DIGS is a sort of acronym for...
2) L
3) and
4) Transfer
5) Re
Briefly, and as it is in the current version,
DIGS removes some of the diplomatic TOTAL WAR features coming from the vanilla game.
Inside DIGS there are scripted diplomatic constraints (both for player and AI).
Could I just have modded CAI values? Yes and no. DB moddings can't properly build conditions. Scripts can.
This mod has been mainly done for
TESTUDO (which has also modded CAI values), but inside this thread you can find
packs for DeI vanilla too.
Basically I will "dig in" some "total war non wanted behaviours" and "dig out" a transfer region system.
Alpha_01 contains:
1) Set "diplomatic communications" ON/OFF depending on turns.
ON is twice per year for 4tpy (spring and autumn) and once per season for 12tpy (first season month).
OFF is all the other turns.
This will diminish the "diplo AI spam messages" and also statistically reduce "AI weird diplo behaviours". Also, player will have to plan his diplomacy a little more.
2) Some diplo limitations for some diplo choice depending on the "diplomatic attitude", basically if you're best friend, very friendly, friendly, neutral, hostile, very hostile, bitter enemy.
Should be useful to limit backstabs when AI liberates factions. Liberated factions have a statistical tendency to behave that way.
Also, player can't be, more or less, backstabbed by friendly AI
They are different depending on: AI towards PL, AI towards AI, PL towards AI.
They also depend on Imperium Level. The more an AI faction is bigger the more it will be free to act (and backstab)
3) some starting limitations for custom factions (
A) Add a "diplomatic map range" for every faction, player and AI. The more Imperium Level a faction has the more the radius grows, meaning that small factions won't be able to diplomatically communicate too far away.
This will add some realism and limit weird global wars.
B) Put a diplomatic limitator depending on what kind of treaties you have with a faction.
To make an example: let's say that it is turn 2 and you just obtained a non aggression pact with an AI faction.
What I want to do is a limitator which will oblige the AI to NOT break the non aggression pact for x turns.
AI and player have some diplomatic consequences if they break pacts before some fixed (and moddable) turn values but AI simply doesn't care much about them.
The script will limit the diplomatic choices. During OFF turns for example you won't be capable to diplomatically communicate with anyone.
Your diplomatic panel will be like this (except when you have defensive/military alliances, you can offer the AI to break them):