would mean disorder in the USSR, which would allow Empire of Japan to easily capture half of Sakhalin island, which the USSR still had , Kamchatka, Vladivostok... Unfortunately , there was no disorder in the USSR. Demoralised and confused by the death of Stalin, and faced with the Race's ultimatum of either accepting the authority of general Denikin's government or be attacked by the Race , one by one , the Red army units and Russian cities, towns and villages abandoned Communism and declared loyalty to the Great , United and Indivisible Russia. Few , who chose to resist , felt just how powerful the Race's weapons are.

    Suddenly , General Tojo became worried about the anti-Communist spies in the USSR. Who now might stop working for Japan, since Russia is no longer Communist. This panic disappeared as soon as it arrived. Hideki realised that this new Russia would contain hundreds of people, who liked Stalin's USSR. While most of them, would not spy for Japan, for different reasons, there would be some, who would be willing to betray their country, by spying for Japan. As some Russians already did during the Russo Japanese war.

    At least Stalin , whose army inflicted defeat on Japan in Khalkin -Gol , a little more than 2 years ago , is dead, and... Tojo's thoughts were interrupted , by him seeing that Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto , the commander in chief of Japan's Combined fleet, and the only man in the Empire, who was , at least in part, his rival for influence, entered the room.

  11. #51

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 36: Lizards stole Japan's victory.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Imperial Palace. Tokyo. Japan.

    Isoroku Yamamoto and Hideki Tojo greeted each other politely , but that was all, which they did. They did not talk to each other, but sat down and simply waited to be called for a meeting with the Emperor. This coldness was less to do with the rivalry between 2 branches of Japan's armed forces , and more to do with General Tojo's dislike of Admiral Yamamoto. Who spent too much time in the USA. Who did not want Japan to attack the USA. Who underestimated the weakness of the Americans.

    Unlike Admiral Yamamoto, General Tojo knew that the USA, with all it's military, economic and financial power, contained a weakness, which will doom it to defeat : Democracy. With Hitler winning in Europe , and Japan defending it's gains in Asia , the voters in the USA would demanded peace... Hideki Tojo cursed the Lizards. By their arrival , by their killing of Hitler, they have prevented Japan from winning, they have stolen Japan's victory.

    General Tojo thought how good the world was before the arrival of the Lisards, who officially called themselves the Race. Like most of the Japanese. there was a time, when Hideki Tojo admired the British , who created and ruled the biggest Empire the world have ever seen. But this admiration disappeared , as Tojo and his compatriots saw that democracy has made the British soft and weak after the Great war.

    For example, if the Japanese ruled India , the problems with Gandhi and indeed any one else who threatened , the Japanese Empire's rule, would have been solved very quickly. The British government's unwillingness or inability to so, to actually defend their own Empire, shows that the European colonialism should have been replaced by the Japanese led Greater East Asian Co-prosperity sphere. And before the arrival of the Race, it was happening. A little more than 2 months ago, the British fortress city of Singapore, surrendered to the Imperial Japanese army.

  12. #52

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 37: Hideki Tojo meets Drefsab

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Imperial Palace. Tokyo. Japan.

    General [and Prime Minister] Hideki Tojo did not like the former Spanish Republic. Which had Communists in it's government. And which was buying weapons from the Soviet Union. Still, he was sure that the French Government should have helped the Spanish Republic in it's war against Franco's rebels, which were helped by the rivals of France= Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy. France did not do it, because it was a democracy, and thus, it was weak, divided , with some French people even saying: Better Hitler than [ French Prime-Minister who was Jewish ] Blum ...

    Before General Tojo could continue condemning the weakness of democracies, his thoughts were interrupted by a servant, who invited him and Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto into a room where His Majesty the Emperor of Japan and a representative of an alien Race were already talking.

    The rumour said that the Aliens looked like Lizards. This rumour proved to be correct. This creature from another world did look like a Lizard. With something painted on his body. General Tojo did not know what this body paint meant , but he was not worried about that. He will learn it later. Japan will quickly learn about this '' Race''. Just as it quickly, as it started leaning everything what it needed to know about Europeans and Americans after the Meji restoration 70 years ago.

    The Alien said , using some kind of translation machine; ''Good Evening , General Tojo and Admiral Yamamoto. I am Drefsab , chief of intelligence for the 3rd Conquest Fleet of the Race. I am here to tell you, just as I have told His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, about the ultimatum from the Excalted FleetLord Atvar, who represents His Majesty the Emperor of the Race on Earth, to your country. ''

  13. #53

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 38: You prevented the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Imperial Palace. Tokyo. Japan.

