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Thread: Questions about descriptions

  1. #1

    Default Questions about descriptions


    Now, I'm working on the translation of the lusitanian and celtiberian temples. And, I have some questions about those descriptions.

    Is-it intended that there is no celtiberian temples of fertility and forge ?

    Is-it intended that there is no lusitanian temples of governors ?

    As some of the descriptions of lusitanian temples are coming from EB I, is-it planned to make new ones with a degree of precision like the celtiberian and celtic ones ?

    Finally, as the pictures of temples are the same for the celtic and germanic factions (culture 5 factions), is-it possible technically to add different pictures for each faction or group of factions ?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    I want to re-write a lot of Celtiberian and Lusitanian texts eventually. Thing is that now I am focusing on other matters such as governments or units. But yes both economic buildings and temples will be changed in the distant future.

    About the images I am not sure but I think that all the barbarians have to share common images. I guess it is hardcoded but again, I am not sure.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    Images, like descriptions can be done generically (same for all factions), by culture or by faction; also by exception you can override the earlier with the later. That's what we have in the current setup, where all the cul_5 factions are using the same images, but have faction-specific descriptions.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions


    Thank you for those informations.

    After finishing the translation of the temples I was thinking to translate the governments. But, if you are working on thoses texts, I should wait the new version. Can I hope that the governement descriptions would be released with the patch ? Or should I wait the next release ?

    So, as I prefer make translation of a text that is not going to change shortly after, what descriptions for the lusitanian and the celtiberian factions could I considered to be finished (province descriptions, farming buildings, ...) ?

    For the pictures, it's a good news. Because the barbarian (culture 5) ones are suited for celtic factions but not necessairly for iberian, celtiberian and germanic ones.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions


    I have nearly finished the translation of the current temples of the lusitanians and the celtiberians.

    I would like to start the translation of the province descriptions, the celtiberian colonnies, or the farming buildings, but I prefer to work on finished or nearly finished descriptions.

    Is there any other texts finished or nearly finished for those two factions, that I can translate ?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions


    I have a new question.

    I'm working on the last menu texts that are in english.

    In the Custom battles menu, there are some texts that I don't find in the menu_english file :
    - the weather description
    - the maps names

    Is there somebody that know where could be those texts ?
    Last edited by torf; July 13, 2019 at 05:48 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    For the maps names, you need to add them by yourself in menu_english.txt, like this:
    I imagine that it's the same thing for the weather descriptions, but i don't know what is the correct code. You can take a look in the non-english version of another mod, like the german version of 1648 for example.

    Merci pour tout le travail sur la trad en tout cas! (Sus à la perfide Albion et son infâme sabir)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    There are other text files for the menu - check the strat.txt and shared.txt.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    Thanks for the advises.

    The {UI_LOCATION_XXX_XXX} work for all the battle maps, except four (the three first, the after alexandros 20 one).

    For the weather, I haven't find a code that work in an other mod translation. And those texts aren't in strat.txt and shared.txt.

    Merci camarade. Comme ça, j'ai pu au moins traduire une partie non négligeable des noms de cartes.

    De plus, ce mod est tellement intéressant et instructif, qu'il serait dommage que les gens n'ayant pas le niveau nécessaire en anglais ne puissent pas en profiter. Lire un texte court en anglais, ça va. Mais lire une description de province en anglais, c'est un peu décourageant.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions

    For the three first, they are default maps, so it's a little different:

    In data\world\maps\custom, open each folder and just change the names in the descr_battle.txt like this
    ; Custom battle script generated by Romans Battle Editor
    battle        Plaine herbeuse
    Nevertheless the accents are not working in this file (they will be replaced with symbols).

    For the after alexandros one, no idea; the commas are probably a part of the problem.

    Sinon, oui, et lire dans une autre langue met une distance qui nuit un peu à l'immersion, même si on a un niveau correct.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Questions about descriptions


    It works for the three first maps.

    Je suis tout à fait d'accord, la barrière linguistique constitue un frein pour l'immersion dans le jeu, ce qui lui fait perdre une partie de sa saveur.

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