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Thread: Total War Saga: TROY - general discussion

  1. #181
    Lord Baal's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    I google it and found nothing.
    PROUD TO BE A PESANT. And for the dimwitted, I know how to spell peasant. <== This blue things are links, you click them and magical things (like not ending up like a fool) happens.
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  2. #182
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    I wonder where the modder got the idea for his horned armour from. While I understand that people get angry if a modder's work has been used without their consent and without consent, I suggest that we avoid jumping to conclusions. If game C contains something which is the same as mod B, one possibility is that C copied B. Another possibility is that there is a historical source, A, which inspired both of them.
    I'll second this. Given that both modder and developers will have been drawing from the same source materials (history and myth,) a far more likely scenario is that it comes from that source, or has been created independently inspired by the same source.

    Also an accusation of plagiarism is a very serious matter, which can have negative effects on a person or company even if it's baseless or proven false. So the burden of proof is well and truly on the accuser to provide evidence to support their case, not tell people to "google it" (especially when googling seems to lead to nothing.)

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  3. #183
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Thanks, Welsh. A kind person told me that I was mistaken, Mr Katsikes is an illustrator rather than a modder. Even so, I think the point remains.

  4. #184
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Thanks, Welsh. A kind person told me that I was mistaken, Mr Katsikes is an illustrator rather than a modder. Even so, I think the point remains.
    Ah okay. Well as you said, it's the same principle. Whether a writer, artist, modder etc, none of us live in a vacuum. We all draw upon other sources to create our own creations.

    Maybe CA's artwork/models do look a little like Mr Katsikes work (it's hard to say without images to compare.) But all that means for sure is two different artists have come up with similar ideas of what armour would look like in this ancient/mythological period. It's a huge leap to go from that to it being a "DIRECT COPY," which is what is being accused here.

    Anyway, we're getting a bit off topic here so I'll just wish you all a good evening. I have motor racing to watch.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  5. #185
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Because Anthonias cannot be bothered with low tasks...he already posted the pictures in another thread:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    Achilles' Armor (CAUTION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This Image and consept BELONGS to Mr D.Katsikes and any use of it as reference or basis of any creation REQUIRES writen permision by the Creator Him Self).

    Any use of this image for any purpose without a writen permision BY its Creator is ILEGAL.

    EDIT: I was able to get more pictures What I think Anthonius means is that those exact armors are copyrighted by the creator. Which of course makes sense. But they can hardly copyright the original sources... and if CA is using them as base, nobody can prevent that.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; November 19, 2019 at 06:36 AM. Reason: Personal Ref. removed
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  6. #186
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Because Anthonias cannot be bothered with low tasks...he already posted the pictures in another thread:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Nice irony...But the use of a copyrighted material for finansial purposes WITHOUT the creator's permision YOU must know has LEGAL concequenses. For EXAMPLE TGC mod that HAS NO FINANSIAL purposes because as a mod will be free to use ALREADY has writen permisions from authors and artists that create the books we all read. Also it has Mr Katsikes WRITEN PERMISION to use his "byzantine" armors for its purposes ONLY. Now CA/SEGA is a company that would not like to get in LEGAL warafre for copywrites so a deal with the original creator is a MUST YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; November 19, 2019 at 06:38 AM. Reason: For continuity
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  7. #187
    Mhaedros's Avatar Brave Heart Tegan
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Considering the image linked hasn't been used in any of CAs promotional material (so far at least, maybe they're hiding the zinger for last!), I imagine their position is pretty watertight.
    Under the patronage of Finlander. Once patron to someone, no longer.
    Content's well good, innit.