    Drefsab continued speaking: ''Those are the terms of the ultimatum= The Japanese Empire will at once return to the borders, which it had on January first, 1904. The Empire of the Race will rule the former Japanese territory, except for half of Sakhalin island, which will become part of Russia. Also, as a punishment for attacking the Russian Empire 37 years ago, before an official declaration of war was made , Kurile islands will become Russian too. A failure to accept this ultimatum , or a delay in answering for more than 24 hours, will see 2 of Japanese cities being destroyed by the Race and harsher terms being imposed on your country. General Tojo, Admiral Yamamoto, what is your answer? ''

    Japan being threatened with an ultimatum was not something new. USA did it last year. Which forced the Japanese Empire to attack the Americans , Dutch and British. Of course those countries deserved to be attacked anyway, since they refused to sell oil and other natural resources to Japan, while the American government even stole Japanese money, which were in the USA.

    Tojo wanted to refuse to accept this ultimatum, to say that the Japanese people would rather die, than bring shame on themselves by surrendering land, for which tens of thousands of brave Japanese soldiers lost their lives in the wars since 1904. However, Tojo did not do it. If any proof of the power of the Race's weapons were needed, the killing of Stalin and Hitler provided this proof. General Tojo looked at Emperor Hirohito. His sovereign nodded in assent.

    ''As Prime- Minister of Japan, '' said Tojo, ''I accept this ultimatum of the Race. The withdrawal of the Japanese civilians and military personal to the new borders of our Empire , will begin very soon, immediately after the announcement of the ultimatum.

    ''Thank you , your Majesty, General Tojo , Admiral Yamamoto'' . answered temporary ambassador Dfersab ''By agreeing to the ultimatum of the Exalted FleetLord Atvar, you prevented the destruction of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.''

    Dfersab left the room to first talk with Japanese foreign minister about setting up a permanent embassy of the Race in Tokyo and a Japanese embassy in a land which is still called ''Australia'', but which soon will have a new name, as befits a land, where a capital city of the Race on Earth will be. And later to return to FleetLord Atvar's flagship.

    Admiral Yamamoto left too . To order the movement of Japanese navy and naval infantry to Japan and Taiwan. General [and Prime Minister'] Tojo, knew that he will have to leave this room soon as well . Both to give orders of his own, and to give Emperor the time to make his speech which would tell to everyone in the Japanese Empire about this huge change in their lives.

    However, before he could leave, Hirohito surprised Tojo by saying this:

    '' Prime Minister , in the real war, we defeated the Americans , the British and the Dutch everywhere, where Japan fought them: Pearl Harbor, Philippines, Malaya, Singapore, Burma, Southern territories.. That war is now finished. But a new war will begin in less than an hour .

    A war of trying to live in Peace, after so many years of conflict , which was forced upon our country first by China, and later by president Roosevelt. Japan will have to change , to reduce the size of our armed forces, to provide housing and jobs to our unfortunate compatriots from Korea, China, Karafuto , who will soon be arriving to Japan and Taiwan. Can you do the job of Prime Minister now? Or would you prefer a purely military job of war minister? ''

    Tojo understood that he was offered a polite way to resign as Prime Minister. However, this was his answer: '' Your Majesty, the challenges, which your described , do not scare me. With your permission, I would like to continue serving as Prime Minister of Japan. ''


    ''Southern territory'' was the Japanese name from 1942 to 1945 for former Dutch East Indies and future Indonesia.
    ''Karafuto'' was the Japanese name from 1905 to 1945 for former and future Russian Southern Sakhalin.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 39. Dreams can come true

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Kremlin Palace. Moscow. Russia.

    Moscow liberated from the Reds. Russian White-Blue- Red flag flying on the top of a Kremlin Palace instead of a Communist Red flag with a sickle and hammer. This was the dream of the general Anton Ivanovich Denikin for many years. This should have happened in 1919. But Pilsudski made first an unofficial and later an official truce with Lenin , which allowed the Red army to transfer a lot of troops against General Denikin's White army and win the decisive battle of the Russian Civil war.

