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Thread: BOOK ancillaries

  1. #21
    Navajo Joe's Avatar SS Forum Moderator
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    May 2008

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project


    Line 4 replace treatises as Treaties

    Line 7 replace
    getting a book a very slim should be
    getting a book are very slim

    The next point is are using American English, using Z's rather than S's, we all know what you mean or I am just being a pompous Englishman. I don't know if when they taught you English, did they use the American Variant.



    'Proud to be patronised by cedric37(My Father and My Guardian)

  2. #22

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    Hey Jurand, I had a look and made some small changes. For simplicity, I just copied the whole text below, with my changes in it (so you can just copy paste this here out to your file). Also, I included Navajo Joe's stuff as well, so those changes are also reflected in what is below.

    { INFO_BOOKS_BODY}\n In the SSHIP, skilled generals can acquire books from libraries and swap these from one general to another, allowing you to get the optimal characteristics needed for your faction.
    \n\n The main way to get a book is to leave a general with the trait "Scholar" to govern a settlement with a Library. The type of the book he would get depends on the other buildings present in the settlement (e.g. if there is a Cathedral – a religious book). More specialized books (on geography, medicine, architecture) usually require the presence of a University.
    \n The books are also available in the Great Libraries for intelligent generals who study diligently (i.e. stay whole turns in the settlements: the military minded generals will find the military treatises, while the administrative ones will find civil books).
    \n Some books can also be acquired upon conquest of certain settlements. E.g. taking Constantinople or Baghdad is very likely to bring the victorious general a book or two, while conquest of Valencia may bring him the Mio Cid romance (if he is Catholic).
    \n Bear in mind that the chances of getting a book are very slim, so your general needs to be patient in his studying at the library.
    \n\n Once a book is found, it may be passed to another noble as a gift. Any noble can have a shelf full of books (ie up to 8) but he can have only one book of a particular type. Having such a full shelf is not a wise choice though: it is better to specialize in something, have just two or three books, and have space for other ancillaries.
    \n The various bonuses attached to the books are (usually) as follows: \n() military treaties (+1 Command and some other benefits, also ability to get more Military Education), \n() collection of poems and heroic epics (+2 popularity or +1 Chivalry), \n() legal charters (+1 Law, ability to get more Administrative Education) \n() religious scripts (+2 Piety) \n() historic chronicles (+1 Authority and +1 popularity), \n() medical treatises (-1 squalor)\n() scientific books (+20% Trade) \n() geographical works with maps (+2 or more movement points)\n() treatises on architecture (10% discount to the building costs)\n There are also some unique works giving more perks.
    { INFO_BOOKS_TITLE}Books in the SSHIP

    { INFO_BOOKS_REMINDER _BODY}\n If you want to get a book, put a general with the trait "Scholar" into a settlement with a Library (and possibly also University) and let him study there. His chances of finding a book are not large, (only a few percent a turn) but once a book is found, it can be swapped from one general to another and bring much needed benefits for your faction.
    \n Another way to get a book it to put any intelligent general into a settlement with a Great Library. If you have a Huge City without such an establishment, it’s wise to invest money into building it.

    NOTE: I did not include NJ's first suggestion, as I believe it should indeed be "treatises". Also, NJ's last point is crazy talk. The English lost the right to dictate "English" when they stopped pronouncing written "r"s and started pronouncing"r"s that aren't there (e.g. English pronunciation of "far" or "saw").
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  3. #23
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    Actually both, treaties and treatises, are fine. I guess that the former is more "english" while the latter is more "american" (US and Canada). I think that the point here is to keep some homogeneity. If most of the texts are in english (UK), then we need to keep going that way. If, on contrary they're in US english, then we have to use that one - just my 2 cents
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  4. #24

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Actually both, treaties and treatises, are fine. I guess that the former is more "english" while the latter is more "american" (US and Canada). I think that the point here is to keep some homogeneity. If most of the texts are in english (UK), then we need to keep going that way. If, on contrary they're in US english, then we have to use that one - just my 2 cents
    I agree with the point about keeping things consistent, insofar as that concerns spelling, minor grammatical differences between UK and US English, and other things of that nature. However, I don't think the difference between "treaty" and "treatise" falls under that heading. A treaty is always some type of agreement between parties, whereas a treatise is some extended (usually systematic) formal work on a particular subject. None of the books being included here would count as treaties, and so I think the wording should be with "treatise". Moreover, even if "treaty" were technically correct to use here according to British English (something I won't conceded until I see a reputable source using the word like NJ used it), I still think it would be more confusing than illuminating for players, as "treaty" is only ever used in common discourse to mark some type of agreement. Treatise, on the other hand, is the usual word used for books and longer essays of the type that are included in these book ancillaries. Just my twenty cents though
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  5. #25
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    Replace it by "agreements" then...

    Just kidding
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  6. #26
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    I've got 2 questions on the medieval books:
    - how wide was the knowledge of the Sun Tzu's The Art of War in the Muslim world in the Middle Ages?
    - which collection of poems was popular in Italy (before early Renaissance texts)?
    Can you help?

  7. #27
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    I've finished implementation of the Books into the 097: the descriptions and icons made by Kilo11, and the triggers to get them. Below there're 35 books: summary and code for definitions.

    ;===================================================================================  POETRY BOOKS;---------- Poetry Books ----------------------------------
    ;----- Chivalry Poetry Book -------
    Ancillary bookpoet_digenis
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image digenis.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_1001nights, bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_igor
     Description bookpoet_digenis_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_digenis_effects_desc
     Effect Chivalry 1
    Ancillary bookpoet_igor
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image Igor.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_1001nights, bookpoet_digenis, bookpoet_minnensang
     Description bookpoet_igor_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_igor_effects_desc
     Effect Chivalry -2
    Ancillary bookpoet_guzat 
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image guzat.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_1001nights, bookpoet_digenis, bookpoet_rudaki
     Description bookpoet_guzat_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_guzat_effects_desc
     Effect Chivalry 1
    Ancillary bookpoet_miocid
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image Mio_Cid.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_1001nights, bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_canzoniere
     Description bookpoet_miocid_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_miocid_effects_desc
     Effect Chivalry 1
    Ancillary bookpoet_canzoniere
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image canzoniere.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_decameron, bookpoet_commedia, bookpoet_miocid
     Description bookpoet_canzoniere_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_canzoniere_effects_desc
     Effect Chivalry 1
    ;----- Popularity Poetry Book ----- 
    Ancillary bookpoet_commedia 
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image commedia.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_decameron, bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_canzoniere
     Description bookpoet_commedia_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_commedia_effects_desc
     Effect LocalPopularity 2
    Ancillary bookpoet_decameron 
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image decameron.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_commedia, bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_canzoniere
     Description bookpoet_decameron_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_decameron_effects_desc
     Effect LocalPopularity 2
    Ancillary bookpoet_minnensang
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image minnensang.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_digenis, bookpoet_miocid, bookpoet_1001nights
     Description bookpoet_minnensang_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_minnensang_effects_desc
     Effect LocalPopularity 2
    Ancillary bookpoet_1001nights
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image oton.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_digenis, bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_rudaki
     Description bookpoet_1001nights_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_1001nights_effects_desc
     Effect LocalPopularity 2
    Ancillary bookpoet_rudaki
     Type PoetryBook
     Transferable 1
     Image rudaki.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookpoet_minnensang, bookpoet_digenis, bookpoet_1001nights
     Description bookpoet_rudaki_desc
     EffectsDescription bookpoet_rudaki_effects_desc
     Effect LocalPopularity 2
    ;=================================================================================== LAW BOOKS
    ;---------- Legal Charters --------------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Codex Iustinianus
    Ancillary booklegal_codexiustinianus
     Type LegalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image codex.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries booklegal_basilika, booklegal_fiqh, booklegal_russkaya
     Description booklegal_codexiustinianus_desc
     EffectsDescription booklegal_codexiustinianus_effects_desc
     Effect Law 1
    ;------------------------------------------ Basilika of Leon VI
    Ancillary booklegal_basilika
     Type LegalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image basilika.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries booklegal_codexiustinianus, booklegal_fiqh, booklegal_russkaya
     Description booklegal_basilika_desc
     EffectsDescription booklegal_basilika_effects_desc
     Effect Law 1
     Effect Squalor -1
    ;------------------------------------------ Russkaya Pravda
    Ancillary booklegal_russkaya
     Type LegalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image russkaya.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries booklegal_basilika, booklegal_codexiustinianus, booklegal_fiqh
     Description booklegal_russkaya_desc
     EffectsDescription booklegal_russkaya_effects_desc
     Effect Law 1
    ;------------------------------------------ Fiqh
    Ancillary booklegal_fiqh
     Type LegalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image fiqh.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries booklegal_basilika, booklegal_codexiustinianus, booklegal_russkaya
     Description booklegal_fiqh_desc
     EffectsDescription booklegal_fiqh_effects_desc
     Effect Law 1
    ;=================================================================================== RELIGIOUS BOOKS
    ;---------- Religious Scripts -----------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Civitate Dei - St Augustinus
    Ancillary bookrelig_augustinus
     Type ReligiousBook
     Transferable 1
     Image civitate.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookrelig_maqalat, bookrelig_typikon
     Description bookrelig_augustinus_desc
     EffectsDescription bookrelig_augustinus_effects_desc
     Effect Piety 2
    Ancillary bookrelig_maqalat
     Type ReligiousBook
     Transferable 1
     Image maqalat.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookrelig_typikon, bookrelig_augustinus
     Description bookrelig_maqalat_desc
     EffectsDescription bookrelig_maqalat_effects_desc
     Effect Piety 2
    ;------------------------------------------ Typikon
    Ancillary bookrelig_typikon
     Type ReligiousBook
     Transferable 1
     Image typikon.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookrelig_augustinus, bookrelig_maqalat
     Description bookrelig_typikon_desc
     EffectsDescription bookrelig_typikon_effects_desc
     Effect Piety 2
    ;=================================================================================== HISTORIC BOOKS
    ;---------- Historic Chronicles ---------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Romance of Alexander the Great
    Ancillary bookhistor_alexander
     Type HistoricBook
     Transferable 1
     Image alex.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookhistor_shahnameh, bookhistor_skylitzes, bookhistor_vitacarolimagni
     Description bookhistor_alexander_desc
     EffectsDescription bookhistor_alexander_effects_desc
     Effect Authority 1
     Effect LocalPopularity 1
    ;------------------------------------------ ShahNameh - Ferdowsi
    Ancillary bookhistor_shahnameh
     Type HistoricBook
     Transferable 1
     Image shahnameh.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookhistor_alexander, bookhistor_skylitzes, bookhistor_vitacarolimagni
     Description bookhistor_shahnameh_desc
     EffectsDescription bookhistor_shahnameh_effects_desc
     Effect Authority 1
     Effect LocalPopularity 1 
    ;------------------------------------------ Skylitzes
    Ancillary bookhistor_skylitzes
     Type HistoricBook
     Transferable 1
     Image synopsis.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookhistor_alexander, bookhistor_shahnameh, bookhistor_vitacarolimagni
     Description bookhistor_skylitzes_desc
     EffectsDescription bookhistor_skylitzes_effects_desc
     Effect Authority 1
     Effect LocalPopularity 1 
    ;------------------------------------------ Vita Caroli Magni
    Ancillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni
     Type HistoricBook
     Transferable 1
     Image vita.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookhistor_alexander, bookhistor_shahnameh, bookhistor_skylitzes
     Description bookhistor_vitacarolimagni_desc
     EffectsDescription bookhistor_vitacarolimagni_effects_desc
     Effect Authority 1
     Effect LocalPopularity 1 
    ;=================================================================================== SCIENCE BOOKS
    ;---------- Science Books ---------------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Almagest
