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Thread: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

  1. #81

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    No turn results will be posted today, guys. I've already conducted the dice rolls though (so you can peek into the dice log to see how you fared). Note: rolling a [3] when battling rebels is now a victory due to new rules.

    These rule updates are taking effect this turn:

    #1: Easier rebels
    Rule changes highlighted in green below.

    Results when fighting rebel/bandit regions --
    0: Failure. -2 prestige. Counter-attack chance. -1 when attacking same region again.
    1: Failure. -1 prestige. Counter-attack chance. -1 when attacking same region again.
    2: Failure. +1 when attacking same region again.
    3 or 4: Success. Region conquered

    5 or 6: Success. Region conquered. +1 prestige
    7: Success. Region conquered. +2 prestige
    8: Success. Region conquered. +3 prestige

    #2: Improved fleets & Sea zones
    Any faction bordering a sea zone can attempt to build a fleet. Building a fleet takes a move, with the result being 1 to 3 no fleet is built and 4+ a fleet is built. If you roll a 7 or higher when building a fleet, you will receive a colossal fleet instead of a normal fleet. Colossal fleets will perform sea battles using 8-faced dice instead of 6-faced dice. If you own one or more cities in the sea zone, you will get a +1 bonus for building fleets there.

    A fleet enables the faction to attack regions from that sea zone as well as attempt to build another fleet in an adjacent sea zone. A faction can only have 1 fleet patrolling 1 sea zone (a faction can have as many fleets as there are sea zones).

    Instead of building a fleet, you may move a fleet from one sea zone to an adjacent sea zone. This takes a move and the result is a guaranteed success.

    If two factions that have fleets in the same sea zone begin a war, a battle is immediately fought between their fleets. A faction can attempt to build a fleet in (or move a fleet into) a sea zone patrolled by an enemy fleet, but if successful it will result in an immediate battle.

    Maritime supremacy Edict will now grant +1 to fleet build attempt. Also with this edict, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Sea zones boundaries have been updated and you will see it on the turn 9 map.

  2. #82
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Carthage will renovate again anyways
    The only self-discipline you need is to finish your sandwiches

  3. #83

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report

    264 B.C. (Turn 9)

    Move Results

    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    The construction of the grand city is to be celebrated....with new conquests! General Miltiades is given command of the northern expedition, which is to commence not from the capital region, but its first conquest, that is, the easternmost province.

    Gen. Miltiades leads his troops into tribal territory in the north.

    Move--Attack the region to the north of Baktria's eastern province (region next to the map border). Send a spy first (if possible).
    [4] Your spy manages to observe the enemy movements and reports back to General Miltiades. +1 bonus for attacking this region this turn.

    [2+1=3] Thanks to your spy you are able to (just barely) avoid defeat! The rebel region is conquered in a pyrrhic victory!

    Average roll: [3]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent (can be used again once Turn 12 starts)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Heliopolis (Royal Guard)

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    While Onomaris returned to Boiodurum, she ordered Bellovesus with his rested troups to conquer the land of a subtribe of the Volcae, who lived in the meander at the middle course of the Moenus (today: Main) river and were protected by the hillfort of Virtiobriga (=root of today Würzburg?).

    If the Boii controlled Virtiobriga the way would by open to the Rhenus River the trade gateway to Gallia.
    Your forces meet stiff resistance and the fighting is difficult for Bellovesus's troops. But the recent experience fighting other rebels makes the difference in battle, and your forces are eventually victorious! [2+1=3] A pyrrhic victory - the Volcae subtribe has be integrated into The Boii and the region has been conquered.

    Average roll: [3].
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (from 1 city)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Oppidum of Boiodurum (Royal Guard)

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    Carthage will try to secure the central Mediterranean. And since we can, may as well incite rebellion in the easternmost Roman province (don't tell them it was me)
    Renovation of the Great City of Carthage begins.
    [2]: 2 build points added.
    City renovation progress: [2/5]

    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (can be used again when turn 13 begins)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Carthage (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Chrysippus is kinda bored with the slow progress of the city construction. Therefore, he orders the works to be supervised by the Labour Chief Whip, neither Alan Cambell nor the Lord Kennedy of Southwark, but Poseidippus the Nine-Tails, the state-appointed head of the highest trade union of the kingdom with a PhD in flexible working relations and author of a thesis titled: ''Slavery: A Great Blessing or an Even Greater Blessing?''.
    The new supervisor somehow manages to double the effectiveness of the workers! Must be an inspiring dude and his underlings must totally love him. The city is nearing completion!

    [4]: 4 build points added.
    City of Chrysippopolis progress: [8/10]

    Average roll: [4]

    Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus (Lord of Cats)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Mithridates, stroking his pointed goatee, shakes his head in disappointment at the news. "Something needs to change. Summon my daughter to the throne room."

    Crown Princess Zenobia, aged 24, eldest daughter of King Mithridates the Poisoner (aged 46 now), strides into the chamber. She's a dark-haired and dark-eyed lady wearing a black leather outfit. Zenobia currently worked as the chief torturer interrogator of Pontus, which is why she always carried a whip at her hip. She loved using whips. Very soon she'd be awarded the epithet "the Cruel" just like her grandmother.

    Mithridates explained the situation to her, then said, "I'm placing you in command of the slave workforce. I want you to whip them into shape. Literally!"

    Zenobia bowed. "It would be my pleasure, father," she said with a grin.

    Mithridates chuckled. "I'm sure it will. And if you manage to complete the construction, I will officially bestow the epithet 'the Cruel' upon you."

    Zenobia thanks her father profusely and eagerly begins appointing taskmasters and handing out whips to them.

    Pontus' Move: Finish building the damn city.

    Zenobia manages to whip the slaves into shape and the final work is completed on the new city.
    [3]: 3 build points added.
    City of Amaseia progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    Construction of City of Amaseia has been completed! As years pass and news spreads to Kingdoms near and far, your faction's Prestige steadily increases. (As long as you control this city it will grant you +1 Prestige per turn)

    With the city complete, King Mithridates now sets in motion plans for territorial expansion and possible conflict with nearby surrounding powers. To prepare the Kingdom for future greatness he decides the time is ripe for funding and training agents in the art subterfuge. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [4] = Advanced Espionage (Revolutionary): Your Agents get +1 bonus when attempting to incite rebellions.).