    It is true that the leader of Poland was an enemy of Russia for many years, and thus did not like the White army. Still, he should have realised that Communism was a greater threat to Poland, than Russia, which would have been created in 1919 , after the defeat of the Red army and thus, the victory of White movement. In 1939, Poland paid a high price for this mistake of Pilsudski in 1919. As Stalin's USSR joined Hitler's Germany in an attack on Poland. Thus ironically , Stalin repeated the mistake, which Pilsudski made 20 years earlier , of not seeing who was the biggest threat to the Soviet Union. Stalin's mistake was seen by an entire world, as Nazi Germany attacked the USSR on June 22nd , 1941.

    General Denikin knew that not all former soldiers and officers of the White armies shared his dream that Russia could be liberated from Communism. Some of them tried to forget that they were ever Russian, going as far as changing their names , so they and their children could easier become French or English, for example. History shows that this happened to some other emigres too, for example, French people, who fled from the French Republic after the revolution in 1789, and even earlier, French Protestants, Huguenots, who escaped from the Catholic Kingdom of France.

  15. #55

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 40: 1942 will join 1612 and 1812.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Kremlin Palace. Moscow. Russia.

    Some of the former warriors of the White movement wanted to return to Russia so much, that they were willing to return to Russia , which was ruled by Stalin. Sometimes , going as far as joining the Communist armed and influenced Spanish Republican armies. As far as general Denikin knew, they almost always paid for this mistake with their lives as they were murdered by the Communists as soon as they arrived back in USSR.

    There was yet another group of former soldiers and officers of the White armies, who lived in the German occupied countries of Europe, in the countries, which were allied with the Nazis, or in Germany itself. They would have agreed with general Denikin about the evilness of Stalin's USSR. However , they chose the wrong way to bring about the defeat of Communism. Unfortunately, they chose to serve Adolf Hitler. They chose to fight for the Nazis.

    Denikin himself was offered to serve Hitler after the start of the Soviet -German war on June 22nd last year. He refused without any hesitation. He already fought Germans from the Kaiser's army during the First World war. And Hitler's Germans were even worse. To help Hitler's Third Reich to defeat Stalin's USSR was a cure , which is worse than the disease. The fact that the Nazis did not bother to set up a government in Russia, however weak and subservient to the Germans it might have been, shows that the Nazis were not interested in liberating Russia, they wanted to impose a tyranny upon Russia, which was worse than Stalin's.

    Ironically, it is not the humans, who are liberating Russia from Communism today, but the Lizards from outer Space, who were calling themselves ''the Race. '' It is thanks to them, that 1942 will join 1612 and 1812 , as the glorious year, in which Moscow was liberated from the enemy, that it became free again, that it became Russian again.

  16. #56

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 41: The death of Stalin helped a lot.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Kremlin Palace. Moscow. Russia.

    ''I greet you, radar technician'' said General Denikin to Breltan, an officer of the Race from the ''67th Emperor Sohrheb '' ship, the troops and aircraft from which liberated Moscow from the Communists yesterday, and who was sitting near a large screen, which was connected to FleetLord Atvar's flagship , and was showing the latest news about the liberation of Great, United and Indivisible Russia. Of course other information, about the Race's conquest of other areas of Earth was available too, but general Anton Denikin was not interested in that. News about what happened to foreign land can wait. News about Holy Russian land had priority.

    ''I greet you, your High Excellency,'' answered Breltan. ''I have good news. For example, the German commanding officer in the town of Mariupol , on the shore of the Sea of Azov, agreed to transfer the control of this town and the area around it, to the Race. Since , under the treaty, which was agreed to by the Excalted FleetLord Atvar , Mariupol belongs to Russia, the Race will transfer this town to Russian control, as soon as Russian troops arrive there. ''

    General Denikin knew this town very well. During the Civil war , the Volunteer army liberated this town from the Red army, and from the gangs of anarchist criminal warlord Makhno. Unfortunately, later, Russian troops had to retreat, and thus to leave this town to the enemy. Very soon , this defeat would be reversed and White-Blue -Red Russian flags would again fly over the buildings in Mariupol.

    Since General Denikin last saw the map of Russia, less cities and towns on this map did show the hated Red flag, which represented Communist control. As more and Communist party leaders surrendered to the Race. Another map also shown the surrenders of Red army divisions and other military units. Some of those surrenders, both by civilians and the military Reds , were due to the huge military superiority of the Race. Those few Red army soldiers and commanders, who chose to resist the Race, were quickly defeated. But the death of Stalin helped too.