  8. #188

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Because Anthonias cannot be bothered with low tasks...he already posted the pictures in another thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by AnthoniusII View Post
    Nice irony...But the use of a copyrighted material for finansial purposes WITHOUT the creator's permision YOU must know has LEGAL concequenses. For EXAMPLE TGC mod that HAS NO FINANSIAL purposes because as a mod will be free to use ALREADY has writen permisions from authors and artists that create the books we all read. Also it has Mr Katsikes WRITEN PERMISION to use his "byzantine" armors for its purposes ONLY. Now CA/SEGA is a company that would not like to get in LEGAL warafre for copywrites so a deal with the original creator is a MUST YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
    Given that the model CA used is not the same model that AnthoniusII seems to have shown elsewhere there is no problem. Why anyone would raise such a stupid point is beyond me.
    Last edited by Lifthrasir; November 19, 2019 at 06:51 AM. Reason: For continuity
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  9. #189
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Alright, Gentlemen, let me remind you the following principle: Any copyright issue between any company (CA included) and any person (Mr. Katsikes included) is none of TWC business outside the site and above all absolutly not related to the topic of this thread. Thank you for your understanding.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  10. #190
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    And we got yet again new blogpost about Troy:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Bartering, Bronze, and Battles: TROY and the Bronze Age


    Ella McConnell

    November 19 2019

    It’s time to take another behind-the-scenes look at the development of A Total War Saga: TROY!
    This time, we spoke with Creative Assembly Sofia game director Maya Georgieva as well as senior game designer Milcho Vasilev about the ins and outs of the time period, multi-resource economies, and how Bronze Age battles really went down.
    Entering the Bronze Age

    The Bronze Age is a vast period of time that spans more than 2,000 years and encompasses the rise and fall of multiple ancient civilisations including Egypt, Sumer, Babylon, the Hittites, and the Assyrians. Its name – as you probably already guessed – is derived from bronze being the metal of choice for contemporary tools and weapons.
    It was a time when gods were worshipped in monumental temples and kings ruled from formidable fortresses. Rulers often claimed divine status – like the pharaohs in ancient Egypt – or at least divine origin – as seen in Greek myths – to justify their own undisputed right to rule.

    The time period was referred to as the Age of Heroes by the Classical Greeks, and culminated in the catastrophic Bronze Age collapse that precipitated the beginning of the Greek Dark Age. Additionally, some researchers believe that the story of the Trojan War is a direct result of this tumultuous period in history.
    A Total War Saga: TROY focuses on the late stages of the Bronze Age, just after the Minoans on Crete have declined and the power vacuum in the Aegean is being filled by the expansion of the Mycenean Greeks. So how does Bronze Age culture feed into the game? Maya explains:
    “It’s an age of heroes, gods, and monsters in which religious myth is to the people then what scientific knowledge is to us now. Gods were often regarded as part of the world, and natural phenomena as their manifestations.

    This is something that we need to constantly remind ourselves when working with Homer’s epic. In the Iliad, gods often appear as if physically present, but a closer look reveals that in most cases they manifest only through the thoughts and actions of mortals.
    That’s why you won’t see gods stomping on the battlefields of TROY. For Homer and his audience, doing something out of love and being commanded by Aphrodite is one and the same – but we make the distinction.”
    Dealing in multi-resource economies

    Another aspect of the Bronze Age that has been carried across to TROY is the use of a multi-resource currency – as Maya says: “Our modern economy is so reliant on it that we can hardly imagine a time before money existed, but the Bronze age was exactly such a time.”

    During the Bronze Age, bartering – the exchange of objects and commodities – was the way people traded, and gold – and of course bronze – was just another of these commodities. Maya observes:
    “One key aspect of the economy of the Bronze Age is its utter dependence on trade. This stems from the fact that bronze is not a metal that can be mined – it’s an alloy of copper and tin, and while copper is relatively abundant, tin has been mined in very few and very distant places. So, access to tin was reliant on a vast network of trade and inter-state tribute exchanges.”
    Indeed, some researchers speculate that the long period of war and strife at the end of the Bronze Age disrupted the trade routes on which all states relied so much that the interruption of trade brought about the Bronze Age collapse.
    Classical Greece and popular culture

