Hey guys I've felt down for the last couple of weeks, but I'm a manly man (no homo), so I'm not like going to cry for no reason and I can't eat my pain away either because France decided I'm not allowed to shop there because shopping for that delicious magnificent sublime luscious exquisite heavenly and... uhm... yummy (thanks www.thesaurus.com for giving me this baby word when most of the words listed there usually are so high tier) French cheese apparently doesn't count as a good enough reason to enter the country (as if anyone ever wanted to visit that country for anything else (although come to think of it, a neighbour of mine just came back after exploiting a family birthday to go surfing in Brittany even though his relative with said birthday actually lives somewhere completely else and it was apparently nice (the waves I mean, not the birthday party, since he didn't go there lol he just needed the excuse to cross the border))), and anyway, long story short, but this sentence longer, couple of days ago I finally got that sweet luscious mushy dulcet saccharine emotional release (thanks thesaurus.com once again for making my english sound better than it actually is), when I, for like, the first time ever, had the stupid idea to look up whilst standing below the balcony of my family home where I'm currently home officing away, discovering lots and lots of ruststains on the underside of the concrete (meaning that water and oxygen have free access to the rebars, which is very bad news (bad news because it compromises the structural integrity of said structure (compromising the structural integrity as in the reinforcing steel bars rust, making the steel able to carry less and with a chance of the concrete breaking off too) (also apologies for the superfluous repeat of the same word when I said "structural integrity of said structure", that was dumb, lol)), so I finally had a chance to cry and let it all out and man it felt so good, I had like two tears and was even sniffing though, come to think of it, that might also have been due to my dust allergy, but anyways, having cried and having even a third tear pop up once I started questioning my masculinity which I dealt with by telling myself that rusty rebar is a very good reason to cry, I'm wondering now whether there are other chances where it'd legit for me to cry like a little whiny , like professional football but with less requirement on actually having to move, because I'm really not that into physical exercise, not because I'm too weak, I could like totally run a marathon, I just choose not to, because it's lame, if you know what I mean, so maybe more like being a sports fan, which is easy enough, but then what if your team wins if you know what I mean, and you just watched to have that legit reason but now you're left dry, and you can't pick a loser team because their fans are usually super chill about losing, so maybe something else, like I had the idea that I should maybe get into cutting onions but that can't be alpha either given that that's my mothers job, so I'm really out of ideas and I hope you have some better ideas, but remember it has to be a good reason, not like breaking an arm or something, because being a cripple is super beta as is not bringing a knife to that bar fight and bars are closed rn anyways so there's like no one for me to fight anyways except for those feelings which I totally don't have since I'm not a wuzz, so I'm hoping you have some other ideas, the more specific the better because if it's like ultra specific no one will be suspicious?