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Thread: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

  1. #1

    Default Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    The Emperor, glorious leader of Mankind, was the progenitor of the Primarch Project, an undertaking of great psychic prowess and genetic mastery of self. To begin, the unrivaled Biomancy powers of The Emperor were used to turn himself into a fully functioning female, and then over the course of a hundred and eighty months, give birth to twenty children. Each child was modified in the womb to personify a core aspect of War, as they were intended to be the galaxy’s greatest generals and proconsuls. The birthing process allowed for a mix of male and female babies, each having their own unique talents, and able to affiliate with every human in the galaxy. Beyond simple genetic manipulation, their very souls were empowered beyond the ordinary, enacting in an anti-blank phenomena that gave them incredible personal charisma and magnetism towards humans. They needed no skill to inspire and drive men on with greater deeds of valour than could be thought of without them, but skill they had in droves. Leading them to be excellent, fantastical generals and equal diplomats.

    His male children would grow up to be robust beings, unparalleled strength and incomparable resilience, a great bulwark of force and power to drive the armies of the Imperium on from the frontlines. His female children would grow up to be lithe and agile beyond the understanding of mortals they lead. Seemingly boneless in their flexibility, and unwaveringly precise in their actions, they would be the needle, subtle and unseen, which weakened the enemy’s footing, and left them upon to be crushed by the bulk of their brothers.

    Though his plan was not to be, as the Chaos Gods scattered these twenty children across the galaxy, crippling The Emperor’s plans and almost destroying the Great Crusade before it had begun. However, The Emperor was adaptable and clever, and from the remains of his children, he created two new things, the Alpha Geneseed, and the Omega Geneseed. These stem cell zygotes could grow cultured genetically-engineered organs that, when implanted within a normal, adolescent human host, would allow that person to take on many of the physical and mental properties possessed by each Primarch. These Geneseeds were somewhat limited in the fact that, due to the biological and chemical differences in the bodies of a male and a female, only a man could take the Alpha, and only a woman could take the Omega. Any attempt to make Alpha females, or Omega males, ended with blood and death.

    To further improve his chances now the loss of his Primarchs had instilled a kernel of doubt in the success of his goals, The Emperor arrived on Mars, and with great mastery over the machines and magnificent appearance the likes of which had never been seen on Mars, he forged an alliance with the Tech-Priests of Mars, and in doing so secured technology far beyond what he could call upon on Earth. What he did not expect - or maybe he did, The Emperor was as unknowable as he was powerful - was what his arrival did to two young Tech-Adepts serving under Fabricator-General Kelbor-Hal. Belisarius Cawl and Egwene Tai were not simply inspired by The Emperor, but raised up to heights untold. Egwene, who’s minor Psyker Powers granted an increase in electrical impulses, allowing her to process things faster, think harder, and be generally more intelligent than her peers, had the unconscious safeguards blown wide open by The Emperor’s psychic presence. No longer simply more intelligent, she was shown the very fabric of Matterium reality, and the capability to unravel this fabric for her own understanding. Such a thing did little for her mental sanity, but with a burning fire of Faith unmatched in the Emperor, The Living Incarna Of The Omnissiah, she kept it firmly in hand.

    Cawl, was neither driven partially insane or inspired to obsessive levels of faith in The Emperor, but was given a feeling of greatness to aspire to. Fully aware of the impossibility of his ambition, Cawl threw himself into his studies with the raging passion of the blazing Sun, for he had finally found a rival in which to compete with. The possibility of becoming as great as The Emperor in even a single field of study was a goal that would drive him onwards against any obstacle.

    These two Adepts would, with their talents, begin work in ernest. Cawl, diving into genetics and biology, to best The Emperor and produce a superior gene-seed to the one that had been made. Egwene, still somewhat in control of her own mentality, developed the love and fascination of machinery into a grand understanding of it, and the two put heads together in this goal of a new Gene-Seed. Fate was cruel to Cawl, however, as he had not been working a year with his partner and friend, before she was pulled away on a new assignment.

