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Thread: devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

  1. #1

    Default devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

    and by "occasionally", I mean that after modding the game a bit myself, raiding simply stops working, and my generals dont devastate tiles, and I don't get the "RAIDING!" announcement the first time I do it.

    I'm not sure what exactly I changed that caused this, because I've never touched anything related to raiding other than occasionally removing the province limit in the campaign_script to enjoy more raiding, but that didn't cause any issues

    which file is suspect of causing such a problem? I just started a saka campaign, and normally what i do with barbarian factions is that i make raiding my main source of income initially, but alas, the generals dont even devastate the tiles they're on!

    as of writing this post, im gonna post it and then go overwrite the files i got with the ones in the latest patch, that I think will 99% solve the problem, but I'd like to ask what could be causing this? cuz im very familiar with this issue, it pops up randomly every now and then, and I'd like to see if anyone knows about it or knows what could be causing it, plus in case anyone faces the same issue and searches on the forum, they could see this post and now they're not the first to face it.

  2. #2

    Default Re: devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

    update: i wasnt very familliar with playing in the steppes, and apparently i simply wasnt able to raid the neighbouring steppe tribe, but i was perfectly able to raid more settled southern lands

  3. #3

    Default Re: devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

    In order to actually raid a tile, it must be considered farmland. You can check if that tile is farmland by holding down right click while your mouse is hovering over it. It should show "low fertility", "medium fertility", or "high fertility" in order for the tile to be devastated and thus enable raiding. Since you're playing as Saka, a lot of nearby lands are infertile steppes, which is probably why camping a general in those lands isn't causing any raiding

    Edit: as you've mentioned, the "southern settled lands" can be raided simply because they have a ton of "x fertility" tiles

  4. #4

    Default Re: devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoebopp View Post
    In order to actually raid a tile, it must be considered farmland. You can check if that tile is farmland by holding down right click while your mouse is hovering over it. It should show "low fertility", "medium fertility", or "high fertility" in order for the tile to be devastated and thus enable raiding. Since you're playing as Saka, a lot of nearby lands are infertile steppes, which is probably why camping a general in those lands isn't causing any raiding

    Edit: as you've mentioned, the "southern settled lands" can be raided simply because they have a ton of "x fertility" tiles
    Actually I've found that to not be the case, I became a horde in my current saka campaign, and with 10 FMs and their armies, I went south and started raiding
    finances are easy to keep track of since I barely have any expenses, and no income other than the script generated raid income

    so using complex mathematical formulas, I've calculated that 800 x 10 = 8000
    and I arranged my armies in a square-like formation, so everyone raids a tile, and if one gets attacked, they reinforce one another, think of it as carpet raiding

    lo and behold, despite some of them being in woodland terrain, or hills and the like, i got 8000 pennies(idk the currency in EB2), soooo yeah
    I've always raided this way in barbarian and nabataean campaigns, where i gang up my FMs as much as possible and set out to raid independent provinces, I never paid attention to land fertility yet I always got the amount of money I expected, had I been losing out on cash, I would've quickly noticed knowing that those campaigns have a very economically tough start.

    soooo yeah in my experience land fertility did nothing, even in arevaci campaigns where I tried to raid fertile lands to grow my herds, I dont think It made a difference.

  5. #5

    Default Re: devastating/raiding occasionally doesn't work

    I was having a similar issue on my Boii campaign. I was unaware of the farmland requirement though and that may be the reason it wasn't devastating a lot of regions in the Sweboz territories.

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