CA has attempted to update the assembly kit to allow us to pass models through BoB.

I cant quite get it to work.

Passing my custom model through BoB passes green, however when pointed to In game, it is invisible.

Passing the example CaoCao file through BoB results in a fail

CaoCaos materials are all messed up, and its probably not even worth assigning them because Ive noticed the way to add the "weight_material_default" string has changed , and I have no idea how to reproduce whats on the Cao Cao model

To be clear the old way was :
Animation-->ParameterEditor-->AddtoType->Selected Objects Material->ParameterType String->Name"Rigid_material"-->Testing Attribute-->"Default"
If I remember correctly.

I think this among a few other things have changed.
There is also some export_node_cao_cao_body which i have no idea what its for.
Maybe CA will give us some information (doubtful) or some other 3ds max artist can figure this out.
Im stumped for now.