    The great Logis Engines of Mars had run a datatrail and come to the conclusion that Humanity was mentally and spiritually unprepared for the Holy Form of the Mechanicus. This would, in turn, cause the Mechanicus efforts to suffer a 39.584191126% decrease in efficiency, a loss bordering on heresy for followers of the Omnissiah. The Logis Engine suggested a new wing of the Mechanicus, the Maidens Of Metal. Adepts of the Mechanicus who would retain the human appearance and were female, since the Engine dictated that a female may appeal to a man and affiliate to a woman. The Cybermantle was instead installed internally, while keeping the external appearance engaging and humanoid. Egwene, a highly promising woman who had yet to go through full cybermantle conversion as well as having some leverage due to her ancestry with a Knight House - having had a mother far removed by time tithed to Mars in exchange for Mechanicum assistance - was given the leadership of this new position. They were to be the face of the Mechanicus, those who would interact, be in the front and allow for smooth transition between Imperium, and Mechanicus.

    This new assignment kept her away from Cawl and gave her very little time to work with him. Conversation over Vox was simply not cutting their requirements, and so with her skill and new position as Magos Dux of the Maidens, she created him a unique Cogitator with a billion pre-rendered replies and a processor powerful enough to keep up with Cawl’s demands. This would act as a falsified person for Cawl to interact with, and while it’s artificial nature would come up at times - repeating the same phrase or giving a phrase unhelpful to the current conversation - he was glad for it.

    The Great Crusade went well, The Maidens of Metal made meshing with the Imperium an easy task, and Egwene headed them with great vigor. She would, in her spare time, tinker with her body, adding in specialized components she had tooled herself, upgrading here and replacing there to make her a more efficient being closer to her Omnissiah.Her successes in this war would lead to promotions and honours within the Mechanicus, eventually gaining a long and unwieldy title to call her own. However, this was not to last, as the Horus Heresy brought about destruction and ruin to this Great Crusade and ended with the near-death of The Emperor. Having had the very light of her life snuffed out, Egwene no longer possessed the ability to keep her unique mind intact, and disappeared surely after the Heresy was over.

    Thus began a 10,000 year descent for the Imperium, coloured with successes that barely managed to keep it from becoming a hopeless situation. Though, there is still hope. The Death of The Emperor crippled Cawl as it did Egwene, and his work on the Gene-Seed slowed tremendously, but the Cogitator had no such failings, still working on every formula, process and theory that Cawl sent it’s way. Scattered work by Cawl himself brought this Cogitator to in M41.999, solve the final piece of the puzzle. All that was required now was synthesis, installation, and the most difficult task of all. Convincing a jaded and battered Imperium to accept such an innovation that would surely be seen as heresy by all...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    Reincarnation v2.0 patch notes

    • The Galaxy is a dangerous place, and divine beings are rare and weak. Luck has been removed as a base stat.

    • The Superhuman Psychosis bug has been fixed.

    • Faith and Chaos have been added as stats. Each governs a different avenue of thought and playstyle

    • Stats will not be given at 2/1 a level, but rather 10 points to distribute as desired. This will allow for better building how you want to build. Primary Stat instead now gains additional stat points at a higher rate than normal points.

    • Due to the economical scale, conversation has been changed to 1 gold for 100 thrones.

    • A vast horde of new traits, talents, jobs and equipment has been added for your enjoyment

    • Vehicular and Stellar combat has been added, to better use the vastly improved scale
    • Vehicular Armour is Fortified, counting Penetration as half its value. Certain armours have an armour value above 100% to showcase their supreme durability, to a maximum of 195% for Terminator Armour and Land Raiders.

    • Stat limit has been increased by previous level of [201]. This will allow for a greater impact in the wider Galaxy. Additional reward based on leadership ranking to be found in the inventory.

    • Chose Primary Stat.

    • Strength

    • Stamina

    • Constitution

    • Dexterity

    • Agility

    • Precision:

    • Intelligence:

    • Wisdom:

    • Faith:

    Emia stared at the box in front of her that had appeared just as she got up, and frowned gently. She knew it was a blessing from The Emperor, on her 18th birthday, for he favoured the Felinid and all their strains after the valiant and feverous life and martyrdom of Elouviana Zashira, but what it meant...she could not say. Though, the primary stat was easy enough. The strongest man, the quickest man, they all fell before The Emperor and his benediction. So it was obvious she would pick Faith as her Primary stat, immediately disgorging a new screen.

