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Thread: Spinous Age - Molt Imperium

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    BagaturSasha's Avatar Invictus
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    Default Spinous Age - Molt Imperium

    Spinous Period - Molt Imperium

    Here there will be another part of the World of Infinitas universe.
    Period 26000- 24000 BC, where the was sunrise of mighty but very evil Gosman Imperium power, also known as Spinous Empire or Koluchi.

    It was time of Nargon people first resistance against the mighty enemy. Time of war between Unburnt empire and Gosman radicals. Time of Elfurr first pacts with young human interstellar states.

    Here you will see the new chronology....

    Here you know why Gambra sector in Nargon many thousand years is a pain in head, and why its connected with old times of Gosman.

    Some parts of this info you saw in Hyperborean chronology. Now... hear the real truth.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 22, 2024 at 03:37 PM.

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    Who are the Gambrians:

    The Gambrians are a people of the Nargon-Gosmanite language family. They come from the time of the First Colonizations of the galaxy by the race of humans. No one knows exactly how humans populated the Flawless sector of the Milky Way. But already by 26,000 BC, the chronicles reported the presence of large interstellar states of this race, such as Gosman, the Unburnt Empire and the Invincible Power. Obviously, the Gambrians came from one of these interstellar countries.

    The Nargonians were inhabitants of the planet Nargon, steppe dwellers. So initially it was the ancestors of the Gambrians who ruled this planet. It is known that the Invincible Power fell apart due to civil strife. Gosman, on the contrary, grew, acquired technologies of the Sovi-lar race and started wars with neighboring states, including the Unburntg Empire. It all ended with the intervention of the Elfurr race and the fall of Gosman. After that, after thousands of years, Nargon raised its head.

    The Gambra area remained on this planet as the area of ​​residence of Gosman's descendants. In other words, it was there that the residence of Gosman's Gambrian governors was once located.

    Now hear how the rise of Gosman was.

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    Rise of Gosman

    History sometimes gives us not quite accurate information. Now historians simply don't know where was the first way of the Gosman rise. In the Nargon Unburnt historians university the popular theory says that it was near 27000-26000 BC (in Earth alliance number system).
    First Gosman civilization was very problematic and difficult in all aspects. Its way to colonization of the Flawless (Blameless) star sector was slow. But after some time first Gosman salminti (rulers) and scientists explored the sources of mighty extincted Sovi-lar race. This exploration gave to gosmanites new powers and abilities.

    In 26000 BC Gosman already was known as the mighty galactic state. Salminti council known as Prosvetlum declared the Molt Imperium. Gosman started to be the empire with strong nobles at power. Some centuries after nobles decided to elect the High Salminti - king of kings, ruler of rulers. New Pravlinti-dil-Gosman started to be Garangti. He concentrated the whole power in his hands. And afte r some years he became something like the absolute monarch. With the power growth of salminti, all society system in Gosman became more despotic. Simple citizen hadn't rights even to see the noble face. They who violated rules, were simply punished by any ways.
    Gosman became the example of totalitarian and half-theocratic dictature in the Milky Way.

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    Invincible Power destruction

    While Gosman was trying to declare his will in the known galaxy, its neighbor state with name Invincible power became divided and full of strife. Emperor Gislayar V hadn't got abilities to restore his state. Every month this or that planet declared the independence. Gosman Prosvetlum saw the situation in the neighbors territories. Salminti and high ruler understood that the expansion of these lands will not be the hard task. Soon Gosman pravlinti Serdar decided to make a full-scale invasion to Invincible Empire. Only 6 months were need for the Gosman fleets. Half of the power was almost immediately captured by invaders. People from there accepted Gosman, because they didn't want anymore to live in everytime strife. But they didn't understand that Gosman is not an option.

    Expansion of Gosman was very fast and other neighbours galaxy states explored the situation. Prosvetlum power gave to citizens of captured lands slavery, feudalism, absence of any rights and freedom. And this all would can expand in other parts of galaxy. First who was afraid of this, was the emperor of young Unburnt empire. He tried to make negotiations with Gosman. To see this state in status of ally was for him the good exit. Gosman Prosvetlum accepted this. There was declared an allied and trade pact between 2 interstellar powers. But as for peace between them... after some centuries Unburnt empire was disappointed because of its ancestors decision.

