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Thread: The Constitution

  1. #1
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode Administrator
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    Default The Constitution

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    The Curia
    The Curia serves as an awards committee and advisory body to the site.

    The Curia includes the following areas;
    • CVRIA: The discussion & voting hub.
    • SYMPOSIVM: A citizens only section for general discussion, which hosts the following archives of historic content.
    • TWC's Living History Forum: A repository of events and threads of historic significance. This is hosted alongside Inactive Committees and Curia Procedures, respectively dedicated to old committees and old processes the Curia once used.
    • The Politia: A hidden section for local moderators of the Curia and the administration to coordinate as needed.

    Citizenship is the an award & usergroup granted by site members (other citizens) for contributions to the community. The requirements are: at least fifty posts, been registered for at least two months, and not receiving a Moderation Warning within the past six months. Candidates are proposed/sponsored by an existing Citizen (the Patron). Only one account per individual may have citizenship. Once citizens, users gain the additional rights to vote in the Curia, post in the Symposium, apply for curial office and patronize new citizens.

    Citizens may be proposed under one of the following badges: Artifex, signifying modding contributions; Civitate, signifying writing and debating contributions; and Citizen, signifying both or other contributions. It is their choice which badge & group they wish to hold at a given time; all are equal in curial process.

    An additional badge & group, Patrician is available for users who hold a Large Award (listed below) or have served as an Administrator for at least 6 months. This can be granted in addition to the standard citizen badge or accepted without citizenship. Accepting without citizenship does not confer the additional rights citizens hold.

    Citizens who receive an infraction by the moderation staff are removed from these groups, including Patrician until the infraction expires. There will be a 72 hour grace period to allow appeal; if taken up, removal is paused until the appeal has concluded.

    Curial Decisions
    The Curia votes on any decisions presented after three citizens have supported. A vote can be added by author request or when a Consul sees traction for the proposal. These decisions include but aren't limited to:
    • Granting an award;
    • Proposing a new citizen,
    • Requesting a change to the Curia;
    • Making a suggestion using Curia Vote instead of the Questions & Suggestions forum.

    After a 7 day voting period, a motion passes if it has 2/3rds support or more. The Hexagon Council reserves the right to veto Decisions.

    Decisions may be posted by any Full Member of the site, however only Citizens have voting rights.

    Curial Roles & Moderation
    The Curia is run by an appointed Consul, who acts as local moderator and clerk for Curial process. This Consul is expected to hold site moderator decorum and may access a dedicated Curia administrative hidden forum, but this is not a staff moderator position. The Consul is supported by volunteer administrators who grants awards and may assist in handling processes, including to issue infractions if required. If the need for more hands on deck arises the Curia can appoint additional local moderators by decision, either for the entire Curia or for a specific section (such as the Living History area).

    Within reason, the Administration gives a relaxed hand to the Curia due to its nature in discussing members for its Decisions. The Consul is expected to moderate fairly; removing off-topic or insulting/over-the-border content (with further action taken up by the administration if needed), but never suppressing reasonable discussion.

    Curial Awards
    The following awards are granted by a Decision of the Curia.

    Large Awards are granted for exceptional contributions to an area of the site and awardees may adopt Citizenship:
    • Divus - To achieve apotheosis, the nominee must have served as a Hexagon Council member (or previous equivalents), made a clear and distinguished contribution to the community, and provided exceptional service to TWC in their capacity as an administrator. Any former member of Administration is eligible, but they cannot be nominated within three months of resigning. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a six month period.
    • Novus - To qualify for the Novus award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the site in the capacity of a staff member. A current or former member of any branch of Staff is eligible to receive the award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.
    • Opifex - To qualify for the Opifex award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the Total War sections of the forum, either by modding or other contributions related to the those sections. Any member is eligible to receive the Opifex award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.
    • Phalera - To qualify for the Phalera award, the nominee must have made exceptional contributions to any section of the forum not covered by Opifex. Any member is eligible to receive the Phalera award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.
    • Asterix Loincloth - To qualify for the Asterix Loincloth award, the nominee must have demonstrated purity of mind and spirit on TWC, in the pursuit of humour and good times for all members. Any member is eligible to receive the Asterix Loincloth award. Nominees must also meet the criteria to become a Citizen. A nominee who fails the vote is not eligible to be nominated again for a three month period.

    Medium Awards are granted for significant contributions to an area of the site:
    • Curial Service Award - To qualify for the Curial Service Award, the nominee must have served the Curia with distinction as a Citizen for at least six months.
    • Modding Service Award - To qualify for the Modding Service Award, the nominee must have participated within a workshop section with distinction over the span of 6 months or released a hosted modification.

    Small Awards are granted for notable contributions to an area of the site:
    • Man of the Hour Award - Awarded by the Curia for a remarkable deed that benefited the TWC community.
    • Legio 501st Modder Award (Gold) - Awarded by the Curia for three or more actions matching a criteria from the following list:
      • releasing (including as part of a modding team) a mod or an update to one involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • creating or updating with new features a functional modding tool with instructions how to make it work;
      • creating a detailed and original tutorial containing relevant media(screenshots, video, code snippets);
      • creating resources for modding involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • performing a remarkable act which benefits the modding community.
    • Legio 501st Modder Award (Silver) - Awarded by the Curia for two actions matching a criteria from the following list:
      • releasing (including as part of a modding team) a mod or an update to one involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • creating or updating with new features a functional modding tool with instructions how to make it work;
      • creating a detailed and original tutorial containing relevant media (screenshots, video, code snippets);
      • creating resources for modding involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • performing a remarkable act which benefits the modding community.
    • Legio 501st Modder Award (Bronze) - Awarded by the Curia for one action matching a criteria from the following list:
      • releasing (including as part of a modding team) a mod or an update to one involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • creating or updating with new features a functional modding tool with instructions how to make it work;
      • creating a detailed and original tutorial containing relevant media (screenshots, video, code snippets);
      • creating resources for modding involving work estimated to have taken more than 6 hours;
      • performing a remarkable act which benefits the modding community.

    Note on the Legio awards: the Curia may count different remarkable modding sections of a mod independently.

    Note on the award icons size: small awards: less than 25 pixels in both dimensions; medium awards between 30 and 40 pixels in both dimensions; large awards, more than 40 pixels in both dimensions.

    The Constitution
    This Constitution is in place by decision of the administration and is intended to streamline the Curia from its original form in order to promote award giving and citizenship while trimming the inward bureaucracy of previous years. It may be amended either by further administrative decision or a curial decision. Further reference: the previous Constitution.

    Should there come a time when a more advanced Constitution is desired or needed and the administration agrees it is feasible, a Decision can be made and passed to instate it. Significant changes to this version will be notified in this thread, and minor formulative suggestions can be made anytime in the Townhall if they do not substantially alter the meaning or process of this document.

    Last edited by Dismounted Feudal Knight; July 24, 2024 at 08:22 AM. Reason: magistrate has been fully deprecated, header reintroduced, anchor fix
    With great power, comes great chonky dragons to feed enemies of the state. --Targaryens?
    Spoiler for wait what dragons?

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