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Thread: Latest Version ?

  1. #1

    Default Latest Version ?

    What's the link the the latest version ?


    a user mentions the coronation trait system has some messed up triggers, and OP says he's updated the download link on the first post, but on moddb I can't find confirmation that the download link was edited and the TW Center thread is closed.

    Is that thread the correct one for the latest download link and is it compatible with the latest SS version, SS 6.4 ?


  2. #2
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Constanta, Romania

    Default Re: Latest Version ?

    Hello , yes , the 0.9.6 is the last version avalable to download. The Crown system is not updated in 0.9.6 version but it is on the 0.9.7 which is almost ready for release ( it fixes more than the crowns , it fixes the traits , stabilises usurper mechanic , merchant spam etc.)

    And yea , SS.6.4 is definetely obligatory in order to play this mod.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Latest Version ?

    I am planning a great Hotseat, in that every nation is given to a human player. Since it is planned as a diplomatic hotseat with big focus on historical accounts, I want to ask if i should use Version 0.9.7 when it is ready for the hotseat or better should wait until the mod is in a better developed status?

    I have barely played this mod so far, but it seems very interesting for a historical focused hotseat, still it is important for me, that most mechanics are functional and were are no severe bugs or missing mechanics in 0.9.7.

    So, can someone please tell me, if I should go with the 0.9.7 for this big Hotseat (bare in mind that really a lot of people would participate on this hotseat and I do not want them to participate on a mod, that still has a lot of issues) or if I should wait until a later stage of development and go with another mod for now?

    Thank you for any advice!

  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Latest Version ?

    I think it'd be best for you to play a solitary game for a dozen of turns and decide on your own. Our explanations in-game in this respect are:
    {INFO_TECHNICAL_CTDS_BODY}\n\nCTDs (crashes to desktop) may occur from time to time in the current build of the SSHIP. As said, this is not the final version of the mod. However, we have observed that the current build is quite stable and few crashes actually happen. Nevertheless, we would recommend that you save your game after each turn.\n\nIf you do experience a crash, first try reloading the save, as in many cases the sequence of events will not be exactly the same, and the crash will thus not happen. As a matter of fact, many scripts are coded with an element of randomness just to make it possible for game to go in the other direction after a reload.\n\nIf you experience a persistent crash, post your save file on the TWC webpage. It will help developers to find the bug and develop a cure.{INFO_TECHNICAL_CTDS_TITLE}Crashes and how to live with them
    {INFO_TECHNICAL_NOT_FINISHED_BODY}\n This version of the SSHIP (0.9.7) is quite fleshed out and (hopefully) contains very few bugs prompting CTDs. Your experience from playing should be better than the versions 0.9.6 or 0.9.2. However, there are some areas that could be improved:\n* some factions may be very weak financially at the beginning of the game and playing them may be frustrating at higher difficulties.\n* some stats of the units need further balancing.\n* the descriptions of many units may be out of step with the current characteristics (they're mostly from SS6.4).\n* some traits do need more work to function in a perfect way.\n* the interplay between generals' loyalty and the FL authority needs to be balanced so that it leads to desertion and usurpation (for now it's quite forgiving for the player).\n* the civil strife and the civil war systems work in an imperfect way (eg. the usurper trait may linger on the character very long).\n* the reputation of the faction is likely to drop fast (even though it should be better now as the system has been improved - you'll learn about spheres of influence in a pop-out window).\n* the Papal State faction is very aggressive and actively conquers territories, something which is rather ahistorical.\n* the antipope trait appears often on cardinals (do not bother about it; it does not have much impact on gameplay).\n* many Provincial Titles (and other ancillaries) still need to be reviewed and adjusted.
    Concerning diplomacy: reputation is usually going down very quickly if you attack. And especially if you don't follow the rules of keeping good relations. These are my notes for the SS6.4, and they apply (but the numbers) also to the SSHIP.

    • Increase of reputation:
      • alliances (0,0025 per alliance per turn)
      • releasing prisoners (0,01), if more than 80 prisoners: (0,035), plus per general (0,025)
      • occupying settlements (0,05)
      • supporting allied or neutral forces in battle (0,10)

    • Lowering reputation:
      • Normalisation on h/vh (0,005 per turn)
      • Selling / given a settlement and then taking it back (any time in future, even after 100 yers (-1,0)
      • Breaking deals:
        • Attacking an ally (-0,5)
        • Breaking of trade rights, military access (-0,15)
        • Breaking an alliance (-0,1) (even if it’s a decision of your ally not to wage the war against a faction which attacked you)

      • war (-0,00125 per each faction per turn)
      • execution after battle, even if you offered prisoners to be ransomed, but the AI didn’t accept (-0,01), if more than 80 prisoner (-0,035) plus per general (0,025)

    • don't retaliate an attack, only break their forces in your territory
      • if you let them keep entering your territory a few times before retaliating and taking one of their territories, you are much less likely to take a reputation hit
      • if another faction has a BAD reputation, you can attack them freely without losing reputation (In fact you seem to gain reputation for attacking them, as long as you're at war with them and THEY started it). So let them attack you a few times before you retaliate, let their reputation fall and fall and then retaliate.
      • the higher your reputation goes, the bigger hit the enemy will take if they attack you

    • spies and assassins action don’t impact reputation.

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