Totally agree with the first sentence.

1. Nope. Correlation does not mean causation. I can list (as I have already done) numerous "SJW" products that succeeded commercially, from the Black Panther and Wonder Woman to the Total War DLCs and the Black Klansman. Funnily, I didn't enjoy the latter and, in fact, found its political message a bit forced, but I cannot deny the irrefutable fact that the film was remarkably profitable.
2. Yeah, nowadays, political correctness is so strong that indeed many people cannot withstand the fact that corporations have no moral obligation to satisfy exclusively their desires and only their desires. Fortunately enough, so I have seen zero evidence of the "snowflake movement" representing anything more than a very vocial in the social media but otherwise neglectable minority.
3. Right, I am sure the cosmopolitan establishment of Communist magnates trembles in fear in the prospect of Captain Marvel II getting review-bombed in Rotten Tomatoes.