RFK Jr. is running as an independent because he wasn't going to gain the Democrat nomination for president, so he started calling himself an independent in 2023 at the age of 68 to run for president. The fifth Kennedy to try and run for president.
His grandfather was a "savvy" businessman only participated in the sale of alcohol when it was legal. Definitely not a bootlegger. Was also in the "let's appease Hitler at all costs" group. He used his Trump-like wealth to buy influence and secure an unelected position in the government, then again to have three sons of his elected as US senators: JFK, RFK, and Ted Kennedy, then another son US congressman.
One uncle, Joseph Kennedy Jr. fought in WII, though unfortunately was killed by possibly a defective bomb, he wasn't not in battle. His [and his father's] plans after the war was to run for president because his father/family were/are power hungry. Very shortly after Joseph Jr.'s death a destroyer was named after him. No ship was named after Jr.'s co-pilot, Wilford John Willy, who also died in the accident. Hmm, I wonder if his father's political connections and wealth had anything to do with it?
Ted Kennedy, a life-long alcoholic, drove off a bridge [drunk], killing the woman he was with, then fled the scene of the accident. He denied he was driving drunk, even though his problems with alcohol were known. He was threatened if he ever did it again, he'd get another stern warning, not even a slap on the wrist. Definitely his and his family's political connections and wealth played no part in his being declared innocent for the death of the female passenger. He went back to being a senator for Massachusetts and never showed any humility for taking another person's life.
RFK, another Kennedy senator that wanted to be president was hired by good ole JFK to be his AG. Then Dems have the audacity to criticize Trump for having family members a part of his cabinet (which admittedly I'm also not a fan of). As far as I know, no Trump children were given one the highest ranking government jobs in the US. That's not nepotism, that's just what Kennedys do.
RFK Jr. was born a Democrat with a golden spoon in his mouth (Trump had a silver). He's been pro-establishment his entire life, until it prevented him from securing even more political capital for himself. He's an actual felon, having been convicted for heroin possession shortly failing his New York bar exam and having to leave his position as assistant district attorney for Manhattan. He pleaded guilty to "a single" heroin possession, as if anybody believed it was his first time. He faced up to two years in prison, but got two years probation. Hmm... I wonder why? His act of caring about the environment is pathetic. He once worked for an organization called Riverkeeper, that was a basically an environmentalist organization (need to read more on it).
How can you claim to be an environmentalist when you have purposely hired a person who went to prison for violating environmental laws? If he wins, how many actual criminals will he put in his office because he's done it before?In 2000, a majority of Riverkeeper's board sided with Kennedy when he insisted on rehiring William Wegner, a wildlife lecturer and falcon trainer[37][30] whom the organization's founder and president, Robert H. Boyle, had fired six months earlier after learning that Wegner had been convicted in 1995 for tax fraud, perjury, and conspiracy to violate wildlife protection laws.[30][38] Wegner had recruited and led a team of at least 10 who smuggled cockatoo eggs, including species considered endangered by Australia, from Australia to the U.S. over a period of eight years.[37][30] He served 3.5 years of a five-year sentence and was hired by Kennedy a few months after his release from prison.[30] After the board's decision, Boyle, eight of the 22 members of the board, and Riverkeeper's treasurer resigned, saying it was not right for an environmental organization to hire someone convicted of environmental crimes and that it would hurt the organization's fundraising.[30][38]
Kennedy resigned from Riverkeeper in 2017, writing in his resignation letter that he had co-founded the organization.
When you're a millionaire and 3rd generation politician, you know nothing about middle or lower class people. He's never been hungry, he's never worried whether he'll be able to afford rent next month, only if he'll not get punished for his misdeeds.
He isn't just anti COVID vaccine, he's just anti vaccine. I was/am anti COVID vaccine because I know how the process works and I know what corners were cut, being trained in biochemistry with a focus on infectious and neurological diseases. Does Jr. think we beat polio in a fist fight and MMR just forfeited? He's like most people who don't know that the author of the paper that first linked autism with vaccines was being paid under the table by a drug and vaccine company to find other companies' products dangerous. This is a well known fact [EDIT: to hard scientists]. Women having children later in life is scientifically known to increase rates of birth defects, and women have been having children later and later in life. In the 50s the AHA was bribed by the grain farmers collective to find high grain diets healthier than one with high protein and fat (diabetes, heart disease, obesity also increased after this) I've read the papers and there's a reason the food pyramid changed relatively recently (scientifically speaking). Grain is no longer the base of the pyramid/diet, because actual scientists were complaining. My hypothesis is that the increase in autism started around the time wheat was found to be the primary food group humans should be consuming, followed by fruit and vegetables, when no other primate eats grain and chimps eat meat whenever they can get it, even cannibalizing other tribes. A pregnant women with a high grain diet might have a growing fetus that has an intolerance to gluten, causing the immune system to go crazy, get inflamed, and possibly cause the fetus brain damage. Just like how women shouldn't drink when they're pregnant.
The Kennedys are American aristocrats, they are the establishment, they are the ruling class. RFK Jr. isn't an independent, he would never have left the Democrat party if Democrat President Biden wasn't seeking another term. He's a liar that only looks after himself and other Kennedys.
I'm sure I've missed stuffed or interpreted it not 100% correct, but in a lot of pain and kind of hard to focus. Trump's felonies hurt no one, the banks that loaned him the money had no problem with it, but the NY attorney general did. Former Democrat New York AG and GOV Cuomo took Trump's side on CNN or MSNBC and said it was all BS and never happened if Trump wasn't running for president. Other business men have said they all do it, essentially admitting to the "crime" Trump was on trial for. The current NY AG has no plans to go the people opening admitting to what the AG thinks is a felony.
RFK Jr. should be glad he hasn't participated in a debate, the man has a lot of skeletons in his mansion's giant closet, and Trump would definitely call him out on it.