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Thread: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

  1. #1261

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    when u in the battle pres "escape" then go to game options and there u can tur it off.

  2. #1262

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    I seem to be crashing after the end of each turn. Reopening the game most of the time repeats the crash until randomly the turn finishes succesfully. Then the next turn crashes again. First it all began when I tried playing a campaign as Venice. Then I tried a second new game as the Roman regency and the problem was passed on to there as well, even though last week I had reached turn 140 with the roman regency without any issue. Here is the log file:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    EDIT: Actually I don't seem to be able to make the link work, maybe you sould tell me a way to send it to you if you can't see it.
    Last edited by oorestis; January 02, 2023 at 03:31 PM.

  3. #1263

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Is it planed that qapukala cavalry beats the genderarme cavalry?
    I think its inba.

  4. #1264

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Ok Ok, I figured it out finally how to get a crash log, here it is:

    07:37:29.448 [data.missing] [warning] Cannot find the portrait path: data/ui/greek/portraits/portraits/young/generals/000.tga, using the default culture path if it exists
    07:37:29.448 [data.missing] [warning] Cannot find the portrait path: data/ui/greek/portraits/portraits/young/generals/000.tga, using the default culture path if it exists
    07:37:29.449 [data.missing] [warning] Cannot find the portrait path: data/ui/greek/portraits/portraits/young/generals/000.tga, using the default culture path if it exists
    07:37:29.450 [data.missing] [warning] Cannot find the portrait path: data/ui/greek/portraits/portraits/young/generals/000.tga, using the default culture path if it exists
    07:37:29.631 [system.rpt] [error] Uh oh. This isn't good. No idea why, but exiting now. Sorry pal

  5. #1265

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by PavleSubich View Post
    Is it planed that qapukala cavalry beats the genderarme cavalry?
    I think its inba.
    I checked but i didn't find qapukala cavalry or genrerarme cavalry in the game. Also i don't know what inba is

  6. #1266

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    inbalanced LOL its a gamer slang

    well u know what i mean,i dont remember from head how u write that
    Those latest french mercenery cav and those ottoman most heawy cav
    The otoman cavalry us unbeatable 1 on 1
    i dont belive that you intended it like that

  7. #1267

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    I'm joking with you because you never seem to take the time to pronounce the words correctly. And it's iMba not Inba .

    It is weird that they beat them. I don't know if it's intended or not. That said, the Gendarmes are still probably more useful overall, they probably just don't do that well against the Kapikulu because the Kapikulu do really well vs armored units. It's something to look at though

  8. #1268


    yes and there is more early units being unbeatable to high tier units.

    the varangian guard beats even the reischlaufer, i mistyped i know its imba

    and i just dont get the mechanics cuz there are units of same type with same stats but the ona always seam to win and its not even a close result but the wining unit seam to win convincingly.

    Try landsknescht pikemen vs colunela pikemen.
    Last edited by Maximinus Thrax; January 05, 2023 at 08:27 AM. Reason: posts merged

  9. #1269
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Sep 2013

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    That's because of the dumb AI. If you tried the other way around, Colunela vs Landsknecht pikemen, then Colunela would win easily
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Got lucky that their captain died really early but stil the outcome wasn't in doubt. At some point the ai just turned their backs ugh

    Kapikulu winning against (on paper) far superior Gendarmes is due to them having AP weapons. A more closer comparison is Kapikulu versus Great Banner of Krakow who have maces and warhammers. Both units are same type and quality (elite/late professional) but the more heavily armoured Polish knights prevail
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  10. #1270



    armor penetrating
    well i dont remeber that their inscription mentions armor piercing.
    Last edited by Maximinus Thrax; January 05, 2023 at 08:27 AM. Reason: posts merged

  11. #1271

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Gents, please use the edit post function instead of double posting to add or modify something you just said. If your post count is lower than 5, then notify me and I'll edit the post myself.