    The Soviet dictator was not immortal. He had to die eventually. But, if he died in the future, during peacetime, other high ranking Communists would have been able to find someone to replace Stalin, even if temporary. But the killing of Stalin by the Race yesterday. along with other influential leaders of the Communist party, the Soviet government and the Red army, dealt a huge blow against the morale of the Communists. It destroyed the Red chain of command. It made the liberation of Russia much easier. Along with the announcement of a new , better government , which would now rule Russia. With General Denikin himself being the leader of this government.


    1] '' For Russia, Great , United and Indivisible'' was the official slogan of the Whites during the Russian Civil war

    2] Volunteer army'', ''Military forces in the south of Russia'' were the official names of the White army troops under the command of general Anton Denikin during the Russian Civil war.

  17. #57

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 42: The biggest change in life of Ludmila Gorbunova

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Near the town of Konstantinograd , Kharkov Oblast of Russia.

    Living in the Soviet Union meant some changes in the life of Ludmila Gorbunova. Such as English Capitalist and Imperialist Winston Churchill , an enemy of Communism since before USSR was officially created in 1922, becoming an ally and a friend of the Soviet Union on June 22nd 1941. But she knew that nothing had changed her life before or would ever change here life in the future , as much, as the events, which happened yesterday= May 22nd , 1942.

    Yesterday, Josef Stalin was killed alongside the top commanders of the Red army, top officials of the Communist party and most important People's Commissars of the Soviet government. Creatures from outer Space had invaded the Soviet Union and demanded that all Red army units, for example, either transfer their loyalty to a new government of Russia led by General Denikin or, to the Emperor of something , called ''the Race'' . Becoming a ''neutral'' for a short time, was also possible, which was done by Ludmila's commanding officer , Yefim Pushkin, who commanded the 23rd Tank corps of the current? or former? Red army.

    Due to all this disorder in the former or current, USSR it would have been much easier for the Germans to fight the Red army . Thankfully , this ''Race'' also killed Adolf Hitler and announced , that the new German government had ordered the retreat of all German troops, and troops of German allies from the territory of the former USSR.

    Note 1: Konstantinograd was the name of the town of Krasnograd until 1922. In the world of this story, on the former territory of the USSR, which would be part of General Denikin's Russia and which were renamed since 1917 , almost all names of towns, villages and streets, would return to the names, which existed in December of 1916.

    Note 2: People's Commissars was the name of ministers in the USSR until 1946.

  18. #58

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 43: The Germans are retreating!

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: Near the town of Konstantinograd , Kharkov Oblast of Russia.

    At first , Ludmila Gorbunova could not believe what she was seeing: The Germans were retreating: This, in itself, was not something new: Red army's attacks on this part of the Soviet German war's frontline since early December of last year, had forced the enemy to retreat from the city of Rostov -on -the -don to here, in Kharkov oblast. But the Red army had to pay in blood for every meter of liberated Soviet territory . And the fascists never retreated without a good reason to do so.

    But what Ludmila saw now, was completely different: Germans were retreating without a good reason to do so. Ludmila was only a Red Air Force lieutenant and not a general, but it looked like to her, that the Germans had enough artillery and infantry , to stop Red army's attack here, instead of retreating. Ludmila flew towards the retreating Germans and soon saw something , which usually made her afraid: German tanks.
    Red army had tanks too. Indeed, the army unit to which her U- 2 aircraft squadron was attached , was the 23rd tank corps. But while Ludmila would never admit this to anyone , for such admission in the USSR was dangerous, many German tanks usually meant a German attack, which , as the unfortunate 1941 year did show, often meant a German victory.

    Ludmila was indeed seeing many German tanks. But thankfully, the German tanks were doing the same as the German infantry and artillery= retreating to the West , instead of attacking . Lieutenant Gorbunova turned her plane around , so she can fly back to her unit and report this happy news of more territory of the Motherland being liberated, without a shot being fired.
    She should have been very happy now, and indeed Ludmila was happy. Still there was something , which prevented her from being as happy, as she should have been: Ludmila realised , that if the Germans are retreating , than Hitler was indeed dead. And the Germans were following orders of their new government to retreat. But, if this was true, than other news on the radio were true as well. Josef Stalin was also dead and Moscow was controlled by the ''Race'' and General Denikin.

    She was flying into the unknown. When she flew back to her airfield, would 23rd tanks corps still be ''neutral '', whatever that means? Or, would it again become part of the Red army, and thus be at war with ''the Race ''? Or did her commanding officer , Yefim Pushkin , already declared loyalty to general Denikin? ''I will soon find out '' Ludmila told herself. '' I will follow my orders, whatever they will be. I will certainly not desert now and join the Germans, even if they are not Hitlerites any more.
    Last edited by melbourne1; December 12, 2024 at 08:23 PM.

