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Thread: After Action Report with Sweden

  1. #1

    Default After Action Report with Sweden

    I've been doing some tests on Imperial Destroyer and I'm finally launching a grand campaign with Sweden.
    The main goal is not to go on an arcade kind of rampage conquest but slowly building a small Empire involving the 4 continents by
    - taking advantage of animosity between other countries
    - try to finance enemies of my enemies
    - taking advantage of isolated nations with a strategic situation.

    For this I'll try to focus more on the use of diplomacy and rakes (assassination, destruction of buildings and creating unrest in order to help new nations arise).
    Armies will be used mainly to defend my territories or to destroy a threat.

    I have noticed that troops are limited by the territories they occupy, so making some big adversaries weaker is one of the biggest key!

    1. Situation:

    1.1. In war with Russia, Poland-Lithuania and Saxony + Pirates and North African Barabrian Sates
    Expecting Denmark to join them soon.

    1.2. Trade contracts with France, England, Ottoman Empire, Marathra and Mysore

    1.3. Allies: none for the moment but a real need to build good relationships with
    Europe: Prussia, Austria, Moldavia, Courland, France and England
    Asia: Marathra (for a futur step on Indian shores)

    1.4. Potential emerging nations to encourage with the help of rakes (Greece, Mamelukes, Hungary, USA,...) in order to make Russia, the Ottoman Empire, England... weaker.

    2. Objectives in mind for now:


    - Trading Ingria for Karelia with Russia. It's risky but It will easier to prevent Russia to invade Finland by putting a strong army in Petrovskay Sloboda and a naval presence in the Gulf of Finland
    - Keeping good relations with Courland in order to keep Riga.
    - Invade Denmark first to get my hands on Norway then (don't care about Island): It will offer a second school!
    - Invade Malta, obvious strategic island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea for future plans


    - Asia: Calcutta (Bengal) in East India could be the best place to create a military and commercial counter.
    - America: TBD. Lots of possibilities but any island could be interesting. Maybe a trade involving a territory.


    - Making peace with Pirates (It's possible but they ask with some money in counterpart). If possible also finance them so they have some means to harass other nations.
    Last edited by MacDonald; November 10, 2020 at 09:05 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Forgot to mention that VDM 2.2 is installed and it's quite fun! ;-)

    I'll persue tomorrow but this is what happened for my first round:

    1700 (year 1 round 1)

    • Refuse an alliance with the Ottoman Empire (for now trade agreement is enough)
    • Spain and Netherlands are at war (to keep an eye on)
    • Courland and Russia have broken alliance ^^
    • Russia accepts deal: Ingria for Karelia! ^^
    • Assassination of Prince Repnin successful.
    Last edited by MacDonald; November 10, 2020 at 09:06 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Modding the mod: small adjustments to Imperial Destroyer.

    So, before I continue I have to precise that I did a few battles on the side to test Sweden's reputation and its capacity to rush and break open armies that where always outnumbering them and not by a few.
    So I quickly noticed to my frustration, it was hopeless because the AI systematically involves all the troops. So I was quickly decimated by the number of regiments firing volleys at my troops and then overwhelmed by the numbers in the melee. War is a chess game where troops are divided. Some are hidden other are standing in reserve for the eventual final moral or physical push.
    These are a few historical battles and the numbers are speaking for themselves.

    Siege of Riga: 4000 Swedes against 18000 Saxons
    Battle of Narva: 12000 Swedes against 38000 Russians
    1702 Battle of Vilnius: 2500 Swedes against 3000 Polish–Lithuanians
    1703 Battle of Pułtusk : 3000 Swedish cavalry against 3500 Saxon cavalry (Saxon lost 1200 against 40 for Sweden)
    1705 Battle of Warsaw : 2000 Swedes against 9500 Polish–Lithuanians and Saxons
    1706 Battle of Kletsk : 1,500 Swedish cavalry against 4,700 Russians (and 4 canons)
    In the end the Swedes lost and the main reasons are:

    • Sweden didn’t have a reservoir of troops like Russia. Combined with other nations lurking like defeated Denmark and Poland and even a rising Prussia they couldn’t afford to lose a big battle.
    • Karl XII didn’t know when to stop a war and capitalize on success and fear of retaliation to moderate his enemies and build strong alliance to support his influence.