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    Molt Imperium globalization

    After the full annexation of Invincible empire systems, Gosman pravlinti Tagratagahbalanti (Tagrata) initiated the Special Colonization Program. Main task was the further expansion of the Milky Way galaxy. In that time in Gosman started to spread the new ideology, known as High Race Doctrine. It was supported by religious leaders. Gosmanites believed in the Absolute God of Chaos and Order. They drew it as the giant slim two-headed being. One head was chaos and destruction, second was order and power of good. Prosvetlum restricted to say about high God's gender. But with it the government spreaded the racists idea about supremacy of the human race. Gender doctrine was free like in other states, but racist things were really agressive. Neighbor states were afraid of rising power of the Gosman Molt Imperium.

    In the time of pravlinti Kudurmabug ideology was transformed to Light and Dark supremacy. Priests spreaded new religious sources about making chaos in galaxy with good missions and targets. All alien races in the Milky Way were declared as the unworthy and unholy creatures which were not in God's favour. This thing made an enmity between Gosman empire and alien states. And to say more, it made the relations between Gosman and other human states more cold and hard. Every school in Imperium learned the new aggressive doctrines. And every citizen grew aggressive and egoistic to other states and races.

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    Nargon planet status

    Nargon planet was earlier part of Invincible power. Its citizens were mostly steppemen. They came to Gosman without big pleasure. They were free people who didn't live in one place. Gosman learned nargonians to forget about nomadic style of life. In the Gambra region there was built a huge palace of planetary viceroy, who was the first representative of Prosvetlum in Nargon. Locals didn't like the gosmanites in power despite the almost similar language. They wanted to have independence. In the time of Invincible empire, nargonians had something like autonomy. After the Gosman annexation, they lost autonomy status and became ordinary citizens... without rights. Gosman government restricted to teach them how to fight with firepower weapons.

    In the ruling of pravlinti Waradsin, Nargon tribes Chief Shapur tried to rebel against the invaders. A lot of nargonians rose with head of their leader. They attacked gosmanites garrissons in Gambra and Hattusha regions of planet. But Waradsin sent more troops. Rebels were crushed and then punished with families. Shapur was killed very cruel - with help of "eviscerator" device in front of all his people. Gosman showed nargonians the mighty power of dictature. And locals didn't forget it.

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    Gosman anti-utopia

    Gosman Prosvetlum declared doctrines with mission to improve level of its citizens in all aspects. But in real truth, all became the simple thirstyness of power and control. Prosvetlum leaders said about wealth for all people. But there were a low number of rich citizens in Gosman. And these rich characters behaved like masters of all. In many planets existed the feudal system. Many "free people of Gosman" were enslaved. Peasants were under the full control of noble baians (senjors). Baians were able to throw away the peasants family, to forbid in payments and even to marry the daughter of the family head. Society of Gosman was very patriarchal and discriminated. Women were almost enslaved. The man was able to beat his wife or even to kill her if he thinks its need. The woman was just the sexual slave and "generator of children".
    All rebellious were punished by army without mercy. Merchants knew a lot the word of "baians land" and they payed a lot for every way to fly. Taxes were extremely high and awful.

    It was the Gosman state in the period of 25000 BC till the real end of this nightmare.
    Salminti of Prosvetlum and high leader lived without pain and frustration. They simply were happy because of their mighty powers and high positions in society. Army leaders were often so powerful like their masters. Salminti gave all privileges for army warlords and their families.
    "If you live in Gosman, just know, you are punished by Gods" - there was a proverb in that time.
    Neighbor Unburnt empire was more progressive in society form. People from there were always afraid that Gosman one day will come for their souls.

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    Wars with other races

    Racist ideology was the primary thing in Gosman power. Prosvetlum and Luci-ferium Church (global gosmanites confessors staff) fully supported discrimination politics and the supremacy of humans. All representatives of alien races had "non-grata" style. That's why many aliens decided to not connect with Gosman. Their embassies were closed even before the rise of this state. All connections between gosmanites and non-humans existed only in the distant networks without ambassadors. There were a lot of problems with Gosman colonization. Sometimes all ended the strikes between gosmanites colonists and those who also want to found settlements in planet or satellite. Prosvetlum anytime tried to blame others in aggressions.

