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Thread: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

  1. #21

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Coughdrop addict ]Most of your sources are very far right "Illuminati put a microchip in my butt to steal my pure white energies!" conspiracy woo and Russian psy ops. But I will try to go through it.
    You simply live in Pravda and no nothing of true information. Even so I use your Pravda sources. There are simply some subjects that Pravda won’t or barely touch such as the Republicans and their infrastructure plans, a multitude of the Republican success, the myriad failures of the Democrats and things like Hunter Bidens laptop (have to give Pravda credit with NYT finally admitting it was real). Even so the sources I use still state what happened as opposed to the bias reporting (that is if it’s “safe” to report i.e. doesn’t hurt the Democrats) of Pravda.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Trump started to do the right thing, then his ego once again won out and he made not wearing masks and refusing to be vaccinated a requirement of fealty to him. Because his fragile ego couldn't stand the idea that anyone, even a celebrated doctor, knows more than him on anything.
    Not wearing masks go more so to the Democrats-AOC, Pelosi, Newsome, Fauci etc. etc. etc.
    As far as the “celebrated doctor” I agree he would know more then Trump, but probably not more then Trumps personal physicians. Fauci this “ celebrated doctor” has proven himself to be a flip flopper, a liar and claims to follow the science which he clearly does not.

    "The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."

    He added: "I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location."
    But everyone wear one (except if your Peloci, Fauci, Whitmere etc.), it makes you look safe. How did this “celebrated doctor” do with masks that he thought that everyone else should wear, again except for him and the Demorcrats:
    In one image, Fauci was seen with his mask on his chin grinning at a friend to his right. In another image, Fauci looked straight ahead watching the game, with empty hands pointed toward the field.

    Fauci’s mask-free spectating drew criticism from people who view him as eager to impose rules on others.
    "No masks was standard fare in the White House Situation Room, where Dr. Fauci was more likely to wear 'Dr. Fauci' socks than a mask," Conway said.

    "Then, like magic, when D. Myles Cullen, the vice president's photographer, came into the room, masks would suddenly appear."
    And here is a list of some of his many flip flops, surprisingly you probably wont find this in any of Pravda.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    They opposed it because it made no effort to block non-Chinese from coming in. As if only Chinese people carried covid. Of course he knew his base only cared about attacking the racial 'other' and would cheer him for it.
    Did he do a travel ban from any African nations? Nope. Did he do a travel ban from any South American nations? Nope. Did he do a ban from any other Asian countries? Nope. Maybe he stopped the flights from China because he knew that’s where it started?
    The U.S. government first issued a “Level 4: Do Not Travel” advisory on travel to the Hubei province where the city of Wuhan is. You might recall that Wuhan is the original epicenter of the coronavirus.

    A nationwide travel ban from China took effect on January 31, 2020, with a few confirmed cases in the United States. This ban was only for non-U.S. citizens who had been in China within the last 14 days and were not the immediate family member of U.S. citizens or/and permanent residents.
    Strange how quickly the Democrats partying in China town trying to make Trump look bad changed their tune.
    “One point of clarification I was wondering. Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign told me earlier this month that he supported President Trump’s partial travel restrictions on January 31st, blocking foreign nationals from China coming to the United States,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said on Sunday. “Do you agree that it was the right move by President Trump at the time?”

    “… Actually, tens of thousands of people were still allowed in from China. So it wasn’t as it’s described, as this great moment,” Pelosi said with a smile. “There were Americans come back, green card holders coming back, but there were tens of thousands.”

    “So, if you’re going to shut the door because you have an evaluation of an epidemic, then shut the door,” the speaker said.
    So she goes from he is a racist to he didn’t do enough of a shut down. Apparently from what Pelosi is saying Trump shouldn’t have let the “Americans” come back or the green card holders. Typical Democrat.....doesn’t matter Trump or Republicans are always wrong especially when they make the correct choice.
    But I will give credit due for gov. Cuomo and Newsom who both said Trump was very responsive to their needs. Kudos to them for being honest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    I blame Trump alone for constantly undermining it and casting it as tyranny. "Liberate Michigan!" ring a bell?

    At best, Trump's ego got the better of him. At worst? He cynically (mis)calculated that sabotaging the covid response by casting himself as fighting 'tyranny' would keep him in power and that hundreds of thousands of his own supporters dying was a fair trade, or even no loss at all.
    People lost jobs, lost their business, forced to wear masks that didn’t work and were possibly detrimental to their health, If they didn’t take the vaccine they could lose their job. This is the tyranny of the Democrats. It was a failed response and the blue states showed it as well as how well Sweden did (look at the 2022 results, not Pravada’s version 2020-2021).
    The researchers say lockdowns had no noticeable effect on reducing COVID-related deaths and a "devastating effect" on economies and social ills.
    Again you seen this before (yes I know from your view point John Hopkins is a right wing radical hospital).
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    If we used that kind of logic we'd never have invested in cars ("I mean come on! Do you really believe those things will replace the horse and buggy?") or electricity ("It's just a passing fad pushed by crooked politicians. Gas lighting is here to stay!")
    The answer is yes we would have cars. You might want to look up how automobiles came about. Starting with better technology things started to get better. After the automobile became effective then the roads get paved, not the other way around.
    Henry Ford debuted the low-priced, mass-produced Model T Ford in 1908. Now that an automobile was within reach for many more Americans, it created more desire for better roads. Rural voters lobbied for paved roads with the slogan, "Get the farmers out of the mud!" Federal-Aid Road Act of 1916 created the Federal-Aid Highway Program. This funded state highway agencies so they could make road improvements. However, World War I intervened and was a higher priority, sending road improvements to the back burner.
    When the technology got there then things like roads and gas stations arrived, not the other way around. Did the government come up to Edison and say, hey we will take the light bulb that lasts about 10 minutes and based on this the government will string lines everywhere. That’s what they are trying to do now, the tech isn’t there yet they want to string lines. The “build it and they will come” is as much a fantasy way of doing things as what the Democrats are doing. Keep working on the tech instead of bankrupting the country.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    This is a known problem, but something to be expected when an industry is in it's infancy. As green energy grows the technology will advance to be cleaner and cheaper. Meanwhile oil and coal have been, are, and will always be disasters.
    Are you joking? You mean like heating, electrical power, transportation etc. etc. These energy sources helped usher in a better life for the vast majority of people for transportation, jobs, heating, industrial revolution etc.etc. You might like living in a time where you had a wood fire and you travel by horse and buggy, but most people will disagree with you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Just call something radical and the sheep are against it. Did you hear about Biden's radical "Don't castrate yourself with a set of rusty nail clippers?"

    The only reason the Republicans are fighting this, just like the only reason they do anything, is to keep their parasitic billionaire owners happy, the nation be damned.
    Most people don’t want a bankrupted country with an unsustainable energy system. People don’t want to be paupers and hope (like in California) they get lights and heat. Get the tech first then comes the rest, don’t destroy the country.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Using that same logic why should you have to pay for an armless veteran who volunteered? They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, right?
    Umm maybe because the veteran did something for this country?
    Most college students are self serving (nothing wrong with that) in their education; for the careers they want to have.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    I'll assume you were born relatively well off? Well what about people born into poverty? Should their only choice in life be crime or a McJob?
    I worked for and paid for my college education as did my friends as we were all middle class. My friends and I didn’t melt because we had to work, we got it done. They also can get a job just like I did. There are also jobs that don't require a higher education that pay very well. Just because you don’t get a degree doesn’t mean that you can’t get a high paying job.
    But if you do want something done, how about the hitting the universities, they are the ones charging more then they should if they want to “help” the students. There are much better ways then burdening the tax payer.
    "The two main drivers of the rising cost of tuition are reduced state funding and the incentive for tuition raises as an unrestricted revenue to benefit colleges," meaning colleges can choose to spend tuition money however they wish, Heflin says. "States and local communities are spending less per student. Someone has to take on that cost, and unfortunately it's been the student."

    His report outlines a few other reasons why college is so expensive, including a need for schools to devote more money and staff toward complying with regulations set by the U.S. Department of Education; high prices at for-profit colleges; and a competitive drive among some colleges to raise prices to create a perception of quality – a sort of marketing technique, Heflin says.
    I’m all for free market, but if you have an issue with this go after the true culprit, the universities and colleges. Regulate them all that you want, but I think if they start losing students they will have to lower the prices.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    'Wasteful spending' IE spending money on America instead of funneling it to the billionaire class. And Cruz? He is a spineless worm who doesn't even deserve the dignity of being called a coward.
    Your obviously not reading these links:
    "I still fought hard to improve this bill, and I'm proud to have unanimously passed an amendment with Sen. Warnock to designate portions of Interstate 14 as a future addition to the interstate highway system. This will allow Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia to take the first steps to upgrade those roads -- helping produce jobs in all five states and enhancing the ability of our military bases to transport vital equipment-and critically, my amendment costs nothing additional for the American taxpayers. However, even with this important win for Texas, I could not in good conscience vote for a $1.2 trillion bill that isn't paid for, contains so many wasteful pet projects, and paves the way for trillions of dollars in partisan tax hikes and wasteful spending.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    "If we spend money on the peasants we can't give it to the billionaires! *sob*"
    Yes only billionaires use roads and need jobs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    As has told you to believe.
    If you would bother to read this link, you would see that they hit the Republicans also, and rightly so. But as seen here it shows the Democrats waste more money.

    I should stop here as I realize this is a waste of time, not only are you not reading/understanding the sources your simply have a tribal mentality. I’ll continue but not with any enthusiasm as you have shown no want/ability to have an understanding or meaningful debate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    My parents for one. Before Obamacare they had zero health insurance. None. So even basic healthcare was out of their reach.
    Even McDonald’s offers health care.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Now thanks to the Democrats they have health insurance and can see a doctor.
    Obamacare made health insurance more expensive while simultaneously rationing health care. People can no longer afford Obamacare. Even the deductibles have become prohibitive to the average family. For example, the average deductible for a bronze policy (the cheapest Obamacare policy) is $12,000. For a family making $50,000 annually, $12,000 represents 24 percent of the gross income.

    Further, the Obama administration manipulated the number of people covered by Obamacare. The Daily Signal reported that, “The Obama administration claims 20 million more Americans today have health care due to Obamacare. But that is based on six years of survey data, not actual sign-ups. The reality is that when you look at the actual net gains over the past two years since the program was fully implemented, the number is 14 million, and of that, 11.8 million (84 percent) were people given the “gift” of Medicaid.
    The typical standard failed Democrat policy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    I know the Republican elite hate it because a core part of their ideology is that healthcare should be a luxury of the mega-rich only. To see peasants going to the doctor makes the billionaires feel less special and better than everyone else.
    Yes McDonald workers are Billionairs in the minds of the liberal Democrat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Why soon they'll be telling my kids that slavery was a bad thing!

    Hyperbole and hysteria over the idea that kids are being taught rascism exists, cutting into the GOP narrative that straight white cis Christian men are the eternal vicims who also are entiteled to power over 'inferiors'.
    Yes everyone agree’s slavery is bad, the next paragraph is basically you projecting liberal Democrat beliefs on to Republicans. Not everyone at the meetings are heterosexual, nor all white, nor all Christian and most happen to be women not men. This simply shows the bigoted (heterosexual), racist (white), anti-Christian, sexist (men) that your liberal Democrat beliefs are. If you went outside of Pravda you would know that there were people of all types who spoke:
    Known as “Mario Presents” to the public, Mario represents a group gaining a lot of popularity called “Gays Against Groomers.” A gay Hispanic man himself, Mario has indicated that he’s against the abuse of children by the LGBT activist community by teaching them things like gender fluidity, homosexuality, and transgenderism. According to Mario, the basics such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, should come first.
    In line with the tribalistic leftist Democrat mentality the important part of this person is he is gay and he is not white. The rest about this man comes after the “important” parts.
    How about the “non-whites” that apparently don’t exist in the racist leftist Democrat view:
    worked my way through college
    He destroys two of the leftist Democrats views in saying that.
    Washington, D.C. – Critical Race Theory (CRT) is “a bad idea for America [and] especially hurtful for black Americans,” said members of the Project 21 black leadership network, who have released a new primer that both defines CRT and offers unifying alternatives.
    Critical race theory (CRT) is a divisive, discriminatory ideology that judges people on the basis of their skin color. It has penetrated our society—it's in federal agencies' and federal contractors' "bias training," in school curricula and many corporations' "diversity training." Few are willing to speak out against it for fear of being labeled racists or white supremacists. Asian Americans, however, have emerged as a powerful voice against this pernicious ideology.
    Nomani was one of two witnesses invited by the Republican side to speak about the dangers of CRT and how changing admission requirements from being merit-based to being more racially balanced violates the guarantee of equality before the law.

    Besides her role at Parents Defending Education, Nomani is an author, a former Georgetown University professor and Wall Street Journal correspondent, and the founder and creator of the "Muslim Women's Freedom Tour." A Muslim herself, she is also the co-director of the Pearl Project, a faculty-student investigative-reporting project about the murder of Daniel Pearl.
    She is a she-gasp and she is a Muslim-gasp, how can it be. “It must be fake”, this just doesn’t fit in the world of Pravda.
    You have children like mine who are Muslim and I’m Christian and everyone would think they would never believe that of her, right, because the way she looks or according to Miss Cyrus, she’s too pasty white.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    You mean the threats, physically attacks, and kidnappings of school employees done by 'concerned parents' who were 'concerned' that their child might learn that racism is bad.
    Where are the links to the “kidnaping of employees” at? Where is the link to the physical attacks? Not there? How about this:
    Nor that the only real violence cited in the letter involved a dad who lost his temper when the Loudoun County, Va., board refused to address his daughter’s claim (backed up by evidence) that she was raped by a trans person in her school bathroom.
    Yelling and intimidation (both are wrong to do) but where is this kidnaping and violence on this subject (baring this incident). Contrary to the views of tribalism which is held by the leftist Democrats I believe he should be charged with the crime he committed.
    For advocates of CRT, the only solution to systemic oppression is the “inversion of color power,” Guelzo explains. So while most Americans oppose racial discrimination, critical race theory embraces it. Ibram X. Kendi, one of CRT’s leading advocates, openly declares: “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
    Very typical of the liberal Democrat, they project onto others their own hate and racist views.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Another thing, just because Russia or China does something does not automatically make it bad. You right wingers have your morality backwards. Actions in and of themselves are good or bad, not because of who is doing them. But you have it that actions are nuetral and become good or bad based on who is doing them rather than what is being done.
    Again leftist Democrat projection. Cancel or tear it down (Washington, Jackson, etc.etc.).
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Clinton who conceded on the night of the election? Does it still haunt your nightmares how close a 'mere woman' came to the White House?
    Trump also had a concession speech:
    But you brought up Trump and fraud and I pointed out she claimed it first!
    And yes it’s about women, but you forgot isn’t she the wrong race for the racist, sexist liberal Democrat? After all that’s what matters most. I almost forgot she is also “cis” so that’s a disqualifier also.

    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    Abrams had every right to question Kemp's voter suppression efforts.
    Absolutely she does, but some how Trump doesn’t? Oh yea I forgot Trump isn’t part of the leftist Democrats.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    They have been.

    Clinton is the most investigated person in human history. Despite your side claiming mountains of evidence of everything from treason to hundreds of murders to child molestation to cannibalism, you haven't filed a single indictment after almost forty years and multiple Republican administrations. So either everyone in the world is in on it, Republicans are so incompetent it's a miracle they can dress themselves, or everything your side claims about her is lies and projection.
    That’s because she is part of the cabal of leftist Democrats who are allowed to destroy evidence (black berries, erase e-mails,etc.) and still not be prosecuted. Some of the stuff people say is simply made up, other are real and nothing comes of it. I’ve already posted just some of her crimes she got away with. But as far as investigations:
    So has Trump.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    There was a grand jury looking into Hunter's so-called crimes. They disbanded without laying a single charge.
    That was in July, here is what is happening now:
    Federal agents believe they have enough evidence to support charging Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, with tax crimes and making a false statement in connection with the purchase of a gun, The Washington Post reported Thursday.
    Again there are more devastating crimes he committed that the DOJ and FBI are ignoring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    See, Trump was caught red handed with top secret documents, refused to return them for months, and now many of them are still unaccounted for.
    If it’s true he should be prosecuted. Just like if he was guilty of Russia collusion or Ukrainian quid pro quo etc. etc. he should have been prosecuted. But since all the others were made up by the liberal Democrats and Pravda, most likely so was the secret documents.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict
    The alleged laptop story wasn't run because there was no way to verify it and they didn't want to be sued for libel.
    CBS News is the latest news organization go completely 180 on its coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop as part of a remarkable evolution from the legacy media.
    Yep no way to verify, except multiple outlets finally did. Even Pravda like NYT and CBS admit to it, finally after the danger of the election was over with. BTW don’t read this story, it has the ring of truth and not what Pravda would approve of.

    Conclusion: I read Vox, Root, NYT, and watch a variety of Pravda as well as the true news. Sometimes Pravda will print the truth (NYT and now CBS on hunter laptop). I’m not a tribalist, if Trump or any Republican, Democrat etc. does something wrong they should be called out on it and prosecuted if there is a crime. You on the other hand defend them, because of your tribalism.
    What I see from the liberal left is a lot of “soft” racism, far more racism than what is accused on the right side. Ben Carson was my first choice for president (Trump was near the very bottom), but not because he was a “cis, black, man, Christian etc. I voted for him because of his “gasp” character and his vision.
    These racist, sexist and bigoted views by the leftist Democrats are disturbing to me. I don’t care what the person looks like, I care about what they think and their character.
    And finally I don’t like the fascism of the liberal left, because that’s what they have become. “You will yield to the state” is bothersome at the least. Telling people what the should say (the one thing I used to admire about the Democrats was their adherence to the freedom of speech, now that too is gone from them). They way the teach our children what they believe is right contrary to us who know what is right. They (especially Pravda) lie about it in every way, either saying it’s not been taught or it’s good for them. Neither of it is true. Parents because of the fascist lockdowns got to see the hateful racism that is CRT and that’s why the came in droves to shut it down for their kids. If the leftist Democrats want to teach hate and racism to their children, that’s their decision, but keep that hate away from the rest of us.
    I will be gone for a few weeks, and I don’t plan on responding to anything else, as you have shown a penchant of not reading the sources. You are to entrenched in you views to see the truth or even go outside of Pravda for any kind of investigation.
    Last edited by Frostwulf; December 18, 2022 at 12:13 AM.

  2. #22
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by Pontifex Maximus View Post
    Does he want to? The whole Trump v. Desantis thing seems like an demotardic astroturf strategy to me. Where's the evidence Desantis wants to run for President? I really like Desantis. I think he would be ill-served by throwing his hat in the ring during the - tastic era of Trump v. Biden. Let the - dust from this era settle before seeking better and shinier things I think.
    I mostly agree here. But there is ambition and there are a lot of people pushing DeSantis to run. The problem I see is that if Trump is not the candidate, he will make a 3rd party to take down the Republicans with him. He is petty like that.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  3. #23
    Kyriakos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Card captor Maga.
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  4. #24
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Is the Trump NFT drop about untraceable donations? I know he's a shameless shill shotgunning shonky products, but is there a specific reason to all this or is it just Trump doing Trump?

    Or maybe these things count as art for tax purposes and he's shifting borrowed money to a different claimable asset. Who knows.
    Jatte lambastes Calico Rat

  5. #25

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    I mostly agree here. But there is ambition and there are a lot of people pushing DeSantis to run. The problem I see is that if Trump is not the candidate, he will make a 3rd party to take down the Republicans with him. He is petty like that.
    DeSantis also has some fire from performing well in Florida during the midterm elections, and if he doesn't run there is always the risk of turning into the next Newt Gingrich and being passed up at the ball. I think the Republican establishment isn't happy with the Trump-endorsed candidates performance during the midterms, so pushing DeSantis seems like a logic choice for them. Problem is, it seems unlikely they could get Trump to cooperate.
    They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.