    Ancillary bookscience_almagest
     Type ScienceBook
     Transferable 1
     Image almagestum.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookscience_etymologiae, bookscience_sirr, bookscience_souda
     Description bookscience_almagest_desc
     EffectsDescription bookscience_almagest_effects_desc
     Effect Trading 20
    ;------------------------------------------ Isildor
    Ancillary bookscience_etymologiae
     Type ScienceBook
     Transferable 1
     Image etymologiae.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookscience_almagest, bookscience_sirr, bookscience_souda
     Description bookscience_etymologiae_desc
     EffectsDescription bookscience_etymologiae_effects_desc
     Effect Trading 20
    ;------------------------------------------ Ar-Razi
    Ancillary bookscience_sirr
     Type ScienceBook
     Transferable 1
     Image sirr.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookscience_almagest, bookscience_etymologiae, bookscience_souda
     Description bookscience_sirr_desc
     EffectsDescription bookscience_sirr_effects_desc
     Effect Trading 20
    ;------------------------------------------ Book of Souda
    Ancillary bookscience_souda
     Type ScienceBook
     Transferable 1
     Image souda.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookscience_almagest, bookscience_etymologiae, bookscience_sirr
     Description bookscience_souda_desc
     EffectsDescription bookscience_souda_effects_desc
     Effect Trading 20
    ;=================================================================================== ARCHITECTURE BOOKS
    ;---------- Architecture Books ----------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Vitruvius
    Ancillary bookarchi_vitruvius
     Type ArchitectBook
     Transferable 1
     Image architectura.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookarchi_kitabalhiyal
     Description bookarchi_vitruvius_desc
     EffectsDescription bookarchi_vitruvius_effects_desc
     Effect Construction 10
    ;------------------------------------------ Banu Musa
    Ancillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal
     Type ArchitectBook
     Transferable 1
     Image kitabarchi.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookarchi_vitruvius
     Description bookarchi_kitabalhiyal_desc
     EffectsDescription bookarchi_kitabalhiyal_effects_desc
     Effect Construction 10
    ;=================================================================================== GEOGRAPHY BOOKS
    ;---------- Geography Books -------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Al-Bakri
    Ancillary bookgeogr_albakri
     Type GeographyBook
     Transferable 1
     Image kitabgeo.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookgeogr_peutinger
     Description bookgeogr_albakri_desc
     EffectsDescription bookgeogr_albakri_effects_desc
     Effect MovementPoints 2
    ;------------------------------------------ Tabula Peutingeriana
    Ancillary bookgeogr_peutinger
     Type GeographyBook
     Transferable 1
     Image tabula.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookgeogr_albakri
     Description bookgeogr_peutinger_desc
     EffectsDescription bookgeogr_peutinger_effects_desc
     Effect MovementPoints 2
    ;=================================================================================== MEDICAL BOOKS
    ;---------- Medical Books ---------------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ Galen
    Ancillary bookmedic_galen
     Type MedicalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image galeni.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookmedic_hippocrates, bookmedic_ibnsina
     Description bookmedic_galen_desc
     EffectsDescription bookmedic_galen_effects_desc
     Effect Squalor -1
    ;------------------------------------------ Hippocrates
    Ancillary bookmedic_hippocrates
     Type MedicalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image hippocraticum.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookmedic_galen, bookmedic_ibnsina
     Description bookmedic_hippocrates_desc
     EffectsDescription bookmedic_hippocrates_effects_desc
     Effect Squalor -1
    ;------------------------------------------ Ibn Sina
    Ancillary bookmedic_ibnsina
     Type MedicalBook
     Transferable 1
     Image qanun.tga
     ExcludedAncillaries bookmedic_galen, bookmedic_hippocrates
     Description bookmedic_ibnsina_desc
     EffectsDescription bookmedic_ibnsina_effects_desc
     Effect Squalor -2
    {bookmilit_artofwar_desc} This work details the military and political thinking and experience of the ancient Chinese general Sun Tzu. Referring to this work aids a general in planning his strategy and can lead to an increase in Military Education. Remember: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”{bookmilit_artofwar_effects_desc} +1 Command, +2 Command when ambushing\n +2 to sight range\n +1 to personal security\n Chance of gaining more military education.
    {bookmilit_artofwar} Art of War
    {bookmilit_vegetius_desc} Written by Flavius Vegetius Renatus in Late Antiquity, this work has become perhaps the most famous military treaty, and is carried around by any general who wishes to understand military organisation and battle strategies. Organised into four books, it discusses recruiting, training, the use of infantry, siege warfare, and the precepts of naval combat. Studying this work may also lead to an increase in military education.
    {bookmilit_vegetius_effects_desc} +1 Command\n +2 Command when assaulting or defending walls\n +60 siege equipment build points\n +1 to personal security\n Chance of gaining more military education.
    {bookmilit_vegetius} De Re Militari
    {bookmilit_strategikon_desc} Usually attributed to Emperor Maurice in the 6th century, "Strategikon" consists of 12 chapters that deal with the organization, training, and support of mounted troops, as well as plans to recruit peasant militia and a list of military infractions and their suitable penalties. The Strategikon is praised as the first combined-arms theory work. Studying this work may lead to an increase of one's military skills.
    {bookmilit_strategikon_effects_desc} +1 Command\n 10% discount on unit training costs\n +1 to personal security\n Chance of gaining some military education.
    {bookmilit_strategikon}	Strategikon
    {bookpoet_Igor_desc}	Slovo o pulku Igoreve is an anonymous epic poem written in the Old East Slavic language. The story describes a failed raid made by Kniaz Igor Svyatoslavich the Polovtsians. The author appeals to the warring Rus' princes and pleads for unity in the face of the constant threat from the Turkic East.
    {bookpoet_Igor_effects_desc}	+2 Dread
    {bookpoet_Igor}	Slovo o pulku Igoreve
    {bookpoet_canzoniere_desc} The Il Canzoniere, or Song Book, is a collection of 366 poems (mostly in sonnet form) by Francesco Petrarca, whose central theme is about a woman called "Laura" who he saw in the church of Sainte-Claire d'Avignon, the sight of whom awoke in him a lasting, pure, unfullfiled passion (as she was married). Within the poems can be found questions concerning the virtue of love in relation to the Christian religion.
    {bookpoet_canzoniere_effects_desc} +1 Chivalry. Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_canzoniere} Il Canzoniere
    {bookpoet_commedia_desc} The Divine Comedy (Italian: Commedia, later christened "Divina" by Giovanni Boccaccio), written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and his death in 1321, is widely considered the central epic poem of Italian literature, and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. It is composed of three canticas, Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise), and tells of Dante's journey through the three realms of the dead.
    {bookpoet_commedia_effects_desc} +2 to popularity (improves public order)\n Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_commedia} The Divine Comedy
    {bookpoet_decameron_desc} This collection of 100 novellas by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio, probably begun in 1350 and finished in 1353, is a medieval allegorical work best known for its bawdy tales of love. They appear in all possibilities, from the erotic to the tragic, and its influence will be felt far abroad, as many well known authors borrow from its tales.
    {bookpoet_decameron_effects_desc} +2 to popularity (improves public order)\n Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_decameron} The Decameron
    {bookpoet_digenis_desc} This Byzantine epic details the life of the hero, Digenes, a man of mixed Roman and Syrian blood. The first part of the epic details the lives of his parents, how they met, and how his father, an Emir, converted to Christianity after abducting and marrying Digenes' mother. The remainder tells of Digenes superhuman feats of bravery and strength: like his father, he carries off the daughter of another Roman general and then marries her; he kills a dragon; he takes on the so called apelates, a group of bandits, and defeats their three leaders in single combat.
