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  1. #1
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default HUNGARY

    I. General information

    This thread is meant to gather all information about the faction and to conduct discussions on the faction related issues.
    The entries should be developed by both the SSHIP team and the interested players.

    It may be worth to have a look at the Tsardoms' thread on Hungary.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; April 01, 2021 at 09:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default [F] - Hungary

    II. Strategy & gameplay

    Lovely music to listen to along playing this faction.

    If you've played the game with this faction and have insights how to help fellow players, please write your contribution to this section.

    Played with v. 097 of 2021:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by RodriguesSting View Post
    Hungary is a very interesting nation to play as. If you think Catholics have it easy, first off, you are actually thinking of Latins, and second, Hungary will change your mind.

    Strategically, they are a quite interesting faction for two reasons: firstly, you have all your ancestral homelands (in that case, Panonia, rather than... wherever Magyars came from) from the get go, 5 whole provinces, which is not small realm. Furthermore, said provinces have an interesting combination of features: they are very wealthy, and very under-developed. Nearly every single of them have gold or silver, and you do get some mines from the get go, which can make for a stupendous income boost. However, all of these provinces are on very low level of development, and have low population, so they will take some time to get where you need them to. That makes for turtling a rather appealing strategy. And sadly, gold and silver can't be used to make weapons and armor, a subject I will touch up later.

    And the second reason is, they are surrounded by 6 factions. The Holy Roman Empire, Poland, Venice, Serbia, the Unholy Greek Tyranny, and the Quipchags. And they all are looking forwards taking these resource rich lands. The more pressing neighbor is Poland, of course, as you already start at war with them, and their capital is VERY close to you. For them, you can either crush their standing army by gathering your forces, won't be too difficult, specially if you use well your horse archers, and go for an early conquest spree. But that carries its diplomatic implications of tanking your Reputation, and the risk of getting your ass kicked by the pope. My preferred method is to disband most of my forces (minus the horse archers, you can keep either the nobles or the riders, up to taste), quickly gather a sum of around 8000 gold (quite quickly, and won't even have to stall my development), and buy peace and alliance with them. Said alliance won't last without the occasional bribe and show of force when their army decides to do some "field exercises" right outside your capital, but waging war on a fellow catholic can get out of hand VERY quick.

    After solving the issue with the Poles, temporarily or permanently, your most aggressive neighbors will be the Byzantines and the Cumans. Both can also be brought with alliances and the ocasional stern stare by your standing army when they decide frontiers are social constructs, but will overall be much less of a headache than your immediately norther neighbors. That said, keep in mind, all of them, all of the 6, can invade you when you least expect it, so get that one diplomat of yours working overtime and that standing defense army going.

    Finally, the units. Not much to say, except they are completely different from the Latins. City militia is mostly the same, except they don't get Crossbow Militia, but rather, Crossbow Levies (so more useful on the field, they offer a better soft performance for their cost than the militia version), and slavic javelinman that can work as a decent, quickly replenishing light infantry. Don't underestimate javelins, I had half a bodyguard unit slaughtered by getting shot by these guys, AFTER charging and killing a good deal of them. They are barely better than spear militia fighting infantry, but at least offer a decent bang for your buck overall and can be a candidate for your standing army core unit. Think only the capital provides them though, but as said, with good replenishment, and you can fill up with mercenary recruitment, will be the exact same unit, although cheaper, and with experience. Mercenaries with conventional recruitment are on a weird spot right now.

    Castles, which would usually provide you with your nice cost-effective feudal levy or even early professionals to make your standing army, won't do. For infantry, you get Valach Axemen. They are essentially tribal axemen, somewhat akin to Lithuanians, but... with a pricey upkeep for what they provide you with. Regardless, their offensive stats are just decent enough to assault walls and overpower archers and spearmen, so they have their uses. Then, the Pavise Spearmen. Think something like Serjeants, but coming a bit early. Their replenishment starts at 8 on their pool of 1 though, so don't expect to field large numbers of these until you get a Fortress. Finally, from Fortress Onwards, you get the Light Swordsmen. They are kinda like the Light Serjeants, but a bit... worse. Cheaper though, and will for sure beat the axemen for the spot of assault infantry.

    The cavalry though, is interesting. Firstly, at the very start... you don't have a national recruitment. Build a stable outside Tartar regions, it will give you nothing. But the ones that do, will give you nice numbers of Magyar Riders, light cavalry archers that are pretty good shoots, and can do a decent job at melee, specially after their one armor upgrade. Thankfully, you do have your knights, or something close of it, the Magyar Nobles. Not that armored, not packing a devastating charge, but are even better horse archers, fairly survivable thanks to their improved armor and shield, and after running out of arrows, can even work as some medium cavalry. These are the ones you will get from your Small Councils.

    Foot archers, don't have much to say. Castles will provide you with Village Archers, levy that can be raised in 1 turn and is cheap but not good for much other than shooting, and barely good at it, and then Vallach Archers, that may look like they have the exact same stats, but their hidden stats may indicate they are slightly better. If worth the increased upkeep though, up to you.

    So this is your army, and as you may have noticed, it is not great. Other than your cavalry, you are on a pretty gnarly spot. With Latins, I could make standing armies of Spearmen (with upgraded armor) supported by Archers and some Levy Archers to do most of the killing, alongside Mounted Serjeants or maybe even Knights for the killing blow. You really don't get anything to form an effective line here, be either short of numbers, or defensive stats, and if you are not the kind that likes crossbows, you will probably want to stick to the mounted archers. By using skirmishing, I managed to get some quite impressive victories, targeting commanders and knights with my Nobles while making surgical strikes on their light infantry with the Bodyguard. Keep in mind though, in this mod, cavalry is TERRIBLY weak against archer fire, only shoot if the enemy can't shoot at all. Otherwise, charge and let these quite decent melee horse archers win their pay.

    Played with v. 098 of 2023:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaku View Post
    Hungary VH/VH, manage all cities: off, generals required to attack: off, house rules: no pausing during battle (unless AFK), no reloads for any reason.
    Turn 34:

    Turn 1. Army assembled in northern Hungary for invasion of Poland (starts at war). Trade rights sold to the HRE for 2400 florins. Map information sold for 1290. Spy instantly dies on first mission.


    Turn 1. Spy successfully completes mission. Army assembled in northern Hungary for invasion of Poland (starts at war). Trade rights sold to the HRE for 2800 florins. Map information sold for 1450 florins. Crank up taxes as much as possible. Begin constructions: Opencast Mines in Esztergom, Mustering Hall in Varad, Garrison Quarters in Zagreb, Leather Tanners in Gyula and Szekes.

    urn 2. Swap governor titles between governors of Esztergom and Szekes. Taxes cranked up even further. Northern army moved to just inside the northern border within a day's march of Krakow.

    urn 2.5. Contacted by Serbian diplomat. Trade rights sold for 2800 florins. Map information sold for 950 florins.

    urn 3. New mission to increase forces in Zagreb by 4 units in 5 turns; this mission will be ignored. Polish army has moved out of sight. Spy infiltrates Krakow. Hungarian army moves in to start the siege. Spy fails to open the gates.

    urn 4. The Battle of Krakow: 484 Hungarians vs 403 Poles. Krakow captured in a Clear Victory with 99 Hungarians killed to 196 Poles killed, 207 captured. 745 florins gained in occupation. Mercenary Hunters hired to help keep the peace in Krakow. Begin constructions: Brothels in Gyula and Szekes, Leather Tanner in Varad, Inn in Krakow.

    urn 5. Pope issues an order to cease hostilities with Poland. Diplomat makes contact with Venice; no agreements are reached. Another diplomat makes unsuccessful contact with Poland. A military-minded aristocrat marries into the family.

    Turn 6.
    Polish armies assembling near Krakow. Begin constructions: Farms in Cleared Land in Szekes, Dispersed Farming in Gyula, Leather Tanner in Zagreb.

    Turn 7. Trade rights established with Venice, who in the mean time has captured Zara and now shares a border with Hungary.
    Begin constructions: Leather Tanners in Esztergom and Krakow, Pastoral Farming in Varad.

    Turn 8. Serbia and the
    Romans ally – perhaps a sign of things to come. Neighboring Rus and Cumans, previously at war, have made peace. Watchtower pairs are set in the far southeast near the pass leading to Cumania and also in the southern Alfold.

    Turn 9. Trade rights established with Sicily, and maps traded along with a gift of 590 florins from Hungary. The Council of Nobles rewards 1500 florins for the gesture. Sicily is seen to be in possession of both Rausion and Skodron. A
    Roman army is encountered in Serbia. Hungary and Poland make peace and establish trade rights. Poland and Hungary trade maps under threat of war from Poland, along with a gift of 410 florins from Hungary. Hungarian cavalry from Krakow begins maneuvering south to retrain and prepare for a planned future assault on Olomouc. A watchtower pair is set in the southeastern part of Lower Hungary. Begin construction: Blacksmith in Zagreb.

    Turn 9.5. Contacted by
    Roman diplomat. Trade rights established. No other agreements reached. Subsequently contacted by Rus diplomat. Trade rights and alliance established for 3250 florins paid to Rus. Maps traded thereafter.

    Turn 10. New mission to take Olomouc. To this point, only a single militia and a single mercenary have been recruited.
    Now, with Leather Tanners in all settlements, recruitment begins in earnest, with particular emphasis on Magyar Cavalry and Saxons where available. Begin constructions: Schools in Krakow and Esztergom.

    urn 12. The Siege of Olomouc begins.

    Turn 12.5.
    Contacted by Cuman diplomat. Trade rights and alliance established. Maps traded thereafter.

    urn 13. With the Cuman border temporarily secured (with the Cumans controlling Targoviste), half of Gyula’s defenders begin moving west to Varad. The Siege of Olomouc continues.

    Turn 1
    3.5. Contacted by Fatimid diplomat. Trade rights and alliance offered by the Fatimids, but declined by Hungary.

    urn 14. A Crusade is called for Damascus; without troops or money to spare, Hungary will decline to join. Serbia declares war on Sicily. The Siege of Olomouc continues. Begin construction: Water Mills in Esztergom.

    Turn 1
    4.5. Contacted by Rum diplomat. Trade rights and alliance established. Maps traded thereafter.

    urn 15. An amazing candidate is adopted into the family and sent to Esztergom for schooling. Romans declare war on Venice. The besieging army at Olomouc swaps leadership to the Duke of Esztergom. The Siege of Olomouc continues.

    Turn 17.
    Romans and Venice make peace. The Siege of Olomouc continues.

    urn 17.5. The Battle of Olomouc: 603 Hungarians vs 497 Independents. Olomouc captured in a Clear Victory with 66 Hungarians killed to 388Independents killed, 109 captured. 284 florins gained in occupation.

    Turn 18. Council of Nobles awards 8000 florins for the capture of Olomouc.
    Army assembled in Olomouc begins to disperse to both re-train and better defend against potential attacks from the north, west, and south. Hungary’s reputation with the Pope suffers significantly due to not having joined the Crusade. A moderate-sized Roman army is spotted immediately south of Varad. A cavalry detachment moves east from Esztergom to intercept. A unit of Vlach Axemen mercenaries is recruited near Varad. Begin constructions: Leather Tanner in Olomouc, Market in Esztergom, Water Mills in Krakow, Farms in Cleared Land in Zagreb.

    Turn 1
    8.5. Contacted by Danish diplomat. Trade rights established. Maps traded thereafter. Romans declare war on Hungary and lay siege to Varad.

    Turn 19.
    Peace treaty with Poland comes to an end. Council of Nobles grants a gift of 2000 florins. Cavalry force moves to flank Romans near Varad. Defenders of Varad sally forth to meet the Romans. The Battle of Varad: 494 Hungarians defenders plus a detachment of 161 Hungarian cavalry vs 538 Romans. The defenders rout the Romans in a Clear Victory with 34 Hungarians killed to 151Romans killed, 372 captured. Captured Romans released.

    urn 19.5. Venice demands 170 florins with a threat of war. Hungary throws a handful of florins at the Venetian diplomat and sends him on his way.

