A poetry of the winds

Coincidences have always fascinated me and anything about them is unprovable, yet they persist. So I got to thinking that rather than there being anything commanding such things, and placing them together, many or even most coincidences make no sense I.e. that there is a logical or otherwise structured manner to coincidence, that there is something more covert 'out there'.

There could however be ‘a poetry of winds’ [winds being a metaphor pertaining to the given thing we have no idea how to get a handle on] by which we make decisions and then people just so happen to end up in the right place and time to the thing to happen. I like to think of this as quite anarchic and the poetry happens on the fly, like magnetism but with harmonics ~ like music is. Linguistics colour and music are examples of things that don’t exist but do; there are a range of noises to wit we ascribe notions that this sound is a note and that is a noise, or a word sound structure is akin to a note and other sounds are just noises.

Ultimately I end up with the question; what is the ultimate thing. Is it God the universe/nature or simply that there exists change. After all the former requires the latter to exist. I don’t see how there can just be a God even if he is eternal, there has to be something beyond all that by which his being is manifest. With the universe, you get paradoxes like, ‘causality cannot cause itself’ [because something would need to be there to begin the process], and it has its own time limits prior to which it did not exist.

However, ‘change’ cannot exist in a void so to speak. Does there not need to be things in order to have things changing?

Ergo ‘that there exists the wind’, is the highest truth.

The ancient brits had a word called ‘awens’ which means ‘thought-winds’, add that to Taoist philosophy and I think I can ask; thoughts gentlemen?