    {bookpoet_digenis_effects_desc} +1 Chivalry. Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_digenis} Digenis Acrites
    {bookpoet_igor_desc} Slovo o pulku Igoreve is an anonymous epic poem written in the Old East Slavic language. The story describes a failed raid made by Kniaz Igor Svyatoslavich the Polovtsians. The author appeals to the warring Rus' princes and pleads for unity in the face of the constant threat from the Turkic East.
    {bookpoet_igor_effects_desc} +2 Dread, chance of getting poetic traits
    {bookpoet_igor} Slovo o pulku Igoreve
    {bookpoet_guzat_desc} The Munyatu'l-Guzat, or Wish of the Warriors of the Faith, is a fourteenth-century treatise on furusiyya, or 'chivalric arts', and contains information on such things as horse-manship, lance maneuvers, sword, archery, and polo. It is written in Mamluk-Kipchak.
    {bookpoet_guzat_effects_desc} +1 Chivalry. Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_guzat} Munyatu'l-Guzat
    {bookpoet_minnensang_desc} Minnensang was a tradition of lyric- and song-writing in Germany which started in the 12th century and continued into the 14th. Some of those songs were gathered in the Codex Manesse, an anthology of the works of a total of about 135 minnesingers of the mid 12th to early 14th century.
    {bookpoet_minnensang_effects_desc} +2 to popularity (improves public order), chance of getting poetic traits
    {bookpoet_minnensang} Songs of Minnesänger
    {bookpoet_miocid_desc} Cantar de Mio Cid is an epic poem from the 12th century which gives a partly-fictionalized account of life of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, called El Cid by the Moors. It contributed to the later portrayal of El Cid as a chivalric hero of the Reconquista, making him a legendary hero in Spain
    {bookpoet_miocid_effects_desc} +1 Chivalry. Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_miocid} Cantar de Mio Cid
    {bookpoet_1001nights_desc} The story, written between 800 - 900 AD, is about the Persian king Shahryar and his new bride, who upon discovering his former wife's infidelity, has her executed and then declares all women to be unfaithful. Shahryar then begins to marry a succession of virgins, only to execute each one the next morning. Eventually, his vizier cannot find any more virgins, so his daughter, Scheherazade, offers herself. On the night of their marriage, Scheherazade tells the king a tale, but does not end it. The king is thus forced to keep her alive in order to hear the conclusion. This continues for 1,001 nights with tales of history, love, tragedy, comedy, poems, burlesques, various forms of erotica, and Muslim religious legends.
    {bookpoet_1001nights_effects_desc}\n +2 to popularity (improves public order)\n Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_1001nights} One Thousand and One Nights
    {bookpoet_rudaki_desc} Rudaki was a musician and poet of the Samanid Persian Empire. His works, both poetry and prose, form the foundation of classical Persian literature, and to this day his influence can still be seen. Any general in possession of Rudaki's works will be more eloquent and well-spoken, qualities that will place him in good esteem with those he governs. 
    {bookpoet_rudaki_effects_desc} +2 to popularity (improves public order)\n Chance of getting the Poet trait.
    {bookpoet_rudaki} Rudaki's Collected Verse
    {booklegal_basilika_desc} The Basilika was a collection of laws completed in 892 AD. It built on the work of the Codex Iustinianus, adapting and simplifying the laws put into place by the 6th century Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian the Great. The sixty books of the Basilika have had a profound impact on the scholarship of the Byzantine Empire because they preserved many legal documents. Unlike Justinian's Codex which continued to have an impact in the West as the continuation of Roman Law, the Basilika's influence was limited to the Eastern Empire. This included having a lasting impact on Greece's modern law code. 
    {booklegal_basilika_effects_desc} +1 to law, -1 from squalor\n Chance to get more out of administrative education.
    {booklegal_basilika} The Basilika
    {booklegal_codexiustinianus_desc} The Codex Iustinianus, or "Code of Justinian", was a part of codification of Roman law which was commissioned in the 6th century AD by Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian the Great. In Western Europe it was revived in the Middle Ages and was "received" or imitated as private law. Its public law content was quarried for arguments by both secular and ecclesiastical authorities. This revived Roman law, in turn, became the foundation of law in all civil law jurisdictions. The provisions of the whole codification, called in modern times "Corpus Juris Civilis", influenced the canon law of the Catholic Church: it was said that ecclesia vivit lege romana – the church lives by Roman law. The Corpus continues to have a major influence on public international law. Its four parts thus constitute the foundation documents of the Western legal tradition.
    {booklegal_codexiustinianus_effects_desc} +1 to law, chance to get more out of administrative education
    {booklegal_codexiustinianus} Codex Iustinianeus
    {booklegal_fiqh_desc} A "Fiqh" is a work of Islamic jurisprudence. The Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar is a legal text written by Abu Hanifa, the founder of the Hanafi school of Sunni jurisprudence. Due to the connections between religion and law in Islam, Abu Hanifa was both a legal scholar and a theologian, and any general fortunate enough to possess Hanifa's works will benefit from both a more measured notion of justice and a more balanced spiritual life. 
    {booklegal_fiqh_effects_desc} +1 to law, chance to get more out of administrative education
    {booklegal_fiqh} Al-Fiqh Al-Akbar
    {booklegal_russkaya_desc} The Russkaya Pravda, or Rus' Justice, was the legal code of the Kievan Rus and later Rus kingdoms. The basis of the Russkaya Pravda was the legal code of Yaroslav, written at the beginning of the 11th century, and the Russkaya Pravda saw consistent revision and development over the following centuries. Though the Kievan Rus shared economic and cultural ties with the Eastern Roman Empire, the Rus' Justice bore little similarity with the Byzantine "Basilika". 
    {booklegal_russkaya_effects_desc} +1 to law, chance to get more out of administrative education
    {booklegal_russkaya} Russkaya Pravda
    {bookrelig_augustinus_desc} De civitate Dei contra Paganos, or "On the City of God against the Pagans", is a 5th century book of Christian philosophy written by St. Augustine of Hippo. The main purpose of the text was to challenge a growing sentiment that Christianity brought about the fall of Rome, but The City of God has since become a cornerstone of much of western thought. 
    {bookrelig_augustinus_effects_desc} +2 Piety
    {bookrelig_augustinus} De Civitate Dei
    {bookrelig_maqalat_desc} The Maqalat al-Islamiyyin wa Ikhtilfa al-Musallin, or "The Treatises of the Islamic Schools", is an encylopedia of the many Islamic sects. It comprises much more than merely a listing of the sundered religious orders, also including an extensive treatment of problems of medieval Islamic scholastic theology. 
    {bookrelig_maqalat_effects_desc} +2 Piety
    {bookrelig_maqalat} Maqalat al-Islamiyyin wa Ikhtilfa al-Musallin
    {bookrelig_typikon_desc} The Typikon is the main liturgical book of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It contains variations on regular hymns, and includes the Byzantine Rite. Essentially, the Typikon provides the readings and materials for church services, as well as necessary instructions for administering the sacraments, extending blessings, and performing exorcisms. A general in possession of a copy of the Typikon will always have God by his side. 
    {bookrelig_typikon_effects_desc} +2 Piety
    {bookrelig_typikon} Typikon
    {bookhistor_alexander_desc} The "Alexander Romance" is an account of the life and deeds of Alexander the Great of Macedon. Though the story purports to tell Alexander's tale, it is highly fictionalized, with each version and copy of the work including ever more fantastical adventures and legends. The author of the original manuscript is unknown, but the story has enjoyed so many revisions, reimaginings, and mistranslations, that it should be taken as a genre rather than the work of some single individual. 
    {bookhistor_alexander_effects_desc} +1 Authority, +1 to popularity (improves public order)
    {bookhistor_alexander} Historia Alexandri Magni
