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Thread: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dignitary)

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  1. #1

    Default [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dignitary)


    This is an experimental submod for DeI that is based on trade regions script line. Consructed so that Diplomat will be able if conditions are favourable to acquire an allied region or even a neutral one.

    These are the variables:
    1. dignitary skills
    2. number of own regions in province
    3. number of AI regions in province
    4. dignitary faction treasury
    5. region faction treasury
    6. culture (dominant vs. not)
    7. how many regions player has
    8. how many regions AI has

    Acquisition is based on luck (% chance) and the advisor will inform player. Does not work for AI, Every faction can utilize if human.

    Use with vanilla DeI, not guaranteed working with other mods... put file in \Total War Rome II\data and ahead DeI in launcher.
    Updates will not be save game compatible unless stated otherwise.

    Update 17.3.2024
    ver 2.4b, CTD fix for latest DeI


    - This is a bug fix for latest DeI update

    download here -->

    Previous version and downloads

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    -Modded trade dialog to be more informative -> paying is done via dilemma, not effect bundle



    - Added new "sell -button" and the feature to actually sell regions to AI
    huge thanks to Jake Armitage for helping me with the button hex-coding, thank you!



    - Compatible with IA campaign



    - Player can now trade client regions (if last settlement, the faction will die)
    - Due to scripting limitations, the cost is now a one turn faction bundle (check faction UI, also message is shown as earlier)
    - Added more variety to info texts



    - Added mechanism for deploy button: acquirance happens only if diplomat is deployed also added expiration time/values. (added couple of more advisor texts...)
    - Added info texts for 1 region factions and also price for % chance advisor.
    - Added limit regions saved counter if it gets too big.
    - Bug fixes: more checkpoints for counters, should reduce odd bahavior.



    -First public version after beta tests

    Last edited by MrTimbe68; March 17, 2024 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    well done Timbe
    as a notice it will work with every mod except pigs and testudo
    and AE... needs an adjustment regarding money thresholds
    Last edited by Jake Armitage; July 31, 2020 at 02:04 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Armitage View Post
    well done Timbe
    as a notice it will work with every mod except pigs and testudo
    and AE... needs an adjustment regarding money thresholds
    Yeah, theres a lot of tweaking to do to get this perfected I will adjust the thresholds based on the feedback

  4. #4
    ~Seleukos.I.Nikator~'s Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Wow, this is quite a script!

    Well done, indeed, Mr Timbe. The next time I play DeI I will surely give it a try.

    EDIT: this should, by the way, have a front page announcement. You may ask Caillagh de Bodemloze to post one for you.
    Last edited by ~Seleukos.I.Nikator~; July 31, 2020 at 07:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Hoplite of Ilis's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    About time somebody succeeded with this!

  6. #6

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    I have been playing with this submod (mainly checking its new mechanics). It´s truly a fantastic idea.

    So far I encountered one bug:
    Playing with Media, I used a dignatary to take the region that its right East from me. Next turn I moved to Ekatompylos (just to check how easy would be to take it with this diplomatic method, since its a province capital. Advisor told I had 0% chances, so I gave Parthava some money to raise relations. Next turn, advisor told me that it would be possible to buy that city, but I couldnt afford it (I had 18K and asked me for 20k). "Ok", I thought, "let´s see what happens next turn, when I have 20k". Next turn advisor stopped informing me about my odds. I tried to move him to a different region, or even faction, but the advisor never came back.

    Also, I have a couple suggestions:
    First, make acquiring cities harder, it only took me 10K and 2 turns to buy the first town to a neutral faction (I had a 15% chance of sucess). I probably was lucky, but it still seems too easy.
    Second, give the player the option to buy or not to buy the region. By moving a dignatary around the map, you could accidentally buy regions you don´t want.

    Those are the things I have observed so far, great idea and great mod, thank you so much!

  7. #7

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by JackGuarrels View Post
    I have been playing with this submod (mainly checking its new mechanics). It´s truly a fantastic idea.

    So far I encountered one bug:
    Playing with Media, I used a dignatary to take the region that its right East from me. Next turn I moved to Ekatompylos (just to check how easy would be to take it with this diplomatic method, since its a province capital. Advisor told I had 0% chances, so I gave Parthava some money to raise relations. Next turn, advisor told me that it would be possible to buy that city, but I couldnt afford it (I had 18K and asked me for 20k). "Ok", I thought, "let´s see what happens next turn, when I have 20k". Next turn advisor stopped informing me about my odds. I tried to move him to a different region, or even faction, but the advisor never came back.

    Also, I have a couple suggestions:
    First, make acquiring cities harder, it only took me 10K and 2 turns to buy the first town to a neutral faction (I had a 15% chance of sucess). I probably was lucky, but it still seems too easy.
    Second, give the player the option to buy or not to buy the region. By moving a dignatary around the map, you could accidentally buy regions you don´t want.

    Those are the things I have observed so far, great idea and great mod, thank you so much!

    Thank you for your suggerstions, the thresholds are at this point maybe too forgiving, have to check/update them on next update...

    This Parthava/ Ekatompylos case. The only time advisor doesn't come up is if player is in hostile land, so it seems that there is a bug. I'll check that up...

    This ability to accept/decline is something that comes in the future. There's a method to spawn buttons to do this but the coding part is still somewhat bizarre to me so we'll get back to this.