    The most cruel war between Gosman and non-humans was in near 24000 BC. Bul'batel Hierarchy of insectoids tried to expand around their state. Conflicts between these insectoids and gosmanites were almost every time. But in the near 24k BC it was a huge and cruel war. Bul'batel councilium didn't like that Prosvetlum forces killed all life forms in 5 hives. It was in the system of Betwin. Bul'batel attacked colony fleets of Gosman and destroyed them. Prosvetlum found it as the real agression. In the war with Bul'batel gosmanites killed more then 60 million creatures. After that Gosman pravlinti Taglarabalandi decided to siege Amphora Primaris, the capital of aliens. Planet was under the "total annihilation". Gosmanites fully destroyed this race. Bul'batel ceased to exist. And this thing was very decisive for the neighbours of Gosman. All galaxy saw how cruel is power of Prosvetlum.

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    Rise of Gvadilti Suranam

    Gosman power was always radical and cruel. But near 24000 BC this all ended the most terrible dictators regime. Pravlinti Bayard Salmon was killed in the coup. Luci-ferium church decided to make its representative Gvadolti Suranam as the high leader of state. Half of Prosvetlum members were punished for different crimes. Church initiated the "sad truth" campaign against the former leaders. They all were blamed in corruption and vanquished in the Firestorm Temple. In truth these men were more then innocent. Just churchers wanted to make more power. Gvadilti reputation was very good in priests communities, so they made their choice. Suranam after his election started to punish all supporters of former regime. He killed more then 30 high members of government and their families too. Suranam wanted to see Gosman as the first galactic state. And the state without "unclean aliens".

    After 2 years Gosman started preparation of war with neighbor states. People in Unburnt empire were understanding that Gvadilti will come to them now or later. Unburnt emperor Rim-sin VI tried to do all he can. He didn't want the war with Gosman and he didn't want see his peoples death. Unburnt empire was always friendly with mighty Elfurr. Rim-sin understood that to have them as prior allies would be the great decision.
    Galaxy was going to new ... Very dangerous epoch. Epoch of cruel war with a lot of victims.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 24, 2024 at 07:31 AM.

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    Invasions to minor states

    Gosman state during its existence initiated more then 1000 invasions to planets with barbarian population or to planets with not-space-available races and nations. Gosmanites simply destroyed minor states and founded their colonies. Others who decided to join Gosman, became slaves of dictators empire. In the ruling of Suranam expansion got more faster and more agressive. For the strange form of ships and quite evil behavior neighbors called Gosman Imperium the Spinous Empire or Koluchi. Koluchi was the name from Unburnt empire. Unburnt emperor Rim-sin said that its name more good for explaining of the Gosman politics. Koluchi meant - Spinous or sharpest.

    Soon Gosman by the order of Prosvetlum destroyed civilization in the planet Dioscuris. There lived primitive creatures which named the far relatives of n'sai species. Gosmanites didn't have success with negotiations. So they decided to burn their world. Dioscuris locals absolutely didn't want to make themselves slaves of the "agressive foreigners".
    In Unburnt empire there were a lot of discussions of the Gosman politics against the aliens and minor states. Emperor Rim-sin heard a lot of information. And he understood that alliance with Elfurr is salvation.
    Elfurr kings accepted Allied Pact with Unburnt empire. It was the small but good success of Rim-sin.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 24, 2024 at 01:33 PM.

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    Beginning of war

    Pravlinti-dil-Gosman found the reason how to initiate the full military conflict with Unburnt empire. He thought a lot and he decided this problem. Prosvetlum initiated the program against the aliens in galaxy. Like the bad example teachers and propaganda adepts introduced for society the situation in Unburnt empire. Unburnt emperor Rim-sin was called as the anti-example, his people - blasphemic and unworthy. All knew that Unburnt empire was in good relations with alien powers. And not far time ago they declared an alliance with Elfurr. Gosman didn't know about the full information of pact. They thought they Elfurr will not support Unburnt if they will try to ask help. But it was the biggest mistake of Gosman.