  12. #1272

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    what would be a good german militia unit for the renesance period so sfter 1500?
    i doubt landsknecht having free upkeep in citys is realistic

  13. #1273

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    This may have been pointed out, but I am playing on and off the late campaign, and what I've noticed is that the battle AI script does something awful. When I attack, the enemy army cav just sits there... they refuse to do anything or only some of them come to life. So I often have to use the vanilla AI when I attack.


    Scratch that, either I don't know how to use the Vanilla AI in battle, or it too doesn't attack. Anyway this sucks.
    Last edited by The Despondent Mind; January 14, 2023 at 01:04 PM.

  14. #1274

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Very weird. I've played tons of campaigns and never had that issue. The only issue i see sometimes is with reinforcements, otherwise the battle AI is doing quite good (by MTWII standards that is).

  15. #1275

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Quote Originally Posted by Anubis88 View Post
    Very weird. I've played tons of campaigns and never had that issue. The only issue i see sometimes is with reinforcements, otherwise the battle AI is doing quite good (by MTWII standards that is).
    Fortunately I still had the save before one of these battles, so I want it to record it, but as if to spite me, now the ai is using the cav... Even though I tried playing the battle several times, the AI refused and refused to use it sensibly, but now after I am much further in the campaign and wanted to record it, it suddenly is using it. I have experienced before that mtw2 ai refuses to repeat something it has done when I re-load, but not to this comical degree.

    Anyway, my rough theory is that what it makes it so "stiff" sometimes is when I am the ATTACKER and I set stakes(doesn't matter where). I swear on my life, I have seen it way too much in my LCamp. Some or all cav just stands there when the AI is defender, it even lets my inf charge it!

  16. #1276

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Hello, would someone be kind enough to look into my save and if it is possible to somehow fix the crash?
    I saved the game, ended turn, game crashed, and now both autosave and manual save crash at the end of load screen. This sucks since its a really cool campaign and I wish to continue it.

  17. #1277

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Another thing I noticed. The turn is 78(Late C), and the AI is shockingly passive, yes its N/N, but I am comparing it to other N/N campaigns. There is literally no wars, 90% of wars are against me, other factions just don't fight each other, I have seen that only twice (and only once a war in which I had nothing to do with). The AI even against me, is very indecisive if its peace time it will attack me, but if we are at war, it kinda just gives up and does next to nothing(but its never at war with other factions, so I cannot understand what is it doing).

  18. #1278

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Late Camp, Venice, Turn 5,

    When my army next to Belgrad-i Arnavud, attacks the Ottoman army next to it, I get CTDs. But its not that simple.
    First time I attacked them, I played the battle, and somewhere in the middle, it just abruptly CTDd, I attack it again, from a different tile in the map, again somewhere in the middle the battle crashes. At first I thought it must be a problem with the reinforcement from the Ottoman garrison. But no...
    Next time I tried attacking, the game CTD when I pressed "Start Deployment", next time it CTD the second the battle map loaded, the next time it CTD when I tried deploying troops.

    So I have no idea what's going on. I played a few battles against this very Ottoman army around this area. I played my previous 80-turn Ottoman campaign(Late Camp, ver1.0), and there wasn't a SINGLE CTD!
    Here is a video

    And the saved game is attached.

    EDIT: It happened again... Again, another Venice vs Ottomans battle around the same place, the CTD just randomly decides to manifest the second the battle map is loaded. Seriously what is going on here!?
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by The Despondent Mind; January 23, 2023 at 03:47 PM.

  19. #1279

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Should the Trading posts(Genoese, Ragusan, Venetian) be buildable if you don't have a port in that city?
    Last edited by Mediocre_General; January 27, 2023 at 10:36 AM. Reason: Grammer mistake; Initialy meant to write should the

  20. #1280

    Default Re: Tsardoms Total War - Campaign Feedback, Bugs and Reports

    Oh, and I'm not at war with the Genoese, but can't hire the Genoese Mercenary Crossbowmen from their trading posts in my settlements. Its worth noting that my relation with Genoa is 0.0. I'm playing as Milan, and earlier was in a war where I took Genoa itself and Lucca from them, which is where my Genoese trading posts are. I am no longer at war with them though.

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