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Thread: Known issues.

  1. #1
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Thessalonike Greece

    Default Known issues.

    CTDs may caused by a number of factors.
    The mod suffer from random CTDs because:
    • Unfinished or buged scripts.
    • High resolution map textures and high polygon stratmap settlements models (the most frequent cause).
    • Others that need investigation and will ne added to the list.'
    • The game's engine.

    A good solution is to have 2-3 savegames per campaign inorder if you come across to a random CTD you can load a previus save game and continue.
    Last edited by AnthoniusII; January 04, 2022 at 07:14 AM. Reason: typo
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.

    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  2. #2
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Know issues.

    if i run a testcampaign, i save every turn with it´s turnnumber. they can be reused, if i start something else again

  3. #3

    Default Re: Know issues.


    I made a shortcut of M2TW.exe from steam folder where M2TW is installed and saved shortcut to desktop. Added "....otal War\medieval2.exe" --features.mod=mods\TGC to the Target line on the shortcut in the properties menu.

    Then applied the 4G Patch to the shortcut

    Noticed 50% fewer crashes and so far, no crashes they did not crash again on 2nd quick attempt. I'm still saving every few turns through alternating between three save files just in case. Finally got 120 moves in game. I was only getting to around turn 60 in a few attempts before with game ending crashes I could not get out of.

  4. #4
    PekoBG's Avatar Laetus
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    Sofia, Bulgaria

    Default Re: Know issues.

    So, i started a campaign with Bulgaria. Two issues i noticed that would qualify as bugs are
    1: In Veliki Preslav i can not build the farming chain buildings. There is Land Clearance, but can't build the rest.
    2 Also my male family members don't get the proposals to marry a noble woman, and i noticed none of them get married.
    There were some crashes but nothing that was unprogressable. Today i reached turn 80 and can't progress any further. Tried 10 times, always get a crash during the AI turn. Interesting is that it is at different factions turn. One time it even reached the turn of the rebels/bandits, but still crashed. I have 3 saves, so i'll try loading from an earlier save to see if i'll be able to progress.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Know issues.

    I think I might be able to explain the farm buildings and estates buildings tree. It looks like you have an option between the two - you can choose communal farming and keep improving your farming, by giving the land to free peasants. The alternative is to give the land to the local nobles - you do not get the farming income bonus and there is a penalty on population growth, however you get lower unrest (I guess the nobles keep the population in check for you) and of course, you get access to Boili at a low replenishment rate (one unit every 5 years or 20 turns). It is an either/or mechanic, so you can only do the estates tree or the farms tree, but not both. As the Royal Palace is a building in the states tree, and Preslav starts with a Royal Palace from the start, you cannot build farms. I would not touch the palace as it is the only way to get Chigots and Tarkans from what I can tell. I am not sure you can even build it anywhere else. Capturing a palace from another faction, say Serbia, does not give you those troops. Personally, I go with estates, as high chivalry generals and lots of trade tends to solve the population growth issues.

  6. #6
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by PekoBG View Post
    So, i started a campaign with Bulgaria. Two issues i noticed that would qualify as bugs are
    1: In Veliki Preslav i can not build the farming chain buildings. There is Land Clearance, but can't build the rest.
    that´s no bug - you build an estate in that province. you can´t have both, beside the level 1 land clearance. you then need to choose.
    as kavhan isbul says.
    the highest tier of estates is always in your capitol and give you your factional unique units. other conquered capitals royal palaces are scripted that way, that you can spawn your elites in two capitols, because there can only be one.

    by the way, changing your capitol is expansive and don´t open the recruitment for the new place (to prevent a human player can exploit this).

    Quote Originally Posted by PekoBG View Post
    2 Also my male family members don't get the proposals to marry a noble woman, and i noticed none of them get married.
    There were some crashes but nothing that was unprogressable. Today i reached turn 80 and can't progress any further. Tried 10 times, always get a crash during the AI turn. Interesting is that it is at different factions turn. One time it even reached the turn of the rebels/bandits, but still crashed. I have 3 saves, so i'll try loading from an earlier save to see if i'll be able to progress.
    you can look into the log file. every faction has a <log> when finished ingame:
    09:04:12.205 [game.script] [always] slave: Faction turn end
    turn 80 could be a script related ctd, but not sure. can you upload a/all savegames + logfile?

    the marriage is started a the beginning of the turn. you can have a marriage or a adoption. maybe bulgarians are missing something - will take a look
    Last edited by _Tartaros_; January 21, 2020 at 12:53 PM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Know issues.

    Can someone help me out with this error I got? Another problem... Everytime I try to play as croatia the game freezes on me. Why is that?
    Attached Files Attached Files

  8. #8
    PekoBG's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Know issues.


    Thanks Tartaros! Now i understand why i can't build the farms. For the marriages - Every single turn i'm getting the message for addoption, and probably that's why i don't get the marriage proposals. Here's the log and save file.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Know issues.