  19. #59

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 44: The end of neutrality.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: HQ of the former 23rd Tank corps of the Red army, Kharkov Oblast of Russia.

    As Ludmila Gorbunova landed her U 2 plane on the airfield, she at once had a feeling that something was different. But as yet, Ludmila could not say what exactly was different. Anyway, she proceed to give her report first to her own commanding officer , and later entered the headquarters of the 23rd Tank corps to again give the news about the German retreat to 23rd's commanding officer Yefim Pushkin.

    Inside the HQ, Ludmila quickly saw, that the neutrality, which existed when she flew off on her reconnaissance flight earlier, has ended. And that the former 23rd tank corps of the Workers and Peasants Red army, now followed the orders of General Denikin in Moscow. The examples of this were many: First the Red flags , both military unit's flag and USSR's flag, with Sickle and Hammer , were not seen anywhere inside the building. She understood now that the change on the airfield, was the lack of the Red flag on the flagpole there.

    Second, neither General Pushkin, nor any of other commanders and staff officers had any Soviet decorations , such as ''20 years of service in the Red Army medal'' , on them. Instead the chief of Staff, who had served in the Imperial Russian Army in the Imperialist war, had a Tsarist Cross of Saint George on his uniform. While the wearing of awards from the Tsar's army was not officially forbidden in the USSR, very few, if any people in the USSR did wear them to avoid possible problems . Finally, the unit's commisar, whose job was to ensure the loyalty of commanders of this military unit to the Communist party was not in the HQ. Was he just arrested? or even killed?

    The experience of life in the USSR taught Ludmila that some questions must not be asked . So, she did not ask the question of what happened to the Commisar. Instead, she gave her report . Instead of starting it with ''Comrade general' she started it with '' Your Excellency. ''


    1] According to Harry Turtledove's book, Ludmila Gorbunova took part in the Second battle of Kharkov , before the arrival of the Race. When I chose a random Red Army unit from that battle, to which she would be attached, I did not expect it's commanding officer to have the same surname as Russia's greatest poet.

    If anyone is interested , here is more information about general Yefim Pushkin - Wikipedia

    2] ''Workers and Peasants Red army'' was the official name of the Red army of the USSR from 1918 to 1946.

    3]'' Imperialist war '' was one of the names for the First World war in the Soviet Union , especially during the 1920s and 1930s. In the world of this story, in general Denikin's Russia, First World War would be called ''Second Patriotic War '' The same name it was called during 1914-1917 in the Russian Empire.

  20. #60

    Default Re: Conversation with Fleetlord Atvar

    Part 45: Now the restoration is happening in Russia too.

    Time: May 23rd . 1942.

    Location: HQ of the 23rd Tank corps of the Russian army, Kharkov Oblast of Russia.

    As Ludmila Gorbunova started walking from the headquarters of the 23rd Tank corps to her tent, after ending her report and saying ''I serve Russia'' instead of saying '' I serve the Soviet Union'' , after being thanked and dismissed, she kept thinking as to why she and almost everybody around her , was now following the orders of general Denikin. After so many years of seeing him as an enemy.

    Ludmila could think of several reasons why this is happened. For example , during the 3 years of the Spanish Civil war, newspaper and radio in the Soviet Union everyday talked about the crimes of the German fascists. Either directly, with the German aircraft attacked Guernica , Madrid , Barcelona and other cities and towns in the Spanish Republic. Or indirectly, with the examples of crimes of Franco's rebels. Which could not have fought for so long , which could not have won, without the support of Hitler's Germany.
    And yet, from August of 1939 and until June 22, 1941 . Fascist Germany became an ally of the USSR, a victim of the Capitalist warmongers from England and France. So maybe the life in General Denikin's Capitalist Russia would not be as bad , as Stalin and other Communists said it would be.

    Ludmila remembered teachers in her Soviet school telling her and and other students, that the anti-revolutionary forces came to power in both England and France after the revolutions were were betrayed in those countries. And now the restoration of Capitalism is happening in Russia too . With the help of creatures from the outer Space = ''the Race''

    Note: According to the historians in the USSR, France stopped being ''a real republic'' after the death of Maximilien Robespierre in 1794. This point of view had an additional benefit, of allowing the Soviet Union from late 1930s, to ideologically support a war , which the Russian Empire fought against France in 1799.

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