What the

I cannot believe it. I am talking about the position of that statistician idiot. How can you be an anti-intellectual scholar?!
The things I read in there are beyond belief. The number crunching seems correct but the hypothesis... oh, God. And then the conclusions. It is downright despairing.

"Biden’s chances of winning the four battleground states in question, the analysis says, were “less than one in a quadrillion.”
"Charles J. Cicchetti, [...] arrived at the minuscule probability by purporting to use the results of the 2016 election as a backstop. His flawed reasoning was this: If Biden had received the same number of votes as Hillary Clinton did in 2016, he wrote, a victory would have been all but impossible."

So, if Biden received 65,853,514 votes and Trump received his 2020 tally, 74,222,484 votes, I.e. winning the national vote by 8.5M votes, it would have been 1/10^15 for Biden to win?
Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally?!?! How groundbreaking!
Now, if only Biden had not received 81M votes instead of 66M votes, that argument would hold water.

Sure, it is nice to know the chance to win in that case. Perhaps Mr Ciccheti should also grace us with an answer to "If Trump received as many votes as he did in 2016 and Biden received as many votes as he did in 2020, what is the chance for a Trump victory?"

But the hilarity doesn't stop there:
"Cicchetti also wrote that votes counted earlier in the process and votes counted later favored different candidates, and that there was “a one in many more quadrillions chance” that votes counted in the two time periods were coming from the same groups of voters."
You mean that there's very strong evidence that Democrats voted by mail more than Republicans?

Who would have thought!?!?!?!?

Really groundbreaking conclusions here that can be surmised as:
- If Biden has received 14M less votes, he would have lost.
- Democrats voted by mail more than Republicans.

And that's a reason to go to the court.