I've been playing as the Saka Rauka and things'll seem fine in a settlement, it may have a bit of unrest or none at all. Rebels show up, unrest goes up, makes sense. I destroy the rebels, it goes down overtime (I think). HOWEVER, with Baktria's capitol, I captured it, held it for like, 20 turns, getting the population up with my faction leader until its all the way at 11000 out of 12000 for growth, then unrest starts to skyrocket. My leader had the Tubthumper trait, which increases unrest by 2, but he had other governable traits that offset that. The unrest went from 20 to 70 over the course of a few turns and it rebelled, causing 3 full stacks to absolutely destroy my economy and make my will to live lower. Best part; there were no rebels at all in the province, I had searched it with my armies like crazy. The only possible things I could think of is: Armies in province cause unrest??? Adjacent enemy settlements with enemy armies cause unrest, even if they're not in your province? I have no clue; it's honestly the most frustrating part of EB2 for me, public order control.

I'd just like to know how it works, how to reduce it or prevent it, or if it's just ed.