  8. #8

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Could someone give me a more specific information or example how this submode works, please? In terms of gameplay not coding.

    Edit: thanks MrTimbe68
    Last edited by Demon Soul; August 05, 2020 at 09:09 AM. Reason: anwsered

    "najłatwiej i najpiękniej nie gnębić drugich, ale samemu nad sobą pracować, żeby być możliwie jak najlepszym" Sokrates

  9. #9

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Soul View Post
    Could someone give me a more specific information or example how this submode works, please? In terms of gameplay not coding.
    The idea is this:

    Your diplomat has a certain chance when in neutral or allied land, acquire a region: minor region 10,000, major region 20,000. Enemy lands cannot be acquired or DeI special capitals, or factions last settlement.

    There a re several factors that dictate how great chance there is. But the major factors are:
    1. How long diplomat stays in region
    2. Luck, now this is a factor that changes % a little in every turn and ultimately rolls the dices whether % chance hits or not.
    3. If faction has several regions, it's more willing to sell
    4. If Your faction has more money, it gives more leverage to you, and vice versa
    5. Province integrity. If whole province is in other factions oenership, it is less willing to sell (don't want to brake the province).

    Now these are some examples, theres more but all in all the advisor tells you the chances, just the percentage and the cost of the partucular region. I think I add the cost info also in percentage text since it really is usefull info for the player...
    Last edited by MrTimbe68; August 05, 2020 at 07:09 AM.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Is Karalis considered one of DEI special capitals since you get the historical message the first time you click on it? tried for several turns to get it from the arevaci in order to complete the whole province, in fact i already own alalia, but chance is always 0%.

  11. #11

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Goffredo85 View Post
    Is Karalis considered one of DEI special capitals since you get the historical message the first time you click on it? tried for several turns to get it from the arevaci in order to complete the whole province, in fact i already own alalia, but chance is always 0%.

    Owning Alalia definitely helps, and as far as I know Karalis is not a special capital. The info text should tell you if it is a special cap... The reason might be that it is a major city plus other "bad" conditions. Major cities are tougher to get all in all.
    Last edited by MrTimbe68; August 05, 2020 at 02:45 PM.

  12. #12

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    great job!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    ok thanks. will try to leave the diplomat there for more turns, stockpile more money and increase relations with arevaci and see what happens.

  14. #14
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    about the spawned button, until I don't set that thing (it won't be soon) you can use a workaround I had in mind, build a couple of ancillaries (dignitary only) and use them as a sort of activation through the "has_ancillary" function, insert those functions inside the script so that the trade happens only when you give the anc to the specific dignitary

  15. #15

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jake Armitage View Post
    about the spawned button, until I don't set that thing (it won't be soon) you can use a workaround I had in mind, build a couple of ancillaries (dignitary only) and use them as a sort of activation through the "has_ancillary" function, insert those functions inside the script so that the trade happens only when you give the anc to the specific dignitary
    I've been thinking about the altenative triggering mechanism. That ancillary thing seems a bit odd to me. I mean I could use that but to explain that to a new player, it could leave a little odd taste... It has to be easier in my opinion. But lets see, I have a couple of ideas for the next update..

  16. #16

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    +rep MrTimbe... this diplomatic feature from RTW is sorely missed :'(
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by King Kong
    Hey moonflower, just wanted to say that your descriptions are indeed the best, so I will use all of them, of course. Regards

  17. #17
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    I've encountered the same strange bug mentioned above in which the advisor stopped informing me. Still haven't managed to acquire karalis btw, no matter how good relations i had (brought them up to 290) or how much money i had in treasury (up to 70000). any thoughts on this?

  18. #18

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Goffredo85 View Post
    I've encountered the same strange bug mentioned above in which the advisor stopped informing me. Still haven't managed to acquire karalis btw, no matter how good relations i had (brought them up to 290) or how much money i had in treasury (up to 70000). any thoughts on this?

    Did some bug research past days and I've managed to replicate this. The reason is that in the version 2.0 the counter can go in this bug loop for some reason and I've fixed it in the 2.1 version (hopefully). Added checks that keeps the counter limit within the wanted. Now this was a strange bug and never anticipated this to happen...

    *Edit: The situation is that even if you download the 2.1 it won't fix the current campaign. I try to make a quickfix to it, and then we can try again. Is there any possibility that you could send me the bugged savegame? It would help problem solving a lot
    Last edited by MrTimbe68; August 13, 2020 at 01:05 AM.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Thanks for the quick answer!
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTimbe68 View Post
    *Edit: The situation is that even if you download the 2.1 it won't fix the current campaign. I try to make a quickfix to it, and then we can try again. Is there any possibility that you could send me the bugged savegame? It would help problem solving a lot
    Yes i was about to say this as installing 2.1 didn't help.
    Here's the savegame hope you can solve the problem!

  20. #20

    Default Re: [SUBMOD] Trade regions (acquire them with dipolomat)

    Quote Originally Posted by Goffredo85 View Post
    Thanks for the quick answer!

    Yes i was about to say this as installing 2.1 didn't help.
    Here's the savegame hope you can solve the problem!

    Can you try now, just download the 2.1 ver again at the top of this thread. It has the bug fix.

    Now, the situation with insurables for you is tricky cause araveci is at war with your defensive ally, no good. It is almost impossible to acquire major city unless the other faction is your ally. So it's not looking very good. Try to establish ally relationship and you might have a chance

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