    You've acquired a city, so you now unlock the use of a Secret Agent! Read about it in: "Advanced Rules" -> "Secret Agents"

    Average roll: [3].

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Amaseia (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    The recent progress on the construction of Rugium filled the citizens of Suebi with a sense of pride and confidence. Construction continues.
    Supply shortages make for some difficulties, but the inspired workers do the best with what they have. The city is so close to completion you can almost see it come alive!

    [1+1=2] 2 build points added.
    City of Rugium progress: [9/10]

    Average roll: [2]

    NPC Factions

    NPC move results (click to expand)


    Construction of Campus Aorsi continues in the capital.
    [3+1=4]: 4 build points added.
    City progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [4] = Advanced Espionage (Revolutionary): Your Agents get +1 bonus when attempting to incite rebellions.

    Average roll: [4]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Campus Aorsi (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    [3] Pyrrhic victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [1]

    Construction of the Great City of Thebes continues.
    [6]: 6 build points added.
    City progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to 2 rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Athens (Maritime Supremacy)

    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic victory! You have conquered the region.
    Average roll: [3]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Ambrasia (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)


    • 1 agent can be used again on turn 11.
    • Until turn 11 ends, additional +1 for next spy mission.

    Construction of Tyde continues in the capital.
    [4] build points added.
    City progress: [7/10]

    Average roll: [4]

    [1] Clear defeat! (-1 prestige, -1 for attacking this region next turn). Rebels attempt counterattack [3] but fail in their attempt.

    Average roll: [1]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Sarmizegetusa Regia (Royal Guard)

    Construction of the Great City of Camulodunum continues.
    [4+1=5] build points added.
    City progress: [10/10]- Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [1] = Royal Guard: Your capital has +1 defense when attacked, and enemy Agents have a -2 penalty when conducting Missions in your capital. Additionally, you are able to move your capital for FREE (meaning you don't have to use a Move) once every 10 turns.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Camulodunum (Royal Guard)

    [6+1=7] Heroic victory! The region is conquered. +2 Prestige.
    Average roll: [7]: +1 for up to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    Great City of Nisa construction continues in the capital.
    [3] build points added.
    City progress: [10/10]- Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [1] = Royal Guard: Your capital has +1 defense when attacked, and enemy Agents have a -2 penalty when conducting Missions in your capital. Additionally, you are able to move your capital for FREE (meaning you don't have to use a Move) once every 10 turns.

    Average roll: [3]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Nisa (Royal Guard)

    [3+1=4] Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Pergamum (Maritime Supremacy)

    [5+1=6] Clear victory! The region is conquered (+1 prestige).

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Roma (Royal Guard)

    Scythian Confederation
    Construction of the Great City of Gelonus continues.
    [5+1=6] build points added.
    City progress: [10/10] A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [6] = Drillmaster: Every 5 turns, you are able to do 1 extra move. (Ability is not automatically activated. If you want to use this buff, you must explicitly say so in your turn. Example: “Build a fortification in Sparta, and with my extra move from Drillmaster Edict, attack North.”)

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Gelonus (Drillmaster)

    Seleucid Empire
    Construction of the Antioch continues.
    [2] build points added.
    City progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Average roll: [3]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Antioch (Maritime Supremacy)

    [2]: Close defeat. +1 to attack the rebels here next turn.

    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities and Edicts:
    --Sparta (Maritime Supremacy)

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link


    No Current Treaties

    Current Map
    For additional faction info click here.

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 10 has started, players may now post their moves. For general discussion or comments/suggestions regarding rules please use the social group.

    New rules have been applied:

    #1: Easier rebels
    Rule changes highlighted in green below.

    Results when fighting rebel/bandit regions --
    0: Failure. -2 prestige. Counter-attack chance. -1 when attacking same region again.
    1: Failure. -1 prestige. Counter-attack chance. -1 when attacking same region again.
    2: Failure. +1 when attacking same region again.
    3 or 4: Success. Region conquered

    5 or 6: Success. Region conquered. +1 prestige
    7: Success. Region conquered. +2 prestige
    8: Success. Region conquered. +3 prestige

    #2: Improved fleets & Sea zones
    Any faction bordering a sea zone can attempt to build a fleet. Building a fleet takes a move, with the result being 1 to 3 no fleet is built and 4+ a fleet is built. If you roll a 7 or higher when building a fleet, you will receive a colossal fleet instead of a normal fleet. Colossal fleets will perform sea battles using 8-faced dice instead of 6-faced dice. If you own one or more cities in the sea zone, you will get a +1 bonus for building fleets there.

    A fleet enables the faction to attack regions from that sea zone as well as attempt to build another fleet in an adjacent sea zone. A faction can only have 1 fleet patrolling 1 sea zone (a faction can have as many fleets as there are sea zones).

    Instead of building a fleet, you may move a fleet from one sea zone to an adjacent sea zone. This takes a move and the result is a guaranteed success.

    If two factions that have fleets in the same sea zone begin a war, a battle is immediately fought between their fleets. A faction can attempt to build a fleet in (or move a fleet into) a sea zone patrolled by an enemy fleet, but if successful it will result in an immediate battle.

    Maritime supremacy Edict will now additionally grant +1 to fleet build attempt. Also with this edict, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Sea zones have been altered on the map.

    A fleet is now required to navigate the seas. Factions cannot travel the sea without a fleet (old "traverse" rule removed)

    Other updates due to new Naval rules

    Updated Edict
    [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Updated Achievement
    Naval Dominance: Own a fleet in 12 sea zones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Wow, I'm having really bad luck in this game. I'll stick around to see what edict finally gets passed, but after that... we'll see.
    Hey, you can always switch back to Scythia. (We'll all pretend you were playing Scythia the whole time)

    Edit: btw, thanks for the smaller sea zones suggestions, I think it makes a lot of sense!
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 16, 2023 at 12:24 PM. Reason: formatting, proofreading

  4. #84
    NobleWoman's Avatar Campidoctor
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Keep Guessing

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Gen Miltiades moves west and attack the tribesmen refusing to bow before Baktria.