    Turn 20. Crusade for Damascus is a success, having been captured by the Crusader States.
    Sentry Roman army spotted across the Danube near Serbia. A medium-sized Hungarian army moves south from Varad in the direction of Naissos, picking up a group of mercenary archers along the way. Defenses are bolstered where possible.

    Turn 21.
    Cumans declare war on Romans. Current heir, the governor of Zagreb, dies. Adopted family member becomes new heir. Returning Polish crusader army blocks Hungary from crossing the Danube; Hungarian army holds position. Large Serbian army enters Croatia. Governor of Szekes moves to Zagreb, where he recruits all available mercenaries. Begin construction: Opencast Pits in Olomouc.

    urn 22. Despite starting the turn with 1338 florins and not being in debt, a warning about the mercenaries disbanding on the next turn if Hungary is not out of debt. Serbian army returns to Serbia. Massive Roman army spotted north of Naissos. Hungarian army withdraws to Varad. Spy infiltrates Naissos. Faction heir marries Serbian princess, forming an alliance with Serbia, ending the war with the Romans, boosting relations with Serbia, and decreasing relations with Sicily. A couple of mercenary units disbanded. Opencast Pits in Olomouc canceled.

    urn 23. Large Imperial army appears near Szekes – possibly returning crusaders. Hungarian cavalry detachment moves west from Varad to intercept if necessary.

    Turn 24. Romans capture Wallachia from the Cumans,
    threatening Transylvania. Large Polish army spotted near Olomouc – possibly returning crusaders. Imperial army near Szekes returns to HRE. Hungarian cavalry detachment disperses to retrain and deal with potential threats – Poland in the north and ERE in the south. Trade agreement with Romans. Serbia seen to be at war with both Venice and Sicily.

    Turn 25. Polish army passed through into Poland.
    Military-minded aristocrat comes of age; will stay in Krakow for schooling. Begin constructions: Opencast Pits in Krakow, River Port in Esztergom.

    urn 26. Roman assassin discovered near Roman bishop at Gyula; both put to the sword. Heir moves to take governorship of Zagreb.

    Turn 27. Intelligent, administratively-minded aristocrat comes of age; will stay in Krakow indefinitely, and immediately granted the Duchy of Malopolska by the King. Governors of Zagreb and Szekes swap roles and positions.
    Begin construction: Dirt Tracks in Varad.

    urn 27.5. Contacted by Lithuanian diplomat. Trade rights and alliance established upon Hungarian gift of 210 florins. Maps traded thereafter.

    urn 28. Jihad called for Antioch. Venice declares war on the Romans.

    Turn 29. Another Roman bishop at Gyula put to the sword.
    Begin construction: Wells in Szekes.

    urn 30. Lithuania declares war on Poland. Romans declare war on Sicily. Sicily and Serbia make peace. Begin construction: Dirt Tracks in Gyula.

    urn 31. The Polish Senior Duke and the leader of Lithuania die in the same turn, possibly in the same battle. Fatimids capture Antioch in a successful Jihad. A Crusade is immediately called for the recapture of Antioch – another Crusade that Hungary will not be joining. Begin construction: Market in Krakow.

    Turn 32. Serbia and Venice make peace.

    Turn 32.5.
    Contacted by Polish diplomat. Alliance established.

    Turn 33. Poland and Lithuania make peace.
    Begin construction: Communal Farming in Esztergom.

    urn 33.5. Venice lays siege to Zagreb and declares war on Hungary.

    Turn 34. Governor of Szekes moves to reinforce Zagreb, picking up a few mercenaries along the way. The defenders of Zagreb sally forth to attack the Venetians.
    The Battle of Zagreb: 497 Hungarians defenders plus 180 Hungarian reinforcements vs 435Venetians. The defenders rout the Venetians in a Clear Victory with 94 Hungarians killed to 222 Venetians killed, 213 captured. Captured Venetians released.

    Turn 70:

    History: Current diplomatic status: War with Venice. Allied with Cumans, Poland (17 turns of treaty remain), Lithuania (12 turns of treaty remain), Rus, Serbia (7 turns of treaty remain), and Rum. Reliable Reputation.

    Turn 34 continued. A Noble-endorsed royal marriage results in a gift of Axe Mailed Foot Knights in the capital. These foot knights plus 2 additional units of Magyar Cavalry begin escorting the king toward Zagreb. Spy begins moving toward Zara.

    Turn 35. Current semi-annual net income of 3500 florins. Relations with the the Vatican suffer due to not joining crusade. Romans continue sending bishops into Transylvania, where they are quickly overrun by the settlement defenders.

    Turn 35.5. Contacted by Papal diplomat. Trade rights established.

    Turn 36. Spy infiltrates Zara. Army assembles in Zagreb. Two large Byzantine armies spotted near the triple border between Hungary/Cumania/Romans, just inside Roman lands. Venice refuses peace offer.

    Turn 36.5. Spy expelled from Zara.

    Turn 37. Roman armies no longer in sight. Spy re-infiltrates Zara. King leads armies south from Zagreb to besiege Zara. Spy opens the gates and the assault commences. The Battle of Zara: 737 Hungarians under Bela Kiraly the Greedy vs 325 Venetians under Captain Cristoforo. Zara is captured in a Clear Victory, with 80 Hungarians killed to 243 Venetians killed, 82 captured. 408 florins gained in occupation. Begin settlement upgrade: Wooden Wall in Szekes.

    Turn 38. Venetian army near Zara withdraws to Karnten (HRE). Pope demands Hungary cease hostilities with Venice. Construction of farms in Zagreb completed; units able to train in castle once again. Begin construction: Wells in Zagreb.

    Turn 39. Romans and Sicily make peace. Large Venetian army encountered north of Zara; medium-sized Venetian army spotted east of Zara. Administratively-minded aristocrat comes of age; begins schooling in Esztergom. Begin constructions: Opencast Pits in Olomouc, River Port in Krakow, Small Church in Zara.

    Turn 39.5. Venetian armies surround Zara. The Venetian siege of Zara commences.

    Turn 40. The Crusader States recapture Antioch in a successful crusade. Poland declares war on the HRE. Unable to sally forth due to the Pope’s command, the defenders of Zara hold their positions.

    Turn 41. The siege of Zara continues. Begin settlement upgrade: Castle in Zagreb.

    Turn 41.5. Contacted by Fatimid diplomat, who offers an alliance and trade rights, which are both declined. Contacted by Seljuk diplomat, who offers trade rights, which is accepted. Contacted by Venetian diplomat, who offers a ceasefire, which is most graciously accepted. War between Hungary and Venice comes to an end.

    Turn 42. Defenders of Zara begin to disperse to retrain and fortify positions elsewhere. Governor of Szekes moves to Zara to assist in boosting population.

    Turn 44. Begin construction: Wells in Zara.

    Turn 44.5. HRE offers an alliance in exchange for a Hungarian gift of 170 florins, which is accepted. The HRE sells their map information to Hungary for 900 florins.

    Turn 45. HRE and Poland declare a truce. Admin-minded aristocrat comes of age; sent to Esztergom for schooling. Cuman army spotted east of Krakow, far from Cuman lands. Begin constructions: Landowners’ Guards in Szekes, Opencast Mines in Krakow.

    Turn 46. Venice declares war on the ERE. Large Roman army spotted in northern Rascia. Serbia found to be at war with the Romans.

    Turn 46.5. Moors offer trade rights, which are accepted. Maps exchanged along with a gift of 650 X 3 florins from Hungary.

    Turn 47. Jerusalem captured by a Muslim faction. Rascia is captured by the ERE. Begin construction: Market in Szekes.

    Turn 48. Cancel construction: Market in Szekes.

    Turn 49. Romans capture Moldavia from Cumans. Governor of Szekes begins moving from Zara to Varad to assist in boosting population. Begin settlement upgrade: Wooden Wall in Zara.

    Turn 50. Serbia’s leader dies. Serbia makes peace with the Romans and breaks its alliance with Hungary. The Romans declare war on Sicily. Begin constructions: Logging Camps in Gyula, Market in Szekes.

    Turn 50.5. Pisa offers an alliance and trade rights, both of which are accepted.

    Turn 51.5. Lithuania betrays Hungary, laying siege to Krakow.

    Turn 52. Rus declares war on Lithuania. The Pope calls a crusade for the Pisan city of Tunis. Large cavalry force including the Hungarian king, 4 additional generals, and 4 units of Magyar cavalry move north toward Krakow.

    Turn 53. Lithuania abandons the siege of Krakow. HRE declares war on Pisa. Hungary sides with the HRE and breaks its alliance with Pisa, who has had most of Christendom declare war upon them in the mean time. Begin constructions: Water Reservoirs in Esztergom, Grain Exchange in Zagreb.

    Turn 53.5. Venice offers an alliance and trade rights in exchange for 780 florins; Hungary accepts. Map information exchanged.

    Turn 54. Hungarian army begins staging near Krakow for attack on Lithuanian castle at Plock. Begin construction: Farms in Cleared Land in Olomouc.

    Turn 55. Pisan Tunis has fallen to Aragon in a successful crusade. Cumans recapture Moldavia from the ERE. Council of Nobles grants a gift of 1000 florins. Governor of Szekes begins moving to Esztergom to assist in population growth. Begin construction: Small Church in Gyula. Begin settlement upgrade: Wooden Castle in Varad.

    Turn 56. Venice and the Romans declare a truce. The Nobles specify a new mission to capture Plock. Spy infiltrates Plock. Hungarian host moves north from Krakow and besieges Plock. Spy fails to open the gates. Diplomat makes contact with Lithuania, who desires peace – perhaps some other time. Diplomat makes contact with the Romans, who desire an alliance, but no deals are made. Governors and generals in the Carpathain Basin begin playing musical chairs to cover the death of the governor of Varad. Begin construction: Brothel in Zagreb.

    Turn 57. Massive expense for having multiple generals in besieging army, but covered by surplus income. The assault of Plock commenses. The Battle of Plock: 547 Hungarians under Bela Kiraly the Greedy vs 153 Lithuanians under Kunigaikstis Jautilas. Plock is captured in a Clear Victory, with 34 Hungarians killed to 124 Lithuanians killed, 27 captured. 646 florins gained in occupation. Nobles award 4000 florins for the capture of Plock. Begin constructions: Carpenter’s Workshop in Szekes, Landowners’ Guards in Zara.

    Turn 58. Pope insists on a Small Chapel in Plock. Begin constructions: Small Chapel in Plock, Drill Square in Zagreb.

    Turn 59. Current semi-annual net income of 5700 florins. Begin constructions: Town Guard in Zara, Brothel in Esztergom, Farms in Cleared Land in Gyula.

    Turn 60. Begin construction: Communal Farming in Krakow.

    Turn 60.5. Byzantine princess offers an alliance in return for a gift of 170 florins. Hungary accepts the offer. Map information traded. Novgorod, who’s also at war with Lithuania, offers an alliance and trade rights. Hungary accepts the offer.

    Turn 61. Rus and Lithuania declare a truce. Pope is pleased by construction of Small Chapel in Plock. Hungary breaks alliance with Cumans. A Polish army is spotted near Plock. Begin constructions: Garrison Quarters in Varad and Plock.

    Turn 62. Bab al-Abwab captured in successful Jihad by Seljuks. Lithuania and Novgorod declare a truce. Polish army no longer in sight. Rus seen in possession of Halych. Defenses bolstered in Esztergom.

    Turn 63. Begin settlement upgrade: Stone Wall in Esztergom.

    Turn 63.5. Sicily offers an alliance. Hungary accepts. Map information is exchanged.

    Turn 64. A small Lithuanian army arrives near Plock. Begin constructions: Market in Zara, River Port in Zagreb.

    Turn 65. Heir effective attempts and fails to commit suicide. Lithuanian armies rally near Plock. Begin construction: Water Mills in Szekes.

    Turn 66. Heir effective tragically commits suicide. Great host of Lithuanians assembles at Plock. Polish army spotted at Lithuanian settlement of Hrodna. Small Serbian army spotted in Croatia.

    Turn 66.5. Lithuanian army besieges Plock.

