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Thread: Server Updates

  1. #141
    Cookiegod's Avatar CIVUS DIVUS EX CLIBANO

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    Default Re: Server Updates

    What I don't get: Wouldn't it have been better to simply test those updates out on an offline version of the forum, and then simply dish an update out once it was done?

    Replies have stopped working, and some posts no longer seem to register.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cookiegod View Post
    From Socrates over Jesus to me it has always been the lot of any true visionary to be rejected by the reactionary bourgeoisie
    Qualis noncives pereo! #justiceforcookie #egalitéfraternitécookié #CLM

  2. #142

    Default Re: Server Updates

    Hey tech masters,

    This is not a complaint, but rather just a log of a problem I am noticing (in case having such things brought to your attention may prove useful). When I go to my account page (which is my default page for when I open TWC), for some reason the "Subscribed Threads with New Posts" area says there are no new posts in threads I've subscribed to, even though there are such posts. I only noticed this because I am subscribed to some forums as well, and in that area I could see that there were these new posts, but they weren't listed in the subscribed threads area just above. I assume this is related to everything else that's going on, but I just thought I'd mention it, so that all's y'alls know as well

    And again, thanks for all of the work and dedication!
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  3. #143

    Default Re: Server Updates

    Where is this site being hosted from ?
    A datacenter? someones house, In the united states, Great Britain ?
    What Operating system is it running under ?
    Sorry, being a network technician you tend to get curious and since i've been coming to this site since 2004 I would like to know its inner guts - LOL

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  4. #144

    Default Re: Server Updates

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  5. #145
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by century x View Post
    I cannot quote....
    I'm not sure if this works or not, but you can always type a quote manually by doing this.

    1. Type [QUOTE] then copy the post and add [/QUOTE] at the end of the text.
    2. Change the [QUOTE] to [QUOTE=century x;15769385], in this case I manually quoted your post like this.

    [QUOTE=century x;15769385]I cannot quote....[/QUOTE]

    The "=century x" after "QUOTE" is the poster and the number "15769385" is the last number in a link to a certain post in a thread.[COLOR="#0000FF"][B]15769385[/B][/COLOR]

    I hope this helps.
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  6. #146
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    I have noticed that this page...

    ...does not update or show/list any new posts.

    - A

  7. #147
    Caillagh de Bodemloze's Avatar to rede I me delyte
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Skotos of Sinope View Post
    Yay! Once again, thanks Squid for all the hard work.

    One issue I just noticed today is that I'm unable to view the last page of a thread in certain forums. You click on the last one, and it takes you to the second-to-last one.
    I was also having that problem. Have you tried changing the way you view threads so that you see the most recent post first? (It's in the General Settings section of you profile settings - look for "Thread Display Mode" (under "Thread Display Options") and choose "Linear - newest first".) It won't solve any problems you might be having with inaccuracies in the forum index, but it will mean that the newest posts are always on the first page of each thread, and since the page you can't get to is the last page, it may mean you can see the newest posts. It's currently working for me, at least.

  8. #148
    4zumi's Avatar This one sparks joy
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Thanks from me to for all the work and the update

    I just wanted to report a second sighting of the issue Skrotos reported.

    New posts made here can not be read/ do not show up. When I am logged out it says 13 pages but misses at least two posts. When I am logged in, it says 14 pages (where the two missing posts are suppoedly) but if I click on there it throwas me back to the beginning of page 13.

    When I posted, I got a message that there was a database error.

    Here is the link to the thread

    Thanks again and hope the report helps finding the issue
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  9. #149
    Leonardo's Avatar Reborn Old Timer
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    I dunno if this is gonna to work for everybody, but whatever you do don't click on anything when getting a database error or a message saying that you need to wait at least 20 seconds (you need to wait x seconds) before posting.

    Just go back in your browser then click on a forum/subforum link. After that check the thread you posted and I'm 99% sure that your post is now visible to everybody including yourself.

    The reason I mention is, because I know two of my post just vanish without a trace and I cannot view them no matter what I do.

    So, don't continue when having those errors above instead just go back to where you were before submitted a post. I hope this helps for the time being, until GED or Squid have finished the upgrade.
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  10. #150
    Squid's Avatar Opifex
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Things are going to be somewhat erratic as the upgrade continues. The upgrade has partially been completed I'm hoping that the scripts finish running at some point today after which I'll bring the new file versions online.
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  11. #151

    Default Re: Server Updates

    Something new for me as of today, I can no longer see new posts within threads. I can sometimes see that there are new posts from the main forum page, but I'm not actually able to view them in the thread or get to the last pages of a thread if it contains posts I haven't viewed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    You don't seem to be familiar with how the burden of proof works in when discussing social justice. It's not like science where it lies on the one making the claim. If someone claims to be oppressed, they don't have to prove it.