    Move--attack region to the west of the newly conquered region.

    @GM--I will be away for a few days, so just keep taking territory to the west till the Parthian border is reached. Then take regions to the north.

  5. #85
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Boii

    With the way open for expanding further westwards Onomaris marched with her rested army in the region of the subtribes of the Volci, who live between Rhön, Vogelsberg, Spessart Mountains and the Werra river in the North..

    The army was heading to Milsibriga (after a mythical giant called Mils?). Milsibriga was a important oppidum, the gate for the trade with the germanic tribes north. The army had a by the celtic light cavalry well guarded supply train for a long siege of the oppidum.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tFADgEZ.png 
Views:	3 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	369216
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  6. #86
    High Fist's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Carthage will continue renovating until morale improves
    The only self-discipline you need is to finish your sandwiches

  7. #87
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Even though Scythia got a really good edict, I'll stick with Pontus since I'm having fun role-playing a gratuitously evil kingdom.

    ~ Pontus ~

    In the dark kingdom by the dark sea...

    The Royal Palace at Night

    Crown Princess Zenobia is awarded the epithet "the Cruel" for whipping the slave workforce into enough shape to complete the construction. Now the question is, what is to be done with the slaves? King Mithridates the Poisoner holds a council meeting to discuss various options. The only light came from a chandelier above the table.

    Zenobia suddenly bursts into the chamber. "Father! I've discovered a secret about the king of Colchis." She explains that she'd been torturing interrogating a captured royal courtier from Colchis. "He says the Golden Fleece has returned to Colchis. That the king is hiding it in his vault."

    Mithridates strokes his goatee. "The Golden Fleece has returned? It is said to grant power, prosperity, and health. Well, we must certainly acquire it for ourselves. Councilors, I have decided to use the slaves to build transport galleys for our army. Our navy will escort these transports to the shores of Colchis and there our army will conquer that kingdom and find the Golden Fleece." He turns to his eldest son, also named Mithridates, and says, "You'll command this army, my son."

    Prince Mithridates, aged 22, is muscles upon muscles, dominating the room with his bulk, and wears a lion's pelt over his head and tunic. He is thrilled to be given his first military command. "I'll return home with the fleece in my arms, father," he says with a bow. "But can I take Leonidas with me?"

    Mithridates blinks. "Who?"

    "Leonidas. My pet tiger."

    "Oh, right." Mithridates remembers buying a tiger cub from an Indian merchant for his son. He shrugs. "Sure."

    One of the councilors laughs. "Tigers don't belong on boats, young prince. And you shouldn't need a pet with you, like you're a child." The other councilors chuckle and say the army needs to be commanded by a man.

    Glaring, Prince Mithridates claps his hands. A tiger leaps out of the shadows and sinks its teeth into the councilor's neck. The others begin running and screaming but they can't find the exits in the darkness. The tiger slaughters them one-by-one and then enjoys a hearty meal. Zenobia laughs. "Good kitty." Mithridates sighs. "I need better councilors."

    Pontus' Move
    From the sea, Pontus attacks the region between the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains.

  8. #88

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Chrysippus is slightly pleased. Please proceed with finishing the construction of the great city. All the public buildings (so all the city's buildings) should be decorated with painted mural reliefs of cute little crocodiles holding whips and motivating labourers, proletarians, trade unionists and other miscreants to work harder, harder and a bit even harder.

  9. #89

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Suebi pushes to complete the city.

  10. #90

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 10 NPC moves

    NPC moves
    The Aorsoi Confederation sends a Secret Agent to spy on the rebel region indicated on the map, and invades from the eastern region.

    Arverni attacks the rebel region indicated on the map.

    Athens builds a fleet in the Aegean Sea.

    Epirus attacks along the Adriatic coast.

    Gallaeci continues construction of the city of Tyde.

    Getae sends a Secret Agent to spy on the rebels bordering its capital, and invades from the eastern region.

    Iceni sends a Secret Agent to spy on the rebels bordering its capital, and invades from the northern region.

    Macedon attacks rebels bordering its capital.

    Parthia sends a Secret Agent to spy on the rebels bordering its capital, and invades from the southern region.

    Pergamon builds a fleet in the Aegean Sea.

    Rome sends a Secret Agent to spy on the rebels bordering its capital, and invades from the eastern region.

    The Scythian Confederation uses Drillmaster edict. It uses both moves to attack into the Crimean peninsula.

    The Seleucid Empire attacks a rebel region as indicated in the map.

    Sparta will attempt (again) to conquer the last remaining rebel region nearby. It will also send a spy this time.

    NPC Moves Map

    NPC Attacks are indicated in cyan.

  11. #91

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    End of Year Report

    263 B.C. (Turn 10)

    Move Results

    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    Gen Miltiades moves west and attack the tribesmen refusing to bow before Baktria.

    Move--attack region to the west of the newly conquered region.

    @GM--I will be away for a few days, so just keep taking territory to the west till the Parthian border is reached. Then take regions to the north.
    General Miltiades crushes any resistance from the local tribesmen. [5] Victory! The region is conquered and the locals now pay tribute to your Kingdom (+1 Presitge)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one roll next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent (can be used again once Turn 12 starts)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Heliopolis (Royal Guard)

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    With the way open for expanding further westwards Onomaris marched with her rested army in the region of the subtribes of the Volci, who live between Rhön, Vogelsberg, Spessart Mountains and the Werra river in the North..

