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Thread: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

  1. #21

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod


    somewhat undecided on elite spear units such as dismounted knights of jerusalem, in the end i decided to to take away light_spear but to leave them the +4 vs cavalry

    it just seemed wrong to have them be worse than european ones but at the same time doubling their damage to 18 would have looked absolutely ridiculous, considering the position Kingdom of Jerusalem is, i figured a little bit of an advantage wont do much harm
    that said, things do not always work in a linear fashion in this game, so it might be that i only have to increase their damage to 11 or 13 or 14 to be on same footing with other foot knights, will test in at a later time

    on average most of these types of elite spearman are units like Novgorod Home Guard or Kievan Palace Guard and things like that, maybe they should be slightly better than typical foot feudal knights but ONLY against cavalry, gives a bit of a flavour to the unit roster and feel more unique

    could change in the future but first i would like to hear some opinions on it

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    - Light spears add a -3 to attack vs infantry (or -6 defence).
    appears to be correct, after restoring light_spear and giving foot jerusalem knights a +3 thus boosting their damage to 12 they performed the same as dismounted feudal knights

  2. #22

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    I was about to write about light_spear. I think it only benefits the unit, as it adds bracing. "spear" on the other hand adds bracing and penalties vs infantry.

    My impressions on the changes:

    - This is more like it, buuuut (and it pains me to say it) I find spearmen a bit too strong now. Just a tiny bit

    - Why did you increase some swordsmen' unit sizes? Like Light MAA? They are supposed to be less numerous, as their equipment and training is expensive.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    yea light_spear adds a bonus to defense against cavalry, from my tests it does also add the -3 vs infantry, "spear" probably has more severe penalties against infantry

    why do you find them too strong ? you dont like the ratio or you maybe feel like some units are overpeforming ? if so which ones

    ops, light men at arms are supposed to have 60 men, increased to 80 for testing purposes, forgot that one, it's the only unit btw, will correct

  4. #24

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    I will believe you on that one

    About elite spearmen and their performance vs other elite footmen: imo same idea should apply - spearmen should be weaker, as they have anticav abilities to balance their usefulness. And yeah, use light_spear, it would be dumb if spearmen couldn't brace heh

    I find them (a bit) too strong in general, because of game/cost balance and whatnot. Say you have spearmen unit with 6 attack, if you lowered it by 1 to 5 it would be perfect in my eyes.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    i've ran a few tests now again with the armored sergeants and light men at arms, by default their balance is great but once you factor in the upgrades swords do seem to suffer quite badly

    finding a middle ground might be a problem for certain units, spear militia used to have 1 damage, i increased it to 2, now there's no option to give them 1.5 damage, it's either 1 or 2, this rework might take a while

    EDIT: updated, lowered some spear damage a bit

  6. #26

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    Hey, could you re-up the links? Those you've provided no longer work and I really wanted to try your minimod.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    So correct me if i'm wrong, but everything in Medieval 2 is hardcoded and you can't make spearmen as strong as swordsmen without making them overpowered against cavalry?

  8. #28

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    If anyone has the file, please make it possible for download.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    @any1 wanting the file - it would be way too outdated and incompatible.

    Quote Originally Posted by AlberdoBalsam View Post
    So correct me if i'm wrong, but everything in Medieval 2 is hardcoded and you can't make spearmen as strong as swordsmen without making them overpowered against cavalry?
    That's an interesting question - lots of variables to theorize, but imo if you would pull out spear attributes from stat_pri_attr you would essentialy make spearmen regular infantry, so that could do it.

    I mean I stated earlier it would be dumb if they couldn't brace, but now I come think of it - how could spearmen with spears like 2 meters long do it anyway (against cav)?
    Last edited by Just let me post; July 29, 2021 at 11:56 AM.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    When we look at TW mechanics and the whole sword>spear thing, problems arise, when trying to balance this somehow. Older games in the series like Medieval 2 are harder to mod in terms of unit function. I see many people try to make weapon options for units different in some way, but its mostly the attack aspect. My idea is that if you want to make things more accurate, you should not look at attack alone. Defense should be considered as well, because different weapons had different strenghts and weaknesses. Here is what i think how weapons could be balanced.

    One handed weapons. Mostly used with shields, so this is a harder decision.

    Spears and swords. Spears are the kings of all weapons, but like everything, they have downsides. The main strength of the spear is that its a very balanced purpose weapon. Its easy to use spears in civilian or warfare situation. Most of the time, spears faced less armored opponents or without armor at all. Cut wounds were ugly, but puncture wounds were deep and deadly. This means that if you do manage to stab someone, its gonna be bad day for him. Its not easy to pull of, but with the reach of the spear, you can do it safely and that's the point of spears at least in battles. Now to start comparison of spears against swords, we have to look at the biggest downside of spears which is armor penetration. Yep, you read it right, spears suffer against armor, hear me out. Despite many spears being pointier than many swords, it is still not easy to face armor. It all depends on the armor and the coverage of your opponent. When looking at armor like mail, its protectiveness depends in things like ring diameter (tighter weave), ring thickness and the pattern (like 8 in 1, which would be more rigid, probably not used for body armor, but lots of usage for things like throat protection). All these variables mean that you are either going to put more energy into your spear thrusts and try to penetrate the mail or create blunt force trauma by doing so, or you will be trying to aim for the weak spots, which will be much harder and your opponent will know his weakspots, how to protect them as well. Contrary to popular belief, mail is not that weak against penetrating force. Even the riveted mail, which is tested nowadays is mostly indian, has poor riveting, not historical. You can go and see tests done by people like Thegh Thrand and see that it is the rivet that fails, not the ring itself.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    This is indian-made mail. Cheap, works. Not that historical, there can be some improvements made. People use this for tests and yes, it is riveted mail, but its just riveted badly.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    This is historical mail. Notice how tight the riveting is. Much better. Made to protect, not to cut costs. This would protect much better against spear thrusts.

