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Thread: Roman Province

  1. #1

    Default Roman Province

    How many province Roman have and what required settlement to get it?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Roman Province

    I only found the guide about roman province ancilliary in eb1 which are likely outdated can we have one for eb2?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Roman Province

    The Roman Provinces

    Sicily : Sicilia(Messana), Elimya(Lilubim), Trinakrie(Syrakousai)

    Sardin : Korsim(Alali), Sardin(Nurri)

    Africa vetus : Atig(Atig), Numidia(Kirtan), Zeugitana(Qart-Hadasht), Numidia Massylii(Capsa), Byzacena(Adrumet)

    Gallia cisalpina : Venetia(Patava), Insubrabrogis(Medilanon), Liguria(Albabagenna), Konnion Boion(Felsina)

    Hispania citerior : Ilergetia(Iltirta), Celtiberia(Sekeiza), Lacetania(Emporion), Edetania(Arsé), Bastetania(Mastia), Baleares(Iboshim)

    Hispania ulterior : Callaecia(Brigantion), Asturia-Kantabria(Moroika), Lusitania(Turgi), Celtiberia-Carpetania(Kontrebia), Baeturia(Nertobriga), Turdetania-Baeturia(Gader)

    Gallia narbonensis : Kimusta Piktonis(Lemonon), Aruernselua(Gergouia), Akuitanon(Iliberri), Nantus Allobrogon(Uiennos), Kimusta Uolkias(Tolosa), Uika Saluuion(Massalia)

    Macedonia : Makedonia(Pella), Epeiros(Ambrakia), Thessalia(Demetrias), Aitolia(Thermon)

    Asia : Mysia(Pergamon), Phrygia(Ipsos), Ionia(Ephesos), Lydia(Sardis), Pamphylia(Side), Karia(Halikarnassos), Rhodos(Rhodos)

    Achaea : Attike(Athenai), Peloponnesos(Korinthos), Lakonike(Sparte), Krete(Knossos)

    Bithynia : Paphlagonia(Sinope), Kappadokia Pontika(Amaseia), Chersonesos Thraikike kai Bosporos Thraikios(Byzantion), Bithynia(Nikaia), Galatia(Ankyra)

    Africa nova : Mauretania(Likash), Mashiliem(Iykoshim), Mauretania Massaesili(Sigan), Gaetulia(Tuat), Syrthim(Lapqi), Phasania(Garama)

    Syria : Kilikia(Tarsos), Assyrie(Edessa), Syria(Antiocheia), Kypros(Salamis), Syria Koile(Damaskos), Syria kai Phoinike(Ptolemais-Akko)

    Gallia comata : Landa Pelignon(Nemetokena), Eturomina(Batumacos), Aremorika(Kondates), Brogis Aulerikon(Autrikon), Dekamatoi(Tarodunon), Talaeduoi(Bibrakte), Akitosekuanoi(Uesontiu), Uika Biturigeis(Auarikon), Kimusta Piktonis(Lemonon), Etusenonis(Lugdunon)

    Cyrenacia : Kyrenaia(Kyrene), Libye(Ammon), Oasis Megale(Hibis)

    Illyria : Pannonia(Segestika), Histria kai Liburnia(Nesakton), Delmatia(Delminion), Dardania kai Paionia(Dardanion), Illyria(Skodra), Illyria Hellenike(Dyrrachion)

    If you build a province government in one of thoses provinces, your Consul or Praetor FM could get the Rector Provinciae trait.
    Last edited by torf; May 31, 2021 at 08:19 AM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Roman Province

    Thanks! I even have no idea gallia narbonensis are that vast and assume only massila and tolosa.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Roman Province

    I also went to look them up in the ancillary file. Here's the descriptions if anyone is interested. Also, legates: If you have a provincial governor already and send an ineligible (young) FM to one of the province cities, they can get the legate trait. They get imperium and -1 unrest, which is pretty much the only way young FMs can get imperium.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    {province_sicily} Provincia Sicilia