    The army was heading to Milsibriga (after a mythical giant called Mils?). Milsibriga was a important oppidum, the gate for the trade with the germanic tribes north. The army had a by the celtic light cavalry well guarded supply train for a long siege of the oppidum.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tFADgEZ.png 
Views:	3 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	369216

    The army marches on and faces a challenging siege of the enemy's oppidum. The enemy is weakened as the days pass and their supplies run short. The enemy makes several attempts to rally out and inflict losses on the Boii troops, hoping to break the siege - thankfully with a secure supply line you are able to replenish losses and equipment while maintaining army morale. Sensing impending defeat, the Volci subtribes who are holed up in the settlement finally surrender and hope for mercy from the Boii. [4] Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [4].
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (from 1 city)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Oppidum of Boiodurum (Royal Guard)

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    Carthage will continue renovating until morale improves
    Renovation of the Great City of Carthage continues. Morale remains steady, and the city's renovation will certainly be complete next year!
    [2]: 2 more build points added.
    City renovation progress: [4/5]

    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (can be used again when turn 13 begins)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Carthage (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Chrysippus is slightly pleased. Please proceed with finishing the construction of the great city. All the public buildings (so all the city's buildings) should be decorated with painted mural reliefs of cute little crocodiles holding whips and motivating labourers, proletarians, trade unionists and other miscreants to work harder, harder and a bit even harder.
    The workers begin to decorate the city with painted mural reliefs of the beloved crocodiles in addition to great carvings as monuments to your empire's glory, but somehow a rabble-rouser manages to convince a sizeable portion of the workforce to strike! The beautiful, nearly-complete city is now being vandalized by incensed workers. How... dare... they!
    [1]: 1 build points added.
    City of Chrysippopolis progress: [9/10]

    Average roll: [1]

    Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus (Lord of Cats)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post
    Crown Princess Zenobia is awarded the epithet "the Cruel" for whipping the slave workforce into enough shape to complete the construction. Now the question is, what is to be done with the slaves? King Mithridates the Poisoner holds a council meeting to discuss various options. The only light came from a chandelier above the table.

    Zenobia suddenly bursts into the chamber. "Father! I've discovered a secret about the king of Colchis." She explains that she'd been torturing interrogating a captured royal courtier from Colchis. "He says the Golden Fleece has returned to Colchis. That the king is hiding it in his vault."

    Mithridates strokes his goatee. "The Golden Fleece has returned? It is said to grant power, prosperity, and health. Well, we must certainly acquire it for ourselves. Councilors, I have decided to use the slaves to build transport galleys for our army. Our navy will escort these transports to the shores of Colchis and there our army will conquer that kingdom and find the Golden Fleece." He turns to his eldest son, also named Mithridates, and says, "You'll command this army, my son."

    Prince Mithridates, aged 22, is muscles upon muscles, dominating the room with his bulk, and wears a lion's pelt over his head and tunic. He is thrilled to be given his first military command. "I'll return home with the fleece in my arms, father," he says with a bow. "But can I take Leonidas with me?"

    Mithridates blinks. "Who?"

    "Leonidas. My pet tiger."

    "Oh, right." Mithridates remembers buying a tiger cub from an Indian merchant for his son. He shrugs. "Sure."

    One of the councilors laughs. "Tigers don't belong on boats, young prince. And you shouldn't need a pet with you, like you're a child." The other councilors chuckle and say the army needs to be commanded by a man.

    Glaring, Prince Mithridates claps his hands. A tiger leaps out of the shadows and sinks its teeth into the councilor's neck. The others begin running and screaming but they can't find the exits in the darkness. The tiger slaughters them one-by-one and then enjoys a hearty meal. Zenobia laughs. "Good kitty." Mithridates sighs. "I need better councilors."

    Pontus' Move
    From the sea, Pontus attacks the region between the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains.

    The invasion force lands near the Caucasus and the army, lead by Prince Mithridates, moves into the region. The troops have heard rumors of what had happened to the some members of the King's council and they stay clear of the Prince's pet and are quick to obey his commands. Word reaches the King of Colchis who hastily summons troops for defending the palace. Unfortunately for him this is too little too late. The enemy is wholly unprepared for this large invasion force and so the meager garrison is quickly overwhelmed. [5] Victory! The Kingdom of Colchis is now under Pontic rule, and the secret in the palace vault within Mithridates's grasp... (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one roll next turn.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Amaseia (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    Suebi pushes to complete the city.
    [3] 3 build points added.
    City of Rugium progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    Construction of City of Rugium has been completed! As years pass and news spreads to Kingdoms near and far, your faction's Prestige steadily increases. (As long as you control this city it will grant you +1 Prestige per turn)

    With the city complete, Jade the Fisticuffs now sets in motion plans to improve the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the Kingdom to assist its territorial expansion. She decides the time is ripe for sending agents to nearby tribes to learn their ways, gain their trust, and eventully aid you in their future conquest. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [2] = Advanced Espionage (Double-Agent): Your Agents get +1 bonus when sent on spy missions).

    You've acquired a city, so you now unlock the use of a Secret Agent! Read about it in: "Advanced Rules" -> "Secret Agents"

    Average roll: [3]

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Rugium (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    NPC Factions

    NPC move results (click to expand)


    [5]: Spy mission success! +1 for invading this region.
    [6+1=7] Heroic victory! The region is conquered. +2 Prestige.

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Campus Aorsi (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    --Agent can be used again once turn 13 starts.

    [1] Defeat! -1 for attacking the region next turn, -1 prestige.
    Average roll: [1]

    [5+1+1=7] A colossal fleet is constructed in the Agean Sea!

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Athens (Maritime Supremacy)

    [2] Close defeat. +1 for invading next time.
    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Ambrasia (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 11.
    • Until turn 11 ends, additional +1 for next spy mission.

    Construction of Tyde continues in the capital.
    [1] build points added.
    City progress: [8/10]

    Average roll: [1]

    [1] Spy mission epic fail! -1 for next spy mission within 3 turns.
    [6] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige

    Average roll: [6] +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Sarmizegetusa Regia (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.
    • Until turn 13 ends, -1 for next spy mission.

    [6] Spy mission success! +1 to invasion, +1 next time spy mission is conducted within 3 turns.
    [6+1+1=8] Legendary victory! The region is conquered. +3 Prestige

    Average roll: [8]. +1 to three dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Camulodunum (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.
    • Until turn 13 ends, +1 for next spy mission.