    There are videos that show riveted mail being tested against various types of weapons and there are a lot of comments in them saying "oh finally, some riveted mail. im so tired of people testing on budded mail and stating that it suck." This is true, testing butted mail in context of Europe is not historical, its better to test riveted mail. The thing is, riveted mail can be also unhistorical and if its made in modern times and riveted poorly, its still not a good test. Here are examples of such tests. Notice that the part, which usually fails is the rivet, not the ring.

    Now back to spears vs swords. Like i mentioned before, the problem of spears is the lack of anti-armor capability, but this is where swords come in and its funny, but i will explain. Swords on paper are worse weapons than spears. They are even worse against armor, mostly, they have less range, they can thrust, but if you want to cut, you need more space to do so. For civilian combat, its not a problem, but we are talking military here. Even though swords have these problems, compared to spears, they are still versatile weapons. They are harder to manipulate than spears, mainly because of shorter length. This means that you can protect yourself more easily with a sword and the fact that the weapon is made out of metal will mean that you are going to have more reliability in the long run. When facing armor of any kind, this is where swords shine. You can't have initiative in terms of attack, but you can wear your opponent down. I know this is a bad example, but look at the battle of Visby. Yes, knights and professionals fought militia, but how they did it brings attention to how swords were used against armor. Gotland militia are confirmed to wear standart amount of body armor for footmen, which means that almost all of them had unrpotected legs. Skeletons of battle of Visby show ridiculours amounts of cuts that people received to their legs, mainly shins. Those cuts were so light that sometime shin bones have more than 10 cuts with or without the final cut, cutting off the leg and finishing the fight for that person. This really shows how you would use swords against spears. Try to bind spears, manipulate them and then make a cut as fast as possible to a weakspot. It won't kill your opponent, but you will be safe and he will be hurt. Do this enough times and you win the fight and hopefully - the battle itself. Visby, of course, is an example, where superior force defeated an inferior one, but i think it can still be used for argument.
    Some interesting points, made in the documentary of battle of Vsiby.

    Now onto axes and maces, just very brief. Blunt weapons are really more simple, they will bonk people regardless of the armor they are wearing, but are more suited for use against armor. We know that axes are better cutters than swords, but they lack the protection and reliability to hit things. You have a small portion of the blade on your axehead, compared to larger blades of swords, yet if you manage to make the cut, its devastating. Not all axes are the same. Broadhead axes are made to work against unarmoured opponents, while smaller, wedge-like axes are much better against stiffer stuff like armor. Some axes like czekans are really similar weapons to warpicks, they even share the name with them in some languages. Eastern cavalry axes are the same thing, they did have a pick or a hammer on the other side, so they were hybrid weapons, not just axes, that should be taken into account.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    These are lake Lednica axes. They have thin, light, broad heads made to cut mostly unarmoured or textile armoured opponents.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    These are khazar axes, made to concentrade a lot of energy in small area and with their wedge-like distal taper, they will have lots of splitting power. Perfect for horseback use.

    These would be very good ideas for one handed weapon balance, yet only for foot soldiers.
    Spears: Good for everything. More melee defense. Of course has more range. Also is the only weapon good for charging on foot, so more charge bonus as well. Decrease in unit price.
    Swords. Good for prolonged combat. Unit has lower damage, but very high melee defense. Increase in unit cost.
    Broadhead axes. Highest unit damage, but no defense bonus.
    Anti armor axes, warpicks, maces and other blunt weapons in general. Just has armor penetration, no other bonuses.

    These are just ideas, don't take this seriously. Its just something i am passionate about, so i came up with it considering the realism and game mechanics into account.
    Last edited by AlberdoBalsam; August 05, 2021 at 08:37 AM. Reason: New ideas, which were not thought about previously.

  11. #31
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    quite interesting ideas. These issues were discussed like 10 years ago during making of the Stainless Steel and it's submods.
    Have you studied the discussions of the RR/RC submod to the Stainless Steel? I think Point Blank was very interested in this aspect of the game.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    download link is not working? Any updates on this?

  13. #33

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    sorry but i dont have the files anymore, didnt expect there to even be any interest in my minimod in 2022 (nearly 2023 at this point)

    i have a old laptop on which i made some backups a long time ago, curently not in my posession but i will check that too when i get the chance

  14. #34

    Default Re: Combat Balance Overhaul minimod

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekhatres View Post
    sorry but i dont have the files anymore, didnt expect there to even be any interest in my minimod in 2022 (nearly 2023 at this point)

    i have a old laptop on which i made some backups a long time ago, curently not in my posession but i will check that too when i get the chance
    Hey even a year later someone wants to use this mod, still haven't found it?

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