-Modded trade dialog to be more informative -> paying is done via dilemma, not effect bundle
- Added new "sell -button" and the feature to actually sell regions to AI
huge thanks to Jake Armitage for helping me with the button hex-coding, thank you!
- Compatible with IA campaign
- Player can now trade client regions (if last settlement, the faction will die)
- Due to scripting limitations, the cost is now a one turn faction bundle (check faction UI, also message is shown as earlier)
- Added more variety to info texts
- Added mechanism for deploy button: acquirance happens only if diplomat is deployed also added expiration time/values. (added couple of more advisor texts...)
- Added info texts for 1 region factions and also price for % chance advisor.
- Added limit regions saved counter if it gets too big.
- Bug fixes: more checkpoints for counters, should reduce odd bahavior.
-First public version after beta tests