    {bookhistor_shahnameh_desc} The Shahnameh, or "Book of Kings" in Persian, is an epic poem relating the mythical and historical origins of the Persian Empire. It begins by telling of the creation of the world, continuing on with the mythical, heroic, and historic ages of the Persian peoples, and ending with an account of the conquest of Iran in the 7th century. It remains a central work for all peoples who reside withing the cultural sphere of greater Persia. 
    {bookhistor_shahnameh_effects_desc} +1 Authority, +1 to popularity (improves public order)
    {bookhistor_shahnameh} The Shahnameh
    {bookhistor_skylitzes_desc} The Synopsis of Histories, written by Iohannis Skylitzes in the 12th century, chronicles the Eastern Roman Emperors from the death of Nicephorus I in 811 to the abdication of Michael VI in 1057. The Synopsis is a richly illuminated manuscript, and as such it is to be taken to be as much art as it is literature, and its images provide a window into the Amorian and Macedonian eras of the Eastern Roman Empire.
    {bookhistor_skylitzes_effects_desc} +1 Authority, +1 to popularity (improves public order)
    {bookhistor_skylitzes} Synopsis of Histories
    {bookhistor_vitacarolimagni_desc} The Vita Karoli Magni, or "Life of Charles the Great", is a biography of Charlemagne, King of the Franks, and first Holy Roman Emperor. It was written by the Frankish scholar Einhard in the 9th century, and it is considered to be not only a trustworthy chronicle of Charlemagne's life, but also an excellent account of early medieval life. The general armed with this work will gain a deeper understanding of what makes a true monarch, and through such knowledge hold greater authority over his nobles and people. 
    {bookhistor_vitacarolimagni_effects_desc} +1 Authority, +1 Popularity (improves public order)
    {bookhistor_vitacarolimagni} Vita Karoli Magni
    {bookscience_almagest_desc} The Almagestum, originally entitled Mathematike Syntaxis, is a 2nd century mathematical and astronomical treatise written by Claudius Ptolemy. It is one of the greatest scientific works of all time, and cemented the geocentric model of the universe. However, despite this pedigree, by the early medieval era it had been all but forgotten in Western Europe, until it was translated from Arabic in to Latin. 
    {bookscience_almagest_effects_desc} 20% bonus on trade income
    {bookscience_almagest} Almagestum
    {bookscience_etymologiae_desc} Etymologiae, or "The Etymologies", is an encyclopedia compiled by Isidore of Seville toward the end of his life. As its name suggests, the Etymologiae contains a wealth of etymological information, but besides this is presented an impressive array of further knowledge from the Late Anitque and Early Medieval eras. Covered topics include:  grammar, rhetoric, mathematics, geometry, music, astronomy, medicine, law, the Roman Catholic Church and heretical sects, pagan philosophers, languages, cities, animals, the physical world, geography, public buildings, roads, metals, rocks, agriculture, ships, clothes, food and tools. 
    {bookscience_etymologiae_effects_desc} 20% bonus on trade income
    {bookscience_etymologiae} Etymologiae
    {bookscience_sirr_desc} Sirr al-Asrar, or "The Secret of Secrets", is the major work of Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī. He was known by his Latinized name Rhazes (854–925 CE), was a Persian polymath, physician, alchemist, philosopher, and important figure in the history of medicine. He also wrote on logic, astronomy and grammar. Razi's work presents the first systematic classification of carefully observed and verified facts regarding chemical substances, reactions and apparatus, described in a language almost entirely free from mysticism and ambiguity.
    {bookscience_sirr_effects_desc} 20% bonus on trade income
    {bookscience_sirr} Sirr al-Asrar
    {bookscience_souda_desc} The Souda is a 10th century encyclopedia of the Mediterranean world in Antiquity. In terms of its content, the encyclopedia falls somewhere between being a dictionary and an encyclopedia, as it includes not just information about history and life, but also extensive discussions of the source, derivation, and meaning of words. An individual who possesses a copy of the Souda shows himself to be not just a clever man, but one willing to take the time to fully understand the world around him.
    {bookscience_souda_effects_desc} 20% bonus on trade income
    {bookscience_souda} Souda
    {bookarchi_vitruvius_desc} De Architectura is a treatise on architecture and military engineering written by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio during the reign of the first Roman Emperor, Caesar Augustus. The work is a major source of classical architecture, providing information on the planning and design of military camps, cities, and structures. De Architectura owes its survival to the sciptorium of Charlemagne, which preserved a number of classical texts which otherwise would have been lost during the Dark Ages. 
    {bookarchi_vitruvius_effects_desc} 10% discount on building costs
    {bookarchi_vitruvius} De Architectura
    {bookarchi_kitabalhiyal_desc} Kitab al-Hiyal, or "The Book of Ingenious Devices", was written at the House of Wisdom in Baghdad by three brothers of Persian descent, known as the Banu Musa. It is a large illustrated work on mechanical devices and automata, and much of the underlying ideas developed in its pages may be cleverly applied to construction methods for buildings, tools, and perhaps even weapons of war. 
    {bookarchi_kitabalhiyal_effects_desc} 10% discount on building costs
    {bookarchi_kitabalhiyal} Kitab al-Hiyal
    {bookmedic_galen_desc} The Corpus of Galen is the collection of treatises and works written by the Greek physician Galen. Though the works were written in the 2nd century AD, they set the standard for many medical practices and much subsequent research, and a general fortunate enough to possess even a fraction of Galen's work will have the means to set standards of hygiene and health that will greatly benefit any city he governs. 
    {bookmedic_galen_effects_desc} -1 from squalor, chance to get medical skills
    {bookmedic_galen} Corpus Galeni
    {bookmedic_hippocrates_desc} The Corpus of Hippocrates is a collection of texts on medicine stemming from the school of the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. The works span a wide timeframe, making it highly unlikely that all may be traced to the actual work of Hippocrates, but the ideas contained within the Corpus are representative of the methodology and thought of that esteemed physician. 
    {bookmedic_hippocrates_effects_desc} -1 from squalor, chance to get medical skills
    {bookmedic_hippocrates} Corpus Hippocraticum
    {bookmedic_ibnsina_desc} Al-Qanun Fi al-Tibb, or "The Canon of Medicine", was written by the Persian physician-philosopher Ibn Sina, known in the west under the name of Avicenna. The Canon is an encyclopedia of medicine, including central concepts concerning methodology, basic principles, and common treatments, but also presenting treatises on uncommon illnesses and the various ways one may attempt to remedy them. The Canon, though written by a Muslim, was so valued that it set the standard for medicine in both the Islamic and Christian worlds. 
    {bookmedic_ibnsina_effects_desc} -2 from squalor, chance to get medical skills
    {bookmedic_ibnsina} Al-Qanun Fi al-Tibb
    {bookgeogr_albakri_desc} Kitab al-Masalik wa'l-Mamalik, or "Book of Roads and Kingdoms", is a book of maps and accounts of many diverse peoples written in eleventh century by Abu Abdullah al-Bakri. The work includes descriptions of the geography, people, culture, and political situations of regions spanning from the Atlantic seaboard to the Sahara, and as far south as the kingdoms of central Africa. The information contained within the Kitab allows a general to move with more grace and cleverness, extending his marches far beyond what would otherwise be possible. 
    {bookgeogr_albakri_effects_desc} +2 to movement points (increases movement range)\n Chance to get the Scout trait.
    {bookgeogr_albakri} Kitab al-Masalik wa'l-Mamalik
    {bookgeogr_peutinger_desc} The Tabula Peutingeriana, or "Peutinger Map", is an illustrated ancient Roman road map, including cities, villages, and other stops, along with the intervening distances between these points, and covering Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Persia, and India. Using the information contained within the Tabula, a general may more carefully plan his movements, allowing him to cover more ground than otherwise possible. 
    {bookgeogr_peutinger_effects_desc} +2 to movement points (increases movement range)\n Chance to get the Scout trait.
    {bookgeogr_peutinger} Tabula Peutingeriana
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 06, 2020 at 08:15 AM.

