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Thread: - Report Bugs & Errors -

  1. #141
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
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    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Hello MarcoAurelio!

    I have recently reuploaded the mod to Moddb, and after doing so I started making my own version of fixes, unaware of your work. This is the changes I made (see description):

    I also fixed Hephtalite sprites, and right before updating the file I noticed this thread. I now must make sure that I also incorporate your fixes too, so to make an ultimate community fix!
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  2. #142
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
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    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  3. #143

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    The fix for Sagitarii Graves and Gothic Cnithe dosen't work with the IBRR community patch, could someone pls tell me where to find the Gothic Cnithe in the IBRR Community patch descr_model_battle.txt file so I can give them a new model myself? Thx

  4. #144

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Quote Originally Posted by PimpPimpPro2 View Post
    The fix for Sagitarii Graves and Gothic Cnithe dosen't work with the IBRR community patch, could someone pls tell me where to find the Gothic Cnithe in the IBRR Community patch descr_model_battle.txt file so I can give them a new model myself? Thx
    if you go to page 6 on this forum you will find that fix use that along with the other patches and the game should rarely or never crash.

  5. #145

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    btw here is the link and the mod is amazing especial with any issues ironed out

  6. #146
    Lanjane's Avatar Artifex
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    Aug 2008
    Russia, Moscow

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Most if not all technical issues are fixed in the IBRR Community Fixes pack created by me and RTWC Community. The pack was last updated 2 days ago, including important Steam BI specific fix for the mod models. You can download it on the Moddb page of Ruina Romae mod.
    Don't run too far, you will have to return the same distance.
    - Biblical Proverb
    Nobody will try to figure it out if you are made of glass or of metal. They'll treat you the same way.
    When you show your strength, you'll find a company of those who want to steal it from you, but your weakness, you'll be all alone with it.

    - Winter Voices

    Lanjane's Barbarian Empires * Barbarian Empires: Hellenistic Legacy * Extended Cultures V * Rome - Total Realism 8 * Lanjane's Mini-Workshop * Rome: Total Music

  7. #147

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Good evening,

    I have tested a bit the patch, considering it contains a lot of my work.

    Bugs found and corrected for a future v1.8

    Premise: I speak about a campaign with kushano-Kidarites faction.

    1) Clones about recruiting Kidarite Noble Armored Horse Archers in Vêh-Ardaxsîr

    Only for reference (about the settlement coded, and showed in the game) :

    {Karmania} Kirmân
    {Kerman} Vêh-Ardaxsîr

    About this settlement, inside “export_descr_buildings” file, in stable level 3 and level 4, I have corrected this:

    recruit "kidarite ha" 0 requires factions { romano_british, } and hidden_resource turan and not hidden_resource vuzurgan ; Zarang

    Into this:

    recruit "kidarite ha" 0 requires factions { romano_british, } and hidden_resource turan and not hidden_resource vuzurgan and not hidden_resource ariana ; Zarang

    It’s the necessary correction to not clone here (this is only for reference), in the settlement involved :

    recruit "kidarite ha" 0 requires factions { romano_british, } and hidden_resource ariana and hidden_resource turan ; Kirman

    2) Clones about recruiting elephants (Sassanids and kushano-Kidarites) in the level 5 stables in all Indian settlements:

    Always inside “export_descr_buildings, just delete this:

    recruit "merc elephants" 0 requires factions { romano_british, sassanids, } and hidden_resource indian

    Because it's already present, more down in the file, in this form (it’s only for reference) :

    recruit "merc elephants" 0 requires factions { romano_british, sassanids, } and hidden_resource indian or hidden_resource ctesiphon

    3) Error in coding muddle-brick wall and stone wall: both already present in the settlement named Spahan (it causes also a minor bug in building construction abot walls) :

    Just for reference:

    {Susiana} Spâhân
    {Isfahan} Spâhân

    In descr_strat, just delete:

    type defenses stone_wall

    In the list of buildings present in this settlement.

    4) The problem of the city I have renamed Dusambe is that neither the Kushan empire, nor Kidarites, founded big cities in the area. And many if not all the Kushan settlements were destroyed before the arrival of the Kidarites. Having said that, I found a more suitable name for Dusambe (which is only 4 centuries ago, roughly: 1600 AD), a Kushan settlement still present in late 300 AD : Garavkala, so:

    Inside the file "barbarian_invasion_regions_and_settlement_names" , it’s sufficient to change:

    {Chach} Dušanbe


    {Chach} Garavkala

    5) Considering that Arcadio died in 408 AD like Stilicone, I suggest also this correction inside the IBFD file:


    advance_advice_thread IBFD_Thread
    ;set up the family trees

    console_command kill_character "Stilicho Flavius"
    console_command kill_character "Arcadius Flavius"


    Anyway I have made all the corrections (v1.7 installed) : I have the files, if Lanjane ask them.

    6) A question (to Lanjane): which is the philosophy behind this? :

    recruit "merc golden band" 0 requires factions { roman, ostrogoths, slavs, alemanni, burgundii, lombardi, }
    recruit "merc veteranii" 0 requires factions { berbers, moors, greek, nomad, hun, eastern, }

    I absolutely don’t doubt it’s a good workaround, just I’m curious about the why (I prefer don't spend time to check and verify it to myself).

    7) Suggestions to avoid the (at least for me) very few, but not always casual, CTD (it’s a good habit with all RTW modifications) remaining in the mod:

    - Before starting a new campaign, delete the map.rwm file

    - always keep the autosave deactivated

    - Do not save in the turn of the AI

    - Save 2-3 times anytime you want to save: if a savegame is created corrupted (constant CTD in AI turn) , you have some clones of it to load, so you don’t have wasted time.

    - From time to time, create a backup folder of the savegame file (this is the most precautionary suggestion, so the less necessary, but someone, in past has reported that, in some occasions, an entire folder can be corrupted, but probably only when the autosave is activated; personally, I consider all other suggestions mandatory, or anyway a good habit).
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 09, 2025 at 07:21 PM.

  8. #148

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    Good evening,

    Debugging a constant CTD in Ai turn with no generic error messages, I have found a situation maybe never noted by anyone. A Persian captain considered like a general (obviously a bug) :

    1) In the AI turn, AI merge two units (one of them it's this unit) and it causes CTD.

    2) In my turn, having diplomat near this unit, I have tried to bribe it (to disband it a second later) : the result is a CTD during the bribing process (after that the offer is accepted).

    Anyone already knows this situation? I mean: someone already knows what can cause this situation (without to investigate it in coded files) in RTW mods?

    I attach a screenshot about the bug.

    Many years ago, I found that EB v 1.2 was completely bug free (about constant CTD), therefore it's possible to reach this kind of (almost) perfect stability.


    3) Trying to fight against this unit with autoresolve don't destroy it, so the unit retreats inside a Persian city, causing a CTD.

    4) Trying to fight against this unit in the battlemap, brings to a CTD during the loading phase, with the message I show in the second attachment. Anyway, probably it's not a problem of models: it's probably a problem of coding that brings to a wrong error message about the model, if I try to go on the battlefield (just a theory).

    UPDATE 2

    After killing the captain-general using an assassin, they happen the following things:

    5) Seeing attachment number 3: it's the classic default image with the farmer. Note that the bodyguards (Candidati) became 31 (they were 28 in the first attached image; I have managed to pass two more turns), confirming that the unit is considered a general: it's a Candidati unit.

    6) All CTDs are identical to the ones related to the previous captain-general, except when trying to bribe the unit. After he accepted, it appears the error message shown in the fourth attachment ("R6025 pure virtual function call"), together with the CTD.

    UPDATE 3 - N.B.
    Personally I have resolved moving via console/dos command the unit in a small island very far from there. In the AI turn, AI has disbanded this unit by itself and without CTD, but it's a big advantage to find/understand what has caused this bug, a constant CTD bug.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1.jpg   2b.jpg   3.jpg   4.jpg  
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 14, 2025 at 10:14 AM.

  9. #149

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    New IBRR v 1.8 corrections:

    1) In export_descr_units, added sea faring ability for the Turk Horse Archers e the Bulgar Tribal Horse Archers, like this:

    type turk cavalry
    dictionary turk_cavalry ; Turk Tribal Horsearcher
    category cavalry
    class missile
    voice_type Medium_1
    soldier turk_cavalry, 45, 0, 1
    mount steppe medium horse
    mount_effect elephant -6, camel -6, horse +3
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest,cantabrian_circle,power_charge,hardy,mercenary_unit, no_custom
    formation 4, 5, 6, 6, 3,square
    stat_health 1, 0
    stat_pri 12, 4, arrow, 140, 38, missile, archery, piercing, none, 5, 1
    stat_pri_attr no
    stat_sec 7, 15, no, 0, 0, melee, blade, piercing, sword, 5, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 13, 18, 0, metal
    stat_sec_armour 0, 2, flesh
    stat_heat 1
    stat_ground 0, -4, 0, 3
    stat_mental 16,normal,trained
    stat_charge_dist 100
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 1, 450, 130, 100, 100, 510
    ownership slave, huns, roxolani

