This will be an alternative history short story chronicling a hypothetical cold war pitting a legendary alliance of Rome and China against the Parthian Empire. The "supporting cast" consists of various nomadic peoples and smaller kingdoms, and as more of them participate in the dismantling of the Parthian Empire, the cold war heats up into a full-fledged world war. The instigating incident which results in the Butterfly Effect that spirals Asia into a political quagmire? Gan Ying, the fabled Chinese diplomat sent to make contact with the Romans but ultimately convinced to give up by Parthian agents, is the key to this conflict. We will see what happens when he politely tells the Parthians to off.

I won't guarantee that it will be finished, much like my messy and incomplete World War 0 story, but I will try to make it as interesting as possible for its duration. To learn from my first creative writing exercise's mistakes, I'll correct and solidify the tone/pacing/perspective of the story. In addition, what few real battles that will take place won't be covered in detail (if you liked the Ptolemaic assault on the Hellespont in World War 0, prepare to be disappointed) - history is more about political maneuvers, cultural shifts, trade, and personal intrigue.