    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for invasion attempt until next turn.
    Average roll: [2]


    [3] Spy mission success! +1 for invasion attempt until next turn.
    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Nisa (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.

    [2+1=3] No fleet is constructed.
    Average roll: [3]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Pergamum (Maritime Supremacy)

    [3] Spy mission success! +1 for invasion attempt.
    [1+1+1=3] Pyrrhic victory. The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Roma (Royal Guard)

    Scythian Confederation
    [1+1=2] +1 for invasion attempt until next turn.
    Extra move from Drillmaster: [1+1=2] +1 for invasion attempt until next turn.

    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Gelonus (Drillmaster)

    • Drillmaster edict can be used again once turn 15 starts

    Seleucid Empire
    [5] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Antioch (Maritime Supremacy)

    [3]: Spy successful! +1 for attacking this turn.
    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities and Edicts:
    --Sparta (Maritime Supremacy)

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link


    No Current Treaties

    Current Map
    For additional faction info click here.

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 11 has started, players may now post their moves. For general discussion or comments/suggestions regarding rules please use the social group.

    Thanks to persistent lobbying from NobleWoman and Lord of Cats, rebels have been made even easier to defeat. Read below:

    #1: EVEN EASIER rebels

    Rebels can no longer counterattack if [1] is rolled. They can only attempt counterattack if you roll [0].

    Additionally, Secret Agent spy missions vs Rebel-owned regions are made easier. Updates in Green and Red:
    • 0: = Legendary Failure: -1 penalty to your next spy mission in the next 3 turns, -1 penalty for attacking this region this turn.
    • 1: = Epic Failure: -1 penalty to your next spy mission in the next 3 turns, -1 penalty for attacking this region this turn.
    • 2: Failure
    • 3-5: Success: +1 bonus if you attack this region this turn
    • 6: Success: +1 bonus if you attack this region this turn, +1 bonus next time you perform a spy mission in the next 3 turns
    • 7: Success: +2 bonus if you attack this region this turn, +1 bonus if you decide to perform another spy mission in the next 3 turns

    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 17, 2023 at 08:53 AM.

  12. #92

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Alright, Chrysippus accepts the strike stoically. He requests from Poseidonius the Nine-Tails to use the bones of the strikers as the foundation element for the city.

  13. #93

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Turn 11 NPC moves

    NPC moves
    Until futher notice, the Aorsoi Confederation attacks rebel regions indicated on the map, starting from the North.

    Until futher notice, Arverni attacks the rebel regions indicated on the map, starting from the North.

    Athens constructs a warfleet in the Ionian Sea.

    Epirus attacks along the Adriatic coast once again.

    Gallaeci continues construction of the city of Tyde.

    Until further notice, Getae attacks the rebels as indicated on the map, starting from the north.

    Until futher notice, Iceni attacks the rebel regions as indicated in the map below, starting from the North-east and moving south.

    Macedon attacks rebels bordering its capital again.

    Until further notice, Parthia attacks the rebels bordering its capital, then moves south & west as indicated in the map.

    Pergamon attempts to construct a fleet in the Aegean Sea (again).

    Until further notice, Rome attacks rebels as indicated on the map, starting from the north.

    The Scythian Confederation attacks into the Crimean peninsula again.

    Until further notice, the Seleucid Empire attacks rebel regions as indicated in the map below, starting from the north.

    Sparta attempts to build a fleet in the Aegean Sea.

    NPC Moves Map
    NPC Attacks are indicated in cyan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Alright, Chrysippus accepts the strike stoically. He requests from Poseidonius the Nine-Tails to use the bones of the strikers as the foundation element for the city.
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 17, 2023 at 01:25 PM.

  14. #94

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    With the completion of the Great City of Rugium, Jade sets her sights on the surrounding regions. She sends an agent to spy on the rebel region directly north of the region containing Rugium and attacks the region by land.

  15. #95
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    ~ Pontus ~

    Jason with the Golden Fleece

    Prince Mithridates returns home victorious and lays the Golden Fleece at his father's feet. The new councilors think it looks suspiciously like some wool was dyed yellow and then glued to a ram's skull and some hooves, but they wisely say nothing. King Mithridates the Poisoner congratulates his son and then holds a council meeting.

    At this meeting, the question of what to do with the vast slave workforce is brought up again.
    "I think they should be released, to reward them for the good work they did on the transport galleys," says Prince Pharnaces, the youngest son of Mithridates. He is a handsome lad of 20 years. Some councilors nod their heads at his suggestion, but the rest of the royal family look at Pharnaces like he has three eyes.
    "That's stupid," King Mithridates says. "We're about to go to war against a major power. The last thing we would do is dissolve a competent labor force. No, we'll have the slaves build a paved road southwards for our army."
    "Who are we going to war against?" Pharnaces asks apprehensively. He didn't like bloodshed or the screams of dying men.
    "The Seleucid Empire. Oh, speaking of which, will someone summon my chief ambassador here?"
    When the ambassador arrives, King Mithridates hands him a scroll. "Send this to King Antiochus the Tidy. It's my official declaration of war on that clean bastard." The ambassador bows and departs.
    "Shouldn't we have debated going to war first?" Pharnaces asks.
    "No. I'm king. I decide when we go to war."
    "Then... why are we here?"
    "To plan the war. By the darkness, you're slow!"
    Princess Zenobia pipes up. "I have finished training an agent for you, my father. Her name is Zela and she has a plan to incite a rebellion within the Seleucid Empire."
    "Excellent. Send her to the northern-most region of our enemy, the region that borders our kingdom, to have it fall back into anarchy. What's her plan?"
    Zenobia grins. "Zela will seduce the Seleucid garrison commander, make him feel he's the greatest man to walk the earth since Hercules, and convince him to march against the Seleucid king. If it seems he might defeat the king, Zela will simply kill that commander. Either way, the Seleucids will lose control of that region."
    Mithridates laughs his iconic laugh. "I love it! In the meantime, I and my son will lead the Pontic army to the southwest to crush the rebels there." He unrolls a huge map onto the table.