    Gosman forced Unburnt empire to cease all former relations. Everytime insults and offensive work of gosmanites made its dirty job. Rim-sin informed pravlinti Suranam about broken relations. All embassies were closed. Trade has been stopped. Combined merchants companies ceased its job.
    Also Gosman prepared all military technologies to fight with neighbours. Fleets, battle vehicles, soldiers and even colosses-ultima (giant war machines based on Sovi-lar
    race technology) were ready for conflict.
    Soon its all ended the worst.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 25, 2024 at 06:28 AM.

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    Attack of the Restorum sector

    Gosman preparations took over 10 months. They concentrated near border systems more then 20 battlefleets. In the Amphora Primaris there was created the best and prior fleet with name "Vsesilni" (Almighty). Suranam wanted to crush Unburnt empire in some weeks.
    Attack of gosmanites was really very fast. The war has started without any words or declarations. Restorum sector of the Unburnt empire was sieged by 2 fleets of Gosman. All resistance and space citadels were crushed. Gosman rocket strike was so massive that half of the Restorum-2 (main planet of system) drowned in terrible fire. Gosman used the "Fire" warheads, which worked on the Sovi-lar race technology.

    Unburnt emperor Rim-sin knew about the invasion only after the Restorum death. Gosmanites killed more 500 millions of Unburnt citizens. Pravlinti Suranam called it the glorious event in history and the beginning of his "cleaning crusade". He sweared to all Gosman nation to purge the Unburnt empire for "dirty relations with unworthy aliens". Restorum sector was the first victory of gosmanites. Reinforcement fleet of Unburnt empire, which was sent by emperor, turned to space garbage.
    Rim-sin immediately called the Government Council and there discussed the critical situation. He was need to do something very effective against the cruel enemy.

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    Campaign of Doom

    Emperor Rim-sin concentrated his fleets in the Vologese star system. He entrusted command to Admiral Fortanis, a native of Nargon. Fortanis was the son of a merchant who decided to move to the Unburnt Empire. He led the fleet "Retribution" to attack the invaders' armadas. The admiral managed to defeat one of Gosman's fleets. But reinforcements did not allow him to deploy. In one of the battles, Fortanis died, losing 20,000 ships. The troops of the Unburnt Empire retreated. This allowed the invaders to capture not only 10 border star systems, but also to occupy Vologese. On Vologese, the Gosmanites created a real ghetto for the locals. They established a system of concentration camps in which prisoners died in the thousands. The empire's troops suffered defeat after defeat. Gosman's fleets crushed them all, thanks to universal technologies.

    At the same time, Nargon learned that a native of their planet had challenged Gosman. On the planet itself, discontent had been brewing for a long time. The Nargonians were unhappy with Gosman's dictatorship. Local elders secretly conspired about a possible uprising. But while the Gozmanites were strong, any attempts at resistance were doomed to failure. In that time there was born another Shapur. In future he started to be famous as Shapur II The Freedom Fighter. He sweared to Ormuzd and his Peri (angels) to throw away gosmanites from Nargon planet. And make a revenge for all.

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    Shapur Rebellion

    Nargon and Mirbah population hated the cruel war of Gosman. To say more, people of these planets for a long time thought about the freedom. To take part in foreigner wars was for them unforgiven and unworthy. Mirbah peasants tried to make the resistance against the mobilization but Gosman Prosvetlum sent troops to destroy the rebellion. Mirbah peasants lost over 30000 fighters. Others ceased to fight with Gosman and surrendered. But Nargon situation was more difficult for tyrannic Imperium.

    Nargon people didn't like high taxes and discrimination of them. Gosman rulers didn't accept for nargonians the heavy weapons. They were must fight only with swords and spears. In one battle with Unburnt empire Nargon lost 600000 soldiers in the fortress storm. Nargon elders organized the council and decided to stop take part in the Gosman war. Suranam heard about that and forced planetary viceroy to arrest elders. Viceroy was nargonian and declined the order. Soon planetary steward was arrested and punished. Police of Gosman found rebel elders and burned them for betrayal. Nargon people understood that this crime must not be forgiven. After some days nargonians organised massive demonstrations. Shapur was called their leader. Nargon locals demanded Gosman to leave their planet forever. Gosmanites garrissons tried to make fire but some of them accepted the rebel movement. Shapur created new elders council and declared the independence from Gosman imperium.
    Unburnt empire knew about that and organized massive counter attack against gosmanites. In one of battles Spinous forces lost 3 heavy fleets.