  8. #28
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    And the triggers:
    ;=========================================================================== BOOKS;====   BOOKS   ===========================================
    ;- all books are transferable, one general can have many books but only one of each type (not really a problem as there's often only one book type per religion)
    ;- all books can be found (1%) in Great Libraries (T5) by a intelligent (>5) general with the relevant inclination (given the number of books available it makes ca. 5% chance to get any book)
    ;- otherwise they're found by Scholars (1%) in libraries (T3 or C3) with the relevant building present (usually T4, eg. Cathedral for Religion books)
    ;- some books may be acquired after a conquest of a great city or a city that was historically related to that book
    ;- poetry books are acquired only with Chivalry 3 - from libraries, for catholics also from Jousting Lists and castle libraries
    ;- three Italian poetry books come after 1300 and require only libraries; also one Turkish book comes late
    ;- usually there's no need to put conditions " and not HasAncType x" because the same types are excluded in the definitions
    ;=========================================================================== BOOKS FOR AI
    ;---------- Books AI Boost --------------------------------
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- catholic
    Trigger books_milit_AI_catholic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_miocid chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_minnensang chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_AI_catholic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and FactionReligion catholic 
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- orthodox
    Trigger books_milit_AI_greek
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and CultureType greek
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_digenis chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_skylitzes chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_basilika chance 5 
    Trigger books_milit_AI_rus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and FactionReligion orthodox 
     and CultureType eastern_european
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_igor chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5
    Trigger books_admin_AI_orthodox
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and CultureType orthodox
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- islam
    Trigger books_milit_AI_islam
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_AI_islam
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition not FactionIsLocal 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and FactionReligion islam 
     and Trait Intelligent > 4
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5  
    ;=========================================================================== BOOKS FROM GREAT LIBRARY
    ;---------- Books From Great Library ----------------------
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- catholic
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_catholic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_catholic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion catholic 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- orthodox 
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_greek
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and CultureType greek
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_digenis chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_skylitzes chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_rus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion orthodox 
     and CultureType eastern_european
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_igor chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_greek
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and CultureType greek
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_basilika chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_rus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion orthodox 
     and CultureType eastern_european
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- muslim  
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_persian
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion islam 
     and not FactionType egypt
     and not FactionType moors
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_rudaki chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5 
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_moors
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionType moors
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5 
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_egypt
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionType egypt
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_islam
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion islam 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5  
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- pagan 
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_Cumans_Mongols
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion pagan 
     and not FactionType lithuania
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5
    Trigger books_milit_great_library_Lithuania
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionType lithuania
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_Cumans_Mongols
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionReligion pagan 
     and not FactionType lithuania
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5 
    Trigger books_admin_great_library_Lithuania
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists > library 
     and FactionType lithuania
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait GovernorInclination > 0
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    ;=========================================================================== BOOKS FROM CONQUESTS
    ;---------- Books From Conquests --------------------------
    ;========================================================== CATHOLIC cities
    Trigger conquest_of_Rome 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Rome 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_Rome 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Rome 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 40 
    Trigger conquest_of_Bologna
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Bologna 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_Bologna
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Bologna 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 40  
    Trigger conquest_of_Venice 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Venice 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5
    Trigger conquest_of_Salerno 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Naples 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 25
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 25
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 25 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10 
    Trigger conquest_of_Palermo 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Palermo 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_Aachen
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Leuven 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni chance 80
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_Paris
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Paris 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni chance 5
    Trigger conquest_of_Montpellier 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Arles 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 25
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 25
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 25
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_London
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName London 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 10  
    Trigger catholic_conquest_of_Valencia 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Valencia 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_miocid chance 80 
    Trigger conquest_of_Cordoba 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Cordoba 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 25
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 25 
    Trigger conquest_of_Sevilla 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Sevilla 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 25 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 80 
    ;========================================================== ORTHODOX cities
    Trigger catholic_conquest_Constantinople
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Constantinople 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CharacterReligion catholic
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger islamic_conquest_Constantinople
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Constantinople 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CharacterReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 20
    Trigger orthodox_conquest_of_Constantinople 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Constantinople 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CharacterReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_basilika chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_digenis chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_skylitzes chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger orthodox_conquest_of_Thessalonica 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Thessalonica 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CharacterReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_basilika chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_digenis chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_skylitzes chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5 
    Trigger conquest_of_Thessalonica 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Thessalonica 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 20
    Trigger conquest_of_Nicaea 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Nicaea 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 20
    Trigger conquest_of_Smyrna 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Smyrna 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 20 
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 80
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 20
    Trigger conquest_of_Kiev 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Kiev  
     and not CharacterReligion islam
     and not CharacterReligion catholic
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_igor chance 50 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 50
    ;========================================================== MUSLIM cities
    Trigger conquest_of_Baghdad 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Baghdad 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 10 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 40
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 40
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5 
    Trigger conquest_of_Basra
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Basra 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 20 
    Trigger conquest_of_Isfahan 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Isfahan 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_rudaki chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 40
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
    Trigger conquest_of_Nishapur
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Neyshabur 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_rudaki chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 40
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
    Trigger conquest_of_Merv 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Merv 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_rudaki chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 40
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
    Trigger conquest_of_Damascus 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Damascus 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5 
    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Damascus 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Damascus 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion islam
     and not FactionReligion pagan
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 20
    Trigger conquest_of_Mecca 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Mecca 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 5  
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 50 
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 50 
    Trigger conquest_of_Cairo 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Cairo 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionReligion orthodox
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 80 
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5 
    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Cairo 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Cairo 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion islam
     and not FactionReligion pagan
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 20
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 20
    Trigger conquest_of_Kairouan 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Al-Mahdiya 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5  