    Turn 67. The Pope calls a crusade for Halab. Venice declares war on the Romans, forcing Hungary to drop its alliance with Venice. The Duke of Olomouc dies. A cavalry relief force led by the Hungarian king rides north from Krakow to relieve Plock. The defenders sally forth to meet the Lithuanians. The Second Battle of Plock: 944 Hungarians under Felician az Osl, supported by 117 cavalry under Bela Kiraly the Greedy vs 1003 Lithuanians under Dravenis of Mstislavl. The tide of battle swings back and forth numerous times, ultimately resulting in a Heroic Victory, with 440 Hungarians killed to 721 Lithuanians killed, 261 captured including family member Novsade of Mstislavl. Captives are released. King Bela Kiraly the Greedy dies of wounds suffered in combat, and leadership is passed in Imre Kiraly, the governor of Szekes. Begin settlement upgrade: Castle in Plock.

    Turn 68. Poland declares war on Lithuania. At long last, the Romans and Cumans declare a truce. The defenders of Plock begin reorganizing and moving to replenish their numbers. Begin construction: Brothel in Zara.

    Turn 68.5. A small rebel stack besieges Varad.

    Turn 69. Scottish faction is first to be destroyed. Pisa becomes a vassal of the HRE. An admin-minded 26-year-old marries into the family. An admin-minded family member comes of age and begins schooling in Esztergom. The previously-defending cavalry from Plock move to assist the defenders of Varad and quickly rout the besieging rebels with minimal losses. Another rebel stack is destroyed in the mountains near Zara. Lithuania accepts a truce. Begin construction: Town Hall in Szekes.

    Turn 70. Rus declares war on Cumans. Cuman army spotted east of Gyula. Troop and governor reorganizations and movements. Begin construction: Carpenters’ Workshop in Zara

    Current diplomatic status: Allied with HRE, Poland, Rus, Rum, Romans (9 turns of treaty remain), Novgorod (9 turns of treaty remain), and Sicily (12 turns of treaty remain). Reliable reputation.

    Turn 71. Crusader States capture Halab and sucessfully end the crusade.

    Turn 72. Romans declare war on Serbia. King moves to Esztergom as local governor. New governor of Szekes moves to Olomouc to assist in population growth.

    Turn 73. Council of Nobles awards 2000 for royal marriage. (Begin) construction: Dispersed Farming in Varad.

    Turn 74. Lithuania and Poland make peace. Romans declare war on Sicily, forcing Hungary to drop its alliance with Sicily. Romans in possession of Skodron. Council of Nobles gifts 1000 florins. (Begin) constructions: Wells in Olomouc, Communal Farming in Zagreb.

    Turn 74.5. HRE besieges Zagreb, declaring war on Hungary.

    Turn 75. Large Imperial armies spotted near Zara and Esztergom. Units from Plock and Krakow begin moving toward Olomouc. Units from Varad begin moving toward Szekes. Returning Castilian crusader army blocks reinforcements from Szekes to Zagreb. Cavalry from Zara ride up to relieve the defenders of Zagreb. The Second Battle of Zagreb: 295 Hungarians under Gergely Gyure supported by 116 cavalry under Salamon Gyure vs 312 Imperials under Hans von Supplinburg. The Imerials are driven off in a Clear Victory, with 57 Hungarians killed to 144 Imperials killed, 168 captured. Captives are released. The Governor of Zagreb thereafter rides to recruit mercenaries and reinforce Zara against the pending onslaught.

    Turn 75.5. HRE offers a ceasefire. Hungary accepts. Trade rights established.

    Turn 76. Venice and Romans declare a truce. Despite the peace agreement between Hungary and HRE, HRE armies continue moving into Hungary next to important settlements. Hungarian reinforcements continue moving into position.

    Turn 77. Imperial armies moving back into HRE. Polish armies entering northern Hungary. Construction: Fairgound in Esztergom.

    Turn 77.5. Poland betrays and declares war on Hungary, besieging Plock and Krakow.

    Turn 78. Despite not being in debt, Hungary is warned that all mercenaries will disband next turn if Hungary does not get out of debt. The defenders of Krakow sally forth to fight the besieging Poles. The Second Battle of Krakow: 714 Hungarians under Laszlo the Afflicted vs 322 Polish under Ksiaze Zwierzchni. The Hungarian militia rally to defeat the seemingly unstoppable Polish elite units in a Clear Victory, with 519 Hungarians killed to 275 Poles killed including the Polish Senior Duke, plus 26 captured. Captives are released. Cancel constructions: Fairground in Esztergom and Communal Farming in Zagreb. Mercenaries hired to replenish losses in Krakow and attempt to maintain order after the catastrophic losses suffered by the garrison.

    Turn 79. Siege of Plock lifted as the Poles withdraw. Depleted garrison of Krakow begins cycling with Varad to recover. Spy infiltrates Wrezlaw. Cav-heavy army assembled in Olomouc intercepts Polish infantry army in The Battle of Moravia: 766 Hungarians under Janos a Zah vs 478 Poles under Captain Pawel. The Poles are crushed in a Clear Victory, with 29 Hungarians killed to 341 Poles killed, 137 captured. Captives are ransomed for approximately 2200 florins. The defeated Poles retreat to Wrezlaw and are pursued by the Hungarian army, for whom the spy opens the gates. The Battle of Wrezlaw: 722 Hungarians under Kerecse az Osl vs 226 Poles under Boleslaw the Farmer. Wrezlaw falls to the Hungarians in a Clear Victory, with 84 Hungarians killed to 185 Poles killed, 29 captured. 1330 florins gained through occupation. A moderate sized Polish army is observed at Poznan. Construction: Wells in Gyula.

    Turn 80. Rus declares war on Lithuania. Portugal becomes a vassal of the Moors. Wrezlaw renamed to Breslau. Opencast Pits in Breslau repaired. Swordsmith’s Guild in Breslau gives +1 experience; begin process of cycling troops to Breslau for added experience.

    Turn 80.5. Polish army besieges Breslau.

    Turn 81. Small infantry detachment moves to reinforce Breslau from Olomouc. Defenders sally forth in the Second Battle of Breslau/Wrezlaw: 676 Hungarians under Kerecse az Osl supported by 172 infantry under Captain Sebestyen vs 609 Poles under Przybyslaw the Bloody. Przybyslaw lives up to his name, dying on the field in a Clear Victory, with 147 Hungarians killed to 408 Poles killed, 200 captured. Captives are released.

    Turn 82. Roman army marches for Varad. Hungarian troops and mercenaries begin to move to reinforce Varad.

    Turn 83. Romans declare war on Cumans. Roman army in Alfold holds in place. Peace with Poland.

    Turn 84. Trade agreement with Poland in exchange for 650 X 2 florins from Hungary. Roman army holds in place.

    Turn 84.5. Alliance and trade agreement with Lithuania.

    Turn 85. Lithuania and Rus make peace. Hungary breaks its alliance with Novgorod. A Jihad is called for Sicilian Tunis. Unintelligent admin-minded family member comes of age; will waste time attempting to learn in Esztergom. Hospitaller army arrives at Szekes; moves toward Varad.

    Turn 86. Roman army leaves the Alfold in an uncertain direction. Pope demands Hungarian faction heir join a Crusade for Valencia or face possible excommunication and inquisition.

    Turn 87. Scotland gets destroyed, again.

    Turn 89. HRE declares war on Sicily. Small Roman army enters Croatia. Two generals, including the heir, join the crusade.

    Turn 90. The Fatimids capture Tunis in a successful Jihad. Kerecse az Osl deserts his crusading army and joins the Seljuks. The remaining crusader armies merge. An Imperial army enters Dalmatia. Settlement upgrade: Stone Wall in Krakow.

    Turn 90.5. HRE declares war on Hungary and besieges Zara.

    Turn 91. Hungarian princess brokers peace with HRE. Hungary and HRE form an alliance and trade agreement. Construction: Public Gallows in Breslau. Settlement upgrade: Castle in Olomouc.

    Turn 92. Council of Nobles awards gift of 1000 florins. Constructions: Provincial Councils in Esztergom and Breslau.

    Turn 92.5. Venice offers an alliance in exchange for the Hungarian settlement of Zara. Hungary declines.

    Turn 93. Lithuania declares war on Poland. England excommunicated. Governor of Szekes begins moving from Olomouc to Gyula to assist in population growth. Roman army east of Zagreb. Constructions: Logging Camps in Varad, Churches in Szekes and Zara.

    Turn 94. Rus declares war on Poland. Lithuania and Poland make peace. Pisa becomes a vassal of Venice. Roman army moves next to Zagreb. Construction: Communal Farming in Zagreb.

    Turn 95. Castile captures Valencia in a successful crusade. HRE and Sicily make peace. Roman army departs from Zagreb to an unknown location. Borbala the Noble Lady marries the Roman heir to improve relations.

    Turn 96. England reconciled.

    Turn 97. Romans declare war on Venice. Construction: Market in Breslau.

    Turn 98. HRE declares war on Venice. Pisa becomes independent. Governorship of Szekes transferred to younger candidate. Senile former governor of Szekes falls on his sword.

    Turn 98.5. Fatimids offer alliance and trade rights. Hungary declines. Seljuks offer alliance, offer to marry princess to faction heir, and asks for 170 florins. Hungary accepts.

    Turn 99. HRE and Venice make peace. Senile governor of Gyula falls on his sword.

    Turn 100. HRE declares war on Poland. New Hungarian faction leader Felician Kiraly. Unrest skyrockets.

    Turn 101. Unrest back under control with the King attending court. Construction: Quarries in Esztergom.

    Turn 103. Intelligent schooled admin-minded 17-year-old noble marries into the family. Constructions: Farms in Cleared Land in Varad, Landowners’ Guards in Olomouc, Merchants Guild in Krakow.

    Turn 104. HRE captures Bohemia from Poland. HRE exommunicated. Construction: Provincial Council in Krakow.

    Turn 105. Construction: Grain Exchange in Olomoc.

    Turn 106. Construction: Communal Farming in Szekes.

    Turn 107. Lithuania declares war on Poland. Venice and Romans declare war on Sicily. Romans and Cumans make peace. Governor of Szekes begins moving to from Gyula to Zagreb to promote population growth. Settlement upgrade: Wooden Wall in Gyula.

    Turn 107.5. Fatimids offer alliance and trade rights. Hungary declines. Hungary and the Moors make peace.

    Turn 108. Construction: Quarries in Krakow.

    Turn 109. Rus and Cumans make peace. The Pope insists that Hungary break its alliance with the HRE within 10 turns.

    Turn 110. Rus armies staging near Hungarian border. Construction: Shaft Mines in Esztergom.

    Turn 110.5. Trade rights established and maps exchanged with the Crusader States.

    Turn 111. Rus armies advance on Plock and Krakow. Krakow is reinforced. Construction: River Port in Olomoc.

    Turn 112. Venice and Romans make peace. Rus armies hold in place. Two additional Rus armies march for Esztergom. The elite guard of Varad moves northwest to defend.

    Turn 112.5. Rum declares war on the Romans. Hungary breaks its alliance with the Rum. Lithuania and Poland make peace. ERE and Sicily make peace. Jihad called for Halab. Rus armies in Upper Hungary converge just outside of Esztergom. Varad army merges into Esztergom. Roman armies enter Alfold and Transylvania. Last second preparations are made for war.

    Turn 114. Rum and Romans make peace. Lithuanian army advances on Plock. Rus armies hold in place. Roman armies move in an uncoordinated manner.

    Turn 114.5. Romans betray Hungary, laying siege to Varad. Lithuania betrays Hungary, laying siege to Plock.

    Turn 115. HRE declares war on Venice. Poland becomes a vassal of HRE. Aragon and England are excommunicated. Roman army marches of Gyula.

    Turn 115.5. ERE besieges Gyula. Sieges of Plock and Varad continue.

    Turn 116. England, Aragon, and HRE reconciled. Rus armies withdraw from Esztergom. An army marches for Varad from Esztergom and surrounding settlements.

