Amore is making the madness
Do you know how it happens sometimes?
Love can be so strong that it blows your mind. It changes a person completely, changes his soul and body. and that's what happened to him. As soon as he met her, he fell madly in love. He was ready to love her day and night. Her beauty almost killed him. Her untral beauty.
But so long ago he complained that there was no love and cried loudly. Only later, when love came, he literally lost his mind. yes, it's truly cool when you're in love, but also scary. Yes, you are scared because you are out of control and the same thing happened to him.
When he fell in love after long months of waiting, he simply lost his head. He was literally blown away. There was a " tower", and then it up and disappeared and what was left began to act like pazzo.
Every day and every night he said to her face in his head: "Tu mi fai impazzire!", and he was right. Because this love made for him a real madness. Her beauty was fantastic. It was really unreal. Really unreal.
Her beauty was extremal! Her beauty was great! He didn't know the word to describevir.
You won’t believe it, but he changed so much that he stopped recognizing himself. his old self disappeared, giving birth to a new one. he was so in love that he could barely eat or drink. He did it mechanically. and his whole life and all his days turned into nothing but a continuous thought about her. she really turned his head. she struck him down like Paris's arrow. it pierced his heart and brain.
He was ready to kiss her everywhere: absolutely everywhere. was ready to kiss every mole on her body, every hair on her beautiful head or lower abdomen.
He couldn't sleep for an hour. He devoted every moment of his time to thoughts of her, but he could not confess to her. There was no way he could tell how much he loved her. That was his problem. His real problem.
He wanted her so much. He loved her. He wanted to kiss her body all day and all night. But he didn't tell it to her. He wanted it so kuch. But the horror of defeat anytime made him a block.
Because the love can hurt. Today you're thinking that you're happy and going to love her every day. And tomorrow the situation can change and make you a biggest pain. He had this experience and he knew what's can be.
So the love started to pain him. And he became the prisoner of it. And what is the future?
Now he is dying from the love. Amore is making him madness. And he can't stop it. He is thinking to say about love. He wants to say her "Te amo! Ti voglio bene veramente!" . But he can't do it. What's will be with him? Who knows....