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Thread: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

  1. #81

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    Does your leader already have 8 ancilliaries?

    There's plenty to choose from. Yes Italians have many late era units, as do the Ottomans. There's also Hungary, the German factions...
    I did gave some of gis ancilaries to other generals so he wouldnt have 8 before sending him to bobovac.
    I must hawe had less than 8 cuz i got the script activated and i got the ban of bosnia ancilary.Maybe i need that building that gives me imperial ancilary instead of mayor ancilary.

  2. #82

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Crash in Ragusan Campaing turn 84

    12:53:13.604 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_BATTLE_ENGAGEMENT from transgressor faction 1DD74338 against faction 1DD78608
    12:53:13.604 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <battle3Chivalry_religionorthodox> fired
    12:53:13.607 [] [info] exists: missing mods/Tsardoms_beta-1.3/data/globallighting/
    12:53:13.607 [] [trace] file open,,data/globallighting/,,not found
    12:53:13.607 [] [trace] pack open,packs/localized.pack,data/globallighting/,,not found
    12:53:13.607 [] [trace] pack open,packs/data_0.pack,data/globallighting/,186
    12:53:13.607 [] [info] open: found data/globallighting/ (from: packs/data_0.pack)
    12:53:13.608 [] [info] exists: missing mods/Tsardoms_beta-1.3/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_morning_storm.texture
    12:53:13.608 [] [info] exists: missing mods/Tsardoms_beta-1.3/data/globallighting/env_maps/environment_morning_storm.texture
    12:53:13.608 [] [trace] pack close,,data/globallighting/,,,-186
    12:53:13.608 [game.script.trigger] [trace] Trigger <0072_T_Undeclared_Attack> fired
    12:53:13.609 [data.transgression] [info] Applied transgression TC_UNDECLARED_ATTACK from transgressor faction 1DD74338 against faction 1DD78608
    12:53:13.626 [system.rpt] [error] Uh oh. This isn't good. No idea why, but exiting now. Sorry pal.

  3. #83
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by PavleSubich View Post
    I .Maybe i need that building that gives me imperial ancilary instead of mayor ancilary.
    There is no such thing. There is no difference in buildings between anciliaries. You only need first level of feudal estate.

  4. #84

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    well then something is wrong cuz i activated the script and got the wrong ancilarie

  5. #85

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    This happened in campaing map, after a moldavian rising announcement and when the turn of moldavia come the game crash

  6. #86

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    You can't dock ships in Ragusa. It's possible to go into the military forces screen to remove the ships but you can't bring them into port.

  7. #87

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Im playing croatia now.
    Milan got destroyed like in turn 7 or so

    There is this thing hapening alsov early.When i end my turn some invisible venetian army attacks Split and they do not sige the tovn instead the game asks me if i want autorematch,draw or play...
    Ichose to draw and the venetian army disapeared.This hapend while i vas alied to them.

  8. #88

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Just want to say thanks for all the bugs report! This is something the team really lacked when they were playtesting since a lot of people didn't play certain factions.

  9. #89
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by PavleSubich View Post
    well then something is wrong cuz i activated the script and got the wrong ancilarie
    I ran a test as Bosnia, my leader got the King of Bosnia title as intended. So the only other reason I can think of is that you didn't choose to go Catholic

    Quote Originally Posted by rafa123 View Post
    This happened in campaing map, after a moldavian rising announcement and when the turn of moldavia come the game crash
    Thanks but in future, when you encounter ctds, can you all please upload your log file otherwise it doesn't help me very much. It's in Tsardoms_beta-1.3/logs

  10. #90
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Wagh View Post
    Another bug for Bavaria, the faction leader model in battles is a silver surfer. Btw great work on making different settlement cultures unique!
    Quote Originally Posted by NapoleonMaster View Post
    There is a texture bug with the Razusnabachi light horsemen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Giorgios View Post
    Another minor bug- the captains of the Catalan company units that spawn in Byzantium seem to be silver surfers, as are their banners.
    Quote Originally Posted by NapoleonMaster View Post
    Bosnian pavise spearmen makes my game crash.
    Thank you all, will be fixed

  11. #91

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    The siege of Pecs keeps crashing for me. It's under control by the Hungarian oligarchs and I'm playing as Croatia

  12. #92

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Hello again, as I said in my first post, congratulations for this marvellous mod.
    I notice somme black glitchs in siege battle in earlier settlements and also random CTD with building menu (I saw this sort of bug in the Europa Barbarorum II mod).
    In my new austrian campaign, the kingdom of Sicily destroy the Pope states. So the next turm, as the Pope was killed, there was new election. But no settlement for the new Pope so the game crash.
    Solution:I gave before a settlement for the Pope's faction.
    Happy New Year.