    It would be remiss to talk about the Bronze Age without also delving into the topic of Classical Greece – especially as the representation of the former in popular culture is often vastly different to reality.
    Greece in the classical period is perceived as a land of fine sculpture and philosophers – the cradle of democracy and home to citizen-soldiers in elegant Corinthian helmets who stand firm shoulder to shoulder in the phalanx to defend their homeland from eastern invaders.
    In contrast, the Late Bronze Age Mycenaeans had rather crude art, and cruder still citadels with cyclopean walls instead of open agorae. They were ruled by grasping, power-hungry kings and a palace-dwelling elite who fought clad in heavy bronze armour atop swift-moving chariots.

    Maya observes that “in popular culture the world of the Mycenaeans has been so utterly eclipsed by the image of Classical Greece that to uncover and showcase it is incredibly exciting for us. That’s why for TROY we chose the truth behind the myth approach, which lets us show those two conflicting images together: the classical one in the UI art and campaign shroud, and the authentic Bronze Age one revealed underneath.”
    Elaborating more on the representation of both the myths and the reality depicted in the game, Maya continues:
    “The art of TROY’s UI is inspired by black-figure pottery, which is representative of the early Classical Greek period – the time of Homer. It is the visual language in which myths and legends have passed down through time and its inaccuracy corresponds to the embellished reality of Homer’s story. This is the Myth layer of the game’s visuals.

    In contrast, on the battlefields of TROY and in the revealed sections of the campaign map, the art is informed by the archaeological finds from the period. Here the bronze armour, boar-tusk helmets, chariots, cyclopean walls represent the Truth layer of the game.
    We place the two layers side by side in TROY, hoping to reveal both the connections and the contrast between the two.”
    Bronze Age armour and weaponry

    As a Total War game, it goes without saying that the weapons and armour of the time period are being very carefully considered during the development of TROY.
    Unlike iron, bronze ages well, and so there have been numerous archaeological finds that include Bronze Age weapons and armour. Despite the spear still being the most common weapon of the Bronze Age, swords, axes, and even what is believed to be bronze tipped clubs have also been discovered. There is evidence that javelins and arrows were being used, but slings were much commonly employed as the design of the bow was still relatively basic, with these hurling stone as well as bronze projectiles.
    Fittingly, combatants often wore extremely heavy bronze plate armour like the famous Dendra Armour (named after the village where it was found), but they also used other, more unusual materials such as boar tusks to adorn helmets and armour.

    Shields were mostly made of hide or other perishable materials with occasional bronze boss, but the presence of bronze shields in some archaeological suggests they were also used on occasion. Size-wise, the Bronze Age boasts some of the largest shields in history, some of them covering almost the entire body. The so-called figure-of-eight shield is an iconic Mycenaean design, and was made from several layers of hide reinforced with bronze plates.
    According to Milcho: “In TROY, we have tried to represent the full variety of weapons that we know existed at the time as well as make some unique functionality for units armed with the large Bronze Age shields. This allows them to sling the shields onto their backs and use their spears two-handed or to just move faster without those huge shields getting in the way. We also recorded some new audio to better represent the specific sounds bronze weapons and armour make when they clash.”

    Bronze Age battles

    There isn’t a lot of information about the way battles were fought in the Bronze Age available, but we do know it was definitely a lot more chaotic – and even primitive – when compared with battles from more recent historical eras.
    Horses were mostly used for transportation or to pull chariots, and there was no real cavalry as we know it from later ages. Two-horse chariots, however, were quite prominent, and according to preserved records the palatial states of Knossos and Pylos were able to field several hundred of them.

    Siege equipment was also not available, which led to walls being a massive setback for attackers looking to pillage or occupy a rival city.
    Skirmishing was a huge part of warfare, with there were being no real battle formations to speak of. Warriors were led into battle by their heroes, who would lead by example with their courage, bravery, and battle prowess.
    Milcho breaks down how the intricacies of Bronze Age combat be conveyed in A Total War Saga: TROY as follows:
    “To make sure the battles in Troy are just as exciting as they are in other Total War games, we have improved on many features to better represent the Bronze Age and its specific challenges.