    Strength: 10
    Stamina: 10
    Constitution: 10
    Dexterity: 10
    Agility: 10
    Intelligence: 10
    Wisdom: 10
    Faith: 20

    There was an instinctive understanding of what everything meant, clearly due to the faith she had in the Master of Mankind that gave this to her. She navigated to the inventory screen and there, sat one item, waiting for her to open it, called the Box Of Wonders, something that would give an item . And open it she did, bringing it from her inventory and opening the thing, seeing inside something that caused her eyes to light up with glee. The box dissolved around her, and there in her hand was a Rosarius that hummed gently with power.

    Zashira’s Rosarius: The Rosarius of the Felinid Hero, Elouviana Zashira. Part of her zeal and passion for Faith has been embedded in this small amulet, and allows any of The Emperor’s creed to borrow this power. Unfortunately, the forcefield generator has broken, and requires repairs by a highly skilled hand. 50% increase in Faith powers, 3x Faith stat gain speed.

    A beautiful start to the day. Emia wrapped the beads around her hand and turned to the small shrine in her room. She had carved it with her mother’s help from a log she found while wandering in the woods. With it, she began her daily prayer, in a sweet and adoring voice. Her faith had always been worthy of note, and the Sisters of The Resplendent Glory, the local chapel, had told her they would see to her induction when she was of age. It was a big part of her excitement today. The Rosarius was just added meat on the stew.

    “Love the Emperor
    for He is the salvation of mankind
    Obey His words
    for He will lead you into the light of the future
    Heed His wisdom
    for He will protect you from evil
    Whisper His prayers with devotion,
    for they will save your soul
    Honour His servants,
    for they speak in His voice
    Tremble before His majesty,
    for we all walk in His immortal shadow”

    And then, looking up to the shrine, she hesitated, and blushed gently. He had already given so much to her, but…
    “And please, bless my family’s farm so that they might stay prosperous and happy in my absence”

    All these prayers, all this love and worship that The God Emperor received. Ohh, how she would love to stand in his presence, to see the divinity coming off him as steam off heated water. Though that was a pipedream. She was just a Lupine-strain Felinid farmer on a Frontier World contested by the foul Xenos to a point they had no true Imperial Oversight. It was a despair that weighed deeply in the hearts of the adults, and many of the Sisters had gone off to war as Chaplains to administer blessings in the stars without number.

    Prayers said, and pondering done for the day, she stood and hurried downstairs, returning to her bedroom half-way down to actually get dressed, and then headed down again, properly this time.
    “Good morning, mother~” Emia exclaimed, darting past her in the kitchen and barreling out of the front door. Her father was an industrious man, and woke early in the day to do the farm duties so he could spend his evenings with his family. So Emia, as soon as she could walk, was helping him with anything she could. “Father!~” Emia exclaimed, waving madly to him out in the fields as she ran over. He looked up at the call, and then grinned to see his daughter coming running across the fields.
    “Emia!” He grabbed his rushing daughter and gave her a massive hug, spinning in the fields. “Eighteen! Such a large number. Got a husband yet?” He asked, that teasing twinkle in his eye giving away the merriment and insincerity of such a question. But it still made her blush.
    “Dad~! I’m not even sure how ordained Sisters work with marriage. Plus I don’t know how too broach the topic to anyone….” Emia pulled her tail forward and played with the tip to distract her hands.
    “Ahh, I see. When I was young, I climbed a mountain, survived a blizzard and fought a Dragon for your mother’s hand in marriage! It was a seven day fight, in which we traded blows to shake the very earth itself! And at the end of it, I rescued your mother from its foul clutches, and we were married that day. You should try something similar”

