Edit : Yayyy. It works.
That said i have to point out some hiccup, i'm looking at Zengid and i see 6 Tawashi Cavalry in Highest tier of Stables and 2 Persian Speraman being accesible from tier 1 barracks while poor Arab Spearman only availbale at lv 2, require 35% islam and at 1 and the onpy way to imporve availability is to own large city. I think you overnerf Arab Spearman haha.
Berber has been reworked! Dissapointingly they are still expensive but now not as glaringly. Berber Spearman get buff in melee which fits but Berber Cavalry are still inferior to Jinetes but considering their role i guess not by much as they die yet kill quickly all the same :v
Edit : Norman remain somewhat untouched.
Aragon stables... :cry: