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Thread: Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

  1. #1

    Default Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

    I've heard the descr_ik_controller_db file is supposed to influence this but messing around the numbers hasn't changed anything. Anyone experienced this problem?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

    I will upload a video on the off chance that anyone knows the answer. Here are the bowmen that are rotating their upper half of body while firing, including the bow. This is not in the animation file, the game is adding this rotation by itself. Even switching to another animation has the same strange rotation. Is this default game behaviour maybe? I play other mods and their missile units can do their animations interrupted so I don't think so...

    Now if I play around with the descr_projectile values like min/max angle and velocity it can change it a bit, but it usually comes at a cost like the arrows firing too straight (like musket bullets) or being unable to fire outside of specific elevations. And it still never really eliminates it completely.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

    Its normal behaviours but usually they bend it to aim upwards, you video looks like they bend sideways.

    Are you using custom skeletons/animations?
    Last edited by Jojo00182; October 06, 2022 at 02:21 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

    Thanks for the insight it may help. Yes it's a custom skeleton/animation. Weird how it moves sideways and not upwards tbh
    Last edited by Bu11seye00; October 06, 2022 at 04:58 PM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Why do missile units rotate the upper half of their skeleton while firing?

    There must be a procedural rotation of bone_abs relative to bone_pelvis during the firing animation which depends on firing angle (calculated from velocity, obstructions, etc.). This is clearly the same rotation that all ranged units have. Maybe the joints in your skeleton are rotated 90 degrees somehow?

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