    "As you can see, the plan is to reach the Cilician Gates. From there we'll strike directly at Antioch."

    Later that night, King Mithridates receives a messenger who informs him about the going ons of other great powers. The messenger informs him that King Chryssipus of Egypt is using the bones of his striking workers to build the foundations of city buildings. "Huh, I should have thought of that," Mithridates says, stroking his goatee. "I think Chryssipus of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and I would get along quite well. Perhaps I should consider making an alliance with him?"

    Pontus' Move
    Send an agent to incite a rebellion in the region marked by orange arrows on the map. Attack the colored region on the map. And declare war on the Seleucid Empire.

  16. #96
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Deep within the dark german forest

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    The Boii

    Onomaris hold a council of war with the great nobles of the Boii.

    "Where should we expand next to?" she asked.

    Into the territory of the Taunensii, which are living along the lower course of the Moenus and its grear tributary Nidda?

    Or should we march into the Taunus mountains, where the other tribes of the Taunensii are living in great oppida like Artaunon?

    "First we should separate the Taunensii from the Helvetii south and take control of the trade on the Moenus river to the Rhenus river," said Bellovesos.

    Onomaris nodded.

    "So shall it be. But let Boiorix, our spy, spying where their warriors and fortification are. Then send our army,"

    Boiorix left for the territory of the Taunensii. A few days latter followed the army with Bellovesos.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7ctb88xt.png 
Views:	6 
Size:	15.4 KB 
ID:	369220
    Last edited by Morticia Iunia Bruti; July 18, 2023 at 05:41 AM.
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

  17. #97

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Political Intrigue

    264 BC (Turn 11)

    Declaration of War
    • The Kingdom of Pontus has declared war on the Seleucid Empire!

    • The Seleucid empire sends an emissary to Athens in an attempt to form an alliance to help in the war effort (-1 Prestige for Seleucids)
    • [4] Athens accepts

    Declaration of War
    • Athens, in support of its ally the Seleucid Empire, declares war on the Kingdom of Pontus!
    • They will lend military support only if they can afford to do so. OOC: Athens will attempt to involve itself in the war unless their home territory is threatened. They will prioritize defending their home territory over helping an ally. If another faction (Sparta, Macedon, etc) declares war on them, Athens will be forced to remain in Greece and defend.

    Rebellion Attempt!

    An agent has attempted to incite a rebellion in the Seleucid empire, but failed! [1+1=2] The individual has been revealed as agent of Pontus. (-1 Prestige)

    NPC Move change (Turn 11)

    Due to the declaration of war the Seleucid empire changes its move. It now attacks the rebels bordering Pontus (marching north-east from the site of the attempted rebellion).

  18. #98

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Pontic-Seleucid War of 262 B.C.

    Relations between these factions have deteriorated and they have resorted to warfare to settle their differences.
    The Seleucid Empire cements an alliance with Athens to aid them against the Kingdom of Pontus.
    But tensions in the Peloponnese remain high, with Sparta in particular seeking any opportunity to overtake its historical rival... should another faction persuade them, they may be inclined to invade Athens!

    End of Year Report

    262 B.C. (Turn 11)

    Current map below. For additional faction info click here.

    Move Results

    Dice rolls log (link)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Note: you don't need an account to view this. Just scroll to the bottom and click the "Try Rolz" button:

    And once you enter the dice room, be advised that the default view will not show all dice rolls. To view the entire dice log click this button:

    Greco-Baktrian Kingdom (NobleWoman)

    Quote Originally Posted by NobleWoman View Post
    Gen Miltiades moves west and attack the tribesmen refusing to bow before Baktria.

    Move--attack region to the west of the newly conquered region.

    @GM--I will be away for a few days, so just keep taking territory to the west till the Parthian border is reached. Then take regions to the north.
    [6+1=7] Heroic Victory! The region is conquered. (+2 Presitge)

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one roll next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent (can be used again once Turn 12 starts)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Heliopolis (Royal Guard)

    The Boii (Morticia Iunia Bruti)

    Quote Originally Posted by Morticia Iunia Bruti View Post
    Onomaris hold a council of war with the great nobles of the Boii.

    "Where should we expand next to?" she asked. Into the territory of the Taunensii, which are living along the lower course of the Moenus and its grear tributary Nidda? Or should we march into the Taunus mountains, where the other tribes of the Taunensii are living in great oppida like Artaunon?

    "First we should separate the Taunensii from the Helvetii south and take control of the trade on the Moenus river to the Rhenus river," said Bellovesos.

    Onomaris nodded. "So shall it be. But let Boiorix, our spy, spying where their warriors and fortification are. Then send our army," Boiorix left for the territory of the Taunensii. A few days latter followed the army with Bellovesos.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	7ctb88xt.png 
Views:	6 
Size:	15.4 KB 
ID:	369220

    [4] The agent gathers information on the location of enemy warriors and weaknesses in their fortifications and defenses. +1 bonus for attacking this turn.
    [4+1=5] A clear victory for the Boii! Your army is easily able to outmaneuver the enemy due to the intelligence gathered by your spy. +1 Prestige.

    The army marches on and faces a challenging siege of the enemy's oppidum. The enemy is weakened as the days pass and their supplies run short. The enemy makes several attempts to rally out and inflict losses on the Boii troops, hoping to break the siege - thankfully with a secure supply line you are able to replenish losses and equipment while maintaining army morale. Sensing impending defeat, the Volci subtribes who are holed up in the settlement finally surrender and hope for mercy from the Boii. [4] Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (can be used again when turn 14 begins)
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts
    --Oppidum of Boiodurum (Royal Guard)

    Republic of Carthage (High Fist)
    Quote Originally Posted by High Fist View Post
    Carthage will continue renovating until morale improves
    Renovation of the Great City of Carthage continues.
    [6]: build points added.
    City renovation progress: [5/5] = Complete!