  12. #152

    Default Re: Server Updates

    I don't see some latest posts. When I'm at main formu page, I see that latest posts in some threads are later, different from those that appear after clicking on the thread. For example, when on main, I see latest post in this thread is by sumskilz at 6:14 PM today (my timezone), but latest post I see her when writing is by Van Zandt, 2:03 AM.

  13. #153

    Default Re: Server Updates

    Funny enough I can't even see what I just posted, although from here I can see that it did actually go through.
    Quote Originally Posted by Enros View Post
    You don't seem to be familiar with how the burden of proof works in when discussing social justice. It's not like science where it lies on the one making the claim. If someone claims to be oppressed, they don't have to prove it.

  14. #154
    Cookiegod's Avatar CIVUS DIVUS EX CLIBANO

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    Default Re: Server Updates

    I commented here, but my comment disappeared. The same happened in another thread as well. So this forum is officially dead for the time being?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cookiegod View Post
    From Socrates over Jesus to me it has always been the lot of any true visionary to be rejected by the reactionary bourgeoisie
    Qualis noncives pereo! #justiceforcookie #egalitéfraternitécookié #CLM

  15. #155
    Squid's Avatar Opifex
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Just as a note, in all likelihood after the upgrade is complete there will be some site features, especially those provided by third party plugins, that may need to be temporarily disabled until they are made compatible with all the changes.
    Under the patronage of Roman_Man#3, Patron of Ishan
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    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -----Albert Einstein

  16. #156

    Default Re: Server Updates

    So this is just a report of another issue I have noticed, in case such a report proves useful for the ladies and gents taking care of the site updates.

    When I go to the "My Account" page, which is my default page when I open Firefox, I notice that under the "Subscribed Threads with New Posts" area there is rarely anything listed, even when there are new posts in threads I've subscribed to. This only came to my attention because I am also subscribed to some forums, and in that area of the My Account page it showed new posts, and so I clicked those, and saw that they were posts in threads to which I am subscribed. Wanting to know exactly what was going on, I also checked in my subscriptions folder, and there it also seems to not be registering the most recent posts in many threads. So it seems there is a general issue with the overall site architecture not registering when there are new posts in threads (to be clear, the posts are there, but they don't seem to be registered in the database of new posts, if that makes sense).

    Again, no complaint or wish to see this remedied in the next 20 minutes or anything. I am just letting you folks know what I've seen, in case that might be of use while you are revamping all the background machinery of the site. Keep up the good work team!
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  17. #157

    Default Re: Server Updates

    So this is just a report of another issue I have noticed, in case such a report proves useful for the ladies and gents taking care of the site updates.

    When I go to the "My Account" page, which is my default page when I open Firefox, I notice that under the "Subscribed Threads with New Posts" area there is rarely anything listed, even when there are new posts in threads I've subscribed to. This only came to my attention because I am also subscribed to some forums, and in that area of the My Account page it showed new posts, and so I clicked those, and saw that they were posts in threads to which I am subscribed. Wanting to know exactly what was going on, I also checked in my subscriptions folder, and there it also seems to not be registering the most recent posts in many threads. So it seems there is a general issue with the overall site architecture not registering when there are new posts in threads (to be clear, the posts are there, but they don't seem to be registered in the database of new posts, if that makes sense).

    Again, no complaint or wish to see this remedied in the next 20 minutes or anything. I am just letting you folks know what I've seen, in case that might be of use while you are revamping all the background machinery of the site. Keep up the good work team!
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  18. #158
    GrnEyedDvl's Avatar Liberalism is a Socially Transmitted Disease
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    All the major work on the forums is done, we still need to address the wiki. The site will be slow over the weekend as its rebuilding the search index, which takes bloody forever and is using a ton of resources.

  19. #159
    Skotos of Sinope's Avatar Macstre Gaposal
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Still can't see any posts in this thread after April 3rd. And many other threads as well.

    EDIT: Correction. I can now finally see page 8, but it looks like some of the latest posts still aren't visible. For example, GED posted at 10:27 PM my time, and the latest post I can see in this thread is Gigantus's post at 10:12 PM.
    Last edited by Skotos of Sinope; April 05, 2019 at 10:43 PM.

  20. #160
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: Server Updates

    Quote Originally Posted by Skotos of Sinope View Post
    Still can't see any posts in this thread after April 3rd. And many other threads as well.
    Quoting works again

    Edit: so does editing, and everything slow as promised

    Edit2: confirming Skotos' observation - got a subscription notice that GED made a (latest) post, but can't see it.
    Last edited by Gigantus; April 05, 2019 at 10:48 PM.

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