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Thread: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

  1. #41
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    If anybody would do it, it would be included. But I haven't seen any wish of anybody to make all necessary changes. On my side, I may adjust the buildings and scripts, with the traits would be more difficult - many are tied to religion.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by umbracatervae777 View Post
    Is there any plan to make a script that automatically change the bodyguard from early to late? (No, not just the armour upgrade but a similar script to marian reforms)
    As far as I know some scripts exist and are shared bu the authors so we could use it, but personally it is not on the top of my list, but it would be nice indeed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Draken2007 View Post
    If that's the case, then it sucks but I'm simply not going to downgrade my system just so I can run this mod. I just simply don't play it. Medieval 2 needs a remaster exactly for this reason. Soon enough, this game won't even run anymore.
    I feel you @Draken, it could be frustrating. Are you using compatibility mode? I found that, on my computer at least, disabling compatibility mode and using a LAA patch greatly improved performance and stability. But for other people compatibility is better...

    Quote Originally Posted by Angelo_Auditore View Post
    Are you planning to add judaism and shia/sunni islam as religions like Broken Crescent and Bellum Crucis?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    If anybody would do it, it would be included. But I haven't seen any wish of anybody to make all necessary changes. On my side, I may adjust the buildings and scripts, with the traits would be more difficult - many are tied to religion.
    Well I some point I thought about it, but I don't even find the time to work on my diplomacy mini-mod, so I won't work on it any time soon sadly. Would be a great addition though!
    Belovèse's Toolbox: export text files to spreadsheet, detailed unit stats
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project (SSHIP) team member.
    Mini-mods: diplomacy and relation/reputation - detailled unit stats

  3. #43

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    I met some interesting scripts in diiferent Medieval 2 Kingdoms mods.

    In "Broken Crescent" "Buff and Shine 1.9" sub-mod: Only the family member leaded armys can siege.

    In "Bellum Crucis" mod: When an attacker army lost a siege not retreated, instead with their diminished army maintained the siege. It is continuing to their third siege battle defeat.

    In "Deus lo Vult"-"Battlefield Balanced" submod:
    An army can't move next in foreign territory when an enemy army stay behind them. The attacker army must defeat the enemy army behind them, or can't move to forward, just backward. This script is would represent the cut of army supply line.

    Maybe these scripts would be good in your mod.
    (I'm hungarian. My english is not so good. Sorry.)

  4. #44
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by szikelkun View Post
    I met some interesting scripts in diiferent Medieval 2 Kingdoms mods.

    In "Broken Crescent" "Buff and Shine 1.9" sub-mod: Only the family member leaded armys can siege.

    In "Bellum Crucis" mod: When an attacker army lost a siege not retreated, instead with their diminished army maintained the siege. It is continuing to their third siege battle defeat.

    In "Deus lo Vult"-"Battlefield Balanced" submod:
    An army can't move next in foreign territory when an enemy army stay behind them. The attacker army must defeat the enemy army behind them, or can't move to forward, just backward. This script is would represent the cut of army supply line.

    Maybe these scripts would be good in your mod.
    Thanks, @szikelun!
    - that only FM leads an army to a siege (and attack) is planned
    - I didn't know the no-reatreat after failed siege system
    - neither did I that DLV-BB trick - maybe a challenge for the future?

  5. #45
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    I'm going to add an historical mechanism increasing the efficiency of the mills. A question: are the other resources should be included?

    ; iron -> Metals ivory -> Oil tobacco -> Salt chocolate -> Glass sulfur -> Linen; coal -> Herbs dogs -> Fruits camels -> Honey tin -> Luxury Goods elephants -> Cattle
    ; gold, silver, marble, timber, slaves, amber, textiles, dyes, silk, cotton, furs, wool, spices, sugar, wine, grain, fish
    {NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER_BODY}\nWater mills have been well known to the civilized people since the Ancient times. However, with some exceptions in the Roman Empire, they were used only for grinding the grain into flour. In the High Middle Ages, however, the persvasiveness of the water power led the enterpreneurs to use them also for the other puroposes, as cutting the wood or fulling the wool. \n\nGAME STRATEGY: After the player builds at least 5 water mills, the provinces with wood, textiles and wool provide more income from trade.
    {NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER__BODY}New Uses of Water Power