    Renovation of Carthage has been completed, and they have set in motion plans to improve the naval capabilities of the Republic to assist its future ambitions. They have built a grand harbour and invested in the Carthaginian navy in preparation for conflict with other Mediterranean powers. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.)

    Average roll: [6]
    . +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (can be used again when turn 13 begins)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Carthage (Maritime Supremacy)

    Egypt - Ptolemaic Dynasty (Abdülmecid I)

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    Alright, Chrysippus accepts the strike stoically. He requests from Poseidonius the Nine-Tails to use the bones of the strikers as the foundation element for the city.
    With the strike put down, the remaining workers hastily finish building the city...

    [2] build points added.
    City of Chrysippopolis progress: [10/10] - Complete!

    Construction of City of Chrysippopolis has been completed! As years pass and news spreads to Kingdoms near and far, your faction's Prestige steadily increases. (As long as you control this city it will grant you +1 Prestige per turn)

    King Chrisippus now sets in motion plans for territorial expansion and possible conflict with nearby surrounding powers. To prepare the Kingdom for future greatness he decides the time is ripe for funding and training agents in the art subterfuge. (A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [4] = Advanced Espionage (Revolutionary): Your Agents get +1 bonus when attempting to incite rebellions.).

    You've acquired a city, so you now unlock the use of a Secret Agent! Read about it in: "Advanced Rules" -> "Secret Agents"

    Average roll: [1]
    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Chrysippopolis (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Mithridatic Kingdom of Pontus (Lord of Cats)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord of Cats View Post

    Jason with the Golden Fleece

    Prince Mithridates returns home victorious and lays the Golden Fleece at his father's feet. The new councilors think it looks suspiciously like some wool was dyed yellow and then glued to a ram's skull and some hooves, but they wisely say nothing. King Mithridates the Poisoner congratulates his son and then holds a council meeting.

    At this meeting, the question of what to do with the vast slave workforce is brought up again.
    "I think they should be released, to reward them for the good work they did on the transport galleys," says Prince Pharnaces, the youngest son of Mithridates. He is a handsome lad of 20 years. Some councilors nod their heads at his suggestion, but the rest of the royal family look at Pharnaces like he has three eyes.
    "That's stupid," King Mithridates says. "We're about to go to war against a major power. The last thing we would do is dissolve a competent labor force. No, we'll have the slaves build a paved road southwards for our army."
    "Who are we going to war against?" Pharnaces asks apprehensively. He didn't like bloodshed or the screams of dying men.
    "The Seleucid Empire. Oh, speaking of which, will someone summon my chief ambassador here?"
    When the ambassador arrives, King Mithridates hands him a scroll. "Send this to King Antiochus the Tidy. It's my official declaration of war on that clean bastard." The ambassador bows and departs.
    "Shouldn't we have debated going to war first?" Pharnaces asks.
    "No. I'm king. I decide when we go to war."
    "Then... why are we here?"
    "To plan the war. By the darkness, you're slow!"
    Princess Zenobia pipes up. "I have finished training an agent for you, my father. Her name is Zela and she has a plan to incite a rebellion within the Seleucid Empire."
    "Excellent. Send her to the northern-most region of our enemy, the region that borders our kingdom, to have it fall back into anarchy. What's her plan?"
    Zenobia grins. "Zela will seduce the Seleucid garrison commander, make him feel he's the greatest man to walk the earth since Hercules, and convince him to march against the Seleucid king. If it seems he might defeat the king, Zela will simply kill that commander. Either way, the Seleucids will lose control of that region."
    Mithridates laughs his iconic laugh. "I love it! In the meantime, I and my son will lead the Pontic army to the southwest to crush the rebels there." He unrolls a huge map onto the table.

    "As you can see, the plan is to reach the Cilician Gates. From there we'll strike directly at Antioch."

    Later that night, King Mithridates receives a messenger who informs him about the going ons of other great powers. The messenger informs him that King Chryssipus of Egypt is using the bones of his striking workers to build the foundations of city buildings. "Huh, I should have thought of that," Mithridates says, stroking his goatee. "I think Chryssipus of the Ptolemaic Dynasty and I would get along quite well. Perhaps I should consider making an alliance with him?"

    Pontus' Move
    Send an agent to incite a rebellion in the region marked by orange arrows on the map. Attack the colored region on the map. And declare war on the Seleucid Empire.

    (-1 prestige from failure of agent to incite rebellion)
    The army led by the King and Prince absolutely annihilates the meager resistance put up by the locals. [5+1=6] A clear victory! The region is conquered and the Cicilian gates are nearly within reach. (+1 Prestige)

    Intelligence reports warn that Athens is planning to interfere in the war. Your council advises you to persuade one of the other Greek states to war with Athens, so that their attention might be diverted.

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to one to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent at your command (can be used again when turn 16 begins)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Amaseia (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    Kingdom of Suebi (crispy_kiko)
    Quote Originally Posted by crispy_kiko View Post
    With the completion of the Great City of Rugium, Jade sets her sights on the surrounding regions. She sends an agent to spy on the rebel region directly north of the region containing Rugium and attacks the region by land.
    [5+1=6] The spy manages to gather excellent intelligence on the enemy! +1 bonus for attacking this turn, +1 for your next spy mission within 3 turns.
    [6+1=7] A heroic victory! You've conquered the region. (+2 Prestige)

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to three dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    You have 1 Secret Agent (can be used again when turn 14 begins, with +1 spy mission bonus within 3 turns)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts
    --Rugium (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)

    NPC Factions

    NPC move results (click to expand)


    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for invading this region until next turn.

    Average roll: [2].

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Campus Aorsi (Advanced Espionage: Revolutionary)

    --Agent can be used again once turn 13 starts.

    [4] Victory! The region is conquered.
    Average roll: [4]

    Construction bonus from: Coastal city (+1), Maritime supremacy edict (+1), previous dice average bonus (+1)
    [6+1+1+1=9] A colossal fleet is constructed in the Ionian Sea!
    Average roll: [9]. +1 to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Athens (Maritime Supremacy)

    [4+1=5] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Ambrasia (Advanced Espionage: Double-Agent)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 11.
    • Until turn 11 ends, additional +1 for next spy mission.