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    Nargon Resistance

    Shapur and his elders make the considered decision to declare an independence. Leader of rebellion was beloved by his people. That's because of his origins. Family of Shapur was noble and brave, and his ancient ancestor was Shapur I, legendary hero, who was killed by gosmanites. Shapur II Freedom Fighter wanted Nargon to be shahdom but he didn't plan to lead his planet. First he wanted to successfully beat all invaders from Gosman. Gosmanites were in wrath because of Nargon situation. They sent Punishers expedition to crush newborn state and return it to the Imperium.

    Shapur successfully protected his motherland from Gosman forces. All foreigner garrissons were destroyed. Planetary defense crushed Pinishers battlefleet. Nargon sent messages to Unburnt empire. Shapur and elders said that they are ready to help new allies to fight with invaders. Nargon revolution created the several episodes of rebellions. Mirbah has risen again. Then - Arthanli (Arthandir), Betwin, Carusa and others. Pravlinti Suranam was forced to cease his campaign in Unburn empire. All his fleets returned to home territories.

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    Elfurr empire intervention

    Elfurr empire introduced how dangerous was the power of Gosman. Anytime blames to other countries in unclean and heresy, anytime racism propaganda and the military agression with huge number of victims. Elfurr king of kings Sahura decided to make the full intervention to Gosman with help of allies. Soon Elfurr fleets appeared in the territory of Imperium. Gosmanites didn't have abilities to create good defense. Many systems simply bowed infront of Elfurr armadas. Governors and viceroys surrendered fast as they can. Suranam ordered to stop "sharp-ears invaders" by any choice.

    Gosman prepared strong fleet with name Vsesilni in Amphora Primaris sector. But Unburnt empire explored this thing and made an attack. Big fleets of rocket corvettes organised extremely heavy strike to enemy vessels and space docks. It was the real defeat, crushing and painful. Gosman lost half of its territory. Unburnt empire with help of Elfurr continued to invade enemy. Nargon and rebel worlds joined them with great pleasure. After some months new rebellions appeared, in the central worlds of Gosman.

    History sources didn't save true information about the fall of Gosman. After thousand years all chronicles started to write about Spinous empire (Gosman Molt Imperium) like about the extincted state. So it means that evil power ceased to exist after the invasion of Elfurr. Chroniclers said that Unburnt empire saved half of worlds from Gosman. And some info about Zarragen siege when Unburnt forces lost 3 million soldiers. But the emperor Rim-sin (and his relatives) didn't occupy all territories because they didn't want to sound like despots. They had let locals to choose their own governments.

    That was the end of Gosman power.
    And some thousand years after the age of Nargon Empire has started. Nargon Galactic state with huge central power and high level of technologies.

    Its also needs say about the destiny of Gosman planet, former capital of the imperium. Archaeologists made a theory that capital was under the big siege of Elfurr. And all remnants of former civilization were dead in the nuclear fire. Maybe with Suranam and his acolytes.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 26, 2024 at 10:04 AM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    Nargon legends

    All events of the war between Gosman and Unburnt empire came to Nargon epic poetry and legends. For example, two Shapurs are national heroes of this state. Statues of this character everyone can find in many planets and cities. Gosman planet is many thousand years are under control of Nargon. But because of nuclear war in past, this world didn't save monuments from the old ages. Gosmanites nation ceased to exist. It was divided to different nations with own languages, which were relatives to their ancestor lang. Gambrians is the example.
    After ages and thousand years in galaxy appeared nargon-gosmanite language family.

    For now in the XXVI century AD Nargon controls many planets. There is no Unburnt empire or Gosman or Mirbah. All these worlds are part of Nargon. But it doesn't mean that all is ok. Gambrians and people of Zarragen are mostly democratic and support Nargon government. But radicals have power almost everywhere. And in the XXVI century their movements became strong again. Radicals are dreaming about Gosman resurrection and galactic power without Coalition or other space unions.
    Anyway, its another story.

    As for legends, Nargon respect their myths. Many people for now think that ancient war with Gosman is also the myth and hasn't connections with reality. And they are absolutely wrong.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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    also author of the books "Fly", "Volcanorium" and other works too. Mostly specialized on fantasy.
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