    declare_counter number_mills_built ; MILLS
    monitor_event BuildingCompleted TrueCondition
    and SettlementBuildingFinished >= water_mill
    and not IsFactionAIControlled

    inc_counter number_mills_built 1

    if I_CompareCounter number_mills_built > 5
    historic_event NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER

    building mills
    levels water_mill wind_mill
    ;=================== Water mill =================================================================================================
    water_mill city requires factions { northern_european, southern_european, eastern_european, greek, middle_eastern, } and building_present_min_level hinterland_farms farms4 or building_present_min_level builders builders2 and hidden_resource river
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { all, } and event_counter early_era 1
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { all, } and event_counter high_era 1
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3 requires factions { all, } and event_counter late_era 1

    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { all, } and event_counter NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER 1 and resource textiles or resource wool or resource wool or resource cotton
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { all, } and event_counter NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER 1 and resource timber
    trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { all, } and event_counter NEW_USES_OF_WATER_POWER 1 and resource marble or resource iron or resource gold or resource silver

    population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { all, } and event_counter early_era 1
    population_growth_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { all, } and event_counter high_era 1
    population_growth_bonus bonus 3 requires factions { all, } and event_counter late_era 1
    income_bonus bonus 100
    material stone
    construction 4
    cost 4000
    settlement_min large_town

  6. #46
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    The event PRIVILEGIUM has been turned into a mechanism:

