View Poll Results: Should more new units be added to the mod (even if it messes with in-battle voices)?

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  • Yes! More units would be great!

    25 67.57%
  • No! I don't want my line infantry shouting "Revolutionary Guards!" when I click them.

    12 32.43%
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Thread: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

  1. #1
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod


    As you were, soldier.

    After years of learning to mod the game's data files, campaign setup, and unit textures, I am very proud to present Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod.

    The mission of this mod is not new: to enhance the historical accuracy and strategic challenge of ETW without sacrificing entertainment. To accomplish this mission, I've tweaked more aspects of the game than I can count, including:

    • Altering the accuracy of cannons and firearms and reducing projectile tracers. Battles will be won by disciplined and experienced troops who can withstand the prolonged onslaught of enemy volleys, or close the gap in good order with bayonets.
    • Enhancing the causes and effects of fatigue and morale. Remember not to tire your regiments before engaging, and watch your flanks.
    • Improving the effects of buildings, technologies, and character traits. A capitalist in the cabinet will lower the costs of industrial buildings, a physiocrat will lower farm costs, and high level religious schools will improve research.
    • Improving diplomacy. AI factions will behave more realistically by placing higher value on interfaction opinion. They will be less inclined to launch attacks purely for sharing a border, though they will still take advantage of weak and undefended neighbors.
    • Introducing Portugal, Denmark, and Scotland as playable factions with faction descriptions and victory conditions.
    • New technologies for Britain, the United States, and Poland-Lithuania, with more coming in later updates.
    • National Traditions giving bonuses to certain factions from the start of the Grand Campaign.
    • New Missions for Britain, Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark.
    • Adding many new units for major and minor factions (even rebels!), including marines, revolutionary infantry, frontier militia, Croatian chasseurs, Connaught Rangers, Dagestani swordsmen, colonial Highlanders, and Portuguese tiradores.
    • Adding new historical characters to the 18th Century world, including Menno van Coehoorn, Henry Boyle, and Jacob van Wassenaer Obdam.
    • Revamping the campaign setup. The Great Northern War has plunged Sweden in a conflict with Denmark, Poland-Lithuania, and Russia (which has recently made bitter peace with the Ottomans). In contrast, western Europe experiences relative peace following the Imperial victory over the Turks; Austria is on good terms with their Polish saviors. The German states continue to rebuild following the devastation of the Thirty Years War, making the Prussian campaign more about rising from the ashes than constant military onslaught.
    • Creating a sophisticated Area of Recruitment system; many units, from line infantry to cuirassiers, are now limited to their home regions. Unique, region-specific units take their place, such as the Regiment of Danzig in West Prussia and the Portuguese Legion in Portugal.
    • Faction Updates! Bohemia appears as an emergent faction complete with Empire's unused Czech voice files. They are also available in custom battles. Additionally, Westphalia has been rebranded as the Archbishopric of Cologne (Westphalia appears a century too early in vanilla).
    • Adding historical titles for dukes, viceroys, electors, governors, secretaries of state, maharajas, chiefs, and emperors.
    • Revamping Generals so they are no longer a heavy cavalry unit. These men are officers and gentlemen; the unit size has been decreased and their combat abilities reduced. Some major historical generals still have larger unit sizes to reflect their importance and the size of their staff. Keep your general safe; a general who flees the field like a coward has a worse impact on morale than a general who dies in glorious battle. This holds true for the player and the AI, so consider sparing a routing enemy general and watch his army follow suit.
    • Limiting recruitment of Indiaman trade ships as the AI tends to build fleets of them for combat. Brigs and sloops now possess the ability to trade, though they are less efficient due to their higher upkeep. REMOVED in Version 1.5.5, as I felt this made trade zones less strategic and less fun.
    • Enhancing campaign map faction COLORS. You will never be unsure whether Portugal or France owns a region again.

    NOTE: The campaign has been balanced for playing on the Normal difficulty level. Other difficulty levels will still be enjoyable and challenging, but sticklers for historical realism should stick to Normal as it tames the sometimes random AI.

    WHAT'S NEW IN 1.5?

    As of 1.5, Scotland is now unlocked in the grand campaign as a playable minor faction, complete with its own missions and historical starting position as a semi-autonomous protectorate of the British crown. Additional details are on page 6 of this thread!