    Aghlabids t23 CTD.zipTried an Aghlabid campaign and the economy works better for smaller factions, as the avalanche trade effect is not easy to reach. Unfortunately, there is a persistent crash at turn 23. I am attaching the save game. If someone can explain how to access and uploada system log, I would be happy to do that as well. I also would really appreciate it if someone can explain what I am supposed to do with the 4GB patch.

  10. #10
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    the 4 GB patch works like this:
    extract the files to your desktop. run the 4gb patch. then look for the kingdoms.exe in your main medieval2 folder - wait untill you receive a message that it´s patched

  11. #11

    Default Re: Know issues.

    Thank you so much. I was not sure what to select once it asked for a target. I will try this and see if it helps extend campaigns past some of the CTDs.

  12. #12
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by PekoBG View Post
    For the marriages - Every single turn i'm getting the message for addoption, and probably that's why i don't get the marriage proposals.
    It's possible that the engine fixates on adoption, but I haven't experienced it yet (only fixation on marriages). But it's the issue of engine, not of the mod (unless there's something strange I'm not aware of).

  13. #13
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    i could script more children into the familytree´s. this prevents adoptions, because there´s no slot for them left in the familytree (every general can have 4 kids).
    infact, that´s what i will do next...

    faction: number of regions = number of familymembers (male, sons + daughters)
    Last edited by _Tartaros_; January 23, 2020 at 04:33 AM.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Know issues.

    For some reason I can't get passed turn 20 when trying to end the rebels turn. Then I get a ctd and idk why. Here's the log!!
    Attached Files Attached Files

  15. #15
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    turn 20 seems to have an issue for some players. couldn´t find anything in the log, but after turn 20 the CAI switches into a more aggressive stand.

  16. #16
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by _Tartaros_ View Post
    faction: number of regions = number of familymembers (male, sons + daughters)
    + generals not in family tree

  17. #17
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    sadly they don´t count for the game (one of the reasons i gave every settlement a governor).
    We need a big familytree or 4 children per Character to stop the adoptions.

  18. #18
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    I adopt all generals the game offers me to do so because i need field marshals and city governors. In fact adoption system suits the mod's porpuse better because we have generaols that betray us more often like it was often those days too.
    My advice is to have 2 generals in one army if that army is going to travel far away or plan your journey if your army has one general to settle in a PSF in every turn untill reaches its goal. I had numerus generals that rebeled against me. Its something players must learn to live with.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.

    TGC settlements previews.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Know issues.

    Some minor graphic issues:
    - The Infirmarium for Bulgaria (and possibly all factions) lacks a building icon;
    - The Girih Workshop for Islamic Factions lacks a building icon;
    - The Grain Facility for all factions lacks a building icon;
    - Mercenary Peshatsi Draguai, which are recruitable in the open in Transylvania lack info picture, icon and textures (all are silver surfers in battle);
    - The Serbian town squares have Milanese flags;
    - Rebel Generals in Sardinia and Corsica have standard M2TW generals - smaller size and good old M2TW plate armor, bascinets and great helms;
    - A Magyar stack with some Voratalmater horse archers went rebel in my pre patch Bulgaria campaign, and I noticed that the info picture for the unit has horses in silver, with no texture. Not sure if this is just a Magyar or Rebel problem, or just a general issue for this unit for all factions.

    Also, all factions have the standard M2TW strategy map character models for agents, generals and captains in their shiny 15th century gothic harnesses. This is also true in the battles, where some generals and captains are the vanilla M2TW models. I am certain this is something the developer team is working on and does not really detract anything gameplay wise, but we just have to point it out along with the other visual issues.

    A conversion issue - I am pretty sure second and third level churches, and potentially first level church buildings actually reduce the culture, rather than improve it. In my pre patch Bulgaria campaign Vereya started at 40% Balkan culture, then fell to 29% while in my possession the whole time and with a general with reasonable piety inside. Other settlements fell in balkan culture too, even Preslav and Pliska. The 4th level church building which gives a full non-fractional +1 bonus to culture works as intended.

  20. #20
    _Tartaros_'s Avatar "Harzschütze"
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    Default Re: Know issues.

    most stratmapgenerals aren´t made at this point.
    if someone is willing/able to create generals and agents from TGC models, it will be very welcomed
    there are tutorials out there how to merge models and create them, but i´m not a modeller

    the cultural issue may be linked with the neighboring regions. they influence each other. i will also look into agents. maybe spies and assasins have a cultural bonus.

    fixed the "lesser druzina" issue (good find ). they where not supposed to be hired as mercenaries in the field and re eather a mercenary unit in edu nor in bmdb - deleted there recruitment.

    there´s also from the faction selection menu.

    @ all
    i´v fixed a typo in the ERE strengh table - but there´s this wired codeline appearing in the victory condition table. how can i let it show only the conditions, not the codefile?
    i´ve put a picture in the attachment

    edit: fixed it already... nevermind - i´ve sorted the file, but it´s start was at the end, so the game couldn´t recognize
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Menu bugged.jpg   kingdoms 2020-01-24 23-02-12-99.jpg  
    Last edited by _Tartaros_; January 24, 2020 at 04:03 PM.

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