        ;===================== LATIN UNIVERSITIES ==============================	; universities buildable for the Catholic, no specific pic yet
        monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
            and RandomPercent < 20
    	    if I_EventCounter faction_turn_islam > 0
    			log ------ terminate Latin Universities Mechanism for player Islam faction
    	    if I_EventCounter faction_turn_orthodox > 0
    			set_event_counter EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE 1		
    			log ------ terminate Latin Universities Mechanism for player Orthodox faction		
    	    if I_EventCounter faction_turn_pagan > 0
    			set_event_counter EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE 1		
    			log ------ terminate Latin Universities Mechanism for player Pagan faction	
            and I_EventCounter number_school_built > 1
    		and I_EventCounter faction_turn_southern_european 1
    			historic_event EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE	factions { poland, hungary, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, }
    			log ------ terminate Latin_Universities_Buildable_Mechanism event after 2 schools built (SE)
            and I_EventCounter number_school_built > 3
    		and I_EventCounter faction_turn_northern_european 1
    			historic_event EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE	factions { poland, hungary, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, }
    			log ------ terminate Latin_Universities_Buildable_Mechanism event after 4 schools built (NE)
            and I_EventCounter number_school_built > 5
    		and I_EventCounter faction_turn_eastern_european 1
    			historic_event EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE	factions { poland, hungary, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, }
    			log ------ terminate Latin_Universities_Buildable_Mechanism event after 6 schools built (EE)
    		if I_EventCounter EDUCATION_PRIVILEGIUM_SCHOLASTICUM > 0				; fall-back after 200 turns
    		and I_TurnNumber > 200
    			historic_event EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE factions { poland, hungary, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, }
    			log ------ terminate Latin_Universities_Buildable_Mechanism after 200 turns
    		if I_EventCounter EDUCATION_PRIVILEGIUM_SCHOLASTICUM < 1				; at the end of script so that it doesn't fire in the same turn
    		and I_TurnNumber > 50
            and RandomPercent < 40		
    			historic_event EDUCATION_PRIVILEGIUM_SCHOLASTICUM factions { poland, hungary, pisa, venice, sicily, spain, portugal, aragon, hre, france, england, norway, denmark, }
    The relevant (and other educational) events say:
    ¬ ==========================================================================================================================	EDUCATION
    {EDUCATION_PRIVILEGIUM_SCHOLASTICUM_BODY}\nAround year 1155, Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa issued the Privilegium Scholasticum (also sometimes called the Authentica Habita), which set out the rights, rules, and privileges of universities. The document is a key document in the establishment of universities throughout Europe. \n\nFrom the mid-11th century, scholars from across the Catholic world were flocking to Bologna to study civil and canon law, yet as foreigners in the city, they found themselves distressingly bereft of any legal protections. As a means to alleviate the difficulties of these learned men (and thus encourage them to stay and continue their studies), the Privilegium was drawn up, providing them with the most basic rights and liberties necessary for their continued preservation in foreign lands. The Privilegium was confirmed by Pope Alexander III, and incorporated into Justinian's Codex, showing just how significant it had become. \n\nGAME STRATEGY: Catholic factions will be able to construct universities if enough money had been invested in schools.\n\nThe event enables also recruitment of the Mangonel units (only for the player).
    {EDUCATION_BOLOGNA_UNIVERSITY_BODY}\n\nThe University of Bologna is the first university founded in the western world, its motto is "Alma mater studiorum" (Latin for "fostering mother of studies"). Already in the mid-11th century, scholars from across the Catholic world were flocking to Bologna to study civil and canon law.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: Catholic factions will be able to build universities in the other settlements only if they had invested enough money in the basic educational facilities - schools. Be aware that education at a university may provide you administratively minded generals with very valuable traits.
    {EDUCATION_UNIVERSITIES_BUILDABLE_BODY}\n\nGAME STRATEGY: From this moment, the Catholic factions will be able to build universities. Be aware that education at a university may provide  generals with administrative inclinations with extremely valuable traits.
    {SUMMA_THEOLOGICA_BODY}\n\nThomas Aquinas' greatest work, the Summa Theologiae, is published. It is intended as a manual for theology students and literate laity, and contains a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of the time. It is not designed or ordered as an apologetic work directed toward non-Catholics, but it does contain a summary of the reasoning behind almost all points of the Catholic faith.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: Universities provide now slightly better benefits.
    {SUMMA_THEOLOGICA_TITLE}Summa Theologiae
    {THE_BOOK_OF_SENTENCES_BODY}\n\nPeter Lombard (1096-1160), a student of Peter Abelard, writes the "Book of Sentences", which answers fundamental questions of theology with passages from the Bible and various Christian thinkers. By the thirteenth century, his book has become a standard text in all universities.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: Universities provide now slightly better benefits.
    {THE_BOOK_OF_SENTENCES_TITLE}The Book of Sentences
    {ALBERTUS_MAGNUS_BODY}\n\nAlbertus Magnus (c. 1200 – 1280), also known as Saint Albert the Great or Albert of Cologne, was a German Catholic Dominican friar, philosopher and bishop. Later canonised as a Catholic saint, he was known during his lifetime as Doctor universalis and Doctor expertus and, late in his life, the sobriquet Magnus was appended to his name. He is considered to be the greatest German philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages. The Catholic Church distinguishes him as one of the Thirty-Six Doctors of the Church.
    {ALBERTUS_MAGNUS_TITLE}Albertus Magnus

  7. #47
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: Beta Test Feedback

    Our Caliph is finally crowned ! (I remind you that I am playing this campaign with a friend, new to Total War, and that he is the one who chooses the strategy)

    Thanks @Jurand for helping us out. My list was incomplete because there are 2 conditions that I did not know:
    H) You must have at least 6 in authority and in piety
    G) Being the only general to be in the city of the coronation

    A lap later, the coronation panel appeared. We were relieved because several attempts failed. Especially when returning to Cairo by sea, our caliph contracted scurvy and lost a precious point of authority. Fortunately, he recovered it later...

    I see little change so far after these few laps since his coronation:
    - Distant towns continue as before often bordering on public order
    - Rebels appear everywhere, even near Cairo !
    - Having not had a rebel general since the beginning of this campaign, their loyalty, if it has improved, does not change much.

  8. #48
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Beta Test Feedback

    In this context, I'm going to add a pop-out window informing the player:

    {INFO_GOVERNOR_TITLE}Who is the governor?
    {INFO_GOVERNOR_BODY}\n\nThe governor of a settlement is may be quite important for how this settlement fares. He can keep the public order high - or just increase the disorder. He can provide direct income (see the little white scroll in the income part of the settlement panel). He can increase the income from the other sources - what is stated in description of his traits, those "+10% tax income" etc. He can also lower the costs of funding new buildings, or recruitment of the units.\n\nHowever, this will realize only if he is the governor in this settlement - and there might be only one. If there are more generals in the city, then the engine decides which of them is. It does it on the basis of Piety: general with higher will get this post, even if he might be a youngster and the other general is the factions leader or an experienced manager (this is a legacy of the Rome TW where Piety was Managment). This choice is depicted by the little white scroll at his pic. Mind that the governor may be different from the leader of the military force (this one is depicted with a golden star)\n\nMind also that the Provincial Titles have nothing to do with who the governor is, even if the flashy descriptions say that he "rules the towns and forests of X province".

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    I see little change so far after these few laps since his coronation:
    - Distant towns continue as before often bordering on public order
    - Rebels appear everywhere, even near Cairo !
    - Having not had a rebel general since the beginning of this campaign, their loyalty, if it has improved, does not change much.
    I think this is partly due to unfinished coding, and partly to a false impression.

    ad 1. - maybe not discernible but there's a lower unrest coded for each settlement:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Bergen Settlement Situation
    	monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName Bergen
    		set_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 0
    		log --- (.A.)   Bergen Turmoil Points (for the Player) ------------------------------------------------
    		if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1
    		and I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm > 4
    			if I_EventCounter FL_policy_protector < 1					; base unrest value - if no FL policy protector
    			and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel == 4						; Hard or Very Hard difficulty
    			and I_EventCounter faction_size_small == 0					;
    				inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 2						; 2 for factions 4-9 settlements
    				if I_EventCounter faction_size_medium < 1				;
    					inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 2					; 4 for factions 10-19 settlements
    					if I_EventCounter faction_size_large < 1			;
    						inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 2				; 6 for factions 20+ settlements
    			if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler < 1							; FL is UNcrowned - it will be true for the most of the factions for a long time
    				inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 4								; 4 for a home province
    				if I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm < 390
    					inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 1
    					if I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm < 290				; many provinces have initial 200, so they will have +2
    						inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 1
    						if I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm < 190
    							inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 1
    							if I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm < 90
    								inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 1
    								if I_EventCounter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm < 30
    									inc_counter Bergen_turmoil_points 1			; +5 for a new conquered province

    and there's faster integration of each conquered settlement
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    			if I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler == 1					; if the owner's faction FL has the crown
    				inc_event_counter Bergen_turns_in_our_realm 1		; integration is faster

    ad. 2 - the regular, standard, hard-coded rebels - yes, they'll appear until we switch them off (like EBII did). But the new rebellions, like Bedouins, see here:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    		log --- (.H.)   Marrakesh Province Raids ---------------------------------------------
    			log -------------------- Bedouins Raids Script Marrakesh START -------------------
    			; mind that this is a common script for a number of provinces
    			; in particular "bedouins_raid_counter" and the generals' alliases are common elements
    			; as a result of the code de facto only one bedouin general may exist on the map
    			; this is intended: the script is only for the player, so he'll have to deal with it, and one is enough
    			if I_EventCounter is_the_player == 1							; only for the player
    			and I_EventCounter bedouins_raid_counter < 1					; cool-down period iv over
    			and I_EventCounter BEDOUINS_EVENT > 0							; the event has already happened
    			and I_EventCounter FL_is_crowned_ruler < 1						; exempt if the Faction Leader has high authority
    			and I_EventCounter FL_policy_protector < 1						; exempt if the Faction Leader runs this policy
    			and I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel > 2							; only for H/VH difficulties
    			and I_EventCounter bedouins_raid_region == 1
     				set_event_counter continue 1								; redundant but may be used in the future for tweaks in particular provinces
    				if I_EventCounter continue == 1
    				and I_EventCounter faction_size_medium == 1					; 4 to 10 settlements
    				and I_EventCounter late_era == 0
    				and not I_CharacterExists BedouinRaider1
    				and not I_CharacterExists BedouinRaider2
    					log -------------------- Bedouins Raid Early Small in Marrakesh -----------
    					set_event_counter continue 0
    					generate_random_counter bedouins_are_exhausted 1 3
    					if I_EventCounter bedouins_are_exhausted == 1
    						set_event_counter bedouins_raid_counter 40			; 20 years cool-off (this goes down in another script)
    					if I_EventCounter bedouins_are_exhausted == 2
    						set_event_counter bedouins_raid_counter 50			; 25 years
    					if I_EventCounter bedouins_are_exhausted == 3
    						set_event_counter bedouins_raid_counter 60			; 30 years
    					add_events												; to let the player see where does it happen
    						event	historic BEDOUINS_RAID
    						date	0
    						position 19, 72										; from the east
    						faction slave
    							character Abu_Idris, named character, age 37, x 19, y 72, portrait ME_des_tourban_lightblue, label BedouinRaider1, direction NW
    							traits CounterOfBattles 6 , NaturalMilitarySkill 1 , GoodCommander 2 , Hardened 2 , StrategyDread 1 , BattleScarred 1 , Paranoia 1 , CounterSpy 2 , GoodTrader 1 , Generous 2
    								unit	ME Bodyguard				exp 1 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    								unit	Bedouin Cavalry				exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    								unit	Bedouin Cavalry				exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    								unit	Bedouin Camel Riders		exp 7 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0
    								unit	Bedouin Camel Riders		exp 0 armour 0 weapon_lvl 0

    ad. 3 - loyalty is increased but it may need to be balanced based
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ;========================================================;-----  Near Capital  -----------------------------------
    ;--- for crowned Faction Leader ---------- 
    Trigger FL_Near_Capital_Crown_Add
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
           and DistanceCapital < 50
           and Trait NearCapital < 1
           and Trait Crownholder > 3
     Affects NearCapital 1 Chance 100 
    Trigger FL_Near_Capital_Remove_Crown
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
           and DistanceCapital >= 50
           and Trait NearCapital > 0
           and Trait Crownholder > 3
     Affects NearCapital -1 Chance 100 
    ;--- for uncrowned Faction Leader ---------- 
    Trigger FL_Near_Capital_Uncrown_Add
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
           and DistanceCapital < 30
           and Trait NearCapital < 1
           and Trait Crownholder < 4
     Affects NearCapital 1 Chance 100 
    Trigger FL_Near_Capital_Remove_Uncrown
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
           and DistanceCapital > 20
           and Trait NearCapital = 1
           and Trait Crownholder < 4

  9. #49
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Thank you @Jurand for these explanations.
    So - if I understood correctly - the title of count or sultan of a city has no bearing on the latter?
    So the only thing that counts is the little white roll next to a portrait to govern a city well?
    Did I understand well ?

    If a governor and a military leader are in the same city, what happens? Does it risk lowering the contentment of the inhabitants or reducing income?

  10. #50
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Thank you @Jurand for these explanations.
    So - if I understood correctly - the title of count or sultan of a city has no bearing on the latter?
    So the only thing that counts is the little white roll next to a portrait to govern a city well?
    Did I understand well ?
    If a governor and a military leader are in the same city, what happens? Does it risk lowering the contentment of the inhabitants or reducing income?
    The title of count or sultan (or a minister) doesn't decide. It may have an impact if it increses Piety of the general - but it is only Piety itself, from various sources, which decides.
    The little white role is the outcome of comparing the Piety of the generals present in the settlement - it depicts which has the highest (I don't rememer what happens if there's a draw).

    Each group of units - either in the settlement or outside - has one general that will lead this army if the battle occurs. He's depicted with a golden star. IIRC, The silver star is for the second-in-command. Afaik, neither has any impact on the public orders or income. They matter only in a battle.

  11. #51
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Adjustments to the costs of moving capital:

    ;==================== CHANGE OF CAPITAL =======================
    monitor_event FactionNewCapital not IsFactionAIControlled
    and not I_HotseatEnabled
    if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel = 1
    if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel = 2
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_smallormedium = 1
    console_command add_money -1000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_large = 1
    console_command add_money -2000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_huge = 1
    console_command add_money -4000
    if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel = 3
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_smallormedium = 1
    console_command add_money -2000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_large = 1
    console_command add_money -4000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_huge = 1
    console_command add_money -8000
    if I_EventCounter DifficultyLevel = 4
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_smallormedium = 1
    console_command add_money -4000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_large = 1
    console_command add_money -8000
    if I_EventCounter faction_size_huge = 1
    console_command add_money -12000
    historic_event capital_change

  12. #52

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Jurand how would you see a script of mercenary bands?
    For example, there could be a script where if you don't pay your mercenaries and after disbanding, rebel mercenary groups appear in your regions with the intention of taking revenge and looting (to collect the money you promised them and you couldn't pay them).

    Another option would be that from time to time an event would appear (similar to that of pirates on maritime routes or trade fairs) where the player could accept or reject the hiring of a mercenary band that offers their services (5 to 10 types of units). If you pay, you can use them at a high cost, but if you don't, there may be a chance that they will become a rebel army that plunders your regions and you will have to face them... yes, if you defeat them in battle you will have a juicy loot As a reward...

    It could be done in all regions of the map and for all factions, but the regions where there were historically more mercenary bands would be more likely to find this script (for example Italy, Balkans for Byzantines, Northern Europe, Iberia...)
    Also the composition of the mercenary bands would vary depending on the region you are in, although it would be great to see exotic mercenary bands, such as a mercenary band made up of Norse and Steppe warriors offering themselves in Italy or Iberia, and even mercenaries from the Middle East looking for work. for Russia...
    That is already your decision.

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  13. #53
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Perhaps it's possible to code, but I'd guess it'd be complicated. I'm not really interested in scripting this.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    sship team, is it possible through a script that when an enemy army is in your territory or vice versa stationed for 1 or 2 turns it can take money from you? It would be like a way to loot the terrain when the famous "scorched earth" occurs that we can see in the campaign map... For example, each unit within the army can "loot" 100 coins from the enemy territory (it would be reflected in the income of the settlement involved),
    EXAMPLE: if we have an English army of 10 units inside the French enemy territory of the Paris settlement without moving for 2 turns, the Paris settlement will lose 1000 coins and the English faction will gain 1000, in addition to the misery and wear and tear that it produces. if scorched earth in the game.
    This extra income can be adjusted depending on what you see, but it would be a very real simulation of when the famous "small raids on enemy territory for loot" or "skirmishes/raiders" occurred in the Middle Ages, which were more common than a large pitched battle dimensions.

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  15. #55
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Scripts that are or will be in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by j.a.luna View Post
    sship team, is it possible through a script that when an enemy army is in your territory or vice versa stationed for 1 or 2 turns it can take money from you? It would be like a way to loot the terrain when the famous "scorched earth" occurs that we can see in the campaign map... For example, each unit within the army can "loot" 100 coins from the enemy territory (it would be reflected in the income of the settlement involved),
    EXAMPLE: if we have an English army of 10 units inside the French enemy territory of the Paris settlement without moving for 2 turns, the Paris settlement will lose 1000 coins and the English faction will gain 1000, in addition to the misery and wear and tear that it produces. if scorched earth in the game.
    This extra income can be adjusted depending on what you see, but it would be a very real simulation of when the famous "small raids on enemy territory for loot" or "skirmishes/raiders" occurred in the Middle Ages, which were more common than a large pitched battle dimensions.
    Perhaps it's possibe. But I think scoreched earth effect reflects better my feeling of immersion in this game. I'd rather tinker with parameters than introduce a new mechanism. One would need to study how the EB2 team has introduced it, I think they've made quite extensive research.

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