    Turn 116.5. Battle of Gyulafehervar: 449 Hungarians vs 1069 elite Romans. The battle is autoresolved because I can’t be bothered, resulting in a Clear Defeat with 59 Romans killed. The Battle of Varad: 279 Hungarians vs 804 elite Romans. The battle is autoresolved because I can’t be bothered, resulting in a Clear Defeat with 31 Romans killed. The Battle of Plock: 433 Hungarians vs 780 Lithuanians. The battle is autoresolved because I can’t be bothered, resulting in a Clear Defeat with 52 Lithuanians killed.

    Turn 117. Hungary is hemorrhaging money, 2 turns from having its entire army disband, and now completely exposed from all sides. The dogpile succeeded, and this campaign is over. GG.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaku View Post
    This was the version from May.
    Hungary VH/VH, manage all cities: off, generals required to attack: off,
    battle time limit: off, restrict camera: on, house rules: no pausing during battle (unless AFK), no reloads for any reason.

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    1. Spy successfully completes mission. Army assembled in northern Hungary for invasion of Poland (starts at war). Trade rights sold to the HRE for 3000f. Maps sold for 1600f. Soon-to-be governors of Esztergom and Szekes swap positions. Constructions: Garrison Quarters in Zagreb, Wells in Szekes, Leather Tanner in Esztergom, Mustering Hall in Varad, Brothel in Gyula.
    2. Hungarian army moves to just south of Polish border.
    2.5. Trade rights sold to Serbia for 3000f. Maps sold for 1100f.
    3. The council of Nobles requests that Esztergom be reinforced by 4 units. Spy infiltrates Krakow. Hungarian army moves to begin siege, the spy opens the gates, and the assault commences. The Battle of Krakow: 666 Hungarians under **Bela Kiraly vs 403 Poles under ** Ksaize Wladyslaw. Krakow is captured in a Clear Victory with 149 Hungarians killed. 724f gained in occupation. Constructions: School in Krakow, Brothel in Szekes, Leather Tanner in Gyula.
    4. Rus and the Cumans make peace. Rum and the Romans make peace. The Pope demands that Hungary and Poland cease hostilities. Constructions: Blacksmith in Esztergom, Leather Tanner in Varad.
    4.5. Trade rights established with the Romans.
    5. An unremarkable son is adopted into the royal family. Construction: Leather Tanner in Szekes.
    6. An intelligent aristocrat marries into the royal family. Constructions: Dirt Tracks in Gyula, Leather Tanner in Zagreb.
    7. Constructions: Dirt Tracks in Varad, Market in Krakow.
    8. The Council of Nobles awards 4000f for the reinforcement of Esztergom. A watchtower pair is constructed in southern Alfold.
    9. The Council of Nobles requests the establishment of diplomatic relations with Venice. Constructions: Blacksmith in Zagreb, Farms in Cleared Land in Szekes.
    9.5. Alliance and trade rights established with Rum. Maps exchanged.
    10. Trade rights sold to Venice for 1000f. Maps traded. The Council of Nobles awards 1500f and 3 units of Vlach Axemen for having established relations with Venice. Construction: Market in Esztergom.
    11. The Pope is satisfied by the lack of bloodshed with Poland. Construction: Inn in Krakow.
    12. The Council of Nobles requests the establishment of diplomatic relations with Lithuania
    13. A large Serbian army marches on Zagreb. Alliance bought from Serbia for 4000f + 1000f X 10 + maps.
    14. Romans declare war on Sicily.
    14.5. Trade rights established with Denmark. Maps exchanged.Trade rights established with Cumans. Cumans offer their maps to Hungary.
    15. Serbia declares war on Venice. Trade rights established with Lithuania. Maps exchanged. The Council of Nobles awards 1500f plus 3 units of Vlach Axemen for having established relations with Lithuania. Romans observed to be in possession of Rausion.
    16. Romans and Sicily make peace. Romans declare war on Venice. The Council of Nobles requests the establishment of diplomatic relations with Novgorod.
    19. Trade rights established with Novgorod. Maps exchanged. The Council of Nobles awards 1500f plus 3 units of Vlach Archers for having established relations with Lnovgorod. Hungary and Poland make peace, with Poland paying Hungary 1250f X 3. Trade rights sold to Poland for 2400f. Construction: Opencast Mines in Esztergom.
    19.5. Hungary pays Rus 300f X 12 for a trade agreement and an exchange of maps, under threat from Rus.
    20. Construction: Opencast Pits in Krakow.
    22. The Council of Nobles requests the capture of Olomouc. Spy infiltrates Olomouc. The garrison of Esztergom advances on Olomouc and lays siege. The spy opens the gates, and the assault commences. The Battle of Olomouc: 494 Hungarians under * Simon Jeno vs 155 rebels under ******* Jan Premsylid. Krakow captured in a Clear Victory with 48 Hungarians killed. 724f gained in occupation. Construction: Leather Tanner in Krakow. Olomouc/Olomoc is captured in a Clear Victory with 76 Hungarians killed. 371f gained in occupation. The Council of Nobles awards 8000f for the capture of Olomoc. Damaged buildings repaired. Constructions: Farms in Cleared Land in Olomoc and Zagreb.
    25. Romans and Venice make peace. An intelligent scholar comes of age. Construction: Water Mills in Esztergom.
    25.5. Cumans demand 180f on threat of war; Hungary pays the requested fee.
    26. Constructions: Logging Camps in Gyula, Opencast Mines in Krakow.
    27. Serbia and Venice make peace. Romans declare war on Rum. The Council of Nobles requests the capture of Vrhbosna. A Venetian and a Serbian army are both seen at Vrhbosna. An attractive berserker comes of age. Construction: Pastoral Farming in Varad.
    27.5. Trade rights bought from the Abbasids for 170f. Mays exchanged for 300f X 3 to the Abbasids. Trade rights bought from the Crusader States for 180f. Maps exchanged.
    28. Serbia at war with Romans, besieging Skodron. Serbians in possession of Vrhbosna.
    28.5. Venice besieges Zagreb, declaring war on Hungary.
    29. Serbian leader dies, ending the war with the Romans as well as the alliance with Hungary. Hungarian relief cavalry ride for Zagreb from Esztergom. The siege of Zagreb continues.
    29.5. Trade rights established with France. Maps exchanged. Hungary enters into an alliance with the Romans. Maps exchanged with a payment of 1030f to the Romans. The Venetians assault Zagreb in the Battle of Zagreb: 506 Hungarians under Saul Herceg vs 627 Venetians under ********** Alvise the Bloody. The Venetians are defeated in a Heroic Victory, with 240 Hungarians killed, vs 399 Venetians killed, 100 captured. The captured troops are released.
    30. A small Serbian army enters the Alfold.
    31. The Pope demands that the heir to the Hungarian throne join the Crusade for Halab. An intelligent claimant comes of age. Venice pays 12,500f for a ceasefire. Trade rights are sold to Venice for 1500f. Settlement upgrade: Wooden Wall in Szekes. Constructions: River Port in Esztergom, Small Church in Gyula.
    32. Plague afflicts Krakow. Construction: Water Mills in Krakow.
    32.5. Poland besieges Olomoc, declaring war on Hungary. Trade rights established with Norway. Maps exchanged.
    33. The Romans declare war on the Cumans. The siege of Olomoc continues.
    33.5. Poland begins the assault in the Second Battle of Olomoc: 307 Hungarians under **** Simon Jeno vs 391 Poles under Captain Msciwoj. The attackers are turned back in a Heroic Victory, with 60 Hungarians killed, to 256 Poles killed, 77 captured. The captured troops are released.
    34. Construction: Wells in Gyula.
    35. The Romans declare war on Sicily. The Jihad for Al Jazaer is successful. The Pope is upset that Hungary did not join the Crusade. Spy infiltrates Wrezlaw. A Rus army marches on Krakow. A Hungarian princess marries the Rus general, bringing him into the Hungarian royal family.
    36. The Rus army withdraws from Krakow. Constructions: Dispersed Farming in Gyula, River Port in Krakow. A large Hungarian army converges in Olomoc.
    37. Pisa declares war on Sicily. The Council of Nobles is disappointed that Vrhbosna hasn’t been captured. Construction: School in Esztergom.
    38. Poland declares war on the Romans. The Council of Nobles requests the conquest of Plock. The Hungarian army at Olomoc marches on Wrezlaw. The spy opens the gates, and the assault commences. The Battle of Wrezlaw: 585 Hungarians under ** Pereng Shemyaka vs 140 Poles under ***** Ksiaze Dobromir, supported by 168 Poles under Przybyslaw Piast. Wrezlaw is captured in a Clear Victory, with 39 Hungarians killed and 72 Poles captured. The captured Poles are released. 1280f looted in the occupation. Construction: Town Guard in Wrezlaw.
    39. Poland and the Romans make peace. The Crusade for Halab is a success, having been captured by Aragon. The Pope demands that Hungary cease attacks on Polish troops. A large Roman army marches on Transylvania. Construction: Landowners’ Guards in Szekes.
    40. Pisa and Sicily make peace. The Roman army withdraws to an unknown position.
    41. An intelligent weak claimant comes of age. Hungary and Poland make peace. Trade rights purchased for 700f X 2. Constructions: Communal Farming in Esztergom, Market in Szekes.
    42. Maps exchanged with Rus.
    43. Settlement upgrade: Castle in Olomoc.
    43.5. Venice besieges Zagreb, declaring war on Hungary.
    44. Poland declares war on Lithuania. The defenders of Zagreb sally forth in the Second Battle of Zagreb: 603 Hungarians under Saul Herceg, supported by 95 Hungarians under Laszlo Arpadhazi vs 345 Venetians under Captain Reniero. Hungary breaks the siege in a Clear Victory, with 110 Hungarians killed to 207 Venetians killed, 137 captured. The captives are released.
    45. Denmark declares war on Poland. The Pope is pleased at the peace between Hungary and Poland. Maps exchanged with the Cumans. The Romans seen to be in possession of Wallachia. Construction: School in Breslau.
    46. Hungary and Venice make peace, with 20,000f paid to Hungary. Trade rights sold for 2400f. Maps exchanged. Watchtower pair constructed northwest of Esztergom. Constructions: Communal Farming in Krakow and Szekes.
    46.5. A Serbian army besieges Zagreb, declaring war on Hungary.
    47. A large Rus army marches on Krakow.
    47.5. Hungary and Serbia make peace, with 16,000f paid to Hungary. Trade rights sold for 2400f.
    48. Rus army withdraws from Krakow. Watchtower pair constructed in southeastern Transylvania. Settlement upgrade: Castle in Zagreb.
    49. Construction: Opencast Mines in Breslau.
    51.5. Alliance established with Denmark.
    52. Venice declares war on Serbia. A Danish army marches on Breslau.
    53. Venice vassalizes Serbia. The Danish army withdraws from Breslau.
    54. Cumans capture Halych.
    55. Constructions: Landowners’ Guards in Olomoc, Market in Breslau.
    56. Rus declares war on the Cumans and captures Halych. Poland and Lithuania make peace. Construction: Farms in Cleared Land in Gyula. Settlement Upgrade: Wooden Castle in Varad.
    57. Construction: Grain Exchange in Olomoc.
    57.5. 240f given to HRE in tribute as part of ultimatum. HRE besieges Szekes, declaring war on Hungary.
    58. A Polish army marches on Krakow.
    58.5. The HRE begins the assault in the Battle of Szekes: 419 Hungarians under Bela Kiraly the Farmer vs 419Imperials under Captain Adalbert. Hungary repels the attackers in a Heroic Victory, with 122 Hungarians killed to 279Imperials killed, 134 captured. The captives are released. The HRE besieges Zagreb and Olomoc.
    59.5. Olomoc lost due to a misclick, as multiple massive stacks pour into western Hungary. GG.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; October 04, 2023 at 01:19 AM.

  3. #3
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [F] - Hungary

    III. Provinces

    The provinces that have historically been associated with this faction are listed here - it's usually defined by the "faction_creator" in the "descr_strat.txt" file. However, some may be in another faction's thread - due to historical or purely technical reasons.