    2) Payghan Kidara clone in Vêh-Ardaxsîr building: exactly the same correction of Kidarite Noble Armored Horse Archers previously reported (added “and not hidden_resource ariana” in Zarang code line) :

    recruit "payghan kidara" 0 requires factions { romano_british, } and hidden_resource turan and not hidden_resource vuzurgan and not hidden_resource ariana ; Zarang
    recruit "payghan kidara" 0 requires factions { romano_british, } and hidden_resource ariana and hidden_resource turan ; Kirman

    Just as reference, it’s this unit:

    type payghan kidara ; Pâyghan-î-gund-î-Kîdara

    3) Deleted Roman stone wall to Campus Barbaricum (yes, it’s unreachable: it’s just if you use toggle_fow command), in descr_strat. Now, it’s in this way:

    level town
    region Locus_Barbaricum

    year_founded 363
    population 1547
    plan_set default_set
    faction_creator huns
    type core_building governors_house
    type defenses wooden_wall

    4) Corrected minor issues in a text file.
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 21, 2025 at 03:20 PM.

  10. #150

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    5) And the report about a bug that it could be related with the captain/general bug previously reported (not sure, just a possibility).

    Bug happens when the Persian faction is destroyed. It’s a very shady bug, please pay attention: when the Persian faction is destroyed, the game continue without problems. I save, also many times etc. Then I exit the game. When I exit, I see this error message (the attachment), the same of the previous bug (about captain/general: I attach the screenshot m1. Then, I return in the game. I load a savegame file. Some of them can’t be loaded (100% loading bar, then CTD), they are the most recent ones: a savegame corrupted bug well known; but, there are also a good number of them that I can load without problems, but, if I save the game, even doing literally nothing before to save, the savegame/savegames will be always corrupted (impossible to load: at 100% of the loading bar, CTD). When it starts the bug? It starts from the destruction of the Persian Faction. In fact, the first real safe savegame is the one before the destruction of the Persian faction: a savegame that not only is loadable, but that It also generates savegames that can be loaded too.

    Moreover, I have noticed this thing: in a diplomatic message, the destroyed Persian faction has declared is allied with another one. I know it’s possible the opposite for game engine wery well known issues, that is a destroyed faction that brokes alliances (automatically, considering its previous treaties), but It’s the first time I see this kind of message.

    My theory: the general/captain unit (the bug) had not been really disbanded, so the new Ruler it’s this unit in some way, a very shady/bug-coded way, and the engine has this behavior for this reason. Just a theory. Anyway, some other factions have been destroyed, so, the bug it’s present only with the destruction of the Persian faction.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails m1.jpg  
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 21, 2025 at 03:34 PM.

  11. #151

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    I have created a script to take control of an IA faction: the Persian faction. So:

    - Attachment m2: Who is the guy pointed by the arrow? It's the original name of the captain/general (bug) before an assasin kill him: Adarnarseh. It's still present in family tree, and alive: bug.

    - Attachment m3: here there is the heir (never seen before) in the position that I had previously moved the bugged unit, and the bugged captain/general unit (former Adarnarseh) stil present in the game.

    My theory is confirmed.
    Now let's see if this character unit is present in descr.strat (I mean: not generated later). I will check it very soon.

    Yes, it's present in descr.strat as captain in Gurgan, but it's just a captain and I don't see coding errors. So, the bugged unit it could be a "Man of the hour" promoted to General, or an homonymuous appeared later. But this is not the point, very probably.

    In fact, I have found the core of the problem: this unit is one of my family members (the only one buddhist: all the other ones are Zoroastrian or Christian) : it not appears in my family tree, despite is a family member (therefore, not a General). It's highly probable that is a Persian family member that I have bribed, but, for some reasons, the process has resulted in this bug: unit not present in my faction family tree, still present in Persian family tree, and that it causes various kind of problems (corrupted saves, constant CTD etc.).

    Next step: to verify what happens if I eliminate this unit letting it die in battle.

    I report all details, because if a CA developer (or someone else) has an idea about what can cause a bugged bribed unit (of course, I don't have the source code of this game), it can be reported here. And to let you know that the same bugged unit can cause various and different CTD.