    We know that infantry was the focus of the age, so we have further refined the way light, medium, and heavy infantry feel on the battlefield by giving each group a more distinctive role. Heavy infantry is very strong and almost impossible to take down head on – but they are slow and vulnerable to flanking, which light infantry excels at by being more than twice as fast and able to manoeuvre the jagged Greek terrain.
    Speaking of terrain, we have also made a lot of changes to the battle maps by introducing new terrain types like mud, which slows down heavy infantry and reduces their fighting capabilities, and tall grass, which allows some units to hide and move through it unseen. We’ve also introduced lots of natural chokepoints and flanking routes to make the battles feel even more tactical and engaging.”
    Onwards to TROY!

    We’ll be continuing to delve into the development of A Total War Saga: TROY over the coming months by looking at gameplay, features, mechanics, and more so stay tuned!
    For now, make sure to keep an eye on our social media channels for all the latest updates, add TROY to your Steam wishlist, and be sure to checking out these articles by Ancient History Encyclopedia on the Trojan War and Achilles!

    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  11. #191
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Thanks Daruwind! I enjoyed reading about how they were inspired by historical epics. I like the sound of the increased differentiation between different types of infantry, the greater emphasis on terrain (such as mud and tall grass) and the increased use of chokepoints and flanking routes.

  12. #192
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Thanks Daruwind! I enjoyed reading about how they were inspired by historical epics. I like the sound of the increased differentiation between different types of infantry, the greater emphasis on terrain (such as mud and tall grass) and the increased use of chokepoints and flanking routes.
    In fact Ella McConnell totaly failing to see what Bronze Age was and most of all its ethics and morality as Illiad present them.
    We read in Isiodos Erga and hemerae about the Hellenic Branches.
    "Dardanos that ruled over Thessaly took his people and passed the lands of Thracians and finally reached the land of Hellion and with the help of Hercules defeated the locals and established a new state" . Conclusion 1: Troyans were former Thessalians. That is why Hellenic Gods were devided in suporting them or the rest of the Greeks.
    Morality: The Epos of Illiad is full of moral and ethical principals that were the foundation of the Hellenic Civilisation.
    Every act of EACH homeric hero represents such an ethical value , positive or negative.
    The only thing that points corectly is that , that expedition was a primary cause of the bronze age collapse.
    Remember that Minoans and later Mecyneans had a vast trade from northern africa to Danes! The active population of the Mecenean/Minoan states had to step by step (10 years excluding winders) fight to regain islands that were allies of Troy BEFORE the actuall siege of Troy that lasted 53 days. In that time religion changed, new aristocracy tried to fill the gap of that that was in the campaign and all ships were in the campaign and not trading!
    After all TRADE was the cause of that war TROY shows. The chock point that instead of allowing grain and gold to reach the Greek mainland was kept in Troy. But Myceneans established Troy TO ENSURE the safety of trade not to cut it off!
    The PRINCIPALS that emerged of Illiad marked the Hellenic civilisation untill today.
    Principals that Solon explained to Kroisos centuries after that war and were alien to anatolian way of thinking. As Pedro Ollala (Spanish Proffesor of Hellenic Mythology and History) today explains , those principals remain revolutionary but still alien to the "barbaric" western civilisation.
    To understand Illiad try to see each Hero as a spesific part of the Hellenic prospective about ethics.
    Respect to the Gods
    No man (even King) is NOT above Gods
    Respect to the dead even the enemies and as ultimate respect the right to burial ceremony of the dead.
    Nemmesis (God's punishment) comes even to semi Gods or Heros when the brake the divine ethics.
    The ultimate sucrifice is when you defend your homeland even when that fight has no chanches of success (Hector knew that his homeland was doomed but his duty was to defend it. That example we see centuries later in Thermopylae and in 1453 in Constantinople).
    No riches can be equal to a man's soul as value!
    Respect to the ones that seeks refuge or seeks audience (iketes).
    The game must give the player the right to chose what ethics will follow , each time with the right concequenses .
    Remember that Illiad is actually an anti-war epos! It shows the suferings of men and heros , the cruelty of war and finally shows that in the war even the victor is loser!
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  13. #193

