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Thread: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

  1. #1

    Default Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    Greetings! Incredible mod, can't play Rome 2 without it, much thanks to everyone who has worked on this over the years, you guys are incredible.

    I puruse the forums now and then and I saw it mentioned that Rome and some other factions in DEI get autoresolve bonuses to help shape the map a certain way, i.e. to help Rome become a great empire as it did historically.

    I would like to remove these bonuses to create a more sandboxy feel to the game, so that on occasion Rome gets wiped out by Carthage, or Pontus beats the Seleucids, or even Epirus...survives longer. In other words I want every faction to be perfectly neutral with all others, no one gets a "faction specific" bonus.

    Can anyone help me do this? I have already done some research on Rome 2 modding, have the pack file manager, etc. etc. I've extensively modded older TW and Paradox games for fun so I am familiar with things.

    BUT I cannot seem to locate in the files where said autoresolve bonuses are stated. I looked through datarome2.pak and deipart1.pak and read through the campaign_autoresolver sections and I didn't find any mention of a Rome bonus or a Carthage bonus, etc.

    Many thanks in advance for the advice and help. Hope to hear from yall soon.


  2. #2
    ~Seleukos.I.Nikator~'s Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    Hey Jimalim,

    I think the easiest way to deactivate the lua script is to remove its callback from the campaign script (Jake, can you confirm it, please?).

    If you are unsure about how to do it, I can do the pack for you tonight.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    Heya Seleukos, thank you for the reply!

    I hadn't thought to check the campaign script, I can dig into that and see what I can find. I just have to delete the part that calls a certain script? Do you happen to know what line exactly I should delete?

    I am most certainly unsure but I don't want to trouble you .

  4. #4

    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    Actually I think your advice was all I needed! I believe I found out what to delete...

    I found the "auto resolve bonus" script in the lua files.

    Went to the campaign script.

    At the bottom is a "start external scripts" section.

    I deleted the "faction auto resolve bonus" call.

    That's all that needs to be done right?

  5. #5
    ~Seleukos.I.Nikator~'s Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    Yes, that's pretty much how you do it, I believe.

    From what I can see the event callback from the autoresolve script is "OnPendingBattle".

    I have no access to the camapign script atm, but I can check that once I get home.

  6. #6
    ~Seleukos.I.Nikator~'s Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    All right, I've just checked it now and what it seems you have to do is to open DeI pack, find scripting.lua in campaigns/main_rome and then scroll down to the very bottom.

    There you've got to find the following line of code; 'local auto_resolve = require "lua_scripts.auto_resolve_bonus";' and delete it. Once it's deleted the autoresolve script will be deactivated, I believe.

    Just remember to do it on your custom pack and not the DeI pack. Then use your custom pack as a submod.

  7. #7
    Jake Armitage's Avatar Artifex

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    Default Re: Help with modding faction autoresolve bonuses

    yep that's all, all the scripts inside that lua sheets won't be triggered

    without deleting, you can just put "--" before

    campaign script must be main_rome for grand campaign

    Notice that, most probably, autoresolve script is in symbiosis with some db tables (regarding autoresolve).
    Deleting the script may take to weird situations regarding the autoresolve calculations.

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