    The story was spoken with such conviction and assurity that, unlike normal, Emia was unsure if it really happened or not. Though he was aged and had gray in his hair and beard, he still had a broad form and a tall body. So what he might have been in his youth, she could not say.
    “I don’t think there are any dragons around to wrestle anymore. But if I see one, I shall definitely slay it, and then make a ring of its bones and find me a husband!” Emia decided to join in on the theatrics and clenched her fist, raising it to the Sun, to bellowing laughter of his father.
    “That sounds excellent! But, more present day. Your mother is planning dinner, but until then it is your day. Any ideas?” he asked, leaning on his hoe.
    “I’m going to see the Sisters, to talk about the induction. And also going to see Muddy” Emia didn’t seem very confident in her plan, more just ideas than actual things.
    “Ahh, that Muddy woman is a strange one. Be careful around her, yea?” Emia’s father replied. He wasn’t forbidding her from seeing the woman, just voicing concern. There was something about her that was….different, from everyone else.
    “She is of The Emperor, father. I can feel it. We are safe with her” Emia’s voice was a softer, more airy version of it’s normal self, but somehow more hallowed than usual. It was the Voice of Faith, and Emia’s father could not help but trust it.
    “Aye then. Have fun, and be back for dinner. You don’t want to see what kind of creature your mother turns into if you are late”
    Giving a nod, Emia then headed off the farm, into town. It was the start of a glorious new adventure!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    “Hmm hmm-hmm, hmm hm-hmm~” Emia skipped along merrily, not really thinking all that much. The sister’s induction would take a long time to do, even if she was just looking over it, so she went to go see Muddy first. A Strange woman, she owned a small house in the middle of nowhere, and didn’t seem to do much there. But, never ran out of food and never had trouble with the local law enforcement like everyone else did. Her father managed to keep them pacified, but she could still see tensions growing when she was up late at night and they came round. Maybe she could fix that when she became a Sister of the church. Maybe not. Who could tell? The Imperium was too far away, so their laws were lax here and the respect the Imperial Cult deserved was not as much as it should have been. A state of affairs that made Emia sad, in the darker moments. But, she would pray twice as hard for them, to save their souls.

    “A Man may walk a thousand miles with the Emperor by his side” Emia muttered, before she looked to the sky, and then giggled as she remembered her father many years ago. When she was young she asked if The Emperor was beside her, why there was but one set of footprints. And in traditional fashion, her father gave an enthusiastic response that The Emperor was not walking like a simple human, but flying like a mighty golden eagle, as befits the Master of Mankind! His gesticulation and hand signs added to the humour of the situation, and found itself a permanent nest in her head.

    Eventually, Emia arrived at the small house, and stood out in the field was Muddy. She got her name from the fact that when Emia first saw her, she her clothes and hair and skin were all caked in mud, and didn’t want to tell Emia her name. So she got called by the moniker of her appearance. But, after a few years she started taking care of herself more, and didn’t really earn the name these days. Odd clothes and a red hooded cloak certainly put her at a distance from the usual fare of dress around here. A lot of people avoided Muddy, but Emia knew she was not only safe, but friendly and caring.
    “Muddy!” Emia waved, much as she did to her father, though there was no tackling hugs. Muddy never caught her and it always ended with her mother lecturing her on getting her clothes all dirty from hitting the deck.
    “Hello Emia” Muddy replied, not looking up from the ground, where she was plying some strange metal thing. Muddy had a lot of strange metal things, and was wise far beyond her twenty-some appearance. Fascinating for Emia, it was just another thing for people to avoid her for in general.

    “What’s that?~” Emia asked, hovering over and looking at the blinking arcane device.
    “Magic tool made from Dragon Bones and Fairy Spit. I’m using it to count how many goblins are in the underground caves” Muddy replied, her voice deadpan serious. Though, whether Emia believed her or was just playing into her jokes, was up for debate.
    “Ohh~ When I become a Superior of the Church, I’ll bring the Faith Militant and we’ll clean the goblins out. All fwoosh! Emperor damns the Xenos! Fwoosh!!” Emia vigorously span around with her imaginary flamethrower, burning the heretics all around.
    “Mmm, he is an interesting person, The Emperor. When you are the sole keeper of your race’s longevity, you are going to look to it first and foremost. I guess drift is the reason for the bloodthirst though” Muddy spoke, mostly attached to her machine until it beeped and disgorged a stream of numbers that made perfect sense to the woman.

