This is so that the ai I fight have phalangites (or any other pike using unit) that actually go on the attack rather than just sit there like meatshields. I don't want to ask this for the next version or whatever because I recall the mind-numbing work the devs put in just to get around the inherently buggy mess that is an m2tw spear wall. Also, a lot of people are fine with how things are already. I just want this for my personal playthrough.

Now, for those very, very few who wonder why even bother - here are my reasons:


Currently, phalanxes are subpar in the one role they're supposed to perform. It's not to "hold off" large number of enemies, no, no. That's just the supposed (not right now with the guard mode on) side effect of their fighting style. It's to PIN the enemy in place. However, a unit in guard mode by definition just stands at one point with his pike hanging out. There's no threat generated, they DON'T push forward, and they don't damage retreating units. This means it is the easiest thing in the world for the human player (or even the AI actually - witnessed it myself) to peel off his/her own infantry units (ludicrous because this should be a cavalry feat) ALREADY in contact with the FRONT of the enemy phalangites, quietly shuffle them to the side, and envelop the enemies flank. This maneuver should only be doable by the most elite soldiers, yet because guard mode phalanxes just...stand suddenly becomes extremely easy to perform. Try doing that against, say, any other infantry WITH infantry and you KNOW there's a large chance that your retreating units will suffer higher casualties and rout.

Historically/Realistically (in my not so important opinion)

Please people, just picture being told to fight defensively with a pike against other infantry. Against cavalry, sure, that makes sense - brace for impact, right? But against other infantry, what exactly are you going to do? Whip the pikes up to try to block incoming strikes? Try to cover yourself with a long 18-foot pole? I mean you could, but it's not going to be as effective as a soldier equipped with a big (bigger than yours) shield or a more maneuverable weapon. You can't even depend on your fellow phalangites to cover you (that much) because he is also using the same unwieldy longspear. This also means you are all crowded in beside each other and can't use your magnificent pike-fu to defend your sides, as you can only attack frontally. Thus, you are left with a general three step plan as a hellenistic sarissa-wielder in the front ranks that you have to do if you wanna win, and that's it, besides dropping your pike and fleeing. First step, as you all start in a sort of "fencing" position (body turned sideways), you may tuck your head partially under the little round shield strapped to your shoulder as you raise that shoulder a bit higher. Second step, march where the enemy is. Third step, thrust, thrust, and thrust! Combine steps two and three in varying intensity as you PRESS FORWARD in a stabby wall of death. Also, pray your flank doesn't get taken because if it does, you are fudged.

As my juvenile imagining above portrays, to me, tactically, the great "defensive" power of the Macedonian phalanx (and its counterparts) is the THREAT of an unrelenting (albeit slow) direct assault. Pikes can't block that much, and a lone phalangite is worse than useless, but put him with likewise armed men in a massed frontal attack and suddenly they become something the enemy can't ignore. From memory, the main gripes with guard mode turned off is that it "ruins the pike blocks" and it "lets enemies through". To me it is actually MORE historical that there be chances for your pike block to turn into a scrambled mess (ESPECIALLY IF IT GETS FLANKED) and that occasionally, crazily brave or well-armored warriors get through. What isn't historical is picture perfect, static, non-forward pressing phalanxes, with soldiers like non-responsive tin dolls.

In conclusion

Again, just my thoughts. I don't want to force the devs to change their vision of EB2. I just want to know how to apply my vision by modifying the game files.