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Thread: Option or submod that does shields down while marching

  1. #1

    Default Option or submod that does shields down while marching


    Is there an option or submod somewhere that can have the shields down while troops are marching like it was in R2TW?

    It seems that in AE troops are always in a shieldblocking stance regardless of their activity. I assume this is more of an Attila thing then AE.

    There is a beautiful small mod for ToB dealing with exactly this ( But I cannot seem to find a similar mod or even a request for it for Attila.

    For me this is an absolute must as I like the cinematic feel of battles and the marching into poistion. The shield blocking stance while marching just looks dumb and unrealistic imo.

    If someone could help me with this that would be awesome!

    It may even be super easy to make a mod... I have no idea though.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Rome, Italy

    Default Re: Option or submod that does shields down while marching

    that animation has been done on purpose, if you dont like it removing it is as simple as editing a file text table. download rpfm, open pack mod part 1 then search in folder "db" and, inside that, for a folder named "lands_units" in there you'll find tables for every faction. search for the table of the faction your interested in changing, the tables themselves are easely named with the faction names. in the faction table search for the units you want to change, look in the "key" column to search for the unit name. once you have found the unit look in the "man animation" column if you see something like this "rome_man_Heavy_Spear_Formed" or "rome_man_Heavy_Short_Formed" it means that they will walk with shields raised. everything named "formed" walks with shields raised. just copy paste the animation name from a unit which does not have the "formed in its animation name and the unit will use this new animation instead. bear in mind that "short" is for short swords animations while "spears" is for spear animations, so dont mix them up. once done for all the units you need save pack file and your done. making a backup of your part 1 one beforehand is highly recommended.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Option or submod that does shields down while marching

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