    Provincial titles:
    General explanations to be found in the relevant thread on the PTs.
    Catholic: I considered the use of the Hungarian term “Ispán”. However, because the title will be used also by other catholic factions, I've decided to use the Latin term "Comes".
    Orthodox, Muslim: generic "Knyaz of" and "Emir of".
    Coast of arms: have been reviewed and updated to be as historical as possible.
    Name of the settlements: early era / high era / late era. If changes after conquest of another faction/religion, it can be changed through script.

    A general comment on the population: the Hungarian settlements seem implausibly small, especially if you compare it to the Polish and Rus settlements (not to mention fantasy numbers in Anatolia and Caucasus). I don't think there's such a difference, Hungary was already quite developed as compared to those other territories.

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    Szekesfehervar (Lower Hungary)
    PT: Comes Albae Regiae (no idea if it existed in history, but it sounds immersive)
    CoA: not checked.
    Settlement name: fine for the early and high eras, but in the late era should be Buda.Province name: it's a compromise but I'm not sure if a better wouldn't be found.
    Resources: ok.
    Fertility: ok.
    There's a scipt changing name Szekesfehervar into Alba Regia if taken by non-Polish catholic faction. Also Buda might be considered but it should be related to change of the place...

    Eger (Upper Hungary)
    PT: Dux Stringoniensis (to be modified)
    CoA: not checked.
    Settlement name:
    Province name: includes also Upper Hungary (Slovakia),but not only. However, this seems to be a compromise.
    Resources: rich land as it includes also Slovakian mines.
    Fertility: ok.
    There's a scipt changing name Eger into Erlau if conquered by a non-Polish catholic faction.

    It's essential that this province is underdevelopped at the beginning: it was only the colonisation on the German law that made it a very profitable land. So the intial buildings and resources should be reviewed.

    Here is good reading about mines in Slovakia - it was taken into account in the mod.

    Previous version of this province:
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    Esztergom (Upper Hungary):
    PT: Dux Stringoniensis (difficult choice since the lord of Esztergom was an archbishop and I don't want to use ecclesiastical titles. However, to underscore the importance of this title "Dux" will be used - unless somebody proves me wrong)

    Varad (Pannonian Plain, Alföld )
    PT: Comes Varadiensis (as above)
    Settlement name: ok. For the Catholics - Grosswardein.
    CoA: not checked.
    Province name: has been adjusted to Alföld.
    Resources: cattle.
    Fertility: very low, it's exactly why nomads would roam these salty lands of the puszta.
    Varad for long had neither walls, nor real self government, and its inhabitants were not cives, but the tenants of the bishop and the chapter residing in the town, thanks to its favourable geographical location, it became one of the most important trade centres (had the right to hold annual fairs 11 times a year).

    Gyulafehervar (Transilvania)
    PT: Voivoda Transsylvaniae (easy choice, he was very important throughout Middle Ages - it's a Latin version)
    Settlement name: ok. For the Catholics - Alba Iulia.
    CoA: not checked.
    Province name: ok.
    Resources: very rich land!
    Fertility: high.

    Zagreb (Croatia)
    PT: Banus Croatiae (obvious historical choice)
    Settlement name: ok.
    CoA: not checked.
    Province name: ok.
    Resources: rich land.
    Fertility: ok.

    Zara (Dalmatia)
    PT: Dux Dalmatiae (title used by the Venetian Doges from 1000).
    CoA: not checked.
    Settlement name:
    Province name: ok.
    Resources: rich land.
    Fertility: ok.
    Name for the Orthodox: Zadar.

    Vrhbosna (Bosnia)
    PT: Ban Bosniae. In 1136, Béla II of Hungary invaded upper Bosnia for the first time and created the title "Ban of Bosnia", initially only as an honorary title for his grown son Ladislaus II of Hungary. For the Orthodox maybe "Knez ..." would be more appropriate.
    CoA: not checked.
    Settlement name:
    Province name: ok (appears in the Byzantine sources in 10th century). However, I'm not sure about the settlement. Later, 14-15th centuries, it was Bobovac that was the main settlment.
    Resources: silver (famous mines 14-15th centuries).
    Fertility: 1. High mountains and little feritile lands made this part of Europe very scarcely populated in the MA.

    Ragusa (Ragusa)
    PT: XXX (I need to consult a book)
    CoA: not checked.
    Settlement name: Ragusa for all, Dubrownik for the Slavic factions.Province name: ok.
    Resources: wood (from the hills around, accessible for trade thanks to promixity of the sea), tolls (trade going from the interior, ie from Bosna).
    Fertility: 2. Not much feritile land around, and the city of Ragusa itself was small till the end of the Middle Ages (6-8k citizens).

    (consultations with the guys from the Madgyar mod were made to get these titles)
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; October 08, 2023 at 08:08 AM.

  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Oct 2012

    Default Re: [F] - Hungary

    IV. Faction specific features (Crown, Offices, Bloodline, Traits, Buildings)

    The Crown of Hungary is discussed in this entry. Hungary stands out by having two options to get this crown. Mind that the map is a bit outdated - you need Belgrade in both cases.
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    The Offices are described in this thread. Hungary has a unique (shared with Poland) title Palatinus instead of Privy Seal.

    Some ideas for the future:
    - master of the horse (főlovászmester)
    - palatine (nádor)
    - master of the treasury (tárnokmester)

    Hungary has access to certain buildings that are not available to every faction: Castle Library, University, Tourney Fields, upper levels of the Bank. It has own faction building, the the last level being a unique building available in one province:
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    Hungarian Blood: not checked.

    Specific traits: like other factions, the Hungarian nobles may acquire certain ancillaries according to the culture character. For instance:
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    There is a number of faction-related events. As a matter of fact, in mid-2023, the faction has the largest set of the related events among all the SSHIP factions.

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    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    {HUNGARY0_STARTING_INFO_BODY}\nFor Hungary, there are already a few additions to the base Stainless Steel or to the SSHIP v.092, the starting point of the current modding. They happen mostly in the first 150 years. Watch out to the information in the pop-out windows.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: Hungary has neighbours on all sides. All of them are potentially hostile, but all have also own problems on the other fronts. Keeping peace with (most of) them is essential for the survival. It's perhaps better not to retaliate even if they attack you - just repel the invaders and try to get a ceasefire.

    {HUNGARY1_REFORMS_INFO_BODY}\nHungary's reforms are not fully implemented yet, but compared to the other SSHIP factions, they are already quite developed. The events include the Saxons, the Hospitallers, the Diploma Andreanum, the Golden Bull, the Szekely, and the Hungarian Nobility. They unlock new units, increase recruitment pools or unlock a building. Mind that the major military reforms of the Latin world - like the Heavy Mail or the Concentric Castles - impact on the Hungarian military more than the faction-specific.
    {HUNGARY1_REFORMS_INFO_TITLE}Regnum Ungariae Reforms

    {HUNGARY1A_NOBILITY_BODY}The Kingdom of Hungary held a noble class of individuals, most of whom owned landed property, from the 11th century onwards. Initially, a diverse body of people were described as noblemen, but from the late 12th century only high-ranking royal officials were regarded as noble. Most aristocrats claimed ancestry from chieftains of the period preceding the establishment of the kingdom around 1000; others were descended from Western European knights who settled in Hungary. The lower-ranking castle warriors also held landed property and served in the royal army. From the 1170s, most privileged laymen called themselves royal servants to emphasize their direct connection to the monarchs. The Golden Bull of 1222 established their liberties, especially tax exemption and the limitation of military obligations. From the 1220s, royal servants were associated with the nobility and the highest-ranking officials were known as barons of the realm. Only those who owned allods – lands free of obligations – were regarded as true noblemen, but other privileged groups of landowners, known as conditional nobles, also existed.\nGAME STRATEGY: Hungary may now construct the Var building in the cities.
    {HUNGARY1A_NOBILITY_TITLE}Hungarian Nobility

    {HUNGARY2A_SAXONS_INVITE_BODY}\nMylord! There are immigrants willing to come to our country! Should we give them some welcome funds to prompt them to settle down in our lands?\n\nGAME STRATEGY: If you devote 4000 florins, the Saxon units will be available for recruitment in Erdély and Felföld. \n\nHISTORICAL BACKGROUND: The Saxon was the name used to describe the significant German population settled in Erdély, today's Transylvania. German immigration to the region started as early as 1150. By 1300 there were three large areas of Saxon population in Transylvania, providing rulers with taxes and manpower.
    {HUNGARY2A_SAXONS_INVITE_TITLE}Should We Invite The Saxons?

    {HUNGARY2B_SAXONS_ARRIVE_BODY}\nSaxon was the name used to describe the significant German population settled in Transylvania. German immigration to the region started as early as 1150. By 1300 there were three large areas of the Saxon population in Transylvania.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: The Saxon units will be available for recruitment (provided the mines are built). \n\nHISTORICAL BACKGROUND: The largest in size and importance was the settlement around the town of Sibiu (Hermannstadt in German). Sibiu was situated on of the few easily navigable routes through the Carpathian mountains to the black sea. As such it was a major trading town and defensive stronghold. In 1224 King Andrew II granted significant rights to the Saxons of Sibui. Much like the Szekely the Saxons were given practical autonomy in return for a special annual tax to the Crown and some military obligations. These military obligations were the supplying of 500 warriors for internal defense and 100 warriors for foreign service. This document, subsequently called the Andreanum, is the only direct record of Saxon military obligations. By the reign of Emperor Sigismund the Saxons of Sibui had organized into eight Seats, each centered on a different town around and including Sibui. To this Sigismund added an additional two towns, already mostly Saxon in population. The second major area of Saxon settlement was started by the Teutonic Order during their brief involvement in Hungary during the 1420's. The removal of the Order in 1225 did little to stem the tide of Saxon settlement. This area was centred on the town of Brasov and like Sibui straddled a trade route through the Carpathians. The third geographical area was centered on the three districts of Kyralia, Rodna, and Bistrita. These districts and that of Brasov appear to have enjoyed similar rights to that of the Saxons of Sibui. There were additional settlements of Saxons, especially in the towns of Transylvania but they were a minority and the smaller settlements probably became absorbed into the general Transylvanian population. The precise numbers of men the Saxons could supply the Crown are unknown, even the figures of the Andreanum cannot be used as proof for the later period. A figure of 4,000 men is quoted for a combined levy of Saxons and Szekely in 1430. Given that the obligated number of Szekely was 2400 men then this would leave 1600 Saxons. A not unreasonable figure for a population that supposedly made up only 15 or so percent of Transylvania's total population.

    {HUNGARY3_SZEKELY_BODY}\nBy the 13th century the Szekely formed the largest Hungarian-speaking group in Transylvania. Their lands covered some 12,000 kilometers and were divided into seven districts called szek (seats). The name Szekely does not apparently originate from this. Six of these districts, comprising the vast majority of the Szekely were in one block in the South of Transylvania, the seventh formed a small enclave near the town of Tuda. The Szekely lands were outside of traditional Hungarian law, even the Voivode of Transylvania had no authority within their borders. Instead, the administration of law fell to the Count of the Szekely. The Count was appointed by the King and was usually a Hungarian Lord, often but not always the Voivode of Transylvania as well. From 1462 the two offices were combined on a permanent basis. Throughout this period the Szekely remained a semi-nomadic people who made their living from horse and cattle breeding. As such they were regarded as some of the finest light horsemen available to the Kings of Hungary. This in some way goes to explain why the Szekely were able to retain their unique lifestyle while other ethnic groups like the Cumans became absorbed into Hungarian society. The only obligation the Szekely had to the Hungarian Crown was supplying troops for military service.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: The Hungarian Cavalry will appear also in Var in Transilvania, and it will not disappear in this province in 13th century, as it does elsewhere in the Hungarian lands.