    Poltava (a battle they even could win even with 16000 men against 40.000) was a defeat but lost of all and immediately decisive defeat.

    So here are a few adjustments I did in order to make the battles more based on the Swedish rush otherwise called as the Gå–På (read like like “go-po” and tralated as Go-On). You can find some info on the net about the “Karoliner” (swedish infantry) or in books like this one: The Swedish Army of the Great Northern War 1700-1721 by Lars Ericson Wolke

    • I improved the infantry troops in charge with 1 points (still thinking about the melee statistic)
    • I considerably improved the Pikemencharge” (and raised a little bit the morale) stat because Swedish infantry used it as a charging weapon and not like the famous “Tercios”, the Spanish pike and shot infantry who dominated Europe outrageously in the 16th century.

    So what about the purpose of this Uchrony? Well, trying to build something while imagining a more reasonable Karl XII whose entourage tried to convince to stop war instead of losing himself and the whole Swedish army in the great landscapes of Mother Russia.
    It’s a bit like people dreaming about a Napoleon who would have stopped at Smolensk to secure his army instead of taking Moscow or even who could have left the Russian city before “General Winter” came knocking at his door.
    So like I said, critics, advice, suggestions are very welcome. I didn’t touch the Russians stas although they look maybe a bit too strong in morale. ;-)

    Now that I have traded Ingria for Karelia, I probably will move the Russian capital from Moscow to St Petersburg in the script. ;-)
    PS: I would love to post here and there some pics of maps (or even battles), but I suppose its better in the screenshot section.

  4. #4

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    First !
    This AAR looks awesome. I'll be following it closely !
    Last edited by JC_von_Preussen; November 04, 2020 at 11:09 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by JC_von_Preussen View Post
    First !
    This AAR looks awesome. I'll be following it closely !

    Round 2

    • Sending a ship to Ingria’s harbour, Staraya Ladoga, in order to mobilise the Russian army (from late Prince Repnin) to prevent them to attack Karelia.

    Editor's note: After looking on a map, the name of that city seems to be wrong. Instead I suppose it could be Nyenskans later renamed Shlotburg. (If you read this and know better, you tell me)

    • Trading Ingria had a direct consequence on trading: renouncing to the fish harbour of Ingria cost me three trade agreements! DAMN IT! Denmark becomes a priority!

    • Sending my second rake to the Danes by boat to prepare the invasion by sabotaging their infrastructures to make their finances plunge.

    Round 3

    • England cancels our trade agreement! (BASTERDS!) But it is an opportunity to pick up another nation. Someone not involved in any conflicts to avoid blocked ports: Persia seems to be a good partner for now as the Maratha dynasty (who could be a good party for the future) is at war with their neighbours the Mughals.

    Round 4

    • France trade technology: their “Empirism” for our “improved animal husbandry“+ 1000 coins. (cheap!)

    This ends 1700.

  6. #6

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    1701 - round 5

    • Russian rake fails to assassinate General Lewenhaupt. Ivan Nikitin (fact-checking: he was a Russian painter, an author of portraits and battle paintings.) So was that his real name or a disguise to approach Lewenhaupt?

    Anyway, our rake Lars Gathenhielm (was a Swedish captain, commander, shipowner merchant, and privateer in real life) helped him produce his last “still life” painting and is growing fast as an efficient arsonist and assassin.

    • Our second rake Thor Sjöland is lacking experience and got nearly caught in Denmark. To risky, sending him to Norway instead! Expecting retaliation from Denmark. (BUGGAR!)

    • Reinforcement of Stockholm’s army leaded by Carl Gustave Armfelt in progress. Should it be Denmark… should we go for Norway first?

    • Noticing a rebellious army eastern of Karelia. (Oups!)

    • Noticing a small Polish-Lithuanian army east of Riga.

    Editor's note: Maybe this game could encourage me to make some research on Swedish cultural curse words! If I have any interested readers who have any curse words: please be my guest! ;-)

    Round 6

    • Karelian rebels sabotaging buildings. Raising some militia for Lewenhaupt.

    • Rake Sjöland successfully sabotaging buildings while trying to instigate a rebellion I Norway.

    Round 7 & 8

    • Rakes in pursuit of sabotage missions in Norway and Russia.

    • Tension is building up. Small armies are seen to be on the move across the Baltic Sea on the shores of Prussia, Poland-Lithuania and even Courland. Russia looks peaceful but could be busy in the East against the Kanate of Khiva.

    This ends 1701.

  7. #7

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden


    Before continuing the campaign I thought it was time to go through the Lord Core and the DB units files in order to check where all regiments are. The purpose is to take a look at their charging stats in order to be able to use them in a more (nearly pure) offensive role and not simple wait for the adversary lines to come while pummelling them with artillery.

    To my surprise I found it quite easily to identify where the Swedish troops (in Poltava_units and SA_units) were hiding. I was pretty amazed and excited to see all these infantry regiments in the database: Kalmars, Västerbottens, Jämtlands, etc.
    Still a lot of them are there but don’t seem to be activated. Where they created for some future purpose? Are they from another mod? Don’t know but It could be great to have them... one day.

    Because I’m a total newbie in modding (this is actually the first game where I try to figure out how it works) I’m not going to touch them… but I will concentrate on what’s already available/activated in the game: Dalarnas, Närke-Värmlad and Österbottens and the pikemen for infantry + Adelsfanan Cavalry and Drabants cavalry.

    Now here is the problem I soon realised. It’s actually kind of a mess down there and my knowledge is limited as troops in the Lord Core tables are not always corresponding to the ones in the game.

    First and example of what’s working: Pikemen - easy to find in the Poltava section.
    Because of their pure offensive role I considerably enhanced their charging ability (from 8 to 12pts) and even activated a fear effect in them. After all they are just there to inflict a psychological blow to the enemy lines.
    Now there are two regiments in my troops as I haven’t figure out yet how I will be able to recruit more. What do I have to activate in the PFManager.

    Another one but trickier to find: Adelsfanan Cavalry
    They are hiding under Poltava_heavy_cavalery_sweden. It took me a while to identify them but by giving them exaggerating stats I was finally able to find them before turning them to normal.
    One thing I did though is to be able to recruit 4 of them. What I also did for Närke-Värmlad (4) and Österbottens (4).

    And now some I can’t find: Dalarnas Infantry and Drabants
    I’ve been through all regiments in the Lord Core Units Stats Land Table without success.
    Some regiments are carrying their name but don’t seem to be the ones in the game. SO WHERE ARE THEY HIDING??? I spend three days to find them without success.


    Meanwhile just a last note:
    Some regiment like Posseka, Spenka infantry or the Bla Hussars where created later around 1740-1750 so even if they are available through technologies, I’ll avoid using them for now (just to keep some small historical chronology right).

  8. #8
    Sir_Aggelos_GR's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    your report rocks!
    Continue with this!

  9. #9
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    This AAR looks like a useful introduction to Imperial Destroyer game-play. It's interesting that you found some 'hidden' units in the mod files. I wonder if they can only be recruited if you research the right technology, construct a a specific building or occupy a particular region.

    AARs are also welcome in the Writers' Study (AARs in the Study are often written like historical novels, but AARs in the style that you're using here are welcome too).

  10. #10

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Aggelos_GR View Post
    your report rocks!
    Continue with this!
    Thanks :-) It's quite fun to do actually. I could inculde sme pics but I suppose I must find a place to store them on the net to link them to this post.
    A friend told me avout I have to take a look at it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    This AAR looks like a useful introduction to Imperial Destroyer game-play. It's interesting that you found some 'hidden' units in the mod files. I wonder if they can only be recruited if you research the right technology, construct a a specific building or occupy a particular region.

    AARs are also welcome in the Writers' Study (AARs in the Study are often written like historical novels, but AARs in the style that you're using here are welcome too).
    I remember the Darthmod had quite a lot of beautiful units. It was one of the biggest reasons why I played it actually.
    On the main reason here is beacause of the new territories, slavery (something realy missing or avoided by Creative Assembly creators) and VDM that looks fun. Don't really feel the impact yet but I suppose that stabilty will be difficut to reach in new territories.

    By the way, I finaly found the Dalarnas in another main. Not in the Lord Core but in the Lord DB units pack. All these packs and tables are confusing in the end. :-))

    Concerning Writer's Study, if that's the best place to write, with pleasure. Does somebody needs to move the topic or shall I just open a subject there (and copy paste my posts in one so that the reader doesn't have to go from one forum to another) and place a link to it here?

  11. #11

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Damn! When I see my writings above, I really could use the edit button quickely to correct my English! Need to post more! :-)
    Last edited by MacDonald; November 10, 2020 at 05:45 PM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    1702 - Round 9

    • Good news, Umeå who had emerged as a new city in the north of Sweden is now a trading port. This comes at hand as our finances are a bit limited. We are back in business with the Ottomans.

    • A new Rake arrives in Karelia: E. Felbaek – perfectly on time to take a trip around the Holy Roman Empire.

    • Rake Gathenhielm assassinates a Russian gentleman (no historical figure) who shouldn’t have stopped to ask his way obviously.

    • Serbia emerges as a new nation! Time to invest in future friends who could become an enemy of my enemies with 500 coins.

    • Austria is at war with Munster.

    Round 10

    • England ask for a trade partnership: approved

    • Ottoman Empire ask for an alliance: approved

    • Lewenhaupt chases the “Karelian” rebels. The lack of roads makes it’s difficult to catch them.

    • England and Spain are at war.

    • Alliance broken between Spain and the Malta and between England and Portugal. (Malta has proven to be is a terrific military base in the Mediterranean Sea. An invasion is our plans, should it isolated itself from strong nations)
    • Denmark is recruiting in Copenhagen… Armfelt is not ready yet. A boat is already waiting in Gotland’s harbour Visby to move the troops to Denmark quicker.

    Round 11

    • The 960 Karelian Rebels in reach of Lewenhaupt. Time to strike back! ;-)
      Troops involved: 1 line infantry “Karoliner”, 1 cavalry, 1 pikemen, 2 militia brigades.
      Result: 287 casualties for Sweden, rebels eliminated.

    Course of the battle:

    • 6 rebel troops keeping the high ground but one is kept as reserve behind a wall.
    • Swedish movement of three lines (2 militias with 1 “Karoliner” in the middle), pikemen walking behind. Cavalry taking a “discreet” turn on the right flank.
    • First contact: two volleys from the rebels before first volley from the swedes. Purpose is to fire from close enough for maximum damage but the topography doesn’t make it efficient.
    • Charge from the Swedish cavalry on the rebel troop on the right.
    • Charge from the Swedes. It’s four against four, the rebels have the high ground but they quickly disband.
    • The last rebel troop is quickly executed and the fugitives are persued.

    Result: 287 casualties for Sweden, 9 rebel survivors. Threat is eliminated.

    Editor's analyse: Victory it was indeed but costly regarding the weak quality of the adversary.
    It’s no doubt that the rebels didn’t stand a chance in hand-to-hand combat but this will probably not work against professional troops. Better aiming stats will decimate the lines for sure before they can reach the enemy lines. So I need do something about that. Any suggestion is welcome (not to make them invincible but more adequate for an aggressive battle strategy): Point in charge bonus or/and melee combat? Activating Fatigue or Fear?

    • Consequence: Rebuild of logging and trapper camps in Karelia to prevent another revolt.

    Round 12

    • Another successfully rebellion instigated in Norway by Sjöland but still no glimpse of some rebellious troops. Maybe hidden behind the Scandinavian Alps?

    • Rake Felbaek arrives in Lithuania and encounters some troops waiting behind the river with their general, Pawel Lempicki. By the way, could this be the Niemen?
      Three regiments of fresh troops are immediately sent from Stockholm to secure Riga where Count Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld has established his general quarter.

    • Back to Felbaek. He lacks of experience but could he send this Polish-Lithanian general “Ad Patres”?

    Chance of succeed is at 31%.

    We are already at war with Poland-Lithuania so... what do we risk more?

    Alea jacta est! Let’s cross the “Rubicon” and see what happens

    Wait for it...

    And executed coldly with a +1 to subterfuge mission.

    Merry Christmas*! This end of 1702.

    *in the game, of course. ;-)
    Last edited by MacDonald; November 10, 2020 at 05:45 PM.

  13. #13

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    1702 - Round 13

    • Still some unrest anonymous sabotages in Karelia with some sabotage. Rake Gathenhielm leaves Muscovy territory to take look.

    • Damn English twits are blockading French ports and cuts of a part of our trade income.

    • The Carl Gustav switch: in order to secure the succes Operation Humlebæk (invasion of Denmark) Carl Gustave Armfelt is sent to Riga and Carl Gustav Rehnskiöld is called back to Stockholm.

    Editor’s note: Before taking that big step, let’s examine the situation as I will need your suggestions for my next move.


    • Sweden is not at war with the Danish Kingdom yet but a time will come when they will come for us. They are recruiting troops and could launch a double attack from Norway and Denmark.
    • Poland-Lithuania (+ the Saxons) and Russia are certainly a threat but Riga will probably serve a nerve point before they decide to cross the Baltic Sea. Karelia is also becoming a Stronghold and troops are building experience against rebels.
    • The big question is what will Prussia do? There is a big chance that Prussia (and probably Hannover) joins the Danes. That could be a major obstacle as I need the Öresund (the channel) free. A Prussian navy could prevent troops to land in front of Copenhagen.


    • One of the purpose of Doing this story/campaign or better After Action Report is literally exploring the mod for what it brings and what it has under the skin. I have done classic campaigns on Vanilla, Darthmod. This time I want to go “inside the matrix” by making small adjustments. Now I have enhanced the Pikeman, I have chosen to use troops from that time and keep the other fro after 1740.

    This is Rehnskiöld’s Army: 2 x 12pd Artillery, 2 classic cavalry (heavy not available yet), 4x Karoliner Inf, 1x Dalarnas, Närke-Värmlands and Österbottens.

    This is the actual spreadsheet: (Nbr: number of regiments I will make myself available. I can always raise them if necessary. Some companies where up to 10 regiments)

    Regiments like Spenska, Posseka, Bla Hussard, Grenadiers will be kept for later if available before 1740.

    BIG PROBLEM, I don’t know how to make Dragoner, Adelsfanan and Drabant immedtiately available as they are supposed to appear after developing the barracks.


    • Instead of getting crazy with modding, the easiest way is that I could “cheat” with the military technologies and as I won’t use all regiments. ;-) I will still need to cash in a lot of money to reach the barracks and the regiments. I don't like it but I also wann advance in this campaign.
    • Concerning "stats enhancement" I was thinking about: charge + 2 for all infantry regiments +2 for morale?

    Danish Stats: I have a glimpse of the Danish Stats in the game and I have noticed that have quite strong regiments with Melee Defense around 13 and 14. Is the modder a Dane? :-)

    Operation Humlebæk:
    In order to avoid an immediate blockade, Rehnskiöld (and his troops will get aboard a ship in front of Stockholm and so quietly approach Seeland, the island of Copenhagen. Once at anchor, war will be declared, the troops will land in front the Capital and the ship will enter Aarhus to cut the trade route and maybe lure General Carlsson’s army as Rehnskiöld will try to take over Copenhagen.

    Last edited by MacDonald; November 10, 2020 at 06:05 PM.

  14. #14

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    "Who looks will find" they say. So Yes, I found a way to make some hidden regiments available.
    Regiments who weren’t available during the whole Imperial Destroyer campaign. So here they are:

    From left to right:
    Jönköpings Infantry
    Kalmar Infantry
    Tremänningsregementen : The were called part of the reserve troops that were set up during the Great Nordic War. The system was based on taxpayers paying (alone or together) for a soldier. These extra soldiers formed the so-called "three-man regiments" were used for both the infantry and the cavalry.
    Åbo Läns infanteriregemente : Finnish troops that I’ll recruit only in Finland… obviously.
    Västerbottens Infantry

    Now this is nice asset but I still haven’t been able to to find where to unlock Pikemen as for the cavalry, the Dragoner are available but I’m still looking for the famous Drabants.
    What could also be nice is to be able to find where I can change names of the regiments. Exemple: would like to change the generic name of Dragoons to Dragoner.

  15. #15

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by MacDonald View Post
    Now this is nice asset but I still haven’t been able to to find where to unlock Pikemen.
    you need to find building_units_allowed_tables and add an entry for each building you want to recruit from, not sure how to make it region specific.
    the pikemen are called poltava_pikemen_sweden

  16. #16
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by MacDonald View Post
    Concerning Writer's Study, if that's the best place to write, with pleasure. Does somebody needs to move the topic or shall I just open a subject there (and copy paste my posts in one so that the reader doesn't have to go from one forum to another) and place a link to it here?
    I'm sorry for not replying before. If you'd like me to move this thread into the Writers' Study, just send me a PM. If you'd like to keep this thread here and to copy your AAR into a new thread in the Empire Total War AARs sub-forum of Writers' Study, you'd be welcome to do that.

  17. #17
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by MacDonald View Post

    - Making peace with Pirates (It's possible but they ask with some money in counterpart). If possible also finance them so they have some means to harass other nations.
    Have you tried to refuse to accept their peace treaty as long they demand money?

    Normally, I don't visit the Writer's Study much because I am intrested in other things, but when I notice a AAR about Sweden makes me intrested since I'm from Sweden.
    Under patronage of General Brewster of the Imperial House of Hader.

    How to make Morrowind less buggy for new players - Of course every player may find it useful.

  18. #18

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Try is url. Nice info of sweden

  19. #19

    Default Re: After Action Report with Sweden

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo View Post
    Have you tried to refuse to accept their peace treaty as long they demand money?
    Normally, I don't visit the Writer's Study much because I am intrested in other things, but when I notice a AAR about Sweden makes me intrested since I'm from Sweden.
    To be honest I don't remember how much they asked. Not much I think. And being able to make peace and finance pirates and transform them into kind of privateers was exiting. :-D

    Quote Originally Posted by Bassie View Post
    Try is url. Nice info of sweden

    Well thank you very much indeed! Nice infos!!!

    Now regarding this campain, a few important things happened on my side and also by unlocking some hidden unfinished bugged troops I made the game crash! So I kind of lost my motivation and time did the rest. :-D
    But it is finally summer so I would like to start a new AAR with Sweden (with the same objectifs) in the "writers study" but on the Empire Total War II mod who's combining Darthmod and Imperial Destroyer.
    I have to test the mod first but it looks promising.
    Last edited by MacDonald; July 14, 2023 at 05:12 PM.

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