    “What do you mean? Are you saying we shouldn’t kill the Xenos?” Emia asked. Muddy was always full of strange notions, but this was the strangest, and the one most divulgent from the Creed.
    “There are animals on this planet dangerous to humans, and then there are animals on this planet entirely harmless to humans. You have seen them, you have killed some and you farm some. But, given that some are dangerous, would you kill them all?” Muddy asked, heading back into her house and gesturing with her head for Emia to follow her in.
    “N-no...what would we eat if all the animals were dead?” Emia asked after answering the question. Though, she just got a smile from Muddy.
    “It is your birthday today, yes? Though you are going away to be a Sister of the Church soon, this is still a volatile place. And diminishing respect is being given to those of the Faith. I don’t want to see harm come to you” Muddy had a somber voice as she opened a small chest and handed a Laspistol to the girl. Emia was a farmer’s daughter, so she had shot varmints and pests, and even shot at - though with no intention to hit him - that one sneak-thief. So guns were not a new thing to her. But this Laspistol was different from the old farm rifle.

    It looked and felt new, and was surprisingly light for what she expected of these weapons. It was small and easily tucked away, but just gave her a tingly feeling in the back of her mind like it was something different.
    “Don’t use it lightly, and if you must use it, don’t aim above the waist. Humanity is in enough trouble without killing itself” Muddy would give Emia a pat on the head, stroking her ears which elected a mewl of enjoyment. And then Muddy was looking to her machine. Not a dismissal, but Emia sat around for three hours one time while Muddy tinkered with a strange stick with a dish on the end, and Muddy seemed surprised to still see here there at the end, so there was nothing she could do here anymore. Slipping from her chair and putting the Laspistol away, she headed out and left Muddy to her arcane beep machine. Besides, she had other things to do today, and the day could not be spent in the mad wonderland that was Muddy’s house.

    A casual walk to the city took her an hour, and the sun was high in the sky when she arrived. She spent the hour reciting lithanies and mentally studying everything she had learned, so when she finally did arrive at the chapel and make her desires known, she was prepared. After a fashion, at least, though she did not expect the scale of what she was up against. First there was proof of reading and writing, then reciting three prayers from memory, a physical test to ensure that she could handle the manual labour novices underwent, and finally aptitude tests on her cooking and cleaning. The chapel was self-sufficient due to the inherent labour within, so everyone had to be able to help everyone else before they could join. The testing went on for hours, and when she finally finished and was told a priest would be round later with her results, she had to pick up her feet and run back home so as not to miss her own dinner.

    A Prayer to The Emperor for swift feet and strong lungs helped her get there in time, so she did not have to see what kind of creature her mother turned into when she was late. And instead, had a nice night in with her family. Dad spoke about the farm, mum spoke about the house, and Emia spoke about what she had seen and done in the chapel. The night ended peacefully, and Emia was looking forward to a life of piety and faith. The strange floating box had not really popped in at all, so she didn’t really give it any thought. It existed, and that was all there was to it. Nothing left but for a nice night’s sleep.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    The priest came in the morning, and Emia descended after the morning prayer. And then because of nervous tippytap, a prayer for courage. It certainly worked, as the priest was happy to announce that Emia got a very high score in the test and could come to the chapel immediately and take the vows of service to The Emperor. Immediately was surprisingly soon, and so she turned to her parents with happy tears in her eyes.
    “I….I….theznizbits” her incomprehensible words dissolved into a tight hug for both of her parents, and yammered requests to come visit her, and then she was gone, out of the door and on to her new life.

    Of course, it was an hour at Emia’s lupine pace - they had naturally longer stride due to differing musculatures - so easily an hour and a half with the priest. She tried to talk to him, but quickly found out that he was not a talkative person. So instead she spoke to The Emperor, thanking him for such a privilege and wishing that she had a great future ahead to serve him as best she could. The Priest was very boring or very busy, as he just left her to be dealt with as soon as they arrived. Funneled into a room with the other novices, she was handed a uniform and a book and then nothing. Just, a room full of novices….