    {HUNGARY4_HOSPITALLERS_ARRIVE_BODY}\nThe first Hospitaller church in Hungary was established in Székesfehérvár (Alba Regia) in 1193. However, the arrival of the Hospitallers in the Hungarian kingdom can be traced back to the middle of the twelfth century, at the same time as the Order was established in neighboring Austria and Bohemia. The charitable intentions of Queen Euphrosyne (b.1130-†c.1193) were probably more important in the introduction of the Order than the military concerns of her husband, King Géza II (1142-1162). The first monastery was founded just outside the city walls.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: A small Hospitaller army is available for Hungary in next to Szekesfehervar.
    {HUNGARY4_HOSPITALLERS_ARRIVE_TITLE}The Hospitallers established in Hungary

    {HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL_BODY}\nAndrew II, King of Hungary, issued in 1222 a Golden Bull. The charter summarized the liberties of the royal servants, including their exemption from taxes and the jurisdiction of the ispáns. The last clause of the Golden Bull authorized "the bishops as well as the other barons and nobles of the realm, singularly and in common" to resist the monarch if he did not honor the provisions of the charter. The Golden Bull clearly distinguished the royal servants from the king's other subjects, which led to the rise of the Hungarian nobility.
    {HUNGARY5_GOLDEN_BULL_TITLE}András II. Golden Bull

    {HUNGARY6_DIPLOMA_ANDREANUM_BODY}\nThe Diploma Andreanum, or Goldener Freibrief der Siebenbürger Sachsen (English: Golden Charter of Transylvanian Saxons), was issued by Andrew II of Hungary in 1224, granting provisional autonomy to colonial Germans residing in the Siebenbürgen region of the Kingdom of Hungary. This document conferred upon the German population both administrative and religious autonomy and defined their obligations towards the kings of Hungary. They had to pay a yearly tax to the king and provide a military contribution to the royal army in case of danger of attack from abroad.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: The number of Saxon recruits in the province increases.

    {HUNGARY7_CUMANS_BODY}\nIn the 30ties of the 12th century, the Cuman were challenged in the Pontic steppes by the Mongol hordes. Part of the elites decided to flee, moved to the heart of Europe, and settled down in the Pannonian Plain. Their military prowess in mounted warfare was of use to the Hungarian kings. At the same time, the political situations often created opportunities and challenges: there was a Cuman queen in Hungary but also mutual military raids and civil war.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: A Cuman army arrives to the province of Alfold. From now on, the Cuman horse archers are recruitable in the stables in Varad.

    {HUNGARY31_SZEKESFEHERVAR_BODY}\nThe Hungarian town of Székesfehérvár was founded in 972 by High Prince Géza on four islands in the moors of the streams Gaja and Sárvíz. It was first mentioned in a document by the Bishopric of Veszprém, 1009, as Alba Civitas. King St. Stephen granted town rights to the settlement, surrounded the town with a plank wall, had a provosty and a school built and under his rule the construction of the basilica began. The settlement had about 3500 inhabitants at this time and was the royal seat for hundreds of years. 43 kings were crowned in Székesfehérvár (the last one in 1526) and 15 kings were buried here (the last one in 1540).\n\nIn the 12th century the town prospered, churches, monasteries and houses were built. It was an important station on the pilgrim road to the Holy Land. Andrew II issued the Golden Bull here in 1222. The Bull included the rights of nobles and the duties of the king, and the Constitution of Hungary was based on it until 1848.\n\nDuring the Mongol Invasion of Hungary (1241–1242) the invaders could not get close to the castle: Kadan ruled Mongol warriors could not get through the surrounding marshes because of flooding caused by melting snow. In the 13th–15th centuries the town prospered, several palaces were built. In the 14th century Székesfehérvár was surrounded by city walls.

    {HUNGARY32_EGER_BODY}\nEger was established in the 10th century by St. Stephen (997–1038), the first Christian king of Hungary, who founded an episcopal see in Eger. The first cathedral of Eger was built on Castle Hill. Eger grew around this cathedral, being an important religious centre in Hungary. During the 11th and 12th centuries, Walloon settlers came from the areas beyond the Rhine. They settled with the kings' permission, bringing western culture to this region and acclimating the viticulture.\n\nGAME STRATEGY: The wine region in this province is one of the best spots for a wine merchant to trade on.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; August 25, 2023 at 04:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [F] - Hungary

    V. Starting position in 1132 (incl. settlements, armies, generals, traits, political situation)

    to be developed in due course

  6. #6
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [F] - Hungary

    VI. Units

    Hungary doesn't have heavy cavalry at the beginning what makes it an interesting faction to play. It's a rich faction, having quite a few provinces and good income but it has to rely on the light nobles (that have heavy bodyguards) in fighting. The numerous horse archers are very useful against light troops but confronted with the knights from the west or the cataphracts from the south may find it difficult to win.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaku View Post
    Hungarian Nobles run out of arrows fast. They're great as knights, but not that useful as horse archers. For volume of arrows and potential for ranged kills, the only real choice is Magyar Cavalry.
    Idea: at the end of century, after Bela III reign, the feudal culture became more widespread in Hungary and it should signify appearance of the heavy feudal troops, first in small numbers, then in larger.

    A historical even can be used to this end:

    {GOLDEN_BULL_HUNGARIAN_BODY}\n\n Andrew II, King of Hungary, issued in 1222 a Golden Bull. The charter summarized the liberties of the royal servants, including their exemption from taxes and the jurisdiction of the ispáns. The last clause of the Golden Bull authorized "the bishops as well as the other barons and nobles of the realm, singularly and in common" to resist the monarch if he did not honor the provisions of the charter. The Golden Bull clearly distinguished the royal servants from the king's other subjects, which led to the rise of the Hungarian nobility

    Magyar Cavalry is available also from the Nomadic buildings.
     grasslands  requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, } and not building_present_min_level farms farms+2    {
          convert_to 0
            trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1 
            population_growth_bonus bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            happiness_bonus bonus -1 requires not factions { cumans, mongols, turks, }
            income_bonus bonus 200 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            cavalry_bonus 1
            free_upkeep bonus 1 requires factions { cumans, mongols, }
            recruit_pool  "Dismounted Cuman Militia"  1   0.1   2  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool  "Dismounted Cuman Militia"  1   0.05   2  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus
            recruit_pool  "Cuman Horse Militia"  1   0.08   2  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource cumans
            recruit_pool  "Cuman Horse Militia"  1   0.04   2  0  requires factions { cumans, } and hidden_resource turks or hidden_resource russia or hidden_resource kievan_rus
            recruit_pool  "Magyar Cavalry"        0.9        0.11    3  0  requires factions { hungary, } and not event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and hidden_resource tartars
            recruit_pool  "Magyar Cavalry"        0.7        0.06    2  0  requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter HEAVY_MAIL_ARMOR 1 and not event_counter GOLDEN_BULL_HUNGARIAN 1 and hidden_resource tartars        
          material wooden
          construction  6
          cost  1000
          settlement_min village
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; August 04, 2023 at 01:51 PM.

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    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [F] - Hungary

    VIII. Reserve

    to be used if needed

  8. #8
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [F] - HUNGARY

    While looking for info about Serbia during the Early Era, I found this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Odovacar View Post
    I must dispute with this. before 1242 Hungary had not enough stone castles. The country, despite its wealth and power, was poorly protected. Even later, in the 16th century Istvan Szamosközy frequently complained that the lack of fortified places was the cause of the downfall of hungarian kingdom against turks.

    11th century hungarian armies relied on horsearcher masses and foreign (german) knights with a small elite of hungarian nobles.
    The 'typical' hungarian army before 1241 was composed mainly of light and medium cavalrymen. These people could not be defensive as they had not much armour. They were rather agile, agressive, seeking melee, and swift decision in battle.

    The royal army consisted of
    -troops of counts (comes=ispán) that is knights
    -lesser noblemen (medium cavalry)
    -székelys or nomad allies serving mainly as horsearcher
    -foot soldiers (slavs, peasents, etc.)

    Later they put greater weight on heavy cavalry, and King Béla IV worked hard to increase the number of knights, by restricting the number of noble levies, and prescribing western equipment. Sometimes hungarian knights carried bows because between 1241 and 1300 nomads were a frequent danger. The infantry was rather insignificant, and was somewhere between small elites and big levied bands.

    Even so as sources prove, the hungarian army remained a largely medium cavalry based force. From the 14th century onwards the role infantry begun to grow and in the 15th century for a short period a strong infantry appears, but always mainly from mercenaries.

    Hungarian armies in general were always agile and aggressive on battlefields.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  9. #9
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    After quite some time, I returned to M2, and found this wonderful mod!
    - stability is among the best ever
    - reasonable prices for units, no AI army spam
    - good athmosphere in general
    - very good research (I bet you had a hungarian advisor at some point!)
    - the best map of Hungary I have ever seen outside Magyar mod!

    Still, to contribute something here are my thoughts:

    1: I feel basic infrastructure, which represent province-wise investment should take much longer to build. I am thinking of basic roads and first level farms, not ports and warehouses. I admit I don't know how the AI would deal with it though. Basic roads/land clerance could be 10-15 turns or so.

    2: Hungary ruling family
    First of all, this tells something that you have Borisz in the mod, usually not even hungarians are aware of him. But at this time he was not heir of Hungary, he was a pretender attacking Hungary with polish troops. Basically what happened is that BĂ©la (king) was allied to germans, the pretender Borisz to Poland, and they used allied troops in the conflict. Béla and his german alliles won against Borisz. Borisz should be a general of Poland, rather than a heir of Hungary.

    3: the king and his family
    Béla: he was fully blind. (his father and him were blinded when Béla was a kid, so that they cannot be heirs to the throne) His main "crutches" were his wife, Ilona and Belos (or Belus), Ilona's brother, zhupan Uros' son.

    Ilona: Jelena Vukanovic. According to the present day knowledge, she was kind of a co-ruler, a fully equal partner of Béla. She was most likely not a pleasant lady, as she organized the "massacre of Arad". After the coronation of Béla, she organized a council, where all of the nobility was invited. Among them the 68, who had a part in the blinding of the king. They didn't leave the council alive... Also, it tells something, that after his husband died, she had no problems with keeping order until her son came of age.

    Belus (Belos in other sources) Vukanovic, Jelena's brother, zhupan Uros' son. He was the strong man and main general of the king, also guardian of Béla's children (basically a regent...) after the king died. In the process, he became croatian ban.

    If you need a heir at game start:
    - you can use Belus (it would be nice to make him sterile tho)
    - you can use Saul (a wild card, not much known despite he was the heir of István II)

    Full family:

    Géza I (king)

    __Kálmán I (king, son of Géza I)
    ____István II (king, son of Kálmán, no male descendant)
    ____Zsófia (daughter of Kálmán)
    ______Saul (son of Zsófia, designated heir of István II)
    ____Borisz (bastard of Kálmán, pretender)

    __Álmos (pretender, son of Géza I, blinded for rebelliousness)
    ____Béla II, the blind (became king, blinded as a kid)

    Fun fact. Even though Kálmán blinded Álmos and Béla, the latter not just became king, but became a progenitor of all later kings of the Árpád dynasty. For this reason all later works (paid by descendants of the blind king) portray Kálmán as a hunchback.

    4: Hungary should be allied with Serbia. Common enemy (Byzantines), and half of the royal court is related to Uros. Béla should be alliled with HRE against Poland, and should be in war with Poland. The conlict of the start year is basically german and poland supporting their own candidate and future ally.
    A less impactful version: Hungary ally with Serbia, no alliance with HRE, no war with Poland, put rebel general Borisz in northern Hungary with a full stack of rebel poles.

    Units: the roster is a bit... vanilla like. The best I have seen outside magyar mod, but still. If you interested in a more historical roster (no reskins needed), I can write one.
    General considerations:
    - too many heavy cavalry unit types, too many recruitment slots for knights (or rather "refresh rates")
    - some leftover fantasy units (transylvanian peasants, vlach archers, etc.)
    - too many ethic units, (hungary didn't use ethic organization), generally too many foot variants
    In the period Hungary should mainly be a skirmisher faction, with slowly becoming a charging cavalry faction by 1300-1350. (the developement of infantry is late 14th century, and it was hussite/polish style "block of men, where the cavalry can reform if needed". Field works, pavese shieldbearers, halberdiers, handguns, the usual drill)
    Last edited by shikaka; September 16, 2020 at 01:38 PM.

  10. #10
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    I wrote it anyway

    Who goes to war, and who doesn’t?
    1: Men of the royalty. Dignitaries, nobles arriving from abroad and serve the king, retinues of foreign princesses (common: german, aragonese, italian).
    They can be represented with a usual general’s bodyguard and a standard german knight unit. Also a dismounted version. Refresh rate should be lower than Germany. Eg. in X turns Germany gets 3, Hungary should get 2.

