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All mod related questions can go in this thread. Please do not open separate threads for individual questions
Last edited by Wallachian; September 29, 2021 at 08:52 AM.
Hello, it says that my income is bigger than my expenditure but still I am loosing some money every turn. I am not playing hardcore and I am not recruiting or constructing any buildings, have trade agreements with Albania, Ragusa, Bosnia and Naples. Please help.
Yes, there is a bug in the economy script where a player and AI does not get intented and showed resources. So for example I had situations in a campaign where I was supposed to get like 30 k on the following turn but got 9 k instead. There are good news though, after some turns and reloading your campaign save "economy script" reloads too and gets back to normal. Apparantely devs were making some changes to ecnonomy and left something hanging and that sometimes bugs out the income in the game. So for example some AI factions get stuck with their poor economy and can t advance and build any more units or buildings in general. Since we don t know where the bug is I advised the devs to maybe do a every 4 turns money advance for the AI like 10 k or even more because that thing is definetely present and sometimes bugs the player economy too. The stagnant religion does not help for the AI on top of that. Atleast a player can build his religious buildings.
Last edited by bordinis; August 09, 2021 at 10:16 AM.
Are you garrisons professional units like knights in castlea and militia types in cities? This can make a big difference.
So, basically you are saying I should continue playing? It freaks me out because on turn 4 I am in debt -1400...
The actual indication when this bug happens in your campaign game is this : When you recruit a unit and that unit comes without experience ( which some buildings usually do provide experience and you have them present/built in your settlement ) and usually you will be able to retrain the unit to give the mentioned experience for the unit, BUT you cannot ! That means that you just got the economy bug. So for example, in my campaign I just recruited a Teutonic knighs unit which was supposed to come as rank1 and with an armour update in my settlement but it did not and on top of that game system does not show me that it can be retrained to get those. Meaning you need to quit the game or try reloading your game save because you just got an economy bug.
Guys: similar situation is also in some other mods - the reason is that some expends cannot be show in the calculation display, afaik. You just need to take into consideration that every turn there is some extra spending - especially if you are waging wars abroad etc. Its not necessarily a bug- or maybe only a bug because its not shown in the financial overview.
Last edited by Macaras; August 09, 2021 at 02:29 PM.
I actually think this has to do with difficulty, when I play at M/M I experience no problems of this kind, it must be something gameplay related, not a bug
Are you playing hardcore by any chance? If so you will lose money if your units are in enemy land or laying siege that won't show in the details
So i play as venice and annex zara which allow to forced integrate and then build colonia however i cannot do that when i annex chios.
Also venice has trading outpost but so far i can only upgrade in candia and nowhere else.
Do they have building requirement that i haven't known yet?
There was an error in the code which prevented you from building trading outposts in the uploaded version, will be rectified in the next version.
How about the regional policy? Do they have requirement to build cession treaty and region capital other than the normal forced assimilation or autonomy 3?
So i tried autonomy build but i can only build lv1 autonomy. How to upgrade?
Do they have building requiremnet? I can only build autonomy 1,force assimilation and core. With the two former i cannot upgarde it further
So apparently going to 50% of my religion unlock the annexation. So no building requirement just the religion percentage?
The religion requirements are:
- autonomy 2 - 20%
- autonomy 3 - 30%
- integration - 50%
- region capital - 60%
There are no building requirements. Will add that to the building description in the next version
So i had all the settlement and the ancilliary requirement for doux theme but i wait a few turns and it hasn't happened.
Are they major title or minor title? Do i need to build large pronoia or pronoia is sufficient?
All Doux titles for Themes are major ancillaries so they need a level 2 feudal estates.