    This man has been appointed by Consultum Senatus as Provincial Governor of Sicily. As provincial governor, he is responsible for overall administration both financially and legally of the provincia. His primary duty is the collection of taxes and development of the provincial economy, as well as ensuring the safety of Roman citizens in the territory. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES: Sicily was the first province to be incorporated into the Res Publica at the end of the First Punic War in 241 BC. The economic benefits for the Romans were legendary. The Sicilians were denied armies and the right to conduct foreign affairs, they still had to carry the cost of their water supply, festivals, cults, public buildings and on and on.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_corsica_and_sardinia} Provincia Corsica et Sardinia

    This man has been appointed by Consultum Senatus as Provincial Governor of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. As provincial governor, he is responsible for overall administration both financially and legally of the provincia. His primary duty is the collection of taxes and development of the provincial economy, as well as ensuring the safety of Roman citizens in the territory. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES: Soon after the beginning of the first Punic War 264-241 BC the Romans took Alalia, and began their conquest of Corsica. But the interior was not pacified until 162 BC. \n\n Sardinia was probably first settled by Italic peoples from Etruria and Graeci explorers from the Balearic Isles to the west, but soon came under Poeni influence as well. In 238 BC, the Poeni surrendered Sardinia which became a province of Rome. Sardinia developed into a major source of grain and salt for the Empire, but also exported wines, olives and was also home to several mining operations. Corsica became a popular resort and destination for political exiles for centuries.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_africa_vetus} Provincia Africa Vetus

    This man has been appointed by the Senate as Governor for Africa Province. As provincial governor, he is responsible for overall administration both financially and legally of the provincia. His primary duty is the collection of taxes and development of the provincial economy, as well as ensuring the safety of Roman citizens in the territory. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES: Africa Vetus, or, "Old Africa", was the first Province incorporated by Rome on the continent which now bears its name. The Province was established in the most fertile part of what was formerly Carthaginian territory, and Utica was made its administrative capital. The remaining territory was left in the domain of the Numidian client King Massinissa. At this time, the Roman policy in Africa was simply to prevent another great power to rise on the far side of Sicily. Therefore, great freedom of rule was granted to Massinissa and his descendants. Upon his death in 148 BC, the territory was divided among his heirs into several smaller client Kingdoms.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_gallia_cisalpina} Provincia Gallia Cisalpina

    The Senate has ordered this man to Gaul This Side of the Alps, there to take up the mantle of Governor and to administer the Province in accordance with Roman law. His Imperium is absolute within the boundaries of this province, but useless once he leaves it. While serving as Governor, he is immune to prosecution in Rome. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES:Gallia Cisalpina, meaning "Gaul on this side of the Alps" was sometimes referred to as Gallia Citerior (Hither Gaul), Provincia Ariminum, or Gallia Togata (Toga-wearing Gaul, indicating the region's early Romanization). The province was governed from Mutina. The River Rubicon marked its southern boundary with Italia proper, and it was upon crossing this river in 49BC that Julius Caesar, with his battle-hardened legions after the conquest of Gaul, precipitated the Roman Republic into civil war and to the eventual establishment of the Roman Empire.\n\nThe province was merged into Italia about 43-42 BC, as part of Octavian's "Italicization" program during the Second Triumvirate. Vergilius was born in Gallia Cisalpina, and was the province's most famous son.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_hispania_citerior} Provincia Hispania Citerior

    The Conscript Fathers have appointed this man as Governor of Nearer Spain. As such, he will oversee implementation of Roman policy and law across the entire Province, with Imperium. This province is inhabited by fierce and warlike tribes which require subduing before becoming fully Romanized. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: The Roman conquest of Hispania began mainly due to the actions of Carthage. In 219 BC Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, attacked, and laid siege to Saguntum, and the following year the Roman Senate came to the assistance of their allies. They declared Hispania a Roman province and over the course of the Second Punic War, Hispania was a major theatre and the scene of many battles and reversals of fortune, including the death in battle of two Scipios (Cnaeus Cornelius and his brother Publius) and the eventual expulsion of the Carthaginians under the brilliant leadership of their nephew, Publius Cornelius Scipio (Africanus). Hispania was separated into two provinces in 197 BC, each ruled by a praetor. Both of these provinces were rich in silver and other precious metals, and their governors did not hesitate to extort extra wealth from the local inhabitants. Eventually they turned fully against the Romans in a series of revolts, all of which were put down.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_hispania_ulterior} Provincia Hispania Ulterior

