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Thread: NTW Ship Builder

  1. #1

    Icon1 NTW Ship Builder

    I've put together a .blend file that can read and write (mostly) everything needed to create new ships.
    6 python scripts are included in the file:

    • Read .rigid_naval_model files
    • Read .xml files that were unpacked from the "models_naval" db table using this ruby script
    • Write .rigid_naval_model files
    • Write .xml files that can be packed into a "models_naval" db table
    • Two extra scripts to aid with logic.xml.rigging file creation


  2. #2

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Wow I sure would like to edit my groundbreaking modding tool post.
    Anyway, here's what I did earlier this year using a less-polished version of the scripts:
    Last edited by Abdülmecid I; June 17, 2022 at 04:35 AM. Reason: Video fixed. To upload a Youtube video, you need to insert inside the youtube brackets only the part after ''v=". For example: [YOUTUBE]0WJHWqbr6MI[/YOUTUBE]

  3. #3

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    This is wonderful work. But unfortunately I can't see the video below this post, can you fix this?

  4. #4

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Shake your hand! Up to this point, the modification of ships was complete masochism...)) The previously existing KE converter could not convert all models, and when working with sailing rigs or ef_lines, the brain generally boiled away... Thank you! But I would like more detailed information on how to use your tools, because you will have to master the blender from zero positions, I previously worked in other 3d programs. And I apologize for the translation of the text, this is Google

  5. #5
    Benjin's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Wow! Just... wow! Thank you so much ChaosRobie, I am definitely going to be using this instead of recycling old models_naval files for my new bronze age-themed custom ship models in Rome 2 (while this work was done for Napoleon, models_naval files aren't too different across the TW games - you just have to edit a few specific things to make them match and you're good to go). I'll post my results here sometime over the next few weeks.

  6. #6
    B-DizL's Avatar TGW Lead Modeller

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    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    ing Legend

  7. #7

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    I'm liking the enthusiasm.

    I'm also putting together a Shogun 2 version of the scripts and .blend file. Very similar, but there are a couple differences besides the obvious switch from .rigid_naval_model to .rigid_model_v2. That'll be posted in the Shogun 2 Tools forum.

    And thanks Abdülmecid for fixing the video, I thought it was some type of post limit restriction thing.

  8. #8
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Honestly, what I love most in the preview video is how chill the people on the dreadnaught are as they move around all casual, while there are bombs flying and guns blazing.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosRobie View Post
    I'm liking the enthusiasm.

    I'm also putting together a Shogun 2 version of the scripts and .blend file. Very similar, but there are a couple differences besides the obvious switch from .rigid_naval_model to .rigid_model_v2. That'll be posted in the Shogun 2 Tools forum.

    And thanks Abdülmecid for fixing the video, I thought it was some type of post limit restriction thing.
    That will be awesome for Shogun 2. I use mostly 3ds max, so i was hoping something for 3ds max or so. The source files and official converter is made for 3ds Max.

  10. #10

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Quote Originally Posted by izzi View Post
    That will be awesome for Shogun 2. I use mostly 3ds max, so i was hoping something for 3ds max or so. The source files and official converter is made for 3ds Max.
    This is sort of an odd comment. 3ds Max requires either money or student license, while Blender is freely accessible.
    Also, what, were you hoping I would port all this to 3ds max or something? Do you have any idea how long that would take?

  11. #11

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    No worries. I didn't meant it that way. I was just suggestion something as most resource files for Shogun 2 and the official modding tools are mainly made for 3DS Max together with the converter. Don't be offended by it. I will see if i myself make something of it trough 3DS Max by using your example.

  12. #12

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Is it really that hard to make a small submod with this dreadnought for mod TGW?

  13. #13

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Once again, I hasten to say thanks to the author of this wonderful toolkit!) I used to use the KE converter (ETWrigid_naval_modelConverter_v1_0_beta), its tool did not allow working with many ship models. Your tool copes with all of them, but there is one problem with both the KE tool and your tool: after converting the models back into the game, something happens to the textures, they become darker than the original textures. I believe that the problem is either with the files or with the textures. I have mastered the Blender program quite recently and not yet to perfection, just for the sake of being able to use your tool. Could you suggest what I am doing wrong? Perhaps somewhere you need to register separately the path to the textures of the model? ...thanks in advance and sorry for the google translate.

  14. #14

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    This tool is impressive! Thanks a lot Chaos Robie!

    The problem appolonich is facing I think is related with the _ao files. I've been making some modifications, and indeed, they are darker, almost black. But I made a whole white _ao file and everything is much better. Although I think I lost some shines and light features.

    I found a different issue. Making this modifications I realized there are two kind of damage panels in big ships, the ones in the side and the ones in the stern. Named differently. However the script, apparently, doesn't make a difference between them. So at the end you lost the textures in the side or in the stern.

    Does anybody know something about this?

    Thanks again for this wonderful piece of code.

  15. #15

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder


  16. #16

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    The script itself contains fairly clear explanations.

  17. #17

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    woah. it only took 11 years but we finally got there. Great work many thanks
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  18. #18

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Does anyone have a basic walkthrough/info on how to use this tool? would love to start using it. I have some experience with blender, first time trying to mod anything.

  19. #19

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashisauce View Post
    Does anyone have a basic walkthrough/info on how to use this tool? would love to start using it. I have some experience with blender, first time trying to mod anything.
    If you're not too lazy to translate from Russian, a couple years ago I posted tutorials in the thread at the link. There you can also find links to mods for NTW and ETW ships, which are already stolen by authors of many mods, in particular PUA and Empire II... How to place mods on this resource correctly I do not know. It didn't work.

    development topic

  20. #20

    Default Re: NTW Ship Builder

    Thanks for getting back to me. I'm looking through the forum now, the part Im currently having trouble with is extracting the html code and animations out of the db file.

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