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Thread: Post and share your cool battle replays! I offer to showcase them on YouTube

  1. #1

    Default Post and share your cool battle replays! I offer to showcase them on YouTube

    If you just had an awesome battle, fantastic general duels, excusing siege or just an messed up bug in a battle why not share your replay file with the rest of us!?

    You can upload your replay file on a Google driver or some other cloud storage and share a link or just attach a replay file in your post here. In case you don't know where to find replay files they are at:
    C:\Users\[your windows user name]\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\ThreeKingdoms\replays
    (C:/ is where people's Windows usually is, but it can be any letter marking the disk partition where you have your Windows installed)
    A video explaining this part>

    After naming and saving a replay at the end of the battle, you can find it at that folder and share it with the rest of us. You can add a short description or leave it to us as a surprise !

    As I have my own YouTube channel* and I make videos about Total War games I offer to showcase the replays or parts of it for all to watch. *(
    You can send the replays directly to me as well at :
    Last edited by perablenta; May 26, 2019 at 07:36 AM.
    With Total war since original Shogun, made my life better!
    My videos about Total War on YouTube :

  2. #2
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
    Content Director Patrician Citizen

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Post and share your cool battle replays! I offer to showcase them on YouTube

    Good luck with your YouTube channel!

    Battle replays, tales of duels and campaign reports (and stories and After Actions Reports generally), both text and videos, are welcome in the Writers' Study. I'm looking forward to seeing who will have the honour of writing our first Three Kingdoms AAR in our new sub-forum for Three Kingdoms tales. AARs in the Writers' Study can enter the MAARC (Monthly AAR Competition) and we can chat about writing/video making in the Writers' Lounge.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Post and share your cool battle replays! I offer to showcase them on YouTube

    Here is the first of these videos.

    In this video I show you a battle replay, submitted by another player to my channel, of which I do a battle review offering my thoughts about tactics, give tips on units and general's/hero usage in a battle with a box formation of units with an army without cavalry against an enemy with two balanced armies.

    Last edited by La♔De♔Da♔Brigadier Graham; June 06, 2019 at 11:58 PM. Reason: Added Youtube tags
    With Total war since original Shogun, made my life better!
    My videos about Total War on YouTube :

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