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Nice-looking pictures, they remind me of Jack's regular updates about military equipment in Rome II. In what concerns the text, the unrepentant pedantic inside me would like to make just a couple of observations. Firstly, the use of the term "crude" is not very appropriate. It's a value of judgement, which gives an unjustly negative view of the otherwise impressive Mycenaean art. I understand what they mean and I'm sure that their aim was not to denigrate the Bronze Age civilisation, but the word just brought some weird connotations. Secondly, I believe Creative Assembly has misunderstood the early classical period: Black-figure pottery had already begun to fade out during late 6th century, while Homer, despite not being a contemporary witness to the events he narrated, as some Iliad enthusiasts falsely believe, did certainly not live in the Classical Period. The epics were probably composed sometime in the 9th or 8th century B.C., which places approximately in the time-frame of the Geometric or Archaic periods.

    Thirdly, I really doubt that Knossos, Pylos or any other settlement in Greece could deploy several hundreds of chariots. They lacked both the necessary resources and a suitably flat field to deploy such a huge force. Even the great Oriental Empires of the Achaemenids and Seleucids were hardly able or willing to master such a huge chariot force. The error is probably the result of a typo. End of rant.

  14. #194
    AnthoniusII's Avatar Μέγαc Δομέστικοc
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Minoans and Myceneans relied heavily on infantry formations. Chariots were few , espesialy compared to those Assyrians and Egyptians (egyptians deployed 10000 chariots in the battle of Megido) because of the mountain terain of Balkans.
    But 40 years ago a stone road discovered in Pelloponisos. What made that stone road UNIQUE was the fact that the stones had grooves EXACTLY in the distance chariot weels had one from eachother! Myceneans could use their chariors even after a heavy rain because of those stone roads. Frescos in Pylos show coastal patrol infantry units. Myceneans developed strong navy to counter the Cycladic and Minoan navies that were already superpowers!
    In Iliad chariots play a small role even for the Troyan side. Troyans as Greeks also rely on infantry and fight outside Troy's walls but they are forthunate enough to recieve reinforcements from their allies in cavalry and archers.
    The part of the "stealing horses" mat refer to a military night operation of the Greeks to neutralise enemy cavalry. Every part of Illiad can be translated in military actions.
    EDIT: Chariots may were less that those anatolian people used but Myceneans were very well organised. Tablets found with the full inventory of chariot parts that kept separated and assemplied when was nessesary.
    Also the same invendory has detailed numbers of all kind of armor pieces and weapons.
    Hector's son name was Astyanaktas. In Greek that means "king of the city" = asty/city , anax/king.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Thanks, Welsh. A kind person told me that I was mistaken, Mr Katsikes is an illustrator rather than a modder. Even so, I think the point remains.

    Mr Katsikes is a smither that creates armors from all eras of the Hellenic history , from Bronze Age to Middle Ages Roman one (Byzantine).
    Dumbttarton Oaks Museum financed him to create 10th century Byzantine Armors.
    Last edited by Leonardo; November 26, 2019 at 03:01 AM. Reason: Posts merged.
    TGC in order to continue its development seak one or more desicated scripters to put our campaign scripts mess to an order plus to create new events and create the finall missing factions recruitment system. In return TGC will give permision to those that will help to use its material stepe by step. The result will be a fully released TGC plus many mods that will benefit TGC's material.
    Despite the mod is dead does not mean that anyone can use its material
    read this to avoid misunderstandings.

    IWTE tool master and world txt one like this, needed inorder to release TGC 1.0 official to help TWC to survive.
    Adding MARKA HORSES in your mod and create new varietions of them. Tutorial RESTORED.