    UPDATE 2
    Destroying the Persian faction, I have found that, at this point, the bug is coded too deep in the savegame file and cannot be eliminated: it's still present eliminating (in battle) the family member of my faction, and even taking control of the Persian faction, disbanding the captain/general unit related to it (and returning back to my faction after that).

    Moreover, the captain/general unit is invisible even with the toggle fow command: it exists only when I take control of the Persian faction (it contains an heir and the bugged captain/general unit).

    The only way to avoid the bug, is to let the Persian Faction alive. But, I suspect that when their ruler will die naturally, the bug will return: I think it's just a matter of time.

    If you bribe an enemy family member, be sure that it's immediately added in the family tree of your faction. If it doesn't happen, return to a previous savegame, or you will ruin every savegame after this event, even if it's not immediately clear (and it could be not clear for many turns).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails m2.jpg   m3.jpg  
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 22, 2025 at 02:43 PM.

  12. #152

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    UPDATE 3

    After having the same virtual function bug, destroying the Eastern Roman Empire faction, now I think that the "general-captain" bug and "destroyed faction" bug are different. Some CTD I have mentioned are caused by the first problem, some others by the second problem, but the two bugs are linked to each other.

    Some other factions had been destroyed, so the problem it's just with the two factions mentioned (Persian Empire and Eastern Roman Empire). And it's of a different kind:

    - Destroying the Persian faction, I have corrupted savegame files (all not loadable: arriving at 100% of the loading bar, CTD), after the first one in the game I am (so, from the second one, they are all corrupted).

    - Destroying the Eastern Roman Empire Faction, a freeze or a virtual function bug (one of them) appears immediately.

    I have taken the control also of this faction, finding that moving two of the three remaining Eastern Roman Empire characters (Ruler and Heir), it results in an invisible character after deselecting it: they are still selectable (and the audio works), but invisibile. If I move a unit in the same point (that it seems empty), I obtain a CTD (only the bugged units can join in a group army). Only the third character unit is safe, and all of them (all three) are present in the faction family tree.

    It's a C++ runtime error message and I have both runtime and direct X updated about the more old related to this game, therefore, it's probably a game hardcoded bug (related to general or adoptions: man of the hour or bribed characters) that can appear more easily in complex modding works (character traits mechanics etc.). I don't see errors in descr.strat and I prefer don't check all the traits.

    Someone of you has ever destroyed Persian faction or Eastern Roman faction? If not, it still could be a mod problem. If yes, it's highly probable that they are hardcoded bug, about the game engine.

    UPDATE 4
    As predicted, when the ruler of the Persian faction (always invisible, except taking control of the faction; and moved, via console command, many turns ago, in a small island on the Baltic sea to avoid CTD, when it was just a bugged unit: now it's a bugged heir and the bugged unit in a small army group) died of natural causes, without leaving heirs, the Persian faction has been destroyed. And the bug about the corrupted savegames has come back in the same identical way (from the second save onwards, as explained).
    This concept must be explained better: why from the second savegame? Because the trigger is that the player pushes "end of turn" button. When an entire AI turn has passed, all savegame files will be corrupted from this point onwards. Usually for me, during testing, it's the second savegame file (from the destruction of the Persian faction).
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 25, 2025 at 03:11 PM.

  13. #153

    Default Re: - Report Bugs & Errors -

    I have finally checked that my family members work (one of the works in my patch) has not been preserved, and 99% this is the cause of the ghost family members bug (Constant CTD etc.) I reported here.
    Now: which is the sense to not use this part of my work having a constant bug in the Eastern Roman Empire, that is full of family members out of the family tree? They are like General, out of the family tree, but can become heir, for example, out of the family tree. How these named character become family members? If they are present as married in the family section of descr.strat. Out of there, they are General (named character, but just General). Inside this section, they are family members that has no real link in the main family tree (they aren't son of the other family members, so they are out of it, in the game). And a ghost heir that can become king, in my opinion, it can generate the ghost family members bug.

    I have also corrected some other minor things, checking this.

    I have corrected this part preserving Lanjane adding: I have discerned what is good and what is not (it's not a copy and paste: I have preserved age corrections, and family members adding if made in a correct way).

    Same thing about the Persian Empire faction: there are "ghost family members" (as I have explained, they are family members, out of the family tree in the game: coded in this wrong way; now they will return to be Generals, like I had corrected them the first time).
    Last edited by MarcoAurelio82; January 30, 2025 at 08:20 PM.

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