    The 1.5.5 update brings a few campaign changes to the Succession mod:

    *If the player is not playing as Scotland, The Act of Union will now occur around its historical date of 1707, and Great Britain will peacefully annex Scotland. If the player faction is Scotland, the handover will not occur, and you can live out your dreams of a Scottish Empire as you please.
    *Ever wondered why your friend Savoy declared war on your distant protectorate in the Americas? Or perhaps why landlocked Bavaria declared a war of succession against the new governor of Louisiana? Well, now they can't. This update introduces locked diplomatic relations to many minor factions that I felt took some fun out of the game. The European minor factions will not be able to declare war on the colonial protectorates of New Spain, Louisiana, and the Thirteen Colonies; now they know if they want a crack at the colonies, they will need to deal directly with their mother countries.
    *The colonial protectorates will not be able to declare war on major powers anymore. These nations are client states with no authority to start wars without the authority of their mother countries. However, they can still declare war on OTHER colonial protectorates (as historically happened in the French and Indian War) as well as against the Native American minor factions to preserve the conflicts that certainly would/did occur between European settlers and Native Americans.
    *Additionally, the Native American minor factions can no longer propose alliances to the Marathas, Mughals, or Mysore, as they had no means of travel to India. The Mughals and Mysore will also not be able to propose alliances to the Native Americans in return (they have their own European invaders to worry about), but the Marathas are unrestricted as they are a playable nation and I want to preserve the ability of the player to take any path they wish.
    *On that note, playable factions have not had any restrictions placed on their diplomacy.

    *Naval battle auto-resolve results have been tweaked, making it less likely that entire fleets will be sunk and more likely that the losing side will retreat to safety. This seems to have also made the campaign AI wiser, and less likely to park its fleets in the middle of the ocean.
    *Most cavalry now takes 2 turns to recruit, reflecting the additional time it would take to train a professional cavalry force compared to infantry in the 18th Century.
    *The recruitment cap on Indiamen has been lifted, and they are once again the only unit that can trade.
    *A goof in the startpos file caused Bohemia to spawn if the region of Morea rebelled. This has been fixed so the proper Greek Rebels will spawn instead.
    *Louisiana no longer despises Cologne (Westphalia) at the start of the campaign. I could find no historical justification for this besides Joseph Clemens's involvement in sparking the Nine Year's War, so now they have a fairly normal relationship at game start. If you play as France, you will no longer anger your protectorate for allying Cologne, which they historically did in the early 1700s.

    I hope you all enjoy the update.

    When I started this project, I actually had no intention of releasing it. As such, there are some legacy mods from other creators in the files. I tried to purge anything third party to avoid stepping on my fellow modders' toes, but some elements remain as the original creators are no longer active on this forum (as far as I know). Those that come to mind are:

    • Of Kaiser, Tsar, and Ghasyar by Sir Digby Chicken Caesar - this incredible mod adds new units such as Swiss line infantry, Khevsuri warriors, and Slavic pandours. The detail and immersion of his mod is so great, I ended up cloning one of his units as a melee unit for Dagestan. All credit for those models and skins goes to him. Thanks to Caesar for his permission to use them.
    • Vanilla Units Enhanced by Bavarian Grenadier - I used some of his excellent models for my new Revolutionary Infantry unit and European generals. All credit for those models goes to him.
    • General Andy's Musket Sounds - the greatest musket sound improvement mod on the planet, in my opinion. All credit for General Andy's sounds goes to him.


    1. As you would with any mod, backup your Empire files!
    2. Download the files HERE.
    3. Place all files except the startpos.esf and scripting.lua into your Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Empire Total War/data folder (the LS_textures file is optional and includes new unit textures from the mid/late 18th century)
    4. Place the startpos.esf and scripting.lua files into your Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Empire Total War/data/campaigns/main folder
    5. Activate with ModManager like the good ol' days.

    Durango's Historical Portaits Mod
    Durango's Interface Visual Enhancement
    Bavarian Grenadier's Vanilla Units Enhanced
    Terrestria Orbum
    Manic's Flags
    Johny's Drum Rolls

    New mission rewards will only trigger if you reload your first auto save.
    The Bohemian flag will not appear properly on campaign map (for now).
    Units have been seen changing randomly between turns (militia becoming a line infantry, for example). This can be fixed by simply loading the auto save, so I'd recommend starting a campaign, ending the turn, and reloading the auto save and continuing the campaign from there.
    New factions suffer from the Ivory Coast bug at campaign launch.
    Scotland's treasury projections are not accurately reflected in the government tab. This might be a rule for minor factions and not a bug per se.