    2: Professional warriors payed by the king. (the king held about 80-90% of the lands personally!) They are called king’s freemen or shire servants. They get estates on royal or shire lands in exchange for military service. They also provide the backbone of the campaign army, men the castles, and provide general border guard duties during peace.
    They can be represented with 1 or 3 units. What is a must is a medium armored horse archer, also armed with spear and shield, good morale, and capable of melee. (should be weaker in melee than a western knight of course)
    What is optional (mostly a game balance reason to have some infantry at all), is to have two dismounted king’s freemen units: one with spear and shield, one with bow (the bowmen should not „forget” their skill in melee, and should still have their light armor. In practice these would be hybrids similar to norse/highland archers in vanilla M2tw)

    3: Freemen and auxuliaries. While the backbone was provided by the professionals, the numbers were provided by the freemen and auxuiliary tribes. Freemen are generic hungarians, who can afford a horse and go to war. Auxuiliary folks are the szeklers (székely), and steppe tribes who were allowed to settle in Hungary. Even if a tribe assimilated, a new one arrived and was allowed to settle. This carried on until about the mid 14th century. (at different periods: khabars, pechenegs, iasons, cumans) In general, székely and auxiliary tribes were given „collective nobility”, limited authority, in exchange for military service and a piece of border to protect. (eg. székely were re-settled in Transylvania, cumans were given land in the south of Hungary, etc.)
    You have more choices here. Since all of them were fighting as horse archers, the easiest is to have one light cavalry horse archer unit with a very good refresh rate which is also avilable in cities. The other idea is to have different, but similar units (what magyar mod did. One has a long range, one has AP maces, one has good stamina, etc.)

    Who doesn’t (usually) go to war, but undoubtadly exist:
    Peasants, town militia. Infantry in general. (horses were much cheaper than in the west, even peasants could afferd more then one) Infantry should be dismounted versions of cavalry.

    Who doesn’t even exist:
    The kingdom never used ethnic units, so slav levies, vlach axeman, transylvanian peasants. These should be AOR mercenaries, and removed from the hungarian roster.
    What Hungary lacks in the early period: armor piercing weapons. Numerous knights. Quality militia. (in Hungary-Byzantium battles the AP weapons of the romans proved to be much more useful than hungarian swords)

    Historical army: 1 general, 1-3 western style knight, 3-6 king’s freeman, ~10 horse archer

    From about the mongol invasion, considerable effort went into having more knights, stone castles, and professional defenders of these new castles. The percentage of royal lands (and royal troops in campaigns) is less and less, the influence of dignitaries increase. The royal freemen should possibly be retired.

    1: crossbowmen. The hungarian version should not be militia, but a castle based professional, which can be dual used as light infantry with sword.
    2: some cities started to produce good militia. The first entries about infantry contributions to battles are from this era. Mostly heavy infantry provided by saxon settlers, dalmatian cities and bigger population centres (eg. Kassa/Kosice).
    3: italian influence. Mostly battles with Venice, and Anjou kings. Pavese crossbowmen and Pavese shieldbearer. Neither are militia, professional castle troops. The latter should be a slow, armored spearman with a pavese shield.
    historical army: very similar to Early, with bigger heavy cavalry percentage, and lower horse archer percentage. In select battles, saxon/city militia and/or crossbows.

    Some big changes here. Horse archery should be retired. (Sigismund – late 14th century – had to introduce the militia portalis law to have at least some – low quality – horse archers. Basically peasants on a horse)
    The final pieces of the „hussite style eastern european block” arrive. We already have the pavese shieldbearers, and the pavese crossbows because of the italian/Anjou influence. The additions of the era are:
    1: arquebusiers in increasing numbers. In the beginning it was 1 arquebus for 1 shield, later (Matthias Corvinus) it was 3 arquebus per 1 shield.

    2: armor piercing polearms, mostly halberd.
    The hungarian centre in the final form is: 2-3 arquebus, 1-2 pavese crossbow, 1 halberds per 1 pavese shieldbearer. Usually behind field forts (trenches, chains, stakes, sometimes even tabor-like wagon forts)

    3: artillery: mortars, basilisks and serpentines.

    4: the arrival of the gothic style heavy cavalry. (new bodyguards. Western style gothic heavy cavalry, named as either baronial troops or royal banderium. Can be represented with 1 unit. Dismounted versions too.)

    5: Hussar. maybe the most important unit in the roster. Ottoman (akinji) serbian (gussar) and vlach (voynik) influence light cavalry. Similar to polish lisowczycy. Great in numbers (usually outnumbers heavy cav 3:1). They are mostly a use what you have unit and have a specific niche in history. Tasks during „peace”: counter raiding, scouting, raiding, patrolling borders, clashes with akinji units, setting up ambushes.
    They should be a light cavalry unit with: good morale, fast pony, hide in forest (!), good stamina. No armor (but possible upgrade to mail). Good charge, but not much staying power. Ususal equipment: shield, lance, sabre and/or military pick, steel helmet. Chainmail only for the wealthier ones. Archery is dropped because often they operated at night/inside forests, where it was not useful. The vanilla hussar unit look surprisingly ok, even the shield shape is good enough.
    I have no idea how to do this: when entering the era, the player should be able to recruit these everywhere, even villages and wooden forts. However, these should not be available very early in the game. The best would be to swap the king's freemen with the hussars at a certain date, but I don't know if that is possible. Or maybe allow them in stables1, but only after gunpowder?

    Not existing: any kind of pikes. Sometimes flemish/valoon/spanish pikes were hired, but these were always mercs, or supplied by allies (Venice, Spain, etc.)

    Historical army: 60-40 in favor of cavalry. 60-80% of the cavaly force is hussar, 20-40% is heavy cavalry. Infantry makeup: About half shoud be paveses (50-50 pavese crossbow and pavese spear), the rest should be arquebus and armored halbers.

    Special mention:
    Croatia was a bit different than Hungary. It would make sense to introduce a western style sergeant to represent croatian medium cavalry. Difficult to implement, because it shouldn’t be recruitable outside Croatia. (magyar mod added it to every settlement, but used croatian/dalmatian coat of arms for the unit)

    A word on AOR:
    Earlier I wrote that Hungary didn’t use ethic conscription. If you were a noble, and signed up, you became a iobagiones castri, noone cared if your native tongue is romanian, serbian, german or hungarian. Same about knights and horse archers: light cavalry is light cavalry, there was no big difference between hungarian, székely, pecheneg, vlach. Still, some neighbouring countries had mercenary units which could be useful.

    Serbia: standout is serbian gussar, which is pretty much the same as the hungarian, ottoman akinji, or albainan stradioti. The first hungarian hussars were actually of serbian ethicity. Javelins were not really common.
    Romanians: vlach spearman with good morale and hide in forest. Vlach voyniks should be good quality lancer or horse archer cavalry (perhaps both).
    Peasants, peasant archers: were not really used, but are necessary for rebellions (and maybe crusades)
    Mounted crossbow: for a brief period at the end of the 13th century, these were popular in the region as bodyguard units of dignitaries. Were not really significant enough to add as a faction unit, but might be useful as mercs.
    Late: czech mercenary infantry. Pavese shieldbearer heavy infantry, halberds, shield+flails, arquebus. These guys are the swiss mercs of eastern europe, and acted as drill instructors in most countries.
    Last edited by shikaka; September 17, 2020 at 02:46 AM.

  11. #11
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    short summary! Thinking about it, Hungary can be represented with relatively few units.

    - horsemen (representing auxiliaries and freemen. Medium quality, light horse archer. Important: not peasant archer on a horse. The folks the unit represent had training, experience and martial tradition.)
    - cavalry (representing shire servants, and king's freemen. Medium armored, melee capable horse archer)
    - dismounted cavalry (shire servents and king's freemen on foot. Spear and shield)
    - foot archers (shire servants and king's freeman on foot. ARcher-melee hybrid)
    - hungarian knights & dismounted knights (representing dignitaries, german/aragonese/italian nobles&retinues). Refresh lower then german (probably 2/3)

    - horsemen (representing auxiliaries and freemen. Medium quality, light horse archer)
    - city watch (armed citizens in emergency. Probably not even a shield, but generic town militia is a good compromise), spear militia (~weekend soldiers)

    - add professional crossbowmen
    - add pavese crossbowmen (hybrid, able to defeat low quality infantry in melee. Should lose to foot knights of course)
    - add pavese shieldbearer (heavy armor spearmen with pavese. Disciplined, expensive, good morale. Should be a dependable, workhorse like frontline unit until the end of the game)
    - add polearm militia (representing dalmatian and saxon militia). Maybe not to drill square, but saxon/italian quaters building.

    - remove horsemen (both city and castle)
    - remove cavalry
    - add hussar (both city and castle). Light lancer cavalry, shield and helmet, unarmored but upgradable. Fast horse, good stamina, hide in forest, good morale. Not much staying power after the charge.
    - add baronial cavalry (gothic style armor) and dismouted version. Alternate name can be banderium.
    - add arquebus
    - add professional, armored polearm (similar to "high" saxon militia, but professional from castle)
    - add artillery (mortar, serpentine, basilisk)

    - add "lancer": croatian sergeant. Early and high era, because the croatian setup was different than the hungarian. Similar to western sergeants.
    - add merc: czech arquebus, czech pavese spearman, czech polearm, czech artillery. Good morale, professional, maybe even fearsome. Probably the whole region (not sure, but I think the also worked in Poland)
    - add merc: mounted crossbow.
    - remove: all pikes
    - remove: ethnic units (or move to AOR)
    - optional: horse archer variants instead of generic "hungarian horsemen". Magyar freemen, pechenegs, cumans, iasons, vlach voyniks. Probably overkill.
    - optional: add bad quality horse archer to Late era. (representing militia portalis law). Should be worse then early/high hungarian horsemen. While horsemen represent cumans, freeman and székely, this should be a peasant archer on a horse.
    Last edited by shikaka; September 17, 2020 at 03:54 AM.

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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    0.97 at a glance:

    I think I agree with all. I have concerns with Esztergom, because if was the seat of the archibshop, and the new rulers had to visit him for coronation. But I think I understand why you don't want to use a church title.

    Alternative: remove Esztergom alltogether (it became insignificant as a population centre after the mongol invasion anyway), and add Pozsony or Kassa, which were the regional centres of present day Slovakia. A bit early, but might solve your problem.

    Kassa (sk: Kosice): about halfway between the mountains (Poland) and the river Tisza. This was a considerable trade city (Poland-mountains-hungarian plains). First mention is 1230, but by early 1312, they already received the free city status. (for the battle of Rozgony, the city supplied the royal army with infantry.) Kassa's original inhabitants were mostly german settlers.
    Pozsony (sk: Bratislava, de: Pressburg): earlier then Kassa, but at a more crowded place of the map. This was an important medieval location. Access to the Danube meant both trade and easy shipping. Also was key against german invasions*, and the castle stopped a few. We know that there was a city there in 1002 the latest.
    *both the germans from the west, and later the ottomans from the south used the Danube as a campaign route. Supplies were always on boats, it was much more efficient than oxcarts. For this reason forts by the river were very important (supply is cut off, if the fort is intact). In the northwest these important cities were Pozsony and Komárom (currently Komarno), in the south Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade).

    Very good job! I wanted to highlight that Zagreb should be changed to a castle from a city, but forgot about it yesterday.
    Resources are very good. To be honest I don't know what the resource list is in the mod. You might want to add these if you have them:
    - horses to the plains. A main export ware during the middle ages. It was very common to own multiple horses, even for peasants.
    - livestock to the plains (beef, mostly). A big part of the plains is not suited for agriculture, but is perfect for cattle. Hungarian cattledrives to Vienna were infamous. (at a later date, hungarian cattle drivers were even banned from entering Vienna because of the barfights )
    - salt to Transylvania. It was actually more profitable then the silver mine.