    The Conscript Fathers have appointed this man as Governor of Further Spain. As such, he will oversee implementation of Roman policy and law across the entire Province, with Imperium. This province is inhabited by fierce and warlike tribes which require subduing before becoming fully Romanized. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: The Roman conquest of Hispania began mainly due to the actions of Carthage. In 219 BC Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, attacked, and laid siege to Saguntum, and the following year the Roman Senate came to the assistance of their allies. They declared Hispania a Roman province and over the course of the Second Punic War, Hispania was a major theatre and the scene of many battles and reversals of fortune, including the death in battle of two Scipios (Cnaeus Cornelius and his brother Publius) and the eventual expulsion of the Carthaginians under the brilliant leadership of their nephew, Publius Cornelius Scipio (Africanus). Hispania was separated into two provinces in 197 BC, each ruled by a praetor. Both of these provinces were rich in silver and other precious metals, and their governors did not hesitate to extort extra wealth from the local inhabitants. Eventually they turned fully against the Romans in a series of revolts, all of which were put down. The long wars of conquest lasted two centuries, and only by the time of Augustus did Rome managed to control Hispania Ulterior.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_gallia_narbonensis} Provincia Gallia Transalpina

    The Senate has proclaimed this man Governor of Transalpine Gaul, or "Gaul Across the Alps". With a Governor's Imperium, he will be enabled to rule the Province as you he sees fit, with powers of life and death over all its citizens and overall command of any legions stationed within the Province. His Imperium is only valid within the boundaries of his Province, however. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: Gallia Narbonensis, or Transalpine Gaul, was called by the Romans "Provincia Nostra", or simply, "Our Province". The name has survived to the modern day as "Provence". Transalpine Gaul was incorporated as a Provincia in 121 BC, originally called Gallia Transalpina, or "Across the Alps", to differentiate it with Roman Gaul, or Gallia Cisalpina. It was renamed Gallia Narbonensis in 118 BC, after the founding of Narbo Martius on the coast, although originally the Province was centred on Massalia. Massalia's initial involvement with Rome dates back to their mutual alliance against Carthage during the Second Punic War. Narbo stands out as Rome's first overseas colony, and served as an important trade route from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. Final consolidation was achieved during Caesar's Gallic Wars from 58-50 BC. Caesar's victories ensured Roman dominion in south-western Gaul as well as expanding the northern territories. Massalia was officially incorporated as a Roman city after Caesar defeated their navy in 49 BC, during the Civil War (unfortunately for the Massiliotes, they had sided with Pompey).

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_macedonia} Provincia Macedonia

    This man has been chosen Governor of Macedonia, to administer the Province and implement the will of the Senate and People of Rome. To retain the benefits of this command, he must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: A growing power in the west, Rome, would soon become involved in the affairs of Greece and Macedonia. The First Macedonian-Roman war coincided with the Second Punic War, when Hannibal of Carthage and Philip V of Macedon made an alliance against Rome, but ended indecisively. The Second Macedonian-Roman War (200-196 BC), erupted in response to Macedonian incursions in Greece. Rome attacked and defeated the armies of King Philip who lost all territories outside of Macedonia and had to recognize the independence of the southern Greek city-states. The third and most decisive Macedonian-Roman war (172-168 BC) ended with the overthrow of the Antigonid dynasty and the division of Macedonia into 4 separate republics under loose Roman jurisdiction. The Fourth Macedonian War (150-148 BC) occurred when the Macedonians supported a man who pretended to be the son of the last king. The rebels overran Macedon and attacked southern Greece, but were finally crushed by the Romans under the praetor Metellus Macedonicus. The Romans razed the Greek city of Corinth, one of the leading cities of the revolt and put an end to Greek resistance. It was at this point, in 146 BC, that Macedonia became an official province with mainland Greece to follow shortly thereafter.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_asia} Provincia Asia

