Creative Workshop Competitions - Check out our sister competitions here on TWC! << Picture & Video Competitions | Tale of the Week | Writers' Study General Competitions | Graphics Workshop Competition >> Picture of the Week Submission RulesSubmissions must be from either the campaign map or the battle map of a Total War game or modification, and must have been taken by you.Submissions may be either edited or unedited screenshots. Edited refers to the use of software which modifies the graphical quality of the game for example lighting mods, GemFX or Photoshop.A submission may only be submitted once. It cannot be entered in multiple competitions, or resubmitted in a later competition.Invalid submissions such as animations, videos, renders, loading screens, cutscenes, or screenshots not taken by you will be removed.Submissions should be accompanied with the unedited original screenshot in 'spoiler' tags however this is not compulsory.In addition, it would be appreciated if you mentioned what game and mods were used in your submission.
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Rome 2 - Divide et Impera - Arverni
Mont-joye Saint-Denis ! Puisse mon épée éviscérer l'envahisseur étranger.
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