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Kairouan 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Al-Mahdiya  
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 10
    Trigger conquest_of_Fes 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Fes 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 40 
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 5 
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5  
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5 
    Trigger christian_conquest_of_Fes 
     WhenToTest GeneralCaptureSettlement 
     Condition SettlementName Fes
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and not FactionReligion islam
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 10
    ;=========================================================================== MILITARY BOOKS
    ;---------- Military Books --------------------------------
    Trigger militarybook_drm_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80 
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
    Trigger militarybook_drm_castle_library 
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= castle_library 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Trait MilitaryInclination > 0
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_vegetius chance 5 
    Trigger militarybook_strategikon
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80 
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_strategikon chance 5
    Trigger militarybook_artofwar
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookmilit_artofwar chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== POETRY BOOKS
    ;---------- Poetry Books ----------------------------------
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- catholic
    Trigger poetry_book_minnensang_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_minnensang chance 5
    Trigger poetry_book_minnensang_castle_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= castle_library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_minnensang chance 5
    Trigger poetry_book_minnensang_JoustingList
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= jousting_lists 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_minnensang chance 5
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- spanish 
    Trigger poetry_book_MioCid_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european
     and not FactionType pisa
     and not FactionType sicily
     and not FactionType venice
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_miocid chance 5
    Trigger poetry_book_MioCid_castle_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= castle_library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european
     and not FactionType pisa
     and not FactionType sicily
     and not FactionType venice
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_miocid chance 5
    Trigger poetry_book_MioCid_JoustingList
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= jousting_lists 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european
     and not FactionType pisa
     and not FactionType sicily
     and not FactionType venice
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_miocid chance 5
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- italian 
    Trigger poetry_book_commedia 
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95  
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european 
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and I_EventCounter new_era_begins > 0
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_commedia chance 20
    Trigger poetry_book_decameron
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european 
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and I_EventCounter black_death_hits > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_decameron chance 20
    Trigger poetry_book_decameron_plague
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and SettlementHasPlague 
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european 
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and I_EventCounter new_era_begins > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_decameron chance 50
    Trigger poetry_book_canzoniere
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType southern_european 
     and not FactionType spain
     and not FactionType aragon
     and not FactionType portugal
     and not HasAncType PoetryBook
     and I_EventCounter first_oil_painting > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_canzoniere chance 20
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- orthodox 
    Trigger poetry_book_digenis
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType greek
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_digenis chance 10
    Trigger poetry_book_Igor
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and CultureType eastern_european  
     and CharacterReligion orthodox
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_igor chance 10
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- muslim
    Trigger poetry_book_oton
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and CharacterReligion muslim
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
    Trigger poetry_book_guzat 
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and FactionReligion islam
     and not FactionType egypt
     and not FactionType moors
     and I_EventCounter new_era_begins > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_guzat chance 20 
    ;---------------------------------------------------------- pagan
    Trigger poetry_book_oton_pagan
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and CharacterReligion pagan
     and not FactionType lithuania
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_1001nights chance 10
    Trigger poetry_book_minnensang_lithuania
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and FactionType lithuania
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and not IsUnderSiege
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_minnensang chance 10
    Trigger poetry_book_guzat_pagan
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and Trait Intelligent > 5
     and Attribute Chivalry > 2
     and FactionReligion pagan
     and not FactionType lithuania
     and I_EventCounter new_era_begins > 0 
     AcquireAncillary bookpoet_guzat chance 10 
    ;=========================================================================== LEGAL BOOKS
    ;---------- Legal Charters --------------------------------
    Trigger legalbook_catholic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 5
    Trigger legalbook_greek
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and not CultureType eastern_european
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_basilika chance 5
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_codexiustinianus chance 2
    Trigger legalbook_russkaya_pravda_rus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university 
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and CultureType eastern_european
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5
    Trigger legalbook_fiqh
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university 
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_fiqh chance 5
    Trigger legalbook_russkaya_pravda_pagan
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university 
     and FactionReligion pagan
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary booklegal_russkaya chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== HISTORIC BOOKS
    ;---------- Historic Chronicles ---------------------------
    ; Pagans & Moors currently have 1/2 chances of the others
    ;------------------------------------------ catholic
    Trigger historybook_charlemagne
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_vitacarolimagni chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ orthodox
    Trigger historybook_synopsis
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_skylitzes chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam
    Trigger historybook_shahnameh_library
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and FactionReligion islam
     and not FactionType moors
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_shahnameh chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ for everybody
    Trigger historybook_alexander
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= p_city 
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookhistor_alexander chance 3
    ;=========================================================================== RELIGIOUS BOOKS
    ;---------- Religious Scripts -----------------------------
    ; Pagans don't have any book
    ;------------------------------------------ catholic
    Trigger religionbook_augustinus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_augustinus chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ orthodox
    Trigger religionbook_typikon
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral_o
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_typikon chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam
    Trigger religionbook_ashari
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= jama
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookrelig_maqalat chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== SCIENCE BOOKS
    ;---------- Science Books ---------------------------------
    ; Pagans have 1/2 chances of the others
    ;------------------------------------------ catholic
    Trigger sciencebook_isidor
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_etymologiae chance 5
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 3
    ;------------------------------------------ orthodox
    Trigger sciencebook_souda
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_souda chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam
    Trigger sciencebook_secretum
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_sirr chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ everybody
    Trigger sciencebook_ptolemeus
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 89
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookscience_almagest chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== ARCHITECTURE BOOKS
    ;---------- Architecture Books ----------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ not islam
    Trigger architecturebook_vitruvius
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and not FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and I_EventCounter notre_dame > 0  
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_vitruvius chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam
    Trigger architecturebook_kitab
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookarchi_kitabalhiyal chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== GEOGRAPHY BOOKS
    ;---------- Geography Books -------------------------------
    ; these triggers start to fire after turn 68 (al Idrisi map)
    ;------------------------------------------  not islam university
    Trigger geographybook_tabula_university
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and not FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and I_EventCounter al_idrisi > 0  
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ not islam explorers_guild
    Trigger geographybook_tabula_explorers_guild
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= explorers_guild
     and not FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and I_EventCounter al_idrisi > 0  
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_peutinger chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam university
    Trigger geographybook_kitab_university
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and I_EventCounter al_idrisi > 0  
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam explorers_guild
    Trigger geographybook_kitab_explorers_guild
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= explorers_guild
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and I_EventCounter al_idrisi > 0  
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookgeogr_albakri chance 5
    ;=========================================================================== MEDICAL BOOKS
    ;---------- Medical Books ---------------------------------
    ;------------------------------------------ catholic
    Trigger medicalbook_hippocrates
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion catholic
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ orthodox
    Trigger medicalbook_galen
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion orthodox
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ islam
    Trigger medicalbook_ibnsina
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 80
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= bimaristan
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 5
    ;------------------------------------------ everybody
    Trigger medicalbooks_all
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEndInSettlement 
     Condition RandomPercent > 89
     and RemainingMPPercentage > 95 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= university
     and FactionReligion islam
     and Trait WantsHigherEd > 0 
     and not IsUnderSiege	
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_ibnsina chance 3
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_galen chance 3
     AcquireAncillary bookmedic_hippocrates chance 3
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; May 08, 2020 at 04:14 AM.