    This man has won command of the Province of Asia, and the Senate has agreed he shall rule it with a Governor's Imperium. The wealth of the East lies before him, to do with as he pleases. His Imperium is valid within the boundaries of the Province, but once his term is up or if he returns to Rome he becomes open to prosecution by his enemies within the Senate. His term begins at one year, but may be prorogued by the Senate if a need arises. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES: Antiochos III the Great had to give up Asia when the Romans crushed his army at the historic battle of Magnesia, in 190 BC. After the Treaty of Apamea (188 BC), the entire territory was surrendered to Rome and placed under the control of a client king at Pergamum.\n\nWith no apparent heir, Attalos III of Pergamum having been a close ally of Rome, chose to bequeath his kingdom to Rome. Upon Attalus's passing in 133 BC, Manius Aquillius formally established the region as Asia province. The bequest of the Attalid kingdom to Rome presented serious implications for neighbouring territories. It was during this period of time that Pontus rose in status under the rule of Mithridates VI. He would prove to be a formidable foe to Rome's rule in Asia province and beyond.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_achaea} Provincia Achaea

    This man has been selected as Governor of Achaea, to administer the Province and implement the will of the Senate and People of Rome. To retain the benefits of this command, he must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: Achaea was annexed to the Roman Republic in 146 BC after a brutal campaign, in which the city of Corinth was razed by the Roman general Lucius Mummius (gaining the cognomen "Achaicus"), its inhabitants slaughtered or sold into slavery, and the temples looted for sculptures. For 60 years, Greece was administered by Rome as a Senatorial province in which some cities, such as Athens and Sparta, retained self-governing status within their own territories. The First Mithridatic War (88-85 BC), which ended with Lucius Cornelius Sulla defeating Mithridates VI and his rebellious Greek city-state allies, resulted in heavy Roman punishment of all the rebellious cities, and the campaigns fought on Greek soil left the heart of central Greece in ruins. The commerce of Achaea was no longer a rival to that of Rome, although Athens did remain a respected intellectual center. After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC, the Emperor Augustus separated Macedonia from Achaea. Over the next century and a half Greece would slowly rebuild, culminating during the reign of the Hellenophile emperor Hadrian (117-138). Along with the Greek scholar Herodes Atticus, Hadrian undertook an extensive rebuilding program which beautified Athens and restored many of the ruined and depressed Greek cities.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_bithynia} Provincia Bithynia

    This man has been selected as Governor of Bithynia, to administer the Province and implement the will of the Senate and People of Rome. To retain the benefits of this command, he must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \nHISTORICAL NOTES: According to ancient authors (Herodotus, Xenophon, Strabo), the Bithynians were an immigrant Thracian tribe. The existence of a tribe called Thyni in Thrace is well attested, and the two cognate tribes of the Thyni and Bithyni appear to have settled simultaneously in the adjoining parts of Asia. They were incorporated by king Croesus within the Lydian monarchy, after which they fell under the dominion of Persia (546 BC), and were included in the satrapy of Phrygia, comprising all the countries up to the Hellespont and Bosporus. But even before the conquest by Alexander the Bithynians appear to have asserted their independence, and successfully maintained it under two native princes, Bas and Zipoites, the latter of whom assumed the title of Basileos in 297 BC. His son and successor, Nicomedes I, founded Nicomedia which soon rose to great prosperity. During his long reign (278-255 BC) and those of his successors, the kingdom of Bithynia held a considerable place among the minor monarchies of Anatolia. But the last king, Nicomedes IV, was unable to maintain himself against Mithridates VI of Pontus, and after being restored to his throne by the Roman Senate, he bequeathed his kingdom by will to the Roman republic in 74 BC.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_africa_nova} Provincia Africa Nova

