With the rule rework coming closer and closer to finishing, the moderators have decided to place this poll to vote on the setting for the renewed GoT.

There will be four options to choose from:
1. Teague vs Durrandon: Set during the reign of Arlan III of House Durrandon (pre-conquest era), this famous conflict between the Riverland Teagues and the Stormland Durrandons would result in the death of the remaining Teague dynasty and the rise of Stormland dominance over the Riverlands for the next few Storm Kings. Yet, this is what happened historically. What if the Riverlands defeated the invading Stormlanders at the Battle of the Five Kings and did a counter-invasion of their own? We may never know unless we try ourselves. Barry would have more details, but I believe the premise would allow us to rp both Riverlords and Stormlords.

2. Dance of the Dragons: This setting has been done a couple times, but is a good setting nonetheless for a civil war (similar to the Blackfyre Rebellions). Aegon II vs Rhaenyrs, Greens vs the Blacks, who will claim the Iron Throne with their armies and their dragons?

3. Regency of Aegon III: An interesting choice considering it began as a result of the Dance of the Dragons end and what resulted in a massive pruning of the Targaryen dynasty, in terms of members and its dragons (the latter of which was fully extinct during the reign of the Dragonbane himself). However, there is some alt history we can explore here with the feuding the Seven Regents over who gets supreme power over Aegon III and the return of his brother, Viserys, could bring forth a second civil war with the Seven Kingdoms still wounded from the previous.

4. The Blackfyre Rebellions: A setting that has been done quite a few times as well, resulting in some of our best scenarios to date (namely First Blackfyre Rebellion in 2014/2015 and the War of the Ninepenny Kings in 2016) and wonderful alt history as a result. This doesn't have to be the First Rebellion as we have never touched the 2nd, 3rd nor 4th (4th having little details since the 5th was the Ninepenny King War).