    Make the world your colony in style. Enjoy.
    Last edited by The_Lord_Snow; August 13, 2024 at 01:01 PM. Reason: new link and features added

  2. #2

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Congrats on the release! +rep Welcome to TWC, as well.

    If you want to spread the word about your mod, feel free to post an Announcement here:

  3. #3
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Hey, cheers, pal! I appreciate that!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    My pleasure.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Great to see that Empire TW isn't dead! Specially with talented modders like you, thanks for the work Lord_Snow, gonna re-download Empire and test your mod soon!

  6. #6
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness Administrator
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Thanks for releasing this mod and welcome as a new modder on TWC! I appreciate your detailed description.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Thanks for your work, I will definitely check out your changes!
    Try my ETW mods: Interface Enhancement Mod

  8. #8
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Cheers, PrimoTw! Hope you enjoy it!

    Cheers, Alwyn! I am a big fan of your AARs!

    Cheers, Durango! I hope you enjoy!
    Last edited by Frunk; April 25, 2020 at 09:13 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Thnks for your mod. I will give a try. I was trying to play vanilla, but it is so broken (the siege lag killed the game for me).
    Hope I can finish a campaign with it. I will try a republic prussia. And hope the flags for it didn't have changed too.

  10. #10
    GaivsSejanvs's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    That's great, thank for the release Lord_Snow.
    I've downloaded the game a week ago, too. Just for nostalgias' sake... :-D
    Is your mod compatible with the definitive Edition??


  11. #11
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I hope you are all enjoying the mod.

    I am pleased to release the first update to the mod. Nothing drastic (should be completely save game compatible) but it changes the factions available in custom battle and includes a number of new models and textures. Shout out to Bavarian Grenadier for his late general model. If you want to access the update, download this zip file and extract to your ETW data folder (overwrite the LS_campaign folder).

    Another quick note I hope you find helpful regarding my mod: brigs and sloops are now able to trade in trade nodes and indiamen recruitment is restricted. This is because indiamen are practically upkeep-free and thus favored by the AI. This change addresses the AI building fleets of armed merchant ships instead of proper navies.

    Quote Originally Posted by GaivsSejanvs View Post
    That's great, thank for the release Lord_Snow.
    I've downloaded the game a week ago, too. Just for nostalgias' sake... :-D
    Is your mod compatible with the definitive Edition??

    Cheers, GaivsSejanvs. Yes, this should be completely compatible with definitive edition. I hope you enjoy.
    Last edited by Frunk; May 03, 2020 at 04:36 AM. Reason: Posts merged.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    You could do a 4 turns per year version, since you modify the startpos file. I dont need it, I already did it, I'm sying it as a suggestion.

  13. #13
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Quote Originally Posted by armandoeng View Post
    You could do a 4 turns per year version, since you modify the startpos file. I dont need it, I already did it, I'm sying it as a suggestion.
    Hey, pal, thank you for the suggestion. I hope you're enjoying the mod. I recently learned that ability myself and have applied it to the Road to Independence campaigns. I will consider making the change.

  14. #14
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    New Textures coming soon...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    I like o try this mod, can't seem to get the download link to work, says to big to scan for viruses or something, does anyone have another link thanks.
    Last edited by Frunk; May 24, 2020 at 09:58 PM. Reason: Typo fixed.

  16. #16
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Hey Warriordude, I appreciate the interest in my mod! Here is an updated link. If the file size is an issue, try downloading the files individually rather than all at once.

  17. #17
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Version 0.93 coming soon!
    • A new unit for the British Empire - the Connaught Rangers
    • New textures for many European factions
    • Building and character effect tweaks
    Last edited by The_Lord_Snow; August 06, 2020 at 07:52 PM.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Small problem. I get so far and then I get a message saying "Couldn't download. Network Issue". Followed by "Couldn't Download. No permission". Has anyone got any ideas as to what I do. Thanks for any help.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    OK. Got problem sorted. Had to sort out some "Edge" issues.

  20. #20
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Succession - A Total War: Empire Revival Mod

    Glad you got it working, Robleau2. Hope you enjoy the mod!

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