    Emia understood not giving a fanfare welcome, you didn’t give the Harvester to the child helping on the farm, but it would have been nice to feel a little wanted. They were all the children of The Emperor, and success could only come through community. After five minutes of waiting, Emia decided to actually do something and took off her clothes, not at all nervous to have her naked body looked at by strangers. They were all going to be close in the future, might as well start now. Getting her novice uniform on, and really trying not to scratch as the poor quality fabric irritated her from the first moment, she glared up at the sky as her tail rode the skirt up and made walking hard because it caught on her legs..

    “I didn’t expect angels and golden warriors of glory, but a little bit more than street beggar would have been appreciated” she whispered to The Emperor. Right now she was feeling like one of them factory workers that came back to the village at which her farm was located, looking like their soul had been sucked out of their bodies. A few seconds of grumbling calmed her, and she made new notes. Get her hands on some other material and sew an inlay into the uniform, cut a tail hole in the skirt, and impress people with her awesome to get into full sisterhood quickly. That was the great plan of Emia, and it would be amazing! People would forever stand at the sidelines and go wow, that is a great plan, I wish I had thought of that plan before I did my lesser, not as good plan!

    Giggling to herself at that, she leaned against the wall, opened the book, and began to read. It was a hymn book, and some she knew, but others were new to her, which was nice to see. She got half way through the book before the door finally opened, and washed out the stench of sweat and desperation. Being snapped out of her focused intent on the book, she got a whiff of the stench as the blast of new air swirled it around. From there, she came to a realization. Not everyone was here because they were faithful and wished to serve The Emperor. Some were here simply for a meal and a roof. Street beggar was not far off what some of these people were. It really explained the treatment and the hands-off approach of the priests. Still didn’t make her feel any better, but did explain it. Though, you’d think with the trials to get in, it would be a little less oppressive of an approach.

    “Your daily tasks are written in the back of the book you have been given. You are expected to complete them all before doing anything else. After your chores are completed, you are free to do as you like, as long as you follow orders from your superiors” the priest’s voice droned with such monotony Emia felt like she was going to turn gray and boring just listening to it. And he was not finished with the verbal torture either. “You will follow me to your dormitories and the senior novices will help you get settled in” the priest then turned and led them out of the shack they were in, and across the ground. Emia didn’t get much of a view of the grounds, because she was busy with a popup she had just been given.

    Quest - Join the Chapel Completed!
    You have leveled up

    Along with that, she had some daily quests that were given out to her, marking down each of the daily chores and the small xp reward for doing it. Mopping floors and sewing clothes was not a glorious endeavour, so she didn’t expect to get much out of it. Opening the stats menu, she pondered for a few moments, but eventually just dumped everything into Faith. The rush of feeling was immediate, and the world seemed to glitter in front of her eyes for a few seconds. She felt more connected than she had ever been to The Emperor, and more passionate about his cause than she could have thought. She would most definitely be putting next level’s points into Faith as well, seeing just how high it would take her in this journey of spiritual enlightenment.

    Of course, it was not all sunshine and rainbows. There was also a lot of mundane earth stuff. The senior novices guided them to their posts and Emia spent the rest of the day sweeping avery large hall and shiftling about with her skirt pinned to her legs because of the tail. There was a mishap were her partner novice grabbed said tail and got bitten by her, but the senior novice managed to get it all straightened out, and slipped Emia into the laundry room for a few minutes so she could work a tail hole into her dress and wasn’t flashing her cute ass to the world. Emia was a little surprised that her ass was deemed cute, but thankful to get the tail-hole sewn in. The day ended with a simple dinner and prayer to the Emperor, before heading to bed. This had been a little less than half a day due to their new arrival, so the full day later would probably be longer and harder than what she had done, but that was fine. A girl didn’t work on a farm without getting to be a strong lupine. Plus, she hoped she could get in on the choir and mass that she had heard about the place. Communal prayer was always so much better than that on her own.

  5. #5
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    Content Director Patrician Citizen

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    Feb 2014
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    The mix of a roleplaying game and a narrative adds an interesting dimension.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Rehammer 2: The Rehammering

    There is a lot more on Royal Road if you are interested. And the end of ReHammer, that hasn't been deleted wholesale for no real reason.

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