    This man has been appointed by the Senate as Governor for Africa Nova. As such, he is granted Imperium within the boundaries of his new Province, and the authority to mete out justice and administer law therein for the duration of his office. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES: Within Roman occupied Africa, the bulk of the population of was composed of three major population groups: the Berber tribes (such as Numidians, Gaetulians and Maurusiani), the ancient Carthaginians of Phoenician origin, and finally Roman colonists. The Berbers were a dark skinned native African people that spoke a common language and shared ethnic characteristics. Besides the Afri in the regions controlled by Carthage, the tribes that took part in the wars against the Romans were the Lotophagi, the Garamantes, the Maces, the Nasamones, the Misulani or Musulamii, the Massyli and the Massaesyli.The prosperity of most towns depended on agriculture. Called the "granary of the empire," North Africa, according to one estimate, produced 1 million tons of cereals each year, one-quarter of which was exported. Other crops included fruit, figs, grapes, and beans. By the second century AD, olive oil rivaled cereals as an export item.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_syria} Provincia Syria

    This man has been selected for Governor of Syria, to govern the Province and implement the will of the Senate and People of Rome. To retain the benefits associated with Governorship, the Governor must remain within the boundaries of his Province during his term as Governor. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTES:The rampant spread of Piracy along the southern coast of modern Cilicia, Lycia and Pamphylia and the collapse of the Selucid Empire brought Roman interference to Syria. In 66 BC, a campaign led by Pompey the Great essentially brought the whole region, Syria included, under Roman control. In 64 BC, Syrian Kings were ousted, and Pompey officially annexed Syria as a Roman province. Under Roman rule, Syria would eventually prosper again. Despite serving as a frontier buffer zone, Syria's ports and trade routes with the far east were important economic forces. Grain, fruits, cloth, glass, wool, linen, textiles, pottery, timber and resin were all exported in abundance. Dyes too, especially the purple dye extracted from mollusks on the Syrian shore were of particular importance. Much like Syria's entire ancient history, it did remain a battleground territory during the Roman era. Serving as a launching point against Parthia, into Judaea and elsewhere, as many as 4 legions were garrisoned in Syria at any one time.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_gallia_comata} Provincia Gallia Comata

    The Senate has ordered this man to Gallia Comata, there to take up the mantle of Governor and to administer the Province in accordance with Roman law. His Imperium is absolute within the boundaries of this province, but useless once he leaves it. While serving as Governor, he is immune to prosecution in Rome.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"Omnia Gallia in partes tres divisa est" - so said Gaivs Ivlivs Caesar, by this meaning that all Gaul was divided in three parts. This division was adopted given a realistic evaluation of the conditions necessary towards their administration. While Gallia Cisalpina and Transalpina were well Romanized, thanks to early conquest and/or the establishment of colonies like Narbo Martius in modern-day Languedoc, most of the rest of Gaul remained a wild, foreign territory with traditional Celtic culture and usages. Therefore it was named "hairy" Gaul, perhaps a well known reference to Celtic customs. Of this, we have plenty of references: GALLIA INQUIT TOGATAM REMITTO, COMATAM POSTULO (CICERO, THE PHILLIPICS), GALLIA OMNIS COMATA UNO NOMINE APPELATA (Pliny, Natural History). This terminology became standard after the conquest, with clearly demeaning connotations. The Gauls of Caesar's time were not barbarians dwelling in huts in the forest, and the later conquest of further Gaul helped conserve its Celtic customs and usages for a longer period. These had always, due to an intense historical rivalry, been seen by the Romans as barbarous and in need of taming.

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_cyrenacia} Provincia Cyrenacia

    The Senate has ordered this man to Cyrenacia, there to take up the mantle of Governor and to administer the Province in accordance with Roman law. His Imperium is absolute within the boundaries of this province, but useless once he leaves it. While serving as Governor, he is immune to prosecution in Rome. \n\n WE NEED A GOOD DESCRIPTION HERE