  6. #26
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by The spartan View Post
    DeSantis also has some fire from performing well in Florida during the midterm elections, and if he doesn't run there is always the risk of turning into the next Newt Gingrich and being passed up at the ball. I think the Republican establishment isn't happy with the Trump-endorsed candidates performance during the midterms, so pushing DeSantis seems like a logic choice for them. Problem is, it seems unlikely they could get Trump to cooperate.
    They can (and I believe they do) secretly hope Trump will be made unable to run by something the Democrats do, or old age / living style decisions. I.e. that Trump would be ordered to not run by DEMOCRATS (quite hard with the Republicans controlling the house and nearly half the senate) OR that Trump would suffer a heart attack or something, making him unable to run.
    I honestly think there are a LOT of moderately-pro Republicans that pray Trump's lifestyle choices catch up to him before it's too late.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  7. #27
    Ludicus's Avatar Comes Limitis

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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    About the Republican Civil war.

    An Arizona Republican has posted an anime-style video depicting him killing Ocasio Cortez. A Georgia congressman referred to the capitol invasion as a normal tourist visit. An Illinois congresswoman said, on the day of the Capitol attack that Hitler was right about one thing: Whoever has the youth has the future.

    Who are they? Paul Gonsar, Andrew Cylde and Mary Miller are three of the 20 US Republican “rebels”, (a sort of populist G20 of the extreme right) who have been voting against the election of McCarthy as speaker.

    Five of them (the "never Kevins" as they are known) reject any chance of Kevin's endorsement, and intend, like Trump, to "drain the swamp of Washington politics". But they do not obey the one they keep calling their President. Republican Lauren Boebert of Colorado, an ardent Trump supporter, said that her hero doesn't have to meddle in their decision political decisions. There is nothing better to “drain the swamp” than dreaming about the death of Ocasio Cortez, tourist visits to the capitol, and Hitler.

    In Brazil, Bolsonaro's followers, Brazil's Donald Trump, have invaded and vandalized the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Presidential Palace, with the full complicity of the federal police.
    In the US, where despite everything, where democratic institutions are more robust, Trump's radicals got almost everything they wanted, and the GOP concessions to the radical G20 risk making the US almost ungovernable.And I bet Trump's followers in the US will support a military coup against the democratically elected Brazilian government
    Last edited by Ludicus; January 08, 2023 at 02:35 PM.
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  8. #28

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post
    Brazil's Donald Trump, have invaded and vandalized[...]
    Putin means good, Trump means bad, not even sure what to make of this type of thinking..
    It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

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  9. #29
    irontaino's Avatar Protector Domesticus

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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by Ludicus View Post
    In Brazil, Bolsonaro's followers, Brazil's Donald Trump, have invaded and vandalized the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Presidential Palace, with the full complicity of the federal police.
    In the US, where despite everything, where democratic institutions are more robust, Trump's radicals got almost everything they wanted, and the GOP concessions to the radical G20 risk making the US almost ungovernable.And I bet Trump's followers in the US will support a military coup against the democratically elected Brazilian government
    They saw the MAGA cult make the dumbest coup attempt and said "hold my cachaça".
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  10. #30

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Four more members of the far-right extremist group Oath Keepers have been convicted of sedition charges for plotting to violently overturn President Joe Biden's 2020 presidential election victory over former President Donald Trump.
    A jury in Washington, D.C., on Monday found Oath Keepers members Joseph Hackett, David Moerschel, Roberto Minuta and Edward Vallejo guilty of seditious conspiracy, a rarely used charge that carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years. The convictions come almost two months after Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and member Kelly Meggs were found guilty of the same crime.
    United States Code defines "seditious conspiracy" as two or more people attempting to "overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States or to levy war against them."
    I wonder if after spending a few years in small concrete and steel rooms without receiving so much as a single letter or a cent in their commissary accounts from the man who promised to take care of them and get them out of any trouble they got into while doing his bidding, one or two of the hundreds of MAGAs convicted of crimes related to 1/6 will realize they have been used.