    Construction of Tyde continues in the capital.
    [2] build points added.
    City progress: [10/10]=Complete!

    A city has been acquired, so an Edict is immediately enacted. Result: [5] = Maritime Supremacy: During sea battles, you get +1 to all rolls. You get +1 when attempting to build fleets. Additionally, once every 5 turns you may move a fleet from one Sea zone to the next without using a move.

    Average roll: [2]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Tyde (Maritime Supremacy)

    [1+1=2] Close defeat. +1 for invading this region until next turn.

    Average roll: [2]. +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities & Edicts:
    --Sarmizegetusa Regia (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.
    • Until turn 13 ends, -1 for next spy mission.

    [6+1=7] Heroic victory! The region is conquered. +2 Prestige

    Average roll: [7]. +1 to three dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Camulodunum (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.
    • Until turn 13 ends, +1 for next spy mission.

    [4+1=5] Victory! +1 prestige.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.

    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3].

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Nisa (Royal Guard)


    • 1 agent can be used again starting turn 13.

    Construction bonus from: Coastal city (+1), Maritime supremacy edict (+1)
    [2+1+1=4] A fleet is construced in the Aegean sea!
    Average roll: [4]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Cities (Edicts):
    --Pergamum (Maritime Supremacy)

    [6] Victory! The region is conquered. (+1 Prestige)

    Average roll: [6]. +1 to two dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Roma (Royal Guard)

    • 1 Agent can be used again once Turn 13 starts

    Scythian Confederation
    [2+1=3] Pyrrhic Victory! The region is conquered.

    Average roll: [3]

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Gelonus (Drillmaster)

    • Drillmaster edict can be used again once turn 15 starts

    Seleucid Empire
    [5+1=6] Victory! The region is conquered. +1 Prestige.

    Average roll: [5]. +1 to one dice-roll next turn.+1 Prestige per turn from Cities
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities & Edicts:
    --Antioch (Maritime Supremacy)

    Construction bonus from: Coastal city (+1), Maritime supremacy edict (+1), previous dice average bonus (+1)

    [4+1+1+1=7] A colossal fleet is constructed in the Aegean Sea!
    Average roll: [7]. +1 to 3 dice-rolls next turn.

    +1 Prestige per turn from Cities

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Great Cities and Edicts:
    --Sparta (Maritime Supremacy)

    Faction Scoreboard
    First faction to own 100 regions wins the game.

    Important Prestige Milestones:

    • 1-25 Prestige = 1 Move per turn
    • 26-60 Prestige = 2 Moves per turn
    • 61-65 Prestige = 3 Moves per turn

    Google Docs link



    Pontic - Seleucid war (start turn 11)

    • Kingdom of Pontus, vs
    • Seleucid Empire, Athens

    Seleucid-Athenian alliance (est. turn 11)

    New players may join the game at any time. Choose one of the unclaimed factions to start playing:
    Playable Factions

    Turn 12 has started, players may now post their moves. For general discussion or comments/suggestions regarding rules please use the social group.

    Pretty fitting that the first player-led faction to get the Maritime Supremacy edict is Carthage.
    Also sorry for the late update today, made some map improvements - hope you like it!
    Last edited by ♞Rogue General♞; July 18, 2023 at 12:24 PM. Reason: intel report for Pontus, faction scoreboard update, Chrisippopolis

  19. #99

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    Well, they definitely took their time, that's for sure. Now that we finally have our big fat Great City, the Pharaoh commands Poseidonius, Sosibius and every other available dignitary to mobilise the remaining workers and to continue with consolidating Chrysippus' fiscal authority over the Nile valley.

  20. #100
    Lord of Cats's Avatar Vicarius
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    On the computer or inside a book.

    Default Re: Warlords of Antiquity (RTD map game)

    ~ Pontus ~

    In one of the drawing rooms of the royal palace, Agent Zela, who barely escaped with her life from the Seleucid garrison, cries her eyes out in front of Princess Zenobia. "How the hell was I supposed to know he was gay?!" Zela shouts before taking another spoonful of ice cream. Zenobia shakes her head, thinking, I better start training a male agent for these situations. And get better intelligence on our targets.

    In the army camp at the newly conquered region, King Mithridates receives news from various messengers. He is disappointed about the agent's failure. Sighing, he says, "We'll just have to fight the Seleucid army there then." When told Athens has allied with the Seleucid Empire, Mithridates shrugs. "Unless they sail their fleet into the Black Sea to attack us or into the Levantine Sea to land an army in Cilicia, I'm not concerned."
    One of the king's advisors says, very nervously, "Perhaps it would be wise for us to seek our own allies? Sparta has a large navy and hates Athens. Macedon and Pergamon also--"
    "Don't speak to me about Pergamon! They keep expanding east towards us. So they're next after I deal with the Seleucids."
    The advisor's jaw drops upon realizing his king was planning another war. When he recovers, he says, "Well, uh, Macedon and the un-namable city both have fleets, so--"

    "Are you saying, if I allied with Sparta and Macedon, their fleets would attack Athens' navy and there would be this huge battle in the Aegean with hundreds of ships on fire and thousands of men drowning?"
    "Uh, well, um, yes."
    King Mithridates and his son look at each other and grin. "That sounds awesome! Dispatch two ambassadors at once to Sparta and Pella."
    Another advisor steps up. "My king, I don't think it would be a good idea to request help from other nations. It would make us look weak, reduce our prestige."
    "I'm not asking for help. I'm asking for chaos! Ha ha ha!"
    "Oh." Then, "Most great powers don't like that either. Our prestige will still--"
    The advisor immediately says nothing and steps away. Mithridates and his son then begin planning the invasion of the Seleucid Empire.

    Pontus' Move
    Spend 2 prestige to make an alliance with Sparta and Macedon.
    From the newly conquered region, attack the Seleucid region where the rebellion failed to happen.

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