    +1 Personal Security


    {province_illyria} Provincia Illyria

    This man has been appointed by Consultum Senatus as Promagistrate of Illyria, there to take up the mantle of Governor and to administer the Province in accordance with Roman law. His Imperium is absolute within the boundaries of this province, but useless once he leaves it.\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nHISTORICAL NOTES: The seizure of Illyria by the Romans was a gradual affair, and one framed within the issue of Rome's long term strategic and security needs versus the continuous rebellious spirit of the local tribes. After the Third Illyrian War (168 BC) was won and Illyrian piracy finally quelled, Rome proceeded to annex most of its lands. Despite Illyria's strategic importance as a defensive flank for the Italian lands, and to prevent piracy, the land was quite poor and uninhabited. Many of the local native tribes were restless and independent, and it would take two centuries to subjugate them completely. Roman settlement begins in earnest at the foundation of the city of Aquileia (181 BC), with the expulsion of the locals. This initial Roman settlement comprised 3000 families, with another 1500 families of Roman origin also arriving by 169 BC. Illyria, however, wasn't a formal province like others during the Republic, but rather a territory under the direct occupation of Rome, thus ruled not by a provincial government but by a military dictatorship. After more localized uprisings in the 1st Century BC, the province was finally incorporated as Illyricum by Augustus.

    +1 Personal Security


  6. #6

    Default Re: Roman Province

    The legate hasn't the imperium, he just get some traits to partially offset the no imperium penality.

    Trait JuniorLegate
        Characters family
        NoGoingBackLevel 2
        Level Junior_Legate
            Description Junior_Legate_desc
            EffectsDescription Junior_Legate_effects_desc
            GainMessage Junior_Legate_gain_desc
            Threshold 1
            Effect Unrest  -1
            Effect Attack  2            ;;; partial compensation of "NoImperium" penalties.
            Effect TroopMorale  1        ;;; partial compensation of "NoImperium" penalties.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Roman Province

    Quote Originally Posted by eyelurker View Post
    Thanks! I even have no idea gallia narbonensis are that vast and assume only massila and tolosa.
    After their defeat in 121, BC the territory of the Allobroges was added to the Gallia Narbonensis. The territory of the Aruernoi could have been added too, but the Romans prefer let them free with a peacefull proroman oligarchic political system instead of the monarchy.

    As the Akuitanon was a Caesarian conquest, for this region, I don't know.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Roman Province

    Quote Originally Posted by torf View Post
    The legate hasn't the imperium, he just get some traits to partially offset the no imperium penality.

    Trait JuniorLegate
        Characters family
        NoGoingBackLevel 2
        Level Junior_Legate
            Description Junior_Legate_desc
            EffectsDescription Junior_Legate_effects_desc
            GainMessage Junior_Legate_gain_desc
            Threshold 1
            Effect Unrest  -1
            Effect Attack  2            ;;; partial compensation of "NoImperium" penalties.
            Effect TroopMorale  1        ;;; partial compensation of "NoImperium" penalties.

    Is that working as designed? The description seems very similar to the rector and implies the legatus has imperium like the rector, unless they leave the province. This would also make sense historically for a Labienus-type independent commander.

    {Junior_Legate} Legatus

    Therefore he does not suffer from the lack of "Imperium" as long as he does not set out on offensive beyond his province.

    {Rector_Provinciae} Rector Provinciae

    As long as he stays within his province, he will be granted Imperium to serve as chief military commander to preserve Roman interests by all means necessary.

    Edit: I would either propose to change the legatus description to make clearer that it's a partial offset and there's still a penalty, or change the effects to give them imperium/not hit them with full no imperium penalty. I would personally lean in favour of option #2 as this would be a good way to train up younger FMs and send them to provinces instead of just keeping them near Rome. I always assumed that's what it was for, anyways, and historically, didn't a lot of governors take relatives/friends along to boost their careers?
    Last edited by Victor1234; May 31, 2021 at 03:24 PM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Roman Province

    Some changes are coming with the R3 patch regarding to the roman provinces :

    Gallia narbonensis : Nantus Allobrogon(Uiennos), Kimusta Uolkias(Tolosa)

    Gallia comata : Landa Pelignon(Nemetokena), Eturomina(Batumacos), Aremorika(Kondates), Brogis Aulerikon(Autrikon), Dekamatoi(Tarodunon), Talaeduoi(Bibrakte), Akitosekuanoi(Uesontiu), Uika Biturigeis(Auarikon), Kimusta Piktonis(Lemonon), Etusenonis(Lugdunon), Kimusta Piktonis(Lemonon), Aruernselua(Gergouia), Akuitanon(Iliberri), Mediomatrebo(Diuoduron)

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