  11. #31
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Oh, crap. O_O
    MTG wants to be Trump's Vice President. The thought that this woman could be the VP of an obese man in his late 70s is scary.
    The silver lining is that there's a real chance MTG will be the first female president of the USA. That going into the history books will be a very bitter pill to swallow for the progressives.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
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  12. #32

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Out of curiosity alhoon, was that raped ten-year old who was denied an abortion a while back a good thing because progressives were unhappy about it?

    Would Putin ruling the world be good and something to hope for for the same reason?

  13. #33
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by Coughdrop addict View Post
    Out of curiosity alhoon, was that raped ten-year old who was denied an abortion a while back a good thing because progressives were unhappy about it?

    Would Putin ruling the world be good and something to hope for for the same reason?
    I would request you moderate your tone and avoid implying that I am a monster. That comment is beneath you.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  14. #34

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    You have outright stated that things that make progressives unhappy are good things. That's not really something you should want if you give it a little thought.

    I admit I do not like the right in my country and think we would be better off if they all moved to Russia, but I'm not about to shoot myself in the foot by supporting or hoping for things that will harm myself just to make them unhappy. For instance, the white nationalist theocracy that MTG would create as president would eventually cause misery to the right as they would quickly learn that living in such a country isn't very pleasant even if your skin color is the 'right' one, but I'd be foolish to hope for that happening because more than likely I'd be killed or sent to a concentration camp.

  15. #35
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    By my own admission, there's silver lining, not a good thing in MTG becoming the first woman president or vice president. Even as vice president she will be horrible. She will put the "vice" in vice president.
    But as I said, there is a silver lining.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  16. #36
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    So far, it is quite tame for Trump, isn't it? Or it is just that after 6 1/2 years of him spewing the same thing we're more accustomed to it and it just becomes some noise in the news feed?

    The problem I see is that Trump may attempt to court controversy again to capture the headlines. Better bad publicity than no publicity.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  17. #37

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    So far, it is quite tame for Trump, isn't it? Or it is just that after 6 1/2 years of him spewing the same thing we're more accustomed to it and it just becomes some noise in the news feed?

    The problem I see is that Trump may attempt to court controversy again to capture the headlines. Better bad publicity than no publicity.
    The situation was different back then. There was a push for a high censorship easily offended culture (now there's cancel culture, but kinda watered down compared to before) and him talking as he did as a politician caused a noticeable contrast.
    Now that there's less censorship in people saying what they think, and less worry about stepping on eggshells, the same things causes much less contrast/surprise.

    Plus the idea that "once Trump is out we're back to paradise" has been tested and found to be kinda idylical at best, the idea "once Trump wins it's all solved" has also been tested, the push that Trump is literally the source of all evils is also losing momentum, due to bad things happening anyway when he's not power. At least he's not the source of soaring inflation anymore.

    There's actually conditions for a less polarised debate, but let's see what ends up happening
    Last edited by fkizz; January 31, 2023 at 12:46 PM.
    It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

    -George Orwell

  18. #38
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Republicans seem to have gone a little stranger. Matt Gaetz? MTG? DeSantos is banning books. Its pretty bad.
    Jatte lambastes Calico Rat

  19. #39
    Peresvet's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Putin's puppet Trump trusts Putin more than US intelligence

    Former US President Donald Trump has reiterated that Russian President Vladimir Putin is more trustworthy than most US intelligence officials. On his social network Truth Social, the former American president recalled his meeting with Putin in Helsinki, talking about the poor state of American intelligence.

    “Remember how in Helsinki a reporter asked who I trust more: Russian President Putin or our intelligence scum?” Trump asked. He indicated that he understood that there were “very bad people” in the United States at that time, like former FBI director James Comey and FBI deputy head Andrew McCabe.
    I am Russian and I hate putin and war. Stop war in Ukraine.

  20. #40

    Default Re: Trump's new campaign and the building to a Republican civil war

    Trump always snapped to attention when Putin entered the room, and whimpered in fear at the mention of his name. Make no mistake, if Republicans ever get the presidency and congress again it's over. The only question is if Putin will openly be handed control of the U.S. or if the Republicans will simply carry out his orders to humiliate and destroy the nation.

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