  15. #195
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    I really like a lot of what CA said and plans about their Bronze Age Troy game. The pictures look marvelous. They seem to be willing to implement also a bit older equipment from Late Helladic II to IIIa (1450 to 1300 BC) and not only "Warrior Vase" stuff. That's nice.

    Some statements are a bit strange and one could nitpick. For example I never heard of bronze projectiles for slings, that would have been quite expensive stuff for low level weapons, especially as stone and lead would do the job as good or better. In the period the composite bow was also used, at least by charioteers, and was quite a sophisticated weapon. Considering the Iliad, there are a lot of reports and hints about how important archery was on the battlefield. Stating that archery was primitive is a bit overdone.

    To the number of chariots, they were partly listed in the military equipment lists of the Mycenean palaces, and were quite a lot. Presumably the eastern empires used chariots to a greater extent, the terrain in the Middle East was much better suited for them. At Megiddo (c. 1480 to 1450 BC, battle date not exactly known) the number of the chariots used by the Egyptians are estimated to be up to 1.000 (not 10.000), as they seemed to be as strong as the enemy, from which allegedly 924 chariots were captured. The extreme intensity of this battle may be seen (or not?) in the number of deaths, allegedly about 100, and the 340 captives made by the victorious Egyptians, out of a number of together 20.000 combatants both sides combined ...

    At the battlefield of Tollense, north-east Europe, about 1250 BC, skeletal bones where found which clearly show deformations usually originating from riding horses intensively. The statement that there was no cavalry in the timeframe therefore seems outdated. Maybe the backward Greek and eastern empires did not use them.
    Last edited by geala; November 26, 2019 at 09:17 AM.

  16. #196

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Anthonius II is wrong. This armour is based on Peter Connolly (1935-2012) from 1970s (Agamemnon's armour) which is based on historical sources:

    Last edited by KLAssurbanipal; December 02, 2019 at 07:26 PM.

  17. #197

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Maybe i am a bit late, but i wanted to point out that the "poet" who "compiled" the Odyssey lived more or less 150 years after the War of Troy.

    This is my source, its not advertising, i just couldnt find a different link:

    If this is true its fair to assume that who compiled the Iliad (a different and earlier Homer, if you get my point) lived quite close to the events narrated.

    Its also worth to notice that Homer was extremely accurate in his descriptions when he had good sources, to the point of listing the exact number of pigs and cattle stored in each village on Ithaki. And the numbers do match the size of the fields even today.

    On the other hand he was making up everything when he didnt have any source. The odd journey of Odysseus is all made up. What Homer didnt know is that after the fall of Troy Odysseus and his men was sent to conquer another city: Alakomenai. And this is why he was missing for years.

    But when it comes to describing soldiers and battles and maybe even numbers he shouldnt be understimated as a reliable source.

    Sorry for my terrible English.
    Last edited by Leonardo; February 02, 2020 at 11:37 AM. Reason: Posts merged and YouTube tag added.

  18. #198
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gisgone76 View Post
    This is my source, its not advertising, i just couldnt find a different link:
    Never occur to you to search on wikipedia.
    Under patronage of General Brewster of the Imperial House of Hader.

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  19. #199

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardo View Post
    Never occur to you to search on wikipedia.
    Im not sure i understand your comment.
    I know where Ithaki is. I have been there several times.

    I was pointing at the fact that Homer was alive 150 - maybe less - years after the War of Troy, and not 500.

  20. #200
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Total War Saga: TROY announced! (trailer, screens & campaign map video)

    It is a bit bold to tell the living dates of Homer as "fact". There is a whole lot of discussion about it, not really my field of interest, as I like the time till the middle Bronze Age and then from the classical period of Greece forward, and presumably neither Homer's life nor the Trojan War did take place in these periods.
    Anyway, you could read as starter here and then go deeper. One hint, by far the most scholars come to a much later living date then stated by your source.

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