  13. #93
    Wallachian's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Can you please provide the log file. And also give details about your armies. It's probably a unit that is causing the crash.

  14. #94

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    I ran a test as Bosnia, my leader got the King of Bosnia title as intended. So the only other reason I can think of is that you didn't choose to go Catholic

    Thanks but in future, when you encounter ctds, can you all please upload your log file otherwise it doesn't help me very much. It's in Tsardoms_beta-1.3/logs
    I think i kmow what happend.
    I had 7 ancileries and noone as ban of bosnia so when i settled my faction leader to bobovac for one turn he became a ban as the eight ancilarie.

  15. #95

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Hi guys, another feedback from me.
    I've started a new Bulgarian campaign which went on for about 80 turns.
    The campaign feels great.
    The things I've encountered and want to mention are the following
    - The pronia military building tied to the pronia main building line,which produces Bulgarian elite cavalry like Boylars, allows for the reqriutment of all the 3 cavalry units from lvl 1, which makes the 2nd and 3rd level obsolete.
    - For bulgaria the Danuble warehouse 3rd lvl upgrade looks like rome 1 barracks
    - The higher level of bulgaria barracks don't add any new units
    - The Dobrujea regions rebels forces are quite strong, so basically they are not worth fighting, since taking lands from neighbor factions is way easier.
    - The 2nd level wooden wall looks like stone wall on the campaign map
    - The Otommans late game units are a bit too strong.
    - My kings son did not get the Bulgarian Tzar crown despite having all the required settlements and spending some time in Tarnovo
    - The diplomacy is a bit too negative in your favor, even factions whose enemies you fight dislike you

    The mod is great that's just some feedback from me, I hope I'm not offending anyone/

    P.P An Dutchy of Athens full stack army stood next to Serres for quite a long time 20 turns or more without doing anything, not even attacking and allowing me to ally them. I think I've seen a similar Dutchy of Athens stack doing the same in my previous Bulgaria campaign.

    P.P.2 Stamina is way too taxing. Most units tire way too easily. Some units with good/very good stamina like Heavy Macemen tire only from walking. Also tired units do not refresh their stamina even when resting for quite a bit. I think that this is an major issue.

    P.P.3 When fighting Serbia I've observed that most serbian armies had quite a few cavalry units 5-6-7-8, I think it comes from the issue with the pronia military building.

    P.P.4 I think giving some more flavor to city ruler ancillary would be nice, like giving some chivalry/dread, maybe giving some more bodyguard units as well.

    P.P.5 The major families traits do not seem to work as intended. Even when having a Shishman faction leader, the other Shishman generals seem to be loosing -3 loyalty instead of gaining +1.
    Last edited by sklvboris; December 31, 2020 at 10:30 PM.

  16. #96

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    hey, is the hardcore script working? for a full 20 unit stack it should give additional 10000 costs per turn right?

  17. #97

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    The city model for bulgarian and serbian settlements seems to be bugged.

  18. #98

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    As far as I know, in m2tw, if units have upgrades to armor, the armor value is not displayed properly, instead it's displayed as +1 for each upgrade. So in vanilla, a unit starting at 0 armor will get to 4, 5, 7 for each subsequent upgrade, but it will be displayed as 1, 2, 3. What's the situation in Tsardoms? Do you really get +1 for each upgrade, or are there armor levels like in vanilla? If it's the latter, what are those levels?

    I've played over 100 turns with various factions but did not encounter any real bug, so not a lot I can help with bug reports. The only thing I've found strange is that I couldn't get any ancillary for Karvuna, despite having the feudal economy building and a general with less than 8 ancillaries there. Also, I couldn't find a way to get any generals (not family members) besides the ones you get at the start, as man of the hour makes the guy a family member as well.

  19. #99
    Hrobatos's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    In my Byzantine campaign i was having generals offered to me all the time.

  20. #100
    Giorgios's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    It's a minor one, and not a bug as such- but I wonder, for the next release could the colours of Bulgaria and Serbia perhaps be tweaked? They're extremely similar as things stand, and it can make it difficult to tell one from the other on the campaign map!

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