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Thread: How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

  1. #1
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

    I'm having a lot of fun playing as the Sisters of Twilight in Mortal Empires. Heir of Carthage described their Mortal Empires campaign well when he said that they're like a horde campaign with bases (in the major forest regions). I'm enjoying playing a campaign which isn't about painting the map your colour, instead you're defending the major forest regions and making hit and run attacks (both on the campaign map and battlefield).

    Their roster reminds me a bit of Cimmeria in Rome 2 (one of my favourite factions), they can use a good defensive line (Dryads > Tree Kin > Treemen) with great archers on foot and horeseback. Of course, the Sisters have more options (compared to Cimmeria), for example you can leave out the defensive infantry and use their damage-dealers instead (Wardancers and Bladesingers) and of course you have flying units and magic. For archers, I like the way that you can go for cost-effective Glade Guard or vanguard-deployable Deepwood Scouts. You can choose an army which is almost all (or possibly all) vanguard-deployable, so your units can deploy around the flanks of the enemy.

    The extra features for this faction (compared to other Wood Elf factions) are fun, too - such as the quest for the forest dragon mount and the magic missile spell for your Hawk Riders (which makes them into a flying slow-to-reload artillery unit, as Heir described them). On the other hand, are Hawk Riders with the Arrow of Kurnous too powerful? Would it be better if this ability was still effective against enemy artillery, but a bit less effective against enemy infantry?

    Are you playing as a Woof Elf faction since The Twisted the The Twilight, or as Throt the Unclean? Do you have any tips for other players? I like taking over the Bowmen of Oreon's Camp. The bonus to unit experience was helpful and the long, narrow valley to the east of Oreon's Camp is a good place to ambush your enemies. It also provided a useful base when the Dark Elves confederated into one faction, especially after the High Elves (with my help) removed the Dark Elves from their northern strongholds and they fell back to the regions in the south-east corner of the campaign map which Malus Darkblade starts with.

    Do you have ideas about how the Forge of Daith could be improved? I like the dilemma where you're offered the Witstealer sword (a very nifty magic weapon which comes with a disadvantage on the campaign map, as it spreads Chaos corruption). I wonder if the Forge could offer a similar dilemma, so that instead of being offered a small upgrade to a magic item or a better upgrade that only lasts five turns, we could have a choice between a regular magic item (or an upgrade to it) or a special magic item which comes with a debuff, like this:

    Choose between ...

    Bow of Kurnous
    -15% Reloading time
    +10% Missile damage


    Bow of Khaine
    +20% Range
    +25% Missile damage
    Adds poison attacks
    -50 to relations with all High Elf factions
    Last edited by Alwyn; January 03, 2021 at 08:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

    Forge of Daith will get some changes
    But I would love in overall more debuffs all around. Choices. Something like Widowmaker, that is offering bonus for hefty cost. And Your bow as well Alwyn. Actually I can imagine some questlines/dilemmas which will offer permanent,long term effect. Bonus for some kind of negative malus...

    Anyway I also very much enjoyed option to play tall with settled faction. But due to teleportation around it feels pretty dynamic. I can move armies around whole world, explore opportunities and in overall it was quite nice change both in Vortex and ME. And I really like Drycha. And playing with Durthu, you can collect all characters which is pretty nice. Hawk Riders and sisters are almost OP combination.

    I have yet to tackle Throt but from reviews it seems to be okay campaign as well. One thing that I might dislike is that all campaigns felt pretty easy. Not idea if due to economic changes or that nobody challanged me so hard. Okey, actually rising difficulty for Chaos invasion now feels like proper challange. It was more on grind side of thing but finally, finally I felt like there is this big tide of Chaos rampaging around..
    Last edited by Daruwind; January 03, 2021 at 01:26 PM.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  3. #3
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

    Good points - yes, the teleportation does make for a dynamic campaign.

    You mentioned the campaign seeming easy. I agree that Sisters plus Hawk Riders seems somewhat OP, maybe that's part of it - I noticed the difference when I started a Durthu campaign. Also, at least in my campaigns, the other Wood Elf factions don't compete with the player - they don't try to take over other forests or confederate other Wood Elf factions. Has anyone else seen other Wood Elf factions do this? I'm comparing them to the High Elves, where if I play as Alith Anar or Teclis for example, usually Tyrion or Eltharion confederates or invades the other High Elf factions and takes over Ulthuan faster than I can. Would it be better if the other Wood Elf factions competed more with the player, or would that make it too difficult (or would it seem wrong because the Wood Elves are supposed to stay secluded in their own forests usually, rather than intervene in events elsewhere)?

    Yes, I like the ability to choose the level of Chaos invasions too. Have you tried a campaign with no Chaos invasions? I enjoyed seeing the effects of this on diplomacy - it's harder to ally with other Order factions.
    Last edited by Alwyn; January 03, 2021 at 10:20 AM.

  4. #4
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

    I enjoyed the campaign with the Sisters, interesting different playstyle. I also like that to confederate you need to succeed in some missions. They are maybe a bit too easy, but it least it makes more sense than Bretonnia, where you juste have to get a tech!

    But I didn't finish the campaign yet: I played mostly to get the new feeling, and then switched back t o updating my mod.

    It will include an update for the WE, and also add the Greenskins with the dynamic manpower system and tribal units.

    I just have to finish the script for manpower and can release a beta version of this update!

  5. #5
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: How is your The Twisted & The Twilight campaign going?

    I think AI is not so able to work with WE building tall. Plus they are usually set for being pretty isolationist so, that might play a role. But yeah, low WE inter interaction was definitely in all my campaigns so far..:/ sadly. Like there is no major WE competition. Definitely some WE factions have harder start, however overall i think it was nothing so damn hard even with Durthu.

    I have yet to try No chaos start. So far I was trying upper the difficulty, how much it will alter end game. Actually I would love some additional mechanics, for example if in areas with high corruption via skaven/beastmen some chaos portals would open up and spwan a few armies. (I think I´m masochist but overall i like to prepare and have lot armies for such event...) So I will try no chaos in future, in my eyes it can actually helps some factions as Chaos usually steamrolls Old World..Empire and such, easing stuff for souther factions...
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

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