    I missed the székely from 0.96, is this a new unit? I don't know if it is necessary, but if you want to have a székely unit, they were horse archers in the period. They became infantry much later, when their collective nobility status was harder and harder to justify (they became poorer.) 1500's or so.
    Last edited by shikaka; September 18, 2020 at 12:30 AM.

  13. #13
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    Hi shikaka,
    thanks a lot for your comments and information. I wish we'd have such exhaustive comments for each faction.

    Just reacting to some of them:
    *names of the cities - since we're starting in 1132, Kassa or (less) Pozsony would be out of place.
    * resources - good information, cattle drive to Vienna is already depicted in 097, I think. Salt from Turda could be shown indeed. Nice mine, btw.
    * szekely - not a new unit, but a renamed one (from Transylvanian peasants). Will be available from the mines. Yes, szekely should be horse archers - perhaps in the future it'd be changes (and a unit with halberds in 12c. is a fantasy, anyway).
    * basic infrastructure (eg roads, carpenters) do take longer to build than before. I think it's close to balance given the gameplay considerations.
    * yeah, Alfold is indeed considered steppes, fit for animal breeding. It's why you've got a new resource cattle in Szekesfehervar and Varad provinces.

    The info on the roster will be definitely taken into account when we review the rosters comprehensively. But coding

    Same with family tree information - we need somebody who would take care of the family tree programming. For now, we've got the 092 version adjusted by VineFynn.

    Diplomatic initial stances will be reviewed at some point, but it's the same situation as with family tree: it's working for now, there's no coder who would play 100 times the mod and has the feeling how the game behaves.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; September 18, 2020 at 01:08 AM.

  14. #14
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Hi shikaka,
    thanks a lot for your comments and information. I wish we'd have such exhaustive comments for each faction.

    Just reacting to some of them:
    *names of the cities - since we're starting in 1132, Kassa or (less) Pozsony would be out of place.
    * resources - good information, cattle drive to Vienna is already depicted in 097, I think. Salt from Turda could be shown indeed. Nice mine, btw.
    * szekely - not a new unit, but a renamed one (from Transylvanian peasants). Will be available from the mines. Yes, szekely should be horse archers - perhaps in the future it'd be changes (and a unit with halberds in 12c. is a fantasy, anyway).
    * basic infrastructure (eg roads, carpenters) do take longer to build than before. I think it's close to balance given the gameplay considerations.
    * yeah, Alfold is indeed considered steppes, fit for animal breeding. It's why you've got a new resource cattle in Szekesfehervar and Varad provinces.

    The info on the roster will be definitely taken into account when we review the rosters comprehensively. But coding

    Same with family tree information - we need somebody who would take care of the family tree programming. For now, we've got the 092 version adjusted by VineFynn.

    Diplomatic initial stances will be reviewed at some point, but it's the same situation as with family tree: it's working for now, there's no coder who would play 100 times the mod and has the feeling how the game behaves.

    Sure thing, understand of course. To be honest I really appreciate how much time this team spent on a usually neglected faction.
    Definietly the best depiction in any medieval 2 mod (excluding Magyar mod of course), the map is especially accurate and well done.

    Please treat these suggestions as some contribution to the mod, which can be used (or not) if you have resources to do so.

    If you can contact them (didn't see them online lately), Döme or Csati would permit using magyar mod units. They have a reputation for being unfair with requirements, but I never found them excessive.
    They used to lend units if:
    - carpathian basin is corrected on a map (not a copy of their map, but remove Dracula castle, add Tisza river and such. I'm sure your map qualifies)
    - unit skins are not used as fantasy units (eg. transylvanian peasants or battle assassins)
    - unit roster is mostly historical.
    Most modders who asked them never bothered with the map of eastern europe, this was the reason for the rejections.

  15. #15
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    @shikaka: maybe you can write a new campaign description for Hungary (and maybe other factions)?

    For the 097 Georgios has made the ERE one:
    {IMPERIAL_CAMPAIGN_BYZANTIUM_DESCR}Nearly a thousand years after the proclamation of citizenship for all free men of the Roman Empire, the world is transformed - but the Roman people survive.\n\n“Romania”, their state is called- “Romanland”, still ruled, as it has been for eight centuries from the great imperial city on the Bosphorus. Whilst the city’s ancient name, Byzantion, is remembered by its educated elites, to the great mass of the Roman people, their capital is Konstantinoupolis, or simply “the City”. For the capital of Romania remains the inviolate Queen of Cities- largest, richest, and most opulent metropolis of Christendom. \n\nThat is not to say the Roman world is all it was. Within living memory, the collapse of Romania herself was all too real a prospect, with one city after another falling to the barbarians, and ruler after ruler being replaced in a desperate struggle for survival. But now, after a titanic effort, Romania is stable. Her European provinces are secured, and in Asia, a strong start has been made on recovering lost territories, even if the assistance of the Frankish barbarians was required. Current Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos is a dynamic and capable monarch, in the prime of his life- under him, there is a real chance of restoring Romania to its status as indisputably the greatest state in Christendom. \n\nHISTORICAL NOTE- The grant of citizenship to all free men of the Roman Empire in 212 accelerated ongoing processes of Romanisation, and transformed, by the fourth century, the multi-ethnic Roman Empire of the classical era into the far more cohesive state of Romania, with a strong collective Roman identity across the Mediterranean, amongst Greek and Latin speakers alike. The coming of Christianity and the foundation of Constantinople as a new imperial capital in the 320s further set the stone on this transformation. \n\nThough the state we know today as “Byzantium” endured many setbacks and failures, most notably in the permanent destruction of her global superpower status in the seventh century, Roman ideals and institutions continued regardless. The twelfth century would be the last great flowering of imperial power, but the Roman people continued to survive, albeit often under Latin or Turkish occupation, into the 20th century. Even the Greek language, puzzled Enlightenment travellers noted, had come to be known as “Romaic”. The rise of the modern Greek nation state began to put an end to ideas of Romanness, but even today, there are small communities of Greek speakers who continue to call themselves “Roman”.
    Furthermore, you may also draft the Conqueror traits for Esztergom, Szekesfehervar and Gyulafehervar?

  16. #16
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    [QUOTE=Jurand of Cracow;15954914]@shikaka: maybe you can write a new campaign description for Hungary (and maybe other factions)?

    Will do, sometimes next week.

    Furthermore, you may also draft the Conqueror traits for Esztergom, Szekesfehervar and Gyulafehervar?
    From western perspective, I don't think these make sense. Hungary didn't really have settlements which were famous in the west.

    What would make sense in my though:
    - Belgrade. It was the entrance to the region, and was quite important to Byzantines and later Ottomans.
    - Székesfehérvár+Esztergom, and than Zagreb+Zara should be important to Byzantines (not very much to westerners), because an emperor could say he reconquered Dalmatia and Pannonia provinces. In the beginning of the era, romans actually considered the pannonian plains and Dalmatia a "roman province, temporarily not in their ownership".

    I also checked the win conditions. (I usually don't pay major attention during play, but anyway). Kill Venice+Serbia is not really OK. Hungary didn't really have any mortal enemies in the period, but both of these is a bit strange. Serbia was usually allied to Hungary (against romans, later ottomans) or was neutral. Venice was strange, as there were frequest clashes for Dalmatia, but Venice never wanted Hungary proper, and Hungary never wanted Venice's colonies or the city itself... Hm. Also, Hungary prospered when it was at peace with both HRE and Byzantines, while being en equal in central european status quo (Bohemia-Poland-Hungary)

    What would make sense I think is to re-create a personal union of the more famous kings, or a mix of these. Some not outrageous, late game empires:

    Louis of Anjou: he was king of Hungary and Croatia. Also king of Poland, and at one point, southern Italy (he had relatives killed in Naples, and put an other relative to the throne). So: Poland, kill Sicily. Pro is that the two main enemies are different, good gameplay. Contra: doesn't make much sense to have century long wars between Poland and Hungary.

    Sigismund of Luxemburg: king of Hungary and Croatia. Later King of Bohemia and emperor. Gameplay-wise this means a western expansion, which might be fun. It would not be historical for Hungary to take down HRE though (Sigismund was elected. A diplomat, not a conqueror). In general this mean conquer X settlements, with Prague included.

    Matthias: King of Hungary, Croatia. Conquered Bohemia and Vienna. This is quite doable, and I think fun. Conquer X settlements, with Prague included. After the conquests, the player country would look like Austria-Hungary (duchy of Austria, Ko Bohemia, Croatia and Hungary) which is nice I think.

    Vladislaus II: Now, this is something special, because I mean the Jagiello dynasty, not Vladislaus II as a person. At one point they were kings of: Hungary and Bohemia (Vladislaus II), Poland and Lithuania (Casimir/Alexendar). This would be a fun dynasty to recreate I think. This is: Poland doesn't exist, Lithuania doesn't exist, conquer Kraków+Prague.

    Béla III and András II: the strangest I think. Both of them were concerned with the crusades and Constantinople. Béla was brought up in the court of Manuel as a heir, and was offended when Andronikos killed Manuel's son. He also decided to go on a crusade (his wife was Agnes of Antioch). András II actually went on a crusade, and wanted to forge an alliance to help out the byzantine remnant states, married his children to byzantine princesses, etc. This type of plan would see the player campaigning on the balkans, and join crusades. This is more like: take Ragusa, Jerusalem, Antioch. No Sultanate of Rum.
    Last edited by shikaka; September 19, 2020 at 02:39 AM.

  17. #17
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    VCs: take into account gameplay considerations. For almost each faction the VC goal is fully unhistorical. Too many provinces.
    I got rid of Venice, but not Serbia - if it would be possible, Hungary would take over anyway. I'll add Poland, I think.

    On Louis - have a look for the Hungary's crown requirement. It's there.

    Prague will be a "hotspot of conflicts", I've started to think about it.

    Three settlements - you're right, but again for the gameplay it's good to have this trait - so that generals can get a trait after conquering something. In the end we should have 199 conqueror traits, one for each province. What's is needed, is a flavoured text.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; September 19, 2020 at 03:12 AM.

  18. #18
    shikaka's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    VCs: take into account gameplay considerations. For almost each faction the VC goal is fully unhistorical. Too many provinces.
    I got rid of Venice, but not Serbia - if it would be possible, Hungary would take over anyway. I'll add Poland, I think.
    Prague will be a "hotspot of conflicts", I've started to think about it.
    I think this is a good gameplay compromise. Even though a hundred years war between Poland and Hungary is not really historical, both countries had worse enemies, sometimes common (mongols, ottomans). But all three (Poland, Bohemia, Hungary) tried to change the central Eurpean status quo in their favor. Later in the era they even succeeded to an extent (Mathias Corvinus during his lifetime, later the JAgiello kings). It's a strange twist of fate, that who suceeded in doing so (the Habsburg) were originally a tool of Hungary to keep Bohamia out of the duchy of Austria. The reasoning was that it is better to have a new player after the Babensberg's died out, than to allow Bohemia to expand that much.
    edit: I really miss Bohemia from the game

  19. #19
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    Quote Originally Posted by shikaka View Post
    I really miss Bohemia from the game
    So I do. In the SSHIP if anybody takes Prague you'd get a nice message with 15c. Prague pic irrespectively which faction you play.
    You may write the conqueror trait for Prague as well.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: HUNGARY

    Hungary intro, draft. Feel free to edit it. I tried to keep it short.

    The christian kingdom of Hungary was born exactly in the year 1000 anno domini, when the Pope at that time, Sylvester II sent the Holy Crown to the chivalrious, later beatified and sainted István I, who became the founding member of the ruling dynasty. Acting as the first line of defense against nomadic pagan incursions, promoting catholicism, and converthing heathens, the kingdom of Hungary was considered the most loyal ally of the Papal States.
    However, this has to change. If the kingdom wants to become a regional power, it has to expand it's borders, and it has no chance to do it without shedding christian blood. Wedged into the carpathian basin by Poland and the Holy Roman empire, the situation is made even more complex by the Byzantine empire, who consider kingdom a rightful part of their empire. War seems inevitable.
    No matter which path the kingdom will take, the home regions guarantee that they will act as the first line of defense against other fates, so called the Shield of Christianity. To ensure that this strategic position leads to glory, not to destruction and bloodshed is the task of the player.

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