Quote Originally Posted by dogukan View Post
I think the real danger that we are facing today is that the right-wing started to become irrelevant in the face of climate problems, global integration, problems of capitalism that breed extreme inequality (which was originally a project of the right-wing in the west) and try to start a non-existent war to remain relevant.

It is reminiscent of the 1930s when fascist movements left and right took power by creating a hysteria about "Judeo-Bolshevism" being about to destroy civilization imminently and that violent action has to be taken by overthrowing rule of law. All I see is exactly this moment right now.

Are there ridiculous, stupid, degenerate looking things coming out of the fringes of left-wing movements? Yes. But nowhere close to the hype even the mainstream right-wing is doing. Today's extreme left wing movements focus on more "social" social justice than Interwar & Cold War's radicals who were organizing to overthrow democratic orders. Terrorism would often came from these radical groups. Today, things have changed. The right wing is in such dire need to create enemies to become relevant that there is a constant hysteria about an allegedly imminent "globalist-illumunati-kabalist-degenerate-pedo-baby eating" global elite actions.
It is seriously getting tiresome at this point as the whole thing is becoming based on strawmans and are now expanding its policy space into life-death issues such as climate problems.

I mean, I did not give a *** about right wingers and left wingers fighting over LGBT marriage issues and thought of those as stupid problems of the 21st century but at this point there is a whole, connected conspiracy wave that is boosting violent right-wing attitudes reminiscent of the 1930s.
It has gotten to a point where the right-wing echochambers' mockery of the left turned into a mockery of the whole democratic global liberal order where violance is accepted as a necessity. A few mentally ill narcissist figures are also riding the wave to deepen this wound.
I don't necessarily agree, Dogukan.
Certainly, the far rights are dangerous. As in guns blazing dangerous, not just very annoying or dangerous in the form of confusing your kids and nephews about what gender is and their sexuality.

However, the part I disagree with is this:
"the right-wing started to become irrelevant in the face of climate problems, global integration, problems of capitalism that breed extreme inequality (which was originally a project of the right-wing in the west) and try to start a non-existent war to remain relevant."

Weeeell... I would say the left is becoming equally irrelevant.

For starters, climate problems don't go with left or right. They go with industrialism and lack of care. Communist China is among the top polluters. Same for several other left-leaning states. So, left and right are both irrelevant in the face of this.

The rest you mention? Nah. Not important.
The inequality you speak of in the west is the poor doing generally better than 50 years ago but not as much better as the 1%. Yes, the 1% makes more, but in the West the 99% is pretty good.
The inequality between West - poor states? Weeeell, the gap is widening but the poor states are also doing better just not as better as the rich states. Ethiopia with its wars, Botswana with the diseases... they are in very bad shape BUT better than they were 50 years ago. Literacy rates are bad but not atrocious. Life expectancy is very low but still much higher than 50 years ago. Etc.

Finally, global integration is a mixed bag. Rightwings want greater global integration of markets. Leftwings want greater global integration of people.
And global integration doesn't make either side irrelevant, far from it. What kind and what degree of global integration one goes for is one of the main characteristics of where one stands in the 21st century left-right axis.
Free exchange of capital, movement of goods and services and business opportunities everywhere for rightwings vs movement and integration of poor people seeking a better future and movement of ideas for equalization for the leftwings.
Or/and Corporations having power to dictate terms in multi-national organizations like the EU or WHO for the rightwings vs the erosion of cultural and national identity for the leftwings.

That said: I am not talking about the right / left. Progressives are part of the left, but not the same. I am not talking about the economy, free market or regulations, low taxes or good social support system. I am not talking about free healthcare and free education nor about the military budget or income inequality.

The progressive part of the left, in order to stay relevant aside the globalization approach found a new target: the ridiculous LGBT issues and SJW screams. As if we should halt everything and change everything for perhaps a 3-4% of the population.
ANd those ideas are both annoying and when left unchecked, dangerous. They erode the nuclear family and taint morals, trying to normalize fringe behaviors that while they should be tolerated, they should not be celebrated. Trying to paint heteronormality as something bad is a dangerous goal for Hollywood and the pink-haired students thirsty for attention and/or angry with their parents. In many cases, it is also harmful for the ethnic minorities or the LGBT. Promoting minorities to positions just because of the color of their skin based on "historic wrongs" is creating resentment and helps radicalize parts of the majority. The Diversity Hires are not popular with those that had to compete with a larger crowd for fewer positions.
But aside of the danger these fringe ideas present as they become more mainstream, a not-that-big danger admittedly, and smaller danger than angry rightwings with guns...
they are very very annoying.

So here you have it:
Progressives (not leftwings exactly) are quite irrelevant today so they make up issues to stay relevant. Issues that mostly confuse, divide and annoy people. Occasionally they trample on free speech or cancel people for speaking the truth
Conservatives and rightwings are also quite irrelevant today but instead of just being annoying they also shoot people.