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Thread: Medieval II - France Turn 25 and 50 Saved Games

  1. #1

    Default Medieval II - France Turn 25 and 50 Saved Games

    (I am new on the forum so I am not sure if should post this here or not, if you are experienced in using the forum please inform me.I would appreciate guidance.)

    Greetings generals, I decided to share various save games for Medieval II Total War.These saves will come in different forms, some are just advanced turns with original borders of the selected faction, some are very unique and some are merely in shambles.My goal is to offer some interesting variety and perhaps a brief new challenge for those who would enjoy a new take on an old game.

    Brief Summary
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Original French starting borders. Includes turn 25 - 50 and 53, each one offers a different difficulty.Original family and generals, no new adoptions(expect one original general being adopted into the family) and princess never married to anyone.
    Post-battle decisions are mostly ransomed and some releases on small occasions.Never executed the prisoners except for ransom refusals.(General information given below applies to normal turn 50 save file and others will have their brief explanations at the end of the article.


    At war:Milan, England, Sicily and Spain. *Only one offensive war started due to Milan being allied to Sicily (Sicily assisted Milan when I was forced to bail out of a siege.)
    Allies:Scotland. Vassals : None Current Diplomatic Reputation : Mixed

    Current Funds : 29,000 with a positive balance. Internal trade and some trade agreements with various nations.

    Mostly spear militias and peasant archers with some experience and some mailed knights. Navy is non-existent.

    Extended Description

    France is surrounded by enemies.Milan, England and the newest contender Spain relentlessly attack to claim French lands.France fiercely defended it's territory for the last century but now is the time to end the oppression once and for all!

    France never expanded it's borders.Instead royal family invested into the lands they owned, creating large cities and mighty castles.This attitude was protected by late king Philip.This is to change with the new king being crowned after his father, King Louis the Honest.He seeks to expand France's borders and settle old scores with France's enemies.

    Economically France is doing very well.All the investment made into the cities and castles paid of tenfold.Despite suffering from war and being surrounded by enemies, royal treasury boasts the large sum of 30 000 florins with a small bu steady income provided by internal trade and tax revenue.Merchants Guild of Paris contributes to the wealth of the kingdom and grows the French Capital ever more by day.Their dealings with exotic goods and valuable ores coming from Rheims' mines grow the trade into a lucrative affair for the entire country.With wealth comes the infrastructure and development and all the settlements benefited from it so far, with age appropriate buildings and facilities marking largest cities from north to south.

    France doesn't have a professional army.It has been defended by her countrymen since old times.Militias and peasants were always on the front lines in order to protect their homes and families.While they are no match for the well armed and disciplined Italian militia counterparts, they make up for their shortcomings with their experience and highest quality armor provided by Paris' finest blacksmiths.Recent addition of mailed knights and sergeant spear-man however proved that a professional army is a must if France wants to expand.Thieves Guild's presence in Rheims also benefited the war efforts immensely.Spies and agents have been serving the royal family well for long.Be it acquiring intelligence of enemy troops or tracking opposing armies' movements, thieves guild can get the information kingdom needs.

    For expansion, different opportunities are on the horizon.To the east lies Dukedom of Milan.Since their conquest of Dijon and Bern, Milan was the main aggressor against France, fielding armies by tens of thousands over decades and turning the eastern borders of France into a constant war-zone.While their armies are well equipped and well trained, Milan suffered numerous defeats against the brave soldiers of France and an age long series of defeats surely affects the morale of Milanese troops.If France were to expand towards Italian peninsula, rich cities and well connected trade routes would reward the treasury handsomely but such a move would border France with the great power of Holy Roman Empire and where there are border disputes there are reasons for war.

    To the north another expansion possibility lies ahead;British Isles.England, an old rival, has been harassing the northern provinces of France over decades now.Pushing towards England's foothold in Northern Europe and taking the fight to the Britannia itself would shock the British as well as acquiring the wealth of British Channel.This however, is a big risk-big reward gamble for the intelligence about British is fairly limited.They tried to assault Angers Castle and Paris with mediocre forces thus far and they have been repelled by the local defense forces with ease in the past.But rumors speak of large military forces of England lie and wait in their territory, ready to defend it and ambush those are foolish enough to march carelessly.Whether the rumors are true or not, if France is to take a decisive loss during an attack, this would surely leave the northern borders and capital itself vulnerable.

    Lastly an expansion against the France's new enemy, Spain, is available to the west.Information about Spanish is almost non-existent other than an old map information given with a trade agreement and the fact that Spain lost a huge army assaulting Touluose Castle and two generals over the last couple years.While marching into Iberian peninsula is not going to bring France a large amount of wealth, it will secure a major victory against a potentially weakened enemy and occupy lands far away from the greedy hands of Milan and hateful eyes of England thus securing a land that can be a good long-term investment for the Kingdom.

    No matter what, if France is to keep it's prosperity and glory, it's mettle has to be tested in the tides of total war!

    Turn 25 Save - Easiest setting in my opinion.With 30,000 florins in bank you can recruit a large army and decimate your foes early on.Enemies do not have large amounts of heavy infantry at this point so your experienced militia and archers with some help from the cavalry and generals's bodyguard can defeat anything on the field.
    Turn 50 Save - This is normal difficulty.You still have a lot of money in the bank and positive income to support good forces.At this point enemy fields heavy infantry and siege equipment so your militia will have a hard time even with experience and upgrades.You have enemies for sure but you can expand reliably and safely.
    Turn 53 Start - This is a hard setting. Your troops are in shambles and treasury is almost empty.Some building lines are missing entirely so you have to build them from scratch.Your income is good though so if can stand your ground for a short while you should be able to take it to the offensive.

    *Like I stated in the beginning, if I made a mistake posting this article here, let me know.I attached the save files in rar format but I might have made mistakes along the way so if the file doesn't appear in the post please inform me.
    I also would like to hear your opinion on the effort and have a wonderful day people!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Medieval II - France Turn 25 and 50 Saved Games

    This should be fine here - I am sure there will be someone appreciating to have a look at various scenarios.

  3. #3
    Frunk's Avatar Form Follows Function

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    Default Re: Medieval II - France Turn 25 and 50 Saved Games

    Aye, thanks for sharing! Welcome to TWC! +rep

  4. #4
    Dismounted Feudal Knight's Avatar my horse for a unicode
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    Default Re: Medieval II - France Turn 25 and 50 Saved Games

    I like this idea. I find extreme replayability in using the hotseat mode to throw the game out a few hundred turns in the future, then take control of one of the very unusual factions that result.

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