  9. #29

    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    I didn't look through the triggers super closely, but from a rough scan, they appear good to me! And sorry about not responding about your questions from above; I have no idea as the answers, so I stayed quiet
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  10. #30
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    I've got 2 questions on the medieval books:
    - how wide was the knowledge of the Sun Tzu's The Art of War in the Muslim world in the Middle Ages?
    - which collection of poems was popular in Italy (before early Renaissance texts)?
    Can you help?
    For the 1st one, I can't find anything but keep searching.

    Edit: I really can't get anything about a possible influence of Sun Tzu's work on the Muslim world during the Middle Ages. It seems that during that period, the Art of War stayed in Far East Asia.

    For the 2nd question, there is one here but from the 14th century. Keep searching as well

    Edit: what I could find so far about Italian Poetry:
    - Dante Alghieri (1265 - 1321): has written 'The Divine Comedy'
    - Francesco Petrarca (1304 - 1374): has written 366 poes gathered in a book named 'Il Canzoniere'.
    - Giovanni Boccaccio (1313 - 1375): has written 'The Decamenon' (in Italian and not in Latin as others).
    - Poliziano (1454 - 1494): has written 'Manto' (in Latin) and 'La Giostra' (in Italian).
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; May 06, 2020 at 11:16 AM.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  11. #31
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    A question to @Gigantus:

    The code in the EDA is as follows:
    ;------ BOOKS FOR MERCHANTS ---------------
    Trigger merchant_book_mercatura 
     WhenToTest AgentCreated 
     Condition AgentType = merchant 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and I_TurnNumber >= 260 
     AcquireAncillary mercatura chance 25 
    Trigger merchant_book_rihla 
     WhenToTest AgentCreated 
     Condition AgentType = merchant 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and CultureType middle_eastern 
     and I_TurnNumber >= 270 
     AcquireAncillary rihla chance 25 
    Trigger merchant_book_marveilles_du_monde 
     WhenToTest AgentCreated 
     Condition AgentType = merchant 
     and SettlementBuildingExists >= library 
     and not CultureType middle_eastern 
     and I_EventCounter new_era_begins > 0 
     AcquireAncillary marveilles_du_monde chance 25
    Yet, reality is as follows:

    Why he got the Rihla?
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 31, 2021 at 03:11 PM.

  12. #32

    Default Re: The book project

    Thats awesome, also what about "Liber ad milites Templi de laude novae militiae"(Eloge de la Nouvelle Milice/In the praise of the New Knightwood) for Templars or Crusaders? This "letter"(long one) was written in 1129 to support the creation of Knight Templars.

    It was written by Bernard of Clairvaux, who is also credited for influencing Louis VII in picking the lilies as heraldic arms(which are supposed to represent "All the Saints of the Heaven", who, having followed the Christ -compared by Clairvaux to the "Lily of the Valleys"-, became themselves "lilies" in Heaven, as well the King of France would show up at the battle accompagnied by "All the Saints of the Heaven" on his tabard).

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: Clairvaux was very influential in his days, I guess the book should give +piety and +chivalry, it rationalises christianism with violence, as well as reminding the concept de Justa Bella which was re-actualized by Matilda of Tuscany, the popes Gregory VII, Victor III and various italian bishops, jurists in reaction to Seldjuks advance in Asia Minor and their own threats(maghrebian piracy), which eventually lead to sack Mahdia in 1087 with Pisans and Genoeses and later to reach a new scale with Urban II, Clairvaux, the Ist Crusade and Payens(Temple Grand Master).

  13. #33
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The book project

    I think this kind of document should be (or maybe was?) translated into the knight orders creation, not in an ancillary. I think none of the current team has good insight how do the mechanisms work in this respect in the SSHIP, but we may use this material while working on them.

    If you'd have time to introduce the relevant ancillaries (or provide other relevant for other centuries), you'd always be welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by VINC.XXIII
    Hi np, I could find for France, Italy and Germany in 12th/13th/14th centuries later but won't have time to write them though in game files. I think also vanilla has already better covered your period better than late middle ages, e.g you got:

    Generally the abbots orbiting around kings are good canditates for early kings(like abbot Suger for Louis VI and Louis VII) and imperial chancellors for german emperors, like this one, very important man:
    For late 13th century France, lay jurists became more important, notably:

    Three important medieval italian philosophers(not in game):

    Advisor of Matilda of Tuscany:

    The Four Doctors of Bologna(sided with the german emperor in Diet of Roncagalia)
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; April 18, 2021 at 01:13 AM.

  14. #34
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The "Book" fix project

    The books' ancillaries do work in the SSHIP:

  15. #35

    Default Re: The book project

    Noice! Glad to see them providing a use to the player, as we intended them to do.

    Out of curiosity, are there any other books still be added? It's been ages since I've checked in on things, as I've been really busy with too many real life things, but do let me know if there are things still lingering that should be done. I can surely steal an hour sometime to chip away on leftover bits of stuff.
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  16. #36
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The book project

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    Noice! Glad to see them providing a use to the player, as we intended them to do.

    Out of curiosity, are there any other books still be added? It's been ages since I've checked in on things, as I've been really busy with too many real life things, but do let me know if there are things still lingering that should be done. I can surely steal an hour sometime to chip away on leftover bits of stuff.
    We're done with books' ancillaries. But if you'd have time for review of the buildings descriptions, then just check our dev thread on what's needed in the EDB text file :-)

  17. #37

    Default Re: The book project

    lol at the conversation over english

    Ihts Englyshe. Wee kan ryte hauw aver wee whant. Standerdisayshun iz french propaganda

  18. #38
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: The book project

    This guy has two books!

  19. #39

    Default Re: BOOK ancillaries

    Are they ones that should exclude one another? Or is the fellow just well-read?
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  20. #40
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: BOOK ancillaries

    Quote Originally Posted by Kilo11 View Post
    Are they ones that should exclude one another? Or is the fellow just well-read?
    they don't exlude one another, otherwise it